My Vampire Older Sister and Zombie Little Sister

Book 2: Chapter 6

Book 2: Chapter 6

Part 1

Even in the middle of the night, the strange heat and activity were obvious from the outside.

The special stage this time was a stadium outside the train station shopping area of the harbor sightseeing district.

The elliptical wall surrounding the entire stadium had more than 20 gates, but I wasnt led to any one of them. I used a staff entrance.

The stadium could hold more than 4 million people.

And that meant this Colosseum had the audience, popularity, fame, and recognition to fill those seats.

Instead of the stands up above, we were in a space that seemed half underground. We left the rarely-seen pitching practice space and continued into the team locker room.

Lockers lined the walls and a bench ran down the center.

Itou Helen was waiting in her witch outfit and with her glass wand.



I doubted it was just the cheap fluorescent lights making her face look so pale. I didnt even need to see the cold sweat on her small forehead to tell that. Shedding her skin was not enough. The damage in the 2nd round had reached the core of her body and it had stuck with her.

Itll be over soon, I said.

I sensed that I needed more words to encourage her.

Ive found the Bright Crosss Achilles heel. I can manage with about another day. Theyre done for if we can get through the 3rd round. So, Itou-san, be honest with me. How bad are your injuries?

Im fine. I-

I didnt let her finish.

Without warning, I lightly touched her side through the cape wrapped around her body. That was where Hanesaki Minori had beaten her so harshly the night before.

The touch was as light as the stroke of a feather.

But Itou Helens shoulders reacted by dramatically hopping upwards.

Ah, ghhh!?

I knew it.

I did my best to keep the emotion from my face as I spoke slowly.

That must hurt a lot. Is thisbroken?

I-its better than it could be. The ribs are at least properly connected.

The small animal of a blonde girl tearfully answered me while trembling.

So was it like the grooves in a chocolate bar? They were connected, but it wasnt perfect, so even the slightest shock would cause them to break.

Does anything else in particular hurt?

Not really

If you wont tell me, Ill touch all over your body to find the answer.

O-okyay! Ill tell you!!

Itou Helen blushed, rubbed her risqu bare legs together, and trembled as she counted off each injured place with her slender fingers.

There were a lot of them.

In fact, her red-manicured fingers werent enough. Apparently blocking two metal clubs barehanded was too much even for a witch.

And when her life was on the line, the dark elfs team would of course have checked over the recorded footage again and again.

As would the simulator of the malicious Bright Cross.


Sure. Without accurate equipment, I can only base this on her self-analysis, but Itou Helen can likely only produce 65% of her physical ability.

The number might not mean much to you, but that meant she had been weakened to the point that running full speed would not look at all like full speed. If she grappled with someone and rolled along the floor, she might just collapse from within.

So I guess we cant let her get close to Muramatsu Yukie the Dark Elf.

Sure. Also, her opponent will likely actively target the injured areas. But if we know that in advance, we can take advantage of it.

Oh, I get it. If she puts a poison stinger there

Of course, it would be best not to take any more damage to those injured areas. But if that was not an option, we would need to knock out our opponent as quickly as possible. And if the other side learned about the poison stingers, she might hesitate to attack.

The blue bunny girls voice rang from the speaker on the wall.

Pin pon pon poooon! Okay, okay. All related individuals, please hurry to the special stage. Lets go all out and provide the hottest form of entertainment around!!

This isnt going to be an easy battle, I honestly admitted. But if they set up this ridiculous situation, it means theyre panicking. Freedom is within reach. The Bright Cross are the ones in a bind here. So lets overcome this 3rd round.

Right. If you say so, Senpai.

An official guided us down a long, long passageway.

Our information on the dark elf felt inadequate because I had been so focused on the supercomputer. And unlike vampires or zombies, the amount of texts on them seemed minimal. The only clues the Class Rep had given me were elflock and elfshot.

Tying up a persons hair or a horses mane.

Wielding an invisible flint arrow or fire iron to cause mysterious, intense pain.

Is that so?

The blonde girl in a witchs hat sounded impressed, but to be honest, this power would not have seemed very frightening had Itou Helen been healthy. A potion that remade humans into monsters seemed much more flashy and frightening.

The lingering damage was the worst part by far.

The Five Battles Precipice. The demon of statistics. The Bright Cross simulator that had designed that weighed on me like a heavy shadow.

Then we arrived at the stadiums entrance gate.

We had yet to enter, but the loud cheering reached us as a vibration. The blue bunny girl was probably getting the crowd worked up with her mic performance. I could tell the vibration was irregularly rising and falling like a wave.

Lets get started.

Yes. Lets do this, Senpai.

We faced hell together.

The Colosseums 3rd round, the fight to the death with Muramatsu Yukie the Dark Elf, was finally beginning.

Part 2

Ladies and gentlemen! If you look in this corner, youll see Itou Helen the Witch who is our repeating champion in the Colosseum! What ever happened to that adorable girly face when she started!? Now all I see is a man-eating witch! I hope youre all ready to fill your wallets tonight as well!

The light was dreadfully bright and the deluge of sound shook my entire body. The blue bunny girl stood atop the giant die-shaped bug cage in the center of the field and she held a mic to her hot mouth to increase the madness of the audience.

I glanced over at Itou Helen.

She pulled her feathered witchs hat deep over her eyes to hide her expression. This was not something she could ever get used to. I could tell her small heart was close to being crushed by the malicious announcer and the unquestioning passionate cheers of the audience.

And in this corner we have Muramatsu Yukie the Dark Elf! Will this unknown newcomer become a dark horse? You never know whats going to happen in the world of gambling! Simply believing in the odds is a good way of going broke. But either way, lets see what happens!

The concentrated fire of the bright spotlights revealed a small but slender girl. She had brown skin that looked well-tanned and long, silver hair. She wore a thin, white sleeveless blouse and a tight skirt. The fabric must have been really thin because the brown of her skin showed through the white in places. For shoes, she wore long boots that rose past her knees. And her ears were as pointy as you would expect. She must have been able to move them at will because they would sometimes shake and point this way and that like a cats.

She carried a quiver at her hip and her left hand held a composite longbow that looked like a combination of wood and animal tendons.

So they werent even bothering to hide their weapon this time.

But what was this? The quiver didnt have any of the crucial arrows inside?

The second was a plump middle-aged man who looked twice her age. I was hardly one to talk, but I had trouble telling what their connection was. But if he had made an enemy of the world to stick with the dark elf for this long, he couldnt be a bad person. They looked nothing alike, but it was possible he was her father or another relative.

By the way, you outdid us again last time, so well be updating our method for confirming the Archenemys death.

Not again.

From now on, the Archenemy in question will be covered in gasoline and set alight. The corpse might be a little grotesque when you take it with you, but you dont mind, do you? Its just a corpse, after all!

I didnt have the right to object either way. We would have to find a way to take advantage of that condition to overcome it.

But why?

They could always forbid all tricks or simply strip us of the right to take the corpse with us. Why did they leave any possibility at all? Of course, I wasnt about to ask that because I didnt want those big, round eyes to light up as she said, Nice idea! Then well do that!

Or were they leaving a glimpse of possibility so we would go for it and get more badly injured?

Senpai, in that case

Yeah. Lets overcome it this time too.

I handed her the small earpiece and watched the small witch walk forward with cape fluttering behind her.

The brown-skinned Archenemy also quietly entered the bug cage.

It bothered me that the middle-aged second was holding a hand to one ear.

An earpiece?

The fighter was one thing, but the second shouldnt need one. And he didnt seem used to it, so had the Bright Cross given it to him? A connection to the people running the game was hardly fair, but lives were on the line. I wasnt confident I could have resisted the temptation had I been in his shoes.

Warning: I have detected a cyber attack on your smartphone and am just barely holding it back.

Already? Maxwell, how long can you last?

It is hard to say. In addition to the simple difference in specs, the device cannot be entirely isolated because the line between the smartphone and me and the connection to Itou Helens earpiece must remain intact.

Put a pi trap in the blank space of the packets. Make it so an attempt at analysis will get them stuck in an infinite calculation.

Sure. Although this will have little effect if the Bright Cross machine is capable of logical thought and not just simple calculations.

Inside the bug cage, Itou Helen and Muramatsu Yukie faced each other from a distance of a few meters.

The blue bunny girl placed a hand on her skinny waist, peered down at the living sacrifices from atop the bug cage, and made an announcement through the mic.

Now, lets get this night started! Who will win: the witch or the dark elf!? The Colosseums 3rd round, a death match with no time limit, begins now!!

A low and deep buzzer sounded like when a cell door opened in a prison.

The first to move was Muramatsu Yukie.

She took a few steps back and did not hesitate to draw the bowstring. All of her muscles tensed and her slender chest bent slightly back.

But she didnt seem to have an arrow nocked?

It was almost like she was pantomiming, but we did not have time to wait around. Itou Helens glass wand was not a cane that an old person used to take a walk. It was possible that bow was in its completed form. It could be an occult weapon that borrowed some cruel power for the dark elf.

And only one thing came to mind:

The flint arrow! Elfshot!

Firing an invisible arrow caused intense pain of unknown cause in whoever it hit.

It could split the skin, paralyze the entire body, or create bruises where you dont remember hitting anything.

Maxwell, make ballistic predictions! For both straight lines and curves!

Sure. The arrow cannot be visually confirmed, but its size can be calculated from how far back the bowstring is drawn. There are 5 patterns in all. I have discovered a safe spot that dodges all patterns. I will display it on the screen footage.


I trailed off as I shouted her name.

Itou Helen tried to cautiously move back, but then she tripped.

It was obvious what had happened.

The straps of her shoes had gotten tangled together like unmanaged cables. It was almost like a small childs prank. But a skill that prevented anyone from escaping was too perfect a combination with a projectile weapon!!

Elflock!? Dammit!!

It didnt matter how much we predicted if Itou Helen couldnt move.

Then something tore through the air.

The reverberating roar sounded like a giant balloon had been pierced by a sharp needle.

The blonde girls small body arched backwards like a bow. While lying on her back, her body rose more than 20cm from the floor.

Whatwas that?

Not even kicking her in her wounds would cause that dramatic a reaction!

As I watched Itou Helen crash back to the floor, scream, and writhe around so intensely I thought she was going to tear her dress, Maxwell gave a warning.

Itou Helen is showing a certain pattern to her movements. She appears to be shifting her body weight to protect her right side.

Oh, no

If we could tell that, so could the dark elfs side via the Bright Crosss simulator. They would focus their attacks there!

For a brief moment, brown-skinned Muramatsu Yukie came to a stop, spread her legs despite her tight skirt to firmly plant her feet on the floor, and adjusted her grip on the bow. But we could not make good use of that opportunity. Once again, she drew the bowstring without nocking an arrow and took accurate aim.

This was the elfshot that used a flint arrow.

There was no visible blood, but it had to provide an impact even greater than a stun gun. This was a horrible matchup for Itou Helen who was fighting while hiding her injury.

Maxwell, it doesnt matter if we can see the arrow or not! Find every possible ballistic path Muramatsu Yukie can use from here. Then search for a nearby safe zone Itou Helen can roll to in order to avoid them all!

Sure. I will provide the coordinates.

We supposedly had an accurate evasion spot.

I supposedly passed that onto Itou Helen.

The witch supposedly worked hard to do as told.

And yet.

The nightmarish sound rang out once more. Itou Helens body rolled over, her back arched, and her mouth opened beyond the limit as she screamed. Her risqu bare legs thrashed wildly around.

What happened, Maxwell!?

No. My ballistic calculations were certain and Itou Helen moved as instructed. If she was still hit, then the initial conditions were wrong. Is your opponent using a magic arrow that can turn at right angles?

If so, there was nothing we could do. She was already using invisible arrows, but did this mean they could unpredictably turn any which way as they pursued Itou Helen? There was no way we could beat that!

Meanwhile, the dark elf with long, silver hair maintained her stance even in her superior position. She kept her distance, spread her legs, and drew the bowstring. There still was no arrow. No, I just couldnt see it. All I could do was glare resentfully inside the bug cage.

But, no, wait

Maxwell, have you recorded all of Muramatsu Yukies actions so far? Reanalyze her actions up until she draws the bow. We dont have time, so hurry!

Sure. If you have time for meaningless demands, then please provide more precise instructions.

She must be nocking invisible arrows. But where is she carrying them? Theres nothing inside that thing that looks like a quiver. She also doesnt reach toward her hips or back. The dark elf just reaches for the bow. She ignores the part where she grabs an arrow and pulls it out!

I had no proof of anything.

But all I could do now was look into any theory I had.

Perhaps drawing the magic bow causes an unlimited supply of magic arrows to appear, suggested Maxwell.

Perhaps. But isnt there another possibility? Muramatsu Yukie isnt pulling an arrow out of anywhere. In fact, there might not be an invisible arrow at all.

My chat with the Class Rep replayed in the back of my mind.

English elves used invisible arrows made of flint to cause mysterious pain in people. There was a wide variety of results: cutting the skin like a Kamaitachi, paralyzing the body, or mystery bruises.

But why that wide variety?

If those were just multiple results and types of damage from a single phenomenon

Maxwell, pay special attention to Muramatsu Yukies bowstring and the fingers holding it. Is there some kind of liquid or powder on them?

Sure. Your smartphone camera is not the most reliable source of information, but I can indeed see something white on Muramatsu Yukies fingers.

It could be salt or iron sand. Its probably something that conducts electricity.

That would explain the unnatural way Itou Helen moved in response.

The dark elf fires the fine dust shes rubbed on the bowstring and she sends electricity out over that ballistic path! That could suddenly cut the skin, paralyze your body, or create bruises from internal bleeding. It fits all of the Class Reps info. It was an electric shock! Thats why your ballistic predictions failed! Recalculate it using a powder and a high-voltage current!!

The exact voltage and amperage were unknown, but a high-voltage current would cause irregular movement of the organs and muscles. That was obvious from the fact that they were used in medical AEDs. And AEDs would warn you not to use them if you suspected the patient had damage to their sternum. At this rate, Itou Helens involuntary movements could harm her organs with her own ribs!

Itou-san! Can you fight back as a jellyfish like we discussed!?


With what sounded like a breath through clenched teeth, Itou Helen grabbed her glass wand again even as she writhed on the floor.

Immediately, something like 9 translucent tails shot out from the back of her black dresss hips and rose up along her cape. They were the jellyfish tentacles she had used in the 1st round against Kuroyama Hinoki the Mermaid.

But her opponent interfered before she could use them.

The 9 tentacles twisted around in a way Itou Helen herself clearly did not want. They tangled around each other and kept themselves from moving like unmanaged cables.


That power seemed pretty boring, but it also seemed to have a wide variety of uses. I could only feel thankful if wasnt enough to directly tie knots in Itou Helens blood vessels or intestines.

And it did not matter if she could not swing around the jellyfish tentacles. That wasnt how they were used.

Sure. Continue as is. Please respond to Muramatsu Yukies elfshot. If she fails to, the next attack will do serious damage to her right lung.



Just as I desperately called out to her, the 9 tentacles rapidly dried out. They grew white, crumbled like a tower of sand, and blew away in the wind.

A jellyfishs poison stinger was still effective when dried out into a powder. The ancient ninja had even blown the powder into their enemies eyes to blind them.

The invisible arrow was fired soon thereafter.

The wafting poison stinger powder had come from a living creaturewhich meant it too conducted electricity. Before, the high-voltage current had been kept just below the level that would produce sparks, but now it burst and scattered. Several bluish-white branches passed right by the blonde witch. Her slender throat also trembled as she swallowed her own colorful potion. A giant crab pincer emerged from her sleeve and she cut the tied-together shoe straps.

Finally free, the small girl stood up.

The dark elf with her skin color showing through her sleeveless blouse pulled a small bottle of a clear liquid from her pocket. I doubted she was hoping to outdo a Circe witch with poisons. She was probably increasing the conductivity of the bowstring to send out a spray to punch her high-voltage arrow through the jellyfish powder.

But it was too late.

She was still setting everything up, but our preparations were complete.

Itou-san! It doesnt matter how, just create some wind!!

As soon as I gave that instruction, the blonde girl drank a colorful liquid. A flapping sound left the back of her black dress and her cape flew backwards as swan wings burst out.

They almost looked like angel wings.

But the mass of disturbed air shoved the microscopic dried poison stingers forward. Yes, they approached the dark elf like a solid wall.

The distance did not matter.


With a shrill scream, Muramatsu Yukies large bow and small bottle fell to the floor. The elfshot was an invisible arrow created by a high-voltage current that followed the path formed in the air by the conductive powder or liquid covering the bowstring. Without her weapon, that attack was over.

Unable to nock an arrow, the beautiful and healthily brown girl covered her face with both hands. When dried, the jellyfish tentacles did not retain 100% of their toxicity. Since a ninja only used it to blind an enemy, it obviously was not deadly on contact.

But it could be plenty fatal when it took out your eyes in a life-or-death situation.

Itou Helen released the large pincer and wings.

Her small, red-manicured hand manipulated the glass wand and prepared a new potion.

Was it over?

Did she just have to sprinkle a transformation potion on the dark elf to trick the death confirmation and retrieve Muramatsu Yukie in a state of apparent death?

It didnt sit right with me.

What had happened to the Bright Crosss simulation? They couldnt afford to let Itou Helen win any longer. They couldnt allow her to develop a potion that freely switched between Archenemy and human. So would they really give us victory so easily?


It happened just as I called out in confusion.

Itou Helen had filled an empty bottle with a colorful potion and she used her risqu bared legs to approach Muramatsu Yukie who still covered her face with her hands. Except a moment later, the dark elfs right hand moved without warning. She held a sparking fire iron that she had apparently stored on the side of her boot that rose above her knees but below her short tight skirt.

Warning: The elfshot is not necessarily a bow and arrow. You were also told it could be a direct attack from a fire iron.

Oh, no. Was she hiding a close-range weapon!?


That was Itou Helens voice.

She had let go of the potion bottle in an unnatural pose. She seemed to have forcibly twisted her body to avoid a direct hit from the high-voltage current, but that had caused the bottle to slip from her red-manicured fingers. The colorful bottle spun through the air and fell straight down toward Itou Helens head.

Oh, no. Shes going to get soaked by her own potion!!

Thats what I thought.

But that wasnt what happened.

As we watched, the blonde girl placed a pill in her mouth. The already torn back of her black dress swelled out and then 8 bug legs burst out along her cape.

A spider.

Just as that name came to mind, the airborne bottle came to an unnatural stop. It was caught by a thick thread. Then with a powerful swing, the finishing-blow potion finally slammed into the dark elfs face.

She uttered a deafening scream like the earth had split open and a demon had emerged.

The dark elfs beautiful body bubbled up and a giant mountain of flesh and blood grew out. It grew until it reached the bug cages ceiling and finally stopped.

Did wewin?

Can Ilook at it that way?

Whats this!? Is this the end for Muramatsu Yukie!? Hello!? She doesnt seem to be responding!! The Colosseums 3rd round goes to Itou Helen the Witch! Has she become the Colosseums prize queen!?

The rumbling cheer sounded distant.

We had won and survived, but it didnt seem real. Itou Helen held her side and looked back my way, but she too looked puzzled.

Now, now! As promised, well be confirming her death before handing over the corpse! Officials, bring in the gasoline and matches.

Normally, my hair should have stood on end, but I wasnt actually that panicked.

In fact, that mountain of flesh reached the ceiling of that 15m bug cage. Even if they dumped gasoline on the outside, the heat wouldnt reach the center. Itou Helen must have come up with the idea when she heard the method. From there, we only had to take the scorched mountain and cut out the beautiful girl inside.

That was what I thought as I watched them dumping the contents of several plastic containers on it.

But I was too nave.

It happened just as an official threw a lit match at it.

The flames did indeed cover the surface.

But more than that, black smoke erupted with incredible intensity. The die-shaped bug cage was filled with the unhealthy-looking color in no time.

And Itou Helen was still inside.

The black smoke of that incomplete combustion would contain carbon monoxide.

What the hell are you doing!?

I quickly opened the door from outside and charged inside the bug cage.

I regretted it 2 seconds later.

My eyes and nose were immediately taken out. This wasnt just black smoke. Was it mixed with the dried jellyfish stingers and was the heat of the flames creating wild air currents!?

Cough, cough cough!!

Covering my mouth didnt help. I couldnt breathe in properly with this scorching wall hitting me. The inside of the bug cage was like a giant gas chamber.

The Bright Cross had a largescale simulator, so I doubted they were wildly reacting to unexpected developments. This had been their aim from the start. If the dark elf defeated us, that was fine. But if not, they could disguise it as an accident. The rules of the Colosseum meant nothing!

At any rate, I had to grab Itou Helen and get out of here as quickly as possible.

Where? Where was she?

I reached around randomly but felt nothing. In fact, I couldnt even read the messages on the smartphone in my hand. I couldnt even get Maxwells help now!

And just as I realized that, I felt something in that black world tug on my other hand.

Senpai! Cough!!

It was Itou Helen with her cape covering her mouth.

I had tried to save her, but she had saved me instead. Still, I was glad we had managed to meet up.

Immediately afterwards, a small red light silently moved across the side of her head. Thanks to the black smoke, I could see a red line of light extending out from it. Visibility was poor, but it probably came from outside the bug cage.

A laserpointer!?


I quickly grabbed her slender shoulders in my arms.

A moment later, I heard the high-pitched sound of the reinforced glass wall shattering and the air current changed. The contained black smoke flowed out to escape.

A sniper?

That had been a close shave.

I could seriously see a few strands of blonde hair floating in the black smoke.

They intended to end this here no matter what. It would normally be difficult to accurately target a girls head in this black smoke, but the Bright Cross could pull it off.

They had a simulator greater than Maxwell.

What do we do?

It would be difficult to escape the bug cage in this smoke. And even if we did, we were in a stadium. The empty field continued for dozens of meters and we could be shot at any point along the way.

Of course, the Bright Cross would want to preserve the rules of their sports tournament, so they would want to shoot her to death within the smoky bug cage so they could fool the result of the autopsy and claim there were no odd injuries on the burnt corpse. But I had no idea how far they would bother preserving that ideal hope.

The small girl in my arms tugged on my shirt.

Senpai, um

No, was she leading me somewhere?

But she was leading me in the opposite direction of the door I had entered through.

In fact, she was leading me toward the mountain spewing black smoke.

Unfortunately, we cant retrieve the dark elf this time. Well be shot as we try!

N-no, not that. Well, that is an issue, but, um

Itou Helen hesitated but did not alter her opinion.

And she finally continued.

I think that place would be best.

[Search Engine] Their Fate [Absolute NOAH]


As the deadly furnace continued burning for more than an hour, the blue bunny girl used her mic performance to keep everyones attention. She guided everyone to evacuate while making sure to inform them that they a clear winner had been declared, which meant their bets would pay off (or not) and the match would not be considered void.

Ah, ahh, ahhhhh

The middle-aged man who acted as the dark elfs second fell to his knees.

Fire extinguisher foam was sprayed throughout the bug cage and the dark smoke was finally cleared. But what remained was truly awful. Not only was there a scorched mountain, but burst hunks of flesh had splattered everywhere. Which had come from the mountain and which were Amatsu Satori or Itou Helen? It was impossible to tell them apart.

Wh-what happened to my daughter!?

Yes, thats a good question there.

You told me she was sure to win if I did what you said!

No, I told you she was sure to defeat her enemy if you did what we said. And look: theres nothing left of that enemy, is there?

He did not seem to even have enough strength left to shout in anger.

He needed the core of his life to call up such dramatic emotions, but that had completely broken.

An official asked a question over the blue bunny girls earpiece.

What should we do?

Theres no need to hand over the corpse this time, sooh, I know. Carry it out to the bathtub.

A large trailer truck quietly left the staff entrance at the back of the stadium.

The young male driver spoke in an uncomfortable voice as he held the steering wheel.

How far should we carry the bathtub?

The woman in the passenger seat readily answered while munching on a cookie.

To the iron and steel industrial complex by the harbor. Weve always disposed of inconvenient things by dumping it into a blast furnace or freezing it underground at the South Pole, right?

Yes, yes. Be clever about it. Anything inconvenient to the Bright Cross is a definite negative to your life.

The large truck drove through the dark streets.

And finally

The container held by the trailer forcefully burst open from within.

There was no need to silence the Bright Cross people. The trailer was a large vehicle with its weight balanced for use with the heavy container on top. With the container suddenly gone, it lost control and crashed into a telephone pole on its own.

Meanwhile, a few people emerged from the burst container: a human, a witch, and a dark elf.

Were saved, said Amatsu Satori as he wiped sweat from his brow.

With the black smoke and the sniper rifle targeting them, they had fled inside the mountain of flesh and blood that Muramatsu Yukie the Dark Elf had become. It had been designed so the heat would not reach the center even when it was drenched in gasoline and set aflame and the rifle bullet which could break the reinforced glass could not pierce the meters-thick shield of flesh. From there, they only had to be taken out of the stadium as a corpse and wait for a good opportunity to escape.

Of course, they might have run out of oxygen within the sealed space of flesh. But Itou Helen had once more come in handy. Simply put, she had used a potion to chemically(?) produce oxygen. That could not have been too difficult a task to a witch who could directly use something as ridiculous as wind magic.

You just keep saving me this time, Itou-san

A-all Ive done is have you carry me around on your back, Senpai.

The blonde witch leaned forward as she clenched her fists in front of her chest and breathed from her nose.

The brown-skinned dark elf toyed with her bangs in exasperation.

So what do we do now? I doubt the Bright Cross will allow it to end like this.

For the time being, I have to confirm what Itou-sans standing in the Bright Cross is after this incident.

Since they were paying out on bets, the match itself counted as legitimate, but if they found fault in Itou Helen for leaving the stadium without permission, they could always order that the escapee be shot on sight. That meant returning to the Bright Cross with her hands in the air might only earn her a bullet between the eyes.

So would they stay on the run? The Bright Cross was a giant organization that covered not just Japan but more than 100 countries around the world. Even if they did skip town in the night, they would not be safe. In fact, a boy and girl without any real preparations would have trouble merely running away from home, so skipping town was completely out of the question. In a long-term battle, they would obviously be tracked down by the Bright Cross.

But they were also close to reaching the Bright Crosss Achilles heel.

The group had a mysterious simulator boasting accuracy greater than Maxwells. And he had an idea where it might be located.

Even if they could not crush the Bright Cross all across the world, they might be able to drive the group out of Kukyou City.

They had a chance of winning a short-term showdown.

For now, lets hide somewhere the Bright Cross wont find us.

I-is there anywhere like that?

Itou Helen sounded doubtful, but Amatsu Satori waved his smartphone.

Maxwell, wheres the closest entrance?

Sure. There is a stairway leading into a subway station 10m northwest of your current position. That should lead to one of the doors.

Once were inside, interfere with the doors control program. Rewrite all the password locks.

The two girls tilted their heads, so Amatsu Satori added more.

Its true the Bright Crosss influence can be found almost everywhere and I get the feeling theyd see us on security cameras no matter where we hide. But there is one large area which I know the Bright Cross doesnt cover.

He raised his index finger and then pointed straight down.

The underground facility they pulled out of themselves. They removed all of their equipment, so there arent any cameras or sensors. They cant possibly cover that area.

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