My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 201: Episode 201 Mad Cow

Chapter 201: Episode 201 Mad Cow

In episode 201, when these cold words came out of his mouth, Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi in front of him couldn't help but be stunned.

Ah Qiu, what are you talking about?

This guy is really strange, he didn't say anything in the past, and spit out a few confusing words at a critical moment.

Tang Xiaolong looked at Ah Qiudao curiously, and George Chen over there also looked at Ah Qiu in front of him suspiciously, and Ah Qiu, after saying the words that made them both confused.

He was silent, not saying a word, as if the few words he had just said were enough for him, and now he just closed his mouth coldly.

I don't want to say anything more.

The road in Jinghai City is surging, and the character led by the thirteenth young brother, Mad Bull, is now looking for clues about Situ Ningbing.

Now that the night clubs in the entire Jinghai City are all closed, those gangsters are almost a hotel, and they have searched door to door in a hotel, but so far, they have not found where Situ Ningbing is.

Where the hell is he?

However, he said that since Situ Ningbing came out of New Century Wucheng two days ago, he has been in his dark basement, which has dirty underground pipes, sewage and stench, and this basement was inhabited by migrant workers when the subway was being repaired in Jinghai.

But he didn't expect that he would live here aggrievedly, and the sound of running water could be heard in the smelly passage through the sunlight refracted outside.

Occasionally, he could be seen curled up in pain, lying on the small rusty iron bed.

It used to be the most delicate face in the world, but now it was pale and terrible, and there was not a trace of blood on it.

The place around him was dark, and the stone wall of the room was plastered with the map with a red X, and his eyes were full of despair and resentment, and he lay there quietly.

Situ Ningbing, am I going to die?

Will I die in Offshore City?

He asked himself again and again in his heart, although he had nothing to fear of death since he was taken captive when he was eight years old, but now he was really unwilling to let him die in such a place.

He stubbornly moved his painful body, then one hand tightly wrapped around his aching chest, and slowly unfastened his shirt.

I saw that under his towering thick breasts, a black line was getting longer and longer.

That's right, this is the deadly Sanshengmen poison.

The black line was only as thin as a thread at first, but now it has become as thick as a wrist, and what used to be pain every other week has now become a pain every day and night, and the heart-rending pain can come and go at any time.

He gritted his teeth tightly, looked at the poison in his body, and suddenly sighed in despair, it seemed that he was really hopeless, he was really going to die here, but he couldn't let go of anyone in his heart.

A figure of him, the man with a silly smile on Liao Cheng's face, saying that he would protect himself in the future, the man who risked his life in Kyoto City, and worked hard for himself and the two Heavenly Jedi Demons in the Seven Evils, Li Tian, didn't even think of himself.

At the moment of his death, he would think of his figure scene by scene, as if the picture of a movie was presented in front of his mind, and he always believed that he was a ruthless and loveless woman.

But how did he know that as long as he was a person, he would have affection, otherwise he would not be like an animal.

But he deeply understands that he doesn't have many days to live, and now he just insists on living, whenever the Sanshengmen poison in his body attacks in the dead of night.

He is worse than dead, how many times he wants to end his life, but he endures.

The reason why he held back was only because he wanted to see his face again when he was dying, even if it was just a laughing New Century Martial City, since the last time he experienced a bloody scene.

The door was still closed, but today's New Century Martial City opened its door, because there were guests coming, and after a while, I saw seven or eight arrogant cars driving arrogantly from the side street.

Each one is a big crown, domineering and mighty, when it arrived at the new century martial arts, it stopped with a hiss, and then I saw the car door open, and the first to come out from the side, a burly man wearing a sleeveless black T-shirt.

A raptor with teeth and claws tattooed on his arm and head is a piercing character at first glance.

After this guy came out, he hurriedly opened the door on the other side, and as the door opened, he saw a burly and majestic man walking out of it.

He was eight and a half centimeters tall, burly and muscular, with bare bronzed skin symbolizing his rigidity, and a rough and arrogant shark smelling on his arms.

The person who looked at it again had a bull's-eyed big nose, and a golden circle was unusually worn on the nose.

Who is he?

If anyone knows the nickname Mad Cow, they must know him, he is the younger brother of DJ Heaven Thirteen, the character nicknamed Mad Cow.

I heard that this mad cow can fight less than Thirteen, and he was a mercenary in Viet Nam, and after returning from Viet Nam, he has been taking care of things by his brother's side, and this time Thirteen Young was suddenly killed, this mad cow can be described as really angry, so he wants to avenge his brother.

Mad Bull had said cruel things at the funeral of the thirteenth young man a few days ago, the female murderer of the Saudi brother, he must have grabbed and skinned him alive, and no one dared to question his words, because everyone knew how cruel this guy was.

After the mad cow got out of the car, the other huge cars that followed behind also stopped.

Then all the gangsters in black costumes who walked down from the car were all black outfits, these were undoubtedly Mad Bull's subordinates, at a glance, there were dozens of people, walking towards the New Century Martial City, and when they arrived at the gate of the New Century Five Cities, they saw that Liu Fat Man hurriedly walked out with a large group of younger brothers behind him.

Brother, you're here.

Fat Liu laughed as he went to say hello to the mad cow.

The mad bull raised his bull's eye, which was as big as a copper bell, glanced at Liu Fatzi, then opened his mouth and hummed, and then walked upstairs with the Liu Fat Man.

Why did the mad cow in front of him see that fat man?

It's a good alliance, and the reason why they formed an alliance is to find the female killer together.

Situ Ningbing is now not only in alliance with them, but also Lao He in the Broadway night club and the subordinates of the lame man in the underground casino are also included.

They all have a common goal now, that is, to find the female killer Situ Ningbing upstairs in the VIP box, only to see Liu Fatzi and the mad cow sitting together.

Brother, don't worry, that female killer will never escape.

Jinghai Airport and Railway Station, including Jinghai City's large and small bus stations, I have already sent people to keep an eye on them, this time I don't believe that she can fly into the sky.

The mad bull fought for a pair of angry eyes, clenched his fists fiercely and said, That woman, I must kill her with my own hands and avenge my eldest brother.

Dude, there's something you may not know yet.

The fat man in front of him looked at the mad cow and said, the mad cow turned his face, what is the matter?

The Ouyang family, one of the four major families, seems to be involved in this matter this time.

Then Liu Fatzi said, Ouyang family, why did he come back?

Fang Niu asked puzzled.

Then Liu Fat Man said, hey, in fact, I don't know.

Yesterday, a group of people from the Ouyang family suddenly came to me and asked for clues about the woman, so I felt very curious.

Lao Tzu, no matter who it is, even if it is the king of Yama this time, it can't stop the woman's life.

That woman, I must skin her alive to sacrifice my eldest brother's spirit in heaven, and I must not let my eldest brother die in vain.

Mad Bull roared angrily, it turned out that this mad cow had been dependent on Thirteen Shao since he was a child, and the relationship between the two brothers was quite good, but he didn't expect that after Mad Bull went to the gym to practice boxing that day, and Thirteen Shao was alone in DJ Heaven, his brother was slaughtered back.

When he saw the corpse of Thirteen Shao, the mad cow roared like a madman, so he vowed to catch the murderer and slaughter the woman who killed his own brother.

Situ Ningbing listened to the roaring sound of the mad cow, and Liu Fatzi smiled slightly, it seems that this time the woman is dead.

Although no clues have been found for that Situ Ningbing yet, the entire Jinghai City has now begun to devote itself to the search for him.

At that time, even if he hides underground, I am afraid that it will be difficult to hide.

At 21 o'clock at night, I saw him slowly walking towards the dirty and smelly passage to the outside.

Situ Ningbing, who had been hiding here for two days and two nights, was used to eating the noodles and water he bought last time, and now he had to go out to buy some food to replenish his physical strength.

Although he knew that the outside world was hunting him now, he couldn't starve to death here.

At this moment, he dragged the poisoned body and walked slowly outside with a pale face.

When he reached the exit, his cold eyes glanced cautiously outside, and after making sure that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he walked out step by step.


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