My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 208: Episode 208 He’s really getting stronger

Chapter 208: Episode 208 He's really getting stronger

In episode 208, some of the slightly better gangsters were completely stunned at the moment, looking at the chaotic audience on the field, and Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi over there stood there in surprise, and they clearly heard a miserable cry in their ears just now.

It's just that the voice flashed and disappeared, and of course they were much stronger than the gangster's beliefs, so they wouldn't be stimulated by the trick of ten thousand ghosts crying.

At this moment, Chen Qiaozhi and Tang Xiaolong looked at each other, oh my God, what kind of move is this?

Tang Xiaolong shouted there.

George Chen's eyes were also wide, and his face was full of disbelief, but he said that with this move, Li Tian suddenly threw his footwork towards those gangsters.

He used the fast footwork on the single scroll of the day to move, one hand with the palm, the other hand with the claw sharply towards the crowd.

Those gangsters who were stimulated by Li Tian with one of the 10,000 ghosts howling and crying trick of Rashomon just now, before they understood what was going on, they were knocked out by Li Tian's flying palm and fell heavily to the ground, because Li Tian's Rashomon winemaker had not yet played its true effect.

So those gangsters who went through the trick of ten thousand ghosts howling and crying, after a sudden stimulation of their heads, quickly regained consciousness, and at this moment, they were all shocked, looking at Li Tian, who was like a devil, and shouted loudly to kill him, hack this monster to death.

With a wild roar, so many underworld characters all rushed towards Li Tian, and they clutched the cold machete tightly in their hands, slashing wildly towards Li Tian.

Li Tian was not afraid, snatched a machete from a gangster, and slashed directly at a gangster attacking on the left.

The thug was stabbed in the shoulder by Li Tian, and he fell down screaming in pain.

The gangsters on the other two sides continued to pounce, Li Tian's machete greeted each other, and the sound of the machete camera sounded with a clang, Li Tianfei picked up the gangster, and flew the gangster out, in a blink of an eye, he had already killed a bloody road, beside him, one by one the gangsters fell down, and were slashed by his machete, and then one after another the gangsters continued to pounce.

No way, there are too many of these gangsters.

With a slash, a cold knife slashed at Li Tian's back, Li Tian turned around suddenly, and his blood-red eyes were even more focused on the gangster who stabbed him in the back.

Suddenly, the blade turned, and a knife swiped the opponent's neck, the knife fell to death, and the corpse fell in the middle of a pool of blood, such a terrible killing, it was like a madman.

Tang Xiaolong, who was watching, couldn't hold back his mood anymore at the moment, and shouted, Grandma's so many bastards bullied the little boss, Lao Tzu looked down on you the most.

With a wild roar, he also jumped into the battle circle.

Xiaolong Chen Qiaozhi shouted, to be honest, George Chen is a very careful person, he is the kind of person who takes care of the overall situation, he knows the current situation, in case they make a move, it will only make the scene more chaotic, and he is also the enemy of the underworld in the entire Jinghai City.

But Tang Xiaolong had already rushed forward, grabbed a gangster beside him with one hand, and threw it directly.

When Tang Xiaolong was desperate to help Li Tian, Ah Qiu, who was standing there indifferently, suddenly glanced at Chen Qiaozhi, and without saying a word, his body jumped, and he joined the battle circle, flew up with a kick, and kicked directly in the face of a gangster under Liu Fatzi.

With a bang, the guy was kicked all over the mouth and fell to the ground screaming.

Ah Qiu, who has always been indifferent, actually went up to help Li Tian at the moment of crisis.

Chen Qiaozhi looked at the two of them, and sighed at the corner of his mouth, hey, it seems that I am going to do something crazy again.

After George Chen finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Ouyang Shiqing beside him, Miss, you better get out of here as soon as possible.

You remember this matter, your Ouyang family must not interfere, once you do, you will face the turmoil of the entire Jinghai City, and there is also the Duanmu family in the secret, so Miss, no matter what we do today, even if it is death, the Ouyang family cannot interfere.

Hearing George Chen say this, Ouyang Shiqing was slightly stunned, he didn't expect that this George Chen was so smart, and he could still distinguish the priorities of things at such a juncture.

Then, Ouyang Shiqing wanted to say something, and George Chen turned around and rushed towards the gangsters.

He also went to help Li Tian, some people say that brothers are lifelong, and some people say that brothers are innate.

Perhaps at this moment, Li Tian completely understood the true meaning of the word brother.

To be honest, Tang Xiaolong, the indifferent Ah Qiu and Chen Qiaozhi are by no means ordinary people, and it is his honor to be with Li Tian, but he didn't expect that at such a juncture, they would help themselves regardless of their own troubles.

You know, they are now facing a person with more than 100 to 200 underworld gangsters, no matter how powerful they are, how can they kill these 100 to 200 people?

So from the moment they joined the battle circle, they were ready to die.

The thugs over there watched a few more people rushing in who were not afraid of death, and immediately raised their machetes, and slashed at Chen George, who Tang Xiaolong was still using, and they cut down the mad cow, because Li Tianzhen broke the ribs in his chest, and was supported to the side by his brothers.

At this moment, looking at Li Tian and his brothers, the corners of his mouth flashed with cruel killing intent to kill me, and no one was left today.

Liu Fatzi over there originally had a grudge against Li Tian, but at this moment, he let his younger brothers rush forward one by one, and he couldn't stop saying in his mouth, hacking them to death, hacking them to death.

So these heavy underworld gangsters began to raise the machetes in their hands and slashed at the brothers in front of them and Li Tian on the top of the high-rise building.

At this moment, I saw a wordless shock in the eyes of the black eagle of the Duanmu family, and Li Tian, who was looking at the field, stared at him deadly.

Motionless, the subordinate behind him was also full of surprise in his eyes, holding down the kid just now, using the kung fu of our Duanmu family.

There was endless surprise and great shock in his voice.

The black eagle also nodded slowly, with caution and shock in his eyes.

To be honest, he never thought that he would see that Li Angel's kung fu out of Rashomon, and it was also a lost trick Tens of thousands of ghosts howled and cried God.

Could it be that he would really ask for trouble in Rashomon?

The face of the black eagle in front of him was ugly because of the gloom, and he watched every movement of Li Tian on the field, and quickly went back to tell the clan master, just say that the outsider Li Tian would really use the kung fu of our family's Luo Shengmen.

Black Hawk said coldly to his subordinates.

After he finished speaking, the member of the subordinate behind him nodded silently, and then quickly retreated.

The remaining Black Hawks continued to observe the bloody battle coldly.

Li Tian was already red-eyed, facing so many gangsters, he held a knife in his hand, and when he saw who killed whom, blood splashed on the gangsters who were cut down by him.

Falling down with a terrible scream in a pool of blood, one will rush up, two will fall, two will rush up, and four snorts, and one thug slashed on Li Tian's shoulder.

From his right shoulder, there was a piercing pain in his head, Li Tian turned around suddenly, and his body kicked the gangster away, and the whole person gasped and carried the bloody knife in his hand.

Tang Xiaolong over there also looked a little exhausted after picking over a dozen gangsters by himself, and his thigh was also cut twice, and there seemed to be an injury on his chest, with blood flowing out.

One of his arms was bleeding, and the other hand was clenched tightly, and the knife he snatched from the thug's hand slashed at the waist of one of the thugs who rushed at him.

He was slashed in the back by the thugs behind him and fell to the ground.

George Chen hurriedly came over to help, and after quickly knocking over the two gangsters, he stood back to back with Ah Qiu, who quickly got up from the ground.

The thugs suddenly surrounded the brothers in the middle.

Tang Xiaolong gasped for breath, there was no fear on his face, but he laughed loudly.

Ah Qiu, on the other hand, was cold, with a face, and didn't say a word.

George Chen's originally sickly pale face was even more pale, and at the same time, he couldn't help coughing, without Li Tian still standing alone, seeing that he was surrounded for his brothers at this moment.

With a loud shout, he broke in at once, and killed a bloody dragon, George, you leave me alone, go quickly.

Li Tian looked at the brothers and shouted loudly, and as he spoke, he used a knife to block the gangsters who were slashing at him frantically, but the brothers looked at him and showed a smile, Little boss, even if you drive me away today, I won't leave.

Lao Tzu is out today, and I don't believe they can kill me.

Tang Xiaolong roared angrily and rushed towards those thugs.

Ah Qiu didn't speak, and only attacked.

Li Tian looked at his brothers desperately fighting for himself, and a wordless warm current rose in his heart, and suddenly the knife in his hand turned into a long rainbow, slashing strangely towards the crowd.

After the ordinary machete was cut out of his hand, it continued to accumulate all the qi in Li Tian's body, and more importantly, he actually fused the traces of death in the Rashomon winemaker.

With a bang, the heavens and the earth were shocked.

The man with the knife was like a fierce aura, slashing towards those gangsters, and a dark aura struck like a long rainbow, and the slash directly made the dozen thugs directly forced to the ground by the fierce knife qi.

Some of them were directly stabbed by the fierce knife qi and fell to the ground screaming, and their bodies were cut by the fierce knife qi, and their blood flowed like an infusion, as if they had been cut by a blade, and such a fierce trick made them terrified.

Liu Fatzi and the mad cow were completely stunned after looking at Li Tian's terrifying stab.

Oh my God, this man must be killed today, and if he is not killed, who will be able to subdue him in the future?

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