Myst, Might, Mayhem

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

This was Mok Eun-pyeong’s residence.


Mok Eun-pyeong, who had finished his breakfast, was elegantly sipping Silver Needle(s) of the Jun Mountain, a famous tea from Hunan province.

A guard named Jeon Yang-pyeong, who had reached the level of a first-rate master, carefully spoke to him.

“Young master.”

“What is it?”

“But judging from Guard Gam’s reaction earlier, it didn’t seem like a lie. Do you really think he was deceiving you as a last resort?”


Mok Eun-pyeong put down his teacup and answered briefly.

“No. It’s half and half. Guard Gam must have had something he didn’t know about either. Even if it was a last resort, would he do something that would raise suspicion in just a day? No matter how much of a fool Mok Gyeong-un is, he must have hidden at least one secret weapon.”

“What? Then how……”

“Didn’t I say I would only give him two hours and take his life if he couldn’t find Jo Il-sang?”

“Yes. Didn’t you want Guard Gam that much?”

Mok Eun-pyeong had always wanted to make Mok Gyeong-un’s Guard Gam his own.

Even after learning that he was a former assassin, his determination remained unchanged.

Rather, he remarked that he would be even more useful.

“If you had investigated separately and shown trust……”

“That’s not possible.”

“What do you mean it’s not possible……”

“If I had shown unconditional trust, he would have seen me as a pushover or a fool rather than being grateful. So, it was to instill an appropriate level of tension.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think I would easily abandon such a talented individual?”

Mok Eun-pyeong grinned.

Even if it took more than two hours, he had no intention of actually killing him.

“I should show forgiveness after demonstrating how strict and stern I am, once the truth is revealed. People are naturally more affected when you treat them harshly and then show kindness once.”

That was Mok Eun-pyeong’s way of dealing with people.

To this, Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong inwardly disagreed but pretended to be impressed and said,

“As expected of you, young master. I didn’t know you had such insight.”

“So, just wait quietly. It’s good to crush someone’s heart when they become impatient. Even if it’s just out of responsibility for losing Guard Jo, he will be more loyal.”

“You are absolutely right.”


“But please don’t push him too hard.”

At these words, Mok Eun-pyeong raised one eyebrow.


“Didn’t you find out while investigating Guard Gam’s past?”

“Ah…… Are you talking about that?”

“Yes. Guard Gam might be from ‘that place.’ If he’s really from ‘that place,’ no matter if he’s retired, if you stimulate him carelessly, it might be dang…… no, it might become tiresome for you.”

He was about to say it could be dangerous but changed his words.

It was because Mok Eun-pyeong had quite a strong pride.

That was how dangerous it was to have someone from an assassin group as a subordinate.

Especially if they were from ‘that place.’

-Slurp! Tak!

“You said he might be. We don’t know for sure whether he is or not.”


“Rather than that, think about what to do with that bastard Mok Gyeong-un. If he really touched Jo Il-sang, we absolutely cannot leave him alone.”


Judging from his reaction, he seemed to be already upset.

Continuing the same conversation here would only make his lord uncomfortable, so Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong stopped.

It was then.

The sound of someone running in a hurry was heard.

-Knock knock!

“Young master. It’s Han-saeng.”

“Come in.”


He was one of Mok Eun-pyeong’s three guards and had the lowest martial arts skill.

Like Go Chan, he was only at the second-rate level.

That was why he was in charge of most of the miscellaneous tasks.

Mok Eun-pyeong asked Han-saeng, who was rushing in, with a puzzled expression.

“It hasn’t been long since I sent you to assess the situation, but judging from your expression and how urgently you came, something must have happened?”

“That, that’s……”


“Guard Gam has disappeared.”


At the sudden news, Mok Eun-pyeong’s expression hardened.

What kind of nonsense was this?

Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong asked in an incredulous voice.

“What do you mean? Guard Gam disappeared?”

“That, that’s……”

“Don’t tell me he disobeyed the young master’s order and ran away?”

“That’s not it.”

“Then what the …. are you talking about? Speak clearly!”

Pressed by Jeon Yang-pyeong, Guard Han-saeng spoke with a troubled expression.

“There’s a commotion right now.”

“A commotion?”

“Yes. The outer hall warriors are guarding, so I couldn’t get close, but I heard that Guard Gam killed three workers in the medical hall and tried to kill the third young master, but escaped after being injured.”


At those words, Mok Eun-pyeong was dumbfounded.

what the …. was this about?

He had told him to find his missing guard Jo Il-sang, so why would Guard Gam suddenly try to kill that bastard Mok Gyeong-un?

‘Could it be…..’

Was he trying to prove his loyalty by doing that?

Or did he try to threaten Mok Gyeong-un to find out where Jo Il-sang had disappeared to?

It was difficult to guess.

Then, Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong asked in an equally absurd tone.

“Are you sure? Why would Guard Gam do such a thing?”

“I’m not sure either. But judging from the fact that Mok Gyeong-un’s injury was serious enough to be life-threatening, it might be true. However, that’s not the problem.”

“If that’s not it, then what is?”

“I’m sorry to say this, but……”

“Speak quickly!”

At Mok Eun-pyeong’s urging, Guard Han-saeng finally parted his lips.

“It seems that Mok Gyeong-un testified to the outer hall’s investigation that you, young master, instigated Guard Gam to betray him and kill him.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Mok Eun-pyeong’s face contorted terribly.

Seeing his anger, Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong hurriedly tried to appease him.

“Young master. Please calm down. Even if that bastard Mok Gyeong-un spreads such rumors, the outer hall won’t believe it.”


At those words, Mok Eun-pyeong slammed the table and raised his voice.

“Believing it or not is not the issue. If I get involved in rumors without even being selected as the successor, how will the retainers view me?”

Mok Eun-pyeong’s body trembled.

The outer hall wouldn’t be able to pressure him over this incident since he wasn’t even the clan leader, but they wouldn’t overlook it either.

If that happened, the support of the retainers might weaken as well.

“That bastard Mok Gyeong-un!”


Unable to hold back any longer, Mok Eun-pyeong shot up from his seat.

He couldn’t bear it unless he went to Mok Gyeong-un right away and confronted him.

Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong tried to dissuade him.

“Young master, please calm down!”

“Calm down? Do I look like I can calm down right now? That damn bastard backstabbed me twice, and you want me to let it slide?”

This was the second time, following the incident with Guard Jo Il-sang.

Especially this time, it really pissed him off.

“But if you go now, it will only raise more suspicion. Moreover, if the outer hall is guarding him, the eyes of the retainers will inevitably be drawn to you.”


At those words, Mok Eun-pyeong gritted his teeth.

Although he was angry, Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong was right about this.

If he went to Mok Gyeong-un and vented his anger or harmed him, it would negatively impact the succession competition.

However, just leaving him alone was also infuriating.

How triumphant would that bastard be?

The eldest young master Mok Yeong-ho and the lady of the house might even mock him.

Seeing Mok Eun-pyeong unable to suppress his anger, Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong spoke in a low voice.

“Young master. Since it has come to this, how about mobilizing ‘them’?”


“I mean the group that Guard Gam belonged to.”

“………Are you talking about that place?”


“What do you mean by mobilizing them?”

“As far as I know, they have a strong pride and an iron rule regarding assassinations.”

“An iron rule?”

“Yes. Regardless of whether they have retired or not, they do not tolerate failure from an assassin of their own faction.”

“What do they do if they don’t tolerate it?”

“They said they complete the assassination by any means necessary.”

At those words, Mok Eun-pyeong’s hardened expression softened.

“Didn’t he say with his own mouth that Guard Gam tried to kill him? Then, it’s rather fortunate. We will leak this information to them.”

At Guard Jeon Yang-pyeong’s words, the corners of Mok Eun-pyeong’s mouth curled up.


Mok Gyeong-un was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, as if meditating.

He was currently trying a technique called breathing techniques.

No matter how strong his recovery ability was, it was impossible for the wounds from the daggers stuck between his ribs and thigh to heal instantly.

Since it had come to this, he wanted to challenge himself to form a danjeon.

‘That way, I might be able to do something with this.’

Below Mok Gyeong-un’s navel, there was a chilling and ominous energy of death gathered.

It was the energy absorbed from the dead Jo Il-sang and Guard Gam.

However, despite absorbing it, unlike the internal energy he had absorbed through the Ritual of Binding, it just accumulated in his stomach without moving.

So, he thought that if he could form a danjeon with this, it might be possible.


‘Is this how it’s supposed to be?’

The Ignited Wood Heart Transformation Technique had a detailed description of the breathing method.

Of course, there were also methods for qi circulation and key points.

Anyway, to perform proper qi circulation, one had to accept the energy from the air through breathing and gather it near the danjeon to form a small seed.

However, something felt strange.

‘Why is the energy I’m taking in through breathing dispersing?’

The energy gathered through breathing was very subtle.

It was much smaller than when he absorbed it through the Ritual of Binding, but according to the secret manual, this was normal.

So, thinking of it as collecting bits and pieces to form a mountain, he guided it below his navel.


However, as soon as it entered, it dispersed.

It just disappeared, as if the internal energy he had absorbed through the Ritual of Binding naturally dispersed.


He couldn’t understand.

Was it normal for energy to disperse easily?

With no one to ask and only being able to follow what was written in the book, Mok Gyeong-un had no choice but to adhere to the instructions.

“Phew……. Phew…….”

He gathered energy while reciting the key points of the method through breathing techniques.

He did this for half a day, almost until the day was about to end, but the subtle energy he gathered still dispersed as soon as it reached below his navel.

‘………What is it?’

Why was that?

The secret manual stated that forming a seed, no, a danjeon, was extremely difficult.

From that perspective, it was indeed difficult.

However, there was no mention of it dispersing as soon as it was gathered.

It said it would gradually disperse.

‘It disappears immediately.’

But unlike the book, it vanished right away as soon as it entered.

What could be the reason?

Was martial arts something that couldn’t be self-taught after all?


Mok Gyeong-un glanced at Guard Go Chan, who was lying on the bed next to him as if he were dead.

He had lost his left ring finger and little finger and had fainted after undergoing a torture called ‘Severing Tendons and Breaking Bones’.

Mok Gyeong-un had asked the outer hall warriors to bring him here.

He was thinking of just letting him sleep, but he decided to wake him up.

“Guard Go Chan.”


“Guard Go Chan.”




Mok Gyeong-un raised his palm above Go Chan’s face.



Go Chan opened his eyes wide, quickly sat up, and answered hurriedly.


“Wow. That’s amazing. Weren’t you sleeping?”

“I, I was sleeping.”

In fact, Go Chan had woken up about an hour ago.

After waking up, he had been keeping his eyes closed and assessing the situation, unsure of what was going on.

Thanks to that, he learned that this place was the medical hall and that Mok Gyeong-un was right next to him.

That was why he couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes.

It was a kind of escapism from reality.

To him, Mok Gyeong-un whispered.

“I had something I wanted to tell you when you woke up.”

“Wh, what is it?”


Go Chan couldn’t hide his nervousness.

He felt uneasy for no reason.

Mok Gyeong-un chuckled and said to him.

“Contrary to my expectations, you’re quite tight-lipped.”


Go Chan let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, he thought it wouldn’t make much difference whether he died this way or that way, but he endured it because dying at Mok Gyeong-un’s hands seemed like it would be the worst agony.

“I’m starting to like you more and more, Guard Go Chan.”

“Th, thank you.”


It seemed that his choice was not wrong.

‘………Wait a minute. Is this something to be happy about?’

He felt like he was being tamed by Mok Gyeong-un.

Realizing that, Go Chan fell into a sense of self-disgust.

Then, as if remembering something, he looked apologetic and apologized.

“By the way, young master……. I’m sorry. I was caught by Guard Gam on the way and had the item you entrusted me with taken away…”

“Ah, I got that back.”


What did he mean by getting it back?

Mok Gyeong-un smiled at the puzzled Go Chan and whispered.

“Only you know this, Guard Go Chan. I killed Guard Gam and took it back.”


At Mok Gyeong-un’s words, Go Chan’s eyes widened.

Did he hear that correctly?

He killed Kam Hyung?

The middle-ranked assassin of the Flying Daggers Sect, one of the three major assassin groups in the Central Plains, despite being retired?

“H, how……”


Mok Gyeong-un gestured with his eyes towards the entrance of the medical hall.

Outside the door screen, there were shadows of about four warriors.

On the opposite side, there were also four guards.

They were the warriors of the outer hall of the Yeon Mok Sword Manor.

“They think Guard Gam attacked me and disappeared. So, Guard Go Chan, you should roughly know that as well.”

At Mok Gyeong-un’s words, Go Chan lowered his voice and whispered.

“Is it true?”

“Is there any reason for me to lie about this?”


Go Chan swallowed his dry saliva.

Indeed, this devilish fellow wouldn’t make false claims about such matters.

‘Unbelievable……. what the …. is this guy?’

He clearly hadn’t learned martial arts.

Yet now, he even claimed to have killed a first-rate master?

It was something that couldn’t possibly happen under common sense.

No, is this even possible?

To Guard Go Chan, who couldn’t easily believe it, Mok Gyeong-un said,

“I have something to ask you.”

“Y-Yes? What is it?”

“I want to open a danjeon, but it’s not going well. I thought I had a pretty good understanding, but it seems I can’t quite grasp the contents of the secret manual.”

“…….Are you talking about the danjeon?”

Go Chan asked back with a furrowed brow.

Did this guy still want to learn martial arts?

However, Mok Gyeong-un’s age wasn’t exactly young to start martial arts.

‘Seventeen…… With waste accumulated in the blood vessels, it would be difficult to properly absorb energy even with breathing techniques.’

That was why it was best to start breathing techniques as young as possible.

Putting aside the issue of comprehension, it would naturally be difficult to form a danjeon.

Go Chan was at a loss for how to explain this.

‘Sorry for being blunt, but you’re already too late to learn martial arts.’

He couldn’t bring himself to say that.

After pondering for a moment, Go Chan said,

“C-Could you tell me what aspects are difficult for you?”

Let’s help him for now.

Explaining it verbally would only upset him anyway.

It would be better to let him experience it himself and realize that he was too late to learn martial arts.

Unaware of his thoughts, Mok Gyeong-un shared the points where he was stuck.

“…..So, no matter how much I try, the energy disperses.”


At Mok Gyeong-un’s words, Go Chan was momentarily stunned.

Did he hear it wrong?

He had just started practicing breathing techniques, yet he claimed to have understood what qi was and even gathered it near the danjeon below his navel by himself through the qi circulation path?

Of course, it dispersed, but still?

‘No way. He must be joking, right?’

A guy who knew nothing about martial arts, no matter how much he had a secret manual, did it by himself to that extent?

This was something impossible no matter how he thought about it.

Even with the most basic Three Talents Method, it was difficult to easily understand the definition of qi without learning the basics for practicing martial arts.

“Guard Go Chan?”


“Why are you making that expression?”


“Is there something strange?”

“No. Rather than that……”

“Rather than?”

“Young master…… Did you really feel the qi through breathing?”

In just half a day, he felt it?

“Yes. Why?”

“Young master. This is a part that really needs to be clarified……”

“I’m telling you I felt it, not joking around. Is there any reason to fool around?”


This is driving me crazy.

From Go Chan’s perspective, it was exactly like this.

Mok Gyeong-un was saying with his own mouth that he was a once-in-a-millennium genius.

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