Myst, Might, Mayhem

Chapter 454

Chapter 454 – Supreme (1)


The bamboo slips in Jin Ye-rin’s bosom trembled violently.

What is this?

Why are the bamboo slips shaking on their own?

Puzzled, she took them out of her bosom, hoping against hope.

The rolled-up bamboo slips were shaking severely, as if trying to unfurl on their own.

It was at that very moment.



Suddenly, the bamboo slips in her hand were forcibly snatched away by an invisible force.

It was the Ritual of Binding.

The one who took them was none other than Mok Gan’s avatar with a fierce expression.


Jin Ye-rin, panicked because Mok Gyeong-un had been sucked into those bamboo slips, launched her body to try and take them back, but she missed her chance due to a restraining hand.

The one who held her back was Ghost Blade.

Ghost Blade shook his head.

If she had launched her body to retrieve the bamboo slips, she would have suffered a fatal injury from Mok Gan’s avatar.


Mok Gan, holding the trembling bamboo slips, opened his mouth.

“What is this?”


Jin Ye-rin kept her mouth shut at his question.

She couldn’t possibly answer that Mok Gyeong-un was inside.

But then,



At that moment, Mok Gan’s avatar grasped the bamboo slips that were trembling and trying to unfurl on their own, and crushed them.

Jin Ye-rin’s pupils shook violently as she looked at the crushed bamboo slips in his grasp.

The trembling that had been so intense stopped completely the moment they were crushed.


She had thought it might be a sign of Mok Gyeong-un’s return.

No, the probability had been high.

But before that could happen, hope was shattered.

As if noticing her reaction, Mok Gan’s avatar raised the corner of his mouth in a sinister smile and said,

“It must be disappointing to be blocked before you could even make a move.”


“Judging by the energy I felt from the bamboo slips, was this given to you by that woman who sent you out from inside?”


“It seems it was quite a trump card. Huhuhu.”


Jin Ye-rin, overwhelmed by despair, gave no answer.

-Jeobeok jeobeok!

Seeing her like this, Mok Gan’s avatar slowly approached with a face that showed his interest had waned.

In truth, he could have ended it immediately, but Mok Gan was cautious.

That was because the woman before him was of the Jin family bloodline.

He had thought he had killed all the descendants who inherited the blood of the one called the world’s greatest sword in the old martial arts world, who even slew a corrupted Jiao-Dragon Demon King.

Yet here, when he came to obtain the forbidden technique and kill Heavenly Demon, he discovered a surviving bloodline.

“This time, I’ll eliminate that bloodline for sure.”

“Haa… Haa…”


Jin Ye-rin bit the back of her hand holding the sword.

It was to revive her senses by causing pain because strength wouldn’t enter her hand.

Seeing this, Mok Gan’s avatar snorted.

“Have you reached your limit just from this much?”

“…Shut up.”

“It seems I overreacted. I thought you might have a trump card prepared after hiding so well and revealing yourself, but was it just coincidence?”

Jin Ye-rin was truly angered by Mok Gan’s provocation.

However, losing her cool in this situation where she was pushed back even after a combined attack would be playing right into his hands.

So Jin Ye-rin responded in a calm voice.

“So that’s your true feelings.”


“They say once bitten, twice shy. How afraid must you have been of our Jin family to be so wary?”

Mok Gan showed a disinterested reaction to her response.

He felt displeased but was trying hard not to show it.

Noticing this, Jin Ye-rin provoked him further.

“Well, if it had been the era when he who was called the world’s greatest was around, a vicious Imaemangyang like you who parasitizes others’ bodies wouldn’t have been able to run wild.”


“Do you think I don’t know that without another’s body, you’re nothing more than a mere eyeball?”


No sooner had those words ended than the veins around the third eye on Mok Gan’s forehead bulged prominently.

It seemed the provocation had worked.

“How dare a mere insect…”

It was at that very moment.

Ghost Blade, who had been constantly looking for an opportunity, launched his body.

He too had shared the third eye and body at one time, so he knew exactly what this being’s weakness was.

Naturally, it was that eye on the forehead.

Despite his injured leg, Ghost Blade flew towards Mok Gan’s blind spot with lightning-fast movement technique, trying to stab the eye with his sword energy.



Before the sword energy could reach, Mok Gan’s avatar lightly turned his head to avoid it and kicked Ghost Blade in the abdomen.


The moment his kick connected with the abdomen, Ghost Blade curved his leg and grabbed it.



The real aim wasn’t himself.

Jin Ye-rin, who had appeared behind Mok Gan’s avatar with a form like the wind, tried to behead him in one stroke.

‘He’s dead!’



But her sword didn’t reach Mok Gan’s avatar’s neck.

Twisting his waist to the side, Mok Gan caught the incoming blade with his left hand.

Although the sword energy raised with innate true energy was much stronger than ordinary strong energy and even had the power to suppress a Imaemangyang’s demonic power,

-Pa cha cha cha cha chang!

Mok Gan’s avatar was truly a monster.

Despite being an avatar, with demonic power surpassing innate true energy, he instead broke her sword.


And with that broken blade,

-Pat! Puk!

He threw it at Jin Ye-rin, piercing her left shoulder.

If she hadn’t twisted her body at the last moment, it might have pierced her heart instead of her shoulder, leading to instant death.

But as her balance crumbled from the shoulder wound,


Mok Gan’s avatar grabbed her neck.

To save Jin Ye-rin, Ghost Blade, who had been wrapping his one arm around Mok Gan’s avatar’s leg, tried to draw out all his remaining true energy to break the leg, but,


Mok Gan’s avatar snorted and kicked Ghost Blade’s face with his other foot.

With a sound like facial bones being crushed, Ghost Blade flew back with a death cry.

-Kung! Kwa kwa kwa kwang!

Ghost Blade flew through the bamboo trees and was buried in the ground.

With his face caved in and disfigured, Ghost Blade tried his hardest to stand up, but it was futile.


His body, having reached its limit, no longer moved.

Mok Gan’s avatar, who had been watching Ghost Blade dispassionately, then lifted Jin Ye-rin by the neck and said,

“Now your struggles are over, last bloodline of the Jin family.”

“Keok keok!”

-Pak! Pak!

Jin Ye-rin flailed to shake off Mok Gan’s avatar’s hand, but having already consumed most of her innate true energy, she had no strength to break free.

Her struggling for breath was even pitiful to watch.

Mok Gan’s avatar seemed to be enjoying this, his mouth curled up to his earlobes.

‘It’s over.’

Although he had lost two of his precious few remaining avatars, he had safely obtained the forbidden technique to merge souls into one, and even dealt with the last bloodline of the Jin family like this, so it wasn’t a loss.


Gradually, the strength left Jin Ye-rin’s body.

Satisfied with her pale face and limbs going limp, Mok Gan was about to twist her neck for a definitive finish.

But at that very moment.

-Kwa ji ji jik!

The sound of something tearing came from somewhere.

What on earth is this sound?

As Mok Gan’s avatar turned his head towards the source of the sound in puzzlement,


It was none other than the floor where the bamboo slips he had crushed had fallen.

Mok Gan’s avatar frowned.

That was because with the third eye on his forehead, he could see space tearing open centered on where the broken bamboo slips had fallen.

‘What is this?’

It was at that moment.


Suddenly, a black line brushed past the air.

‘This is?’

Recognizing it as a strike with concentrated power the moment he saw it, Mok Gan’s avatar hurriedly tried to remove his hand grasping Jin Ye-rin’s neck, but,



His wrist had already been cut off.

And Jin Ye-rin, who had been right in front of him, was no longer visible.

At this, the eye on his forehead moved rapidly.

As it moved, it fixed on someone about thirty paces away.

There, a handsome young man with black hair flying was holding Jin Ye-rin.

It was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

“Kuleuk kuleuk!”

As Mok Gyeong-un removed the severed hand from her neck, Jin Ye-rin, whose breathing had returned, coughed frantically.

As she coughed, Jin Ye-rin couldn’t hide her surprise.

She had thought there was no way for Mok Gyeong-un to return because the bamboo slips had been destroyed.

But how did this happen?

As she wondered, Mok Gyeong-un put her down and said,

“Stay here.”

“Kuleuk kuleuk… M-Mok Young Master……”

“I’ll take care of this quickly.”

With those words, Mok Gyeong-un turned and approached Mok Gan’s avatar.

Seeing this, Mok Gan’s avatar snorted as if in disbelief.

“Take care of this quickly?”


Mok Gan’s avatar raised his rapidly regenerating left hand that had been cut off and said,

“Do you think the same luck will repeat as last time? Back then, it was a new body, so it couldn’t properly handle even a few tenths of my power, but now it’s different.”


No sooner had those words ended than Mok Gan’s avatar’s form blurred and disappeared.

Along with this, he instantly reached in front of Mok Gyeong-un and tried to thrust his sword hilt towards his brow at high speed, but,


Before he could, a sharp sensation brushed past his wrist.

His pupils saw a red line appear on the arm holding his sword hilt, splitting open.



Mok Gan’s avatar hurriedly widened the distance between himself and Mok Gyeong-un.

The eyes that had been full of composure until just moments ago were now filled with bewilderment.

‘…What on earth?’

What just happened?

He couldn’t even properly see the bastard swing his sword.

Even though he was carefully watching the movement with his third eye to avoid being caught off guard.

‘Something… has changed.’

It was different from when he faced him in the Heaven and Earth Society.

As he hesitated to move rashly due to a strange wariness, Mok Gyeong-un approached and said,

“Are you afraid? Why are you keeping your distance?”

At that question, Mok Gan’s avatar’s expression twisted fiercely for a moment.

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