Mystery Hunter

Chapter 3: The Criminal Police Squadron

Chapter 3: The Criminal Police Squadron

So this is the fundamental information of the head of the household? inquired a chubbier cop.

Youre correct, Captain Wang. An Jinzhong spoke up.

Captain Wang stroked his beard and rubbed An Jinzhong on the back: Its difficult work, old friend, going to placate the masses while blocking the reporters. Before the case is investigated, dont let those messy people come up.

I know. An Jinzhong gave a nod.

An Jinzhong took one last look at the deceased before heading downstairs with the police officer from the station. As a police officer, An Jinzhong has never considered becoming a criminal police officer who can reason and probe, but An Jinzhong, a nearly half-century-old police officer, understands that he will never have the opportunity to realise this desire in his life.

He sighed and walked past the residents who were unlocking the fifth-floor lock. He felt that the years would pass without leaving a mark, and he couldnt help but feel desolation in the spring and fall, wishing he could sing a poetry on the spot. After watching An Jinzhong leading the crew away, the resident on the fifth floor peered down.

Jiang He was the guy in question.

Jiang He hurried downstairs with Captain Wang. Captain Wang and his group were approaching from a distance while Jiang He was contemplating how to slip into the passageway under the nose of this policeman. Jiang He considered it, glanced left and right, then took up a single shirt that others had set aside and placed it on his body.

Some detectives were dressed in plainclothes, and Jiang He kindly trailed behind them.

As a result, nothing can be seen on the surface of the earth, and the surface is always the side that people want you to observe. As a consequence, Jiang Hes created an excellent habit. He will constantly perform a thorough investigation of what he sees with his eyes, and pick the finest solution from the countless alternatives in his thoughts.

And Captain Wang in front of him clearly lacked this quality.

Lao An told me to come up and look at it Jiang He exuded confidence.

Captain Wang nodded and sat down to examine the corpse at the entryway, Wu Guifengs corpse, without paying too much attention to Jiang He.

Jiang He was currently standing behind Captain Wang and staring at the dead. His eyes were like a high-speed scanner, scanning all the information about the corpse into his brain, and practically at the same moment, Jiang was thinking about something else. His mind processed the facts.

Female corpse between the ages of fifty and sixty. The female body stood between 1.5 and 1.6 metres tall and was dressed in a green T-shirt and regular black jeans. The pants surface was smooth, and there wasnt any blood on them. The female corpse was leaning against the fifty-centimeter-high shoe cabinet. At this point, the female corpses head was at the height of the shoe cabinet, and her head was lying on the shoe cabinets groove, preventing it from falling down.

Jiang He observed the right hand of the female corpse. The hand of the female corpse was rough. Despite being coated in blood, it couldnt stop the rough and dry traces of time. The female corpses right hand had a thimble on the middle finger, and the dense pit on the thimble was filled with blood.

A knife was placed into the female corpses abdomen at the time. According to the knife handle, the length of the knife is around 10 centimetres, and the majority of the blades have penetrated the abdomen of the female corpse. The length of the blade is unknown. According to Jiang Hes knife research, Jiang He has an 80% chance of proving that the blade of a typical home serrated knife is approximately 12 to 150% of the length of the handle.

That means, the blade measures between twelve and fifteen centimetres in length.

The length of the blade revealed outside the corpse was around three centimetres, implying that at least ten centimetres of the blade punctured the female corpses abdomen. The direction of the hilt is oblique, but it is inward, that is, closer to the face of the female corpse.

Jiang He abruptly turned around when he saw this.

A criminal policeman stood by Jiang He at the time, and he was likewise looking at the corpse with interest.

The investigator was taken aback when he saw Jiang He immediately turned his head, his bloodshot eyes brimming with indifference. He just glanced at Jiang He, and Jiang He rushed over as if he saw the enemy who killed his father. Jiang He clenched his right fist, as if gripping something in the air.

Jiang reacted before the detective could. Hed already punched him with his fist. The rainstorms pear blossom-like fists continued to batter the detective. Jiang He made a lot of movements.

The parts where Jiang He hit the detective were also pretty different. It was the chest once, the stomach the next, and the lower abdomen the third time, which perplexed the detective in front of him.

What are you doing, youre insane! The detective finally roared.

At this point, everyone was staring at Jiang He, unsure of what was going on in Jiang Hes mind.

Jiang He didnt seem to notice the intense gazes of the seven or eight people present. He knelt and carefully examined the knifes edge. The incision entered the abdomen from the upper abdomen, slightly above the navel. What will happen if you pierce ten cm diagonally down from this angle?

According to Jiang Hes calculations, the serrated knife would first cut through the stomach wall, allowing blood and gastric liquid to flow out. If the serrated knife continues to descend, it will cut off the finger.

It is an excruciatingly painful way to die. Jiang He once experimented on pigs, and in this case, the pig died after ten minutes of wailing in anguish.

Jiang, on the other hand In several experiments, he has come to realise a truth. Pigs have a significantly higher survival instinct than humans.

As a result, Jiang He calculated that the female corpse barely lasted three to five minutes after being stabbed in the stomach with a serrated knife.

According to the blood on the ground, the blood created a tiny pool on the right side of the corpse, which corresponded to the location of the female corpse. The blood is destined to flow down this path due to gravity. Jiang He examined the bloodstains with great attention. There were few bloodstains in the form of jets, and the distance was short.

Jiang He stood up, chin held high, and said, My estimate is that there is an 80% risk of suicide. I recently ran an experiment, and the angle and position of the serrated knifes piercing would be different if it was a homicide. It corresponds to a persons natural direction of exertion.

Everyones gaze was drawn to Jiang He.

Jiang He went on: Obviously, a person wouldnt be murdered by someone sitting at this area by herself. If she was stabbed while standing, and then couldnt hold herself back and sat on the ground, the blood would not be spewed out. So, she was sitting when she was stabbed.

Jiang He continued, pointing to the shoe cabinet, She was stabbed after being pushed down or falling, but she was not stabbed if she was pushed over by someone. Or if she fell, she must have struck the shoe cabinet with force, and the shoe cabinet will definitely shift even slightly. But I recently carefully examined the shoe cabinet and found no evidence of friction. Look closely at the shoe cabinet; for those who are leaning against the wall, the shoe cabinets edges and corners have ground a horizontal line on the wall throughout the years.

Captain Wang turned around and noticed a horizontal line ground into the wall on the side of the shoe cabinet that was resting against it. Linear traces appear.

The shoe cabinet and the horizontal line meet snugly, indicating that the shoe cabinet has not shifted in the least. Jiang stated. So I concluded that this person had an 80% likelihood of committing suicide, he added loudly.

Gloves, Jiang says. He said to Captain Wang, who was standing next to him.

Captain Wang gazed at the small police officer who had materialised out of nowhere. His heart was already fried, despite the fact that his expression remained unchanged. Who the hell is this lazy cop? How could he have made such a sensible decision after only a few minutes of observation, which surprised everyone in the room?

Captain Wang eventually took a close look at the man.

A long-unwashed head of hair, a single coat that is clearly much larger than his body, two thick dark circles around his eyes, a face with no variations, and eyes that are icy and harsh.

In a small police station, there is such a formidable person. If there is a chance, let this individual come to the substation, Captain Wang reasoned, then I will save a lot of energy.

And, of course, Captain Wang is unaware of this. The individual who appears to be powerful in his sight is actually a social idler.

Gloves. Jiang became concerned when no one responded. He spoke once more.

A policeman next to Captain Wang handed Jiang He the glove.

Jiang He nodded, put on his gloves, and crouched next to the dead body.

He stretched out and touched the corpses shirt and trousers, both of which were made of rough cloth. The trousers and T-shirt are worn and appear to have been worn for a long period. The T-shirt was plainly a mens t-shirt, and judging on how ill-fitting it was, it wasnt purchased expressly for her.

After seeing this, Jiang Hes head conveyed a message to Jiang He: This old lady is generally very frugal and belongs to the type of person who can save money.

He held his breath and focused on the serrated knife.

Such serrated knives are usual in homes, but Jiang He felt that they were inappropriate in this family. This type of serrated knife is designed for cutting difficult-to-cut meat, such as frozen meat. An old-fashioned Wangmazi kitchen knife is a wonderful alternative for an elderly woman looking to save money when cutting vegetables or meat. Excellent decision.

Because the knifes handle had been flushed, just a small amount of blood was splattered on it, and most of the locations were still clean. Looking further down, the blade was pointed down toward the belly, which strengthened Jiang Hes view that this elderly woman committed suicide.

Jiang He got to his feet and stated, This individual is still 90% likely to have committed suicide. What about the forensic physician? Why dont I see a forensic doctor?

The prior detective was irritated by his statements. Even though Jiang He thought he was only explaining the situation, it sounded a little domineering to the detectives ears. He couldnt stop himself from saying, Youre just a policeman. If you dont have anything to do, go back to mediate disputes between your neighbors and your parents. Who do you think you are? Is it your turn to command here?

Enraged by this crazy move, Captain Wang gently waved his hand. The individual in front of him was obviously out of the ordinary. This was Captain Wangs gut instinct.

There is no criminal investigation technology unit in the sub-bureau, but the city bureaus forensic medicine is on its way. However, I have a question, Captain Wang stated to Jiang He.

[ Translators Note: Please do tell me about the quality and possible mistakes, Ill do my best to fix them as soon as possible, To those whove read so far, Thank you.]

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