Mystery Hunter

Chapter 7: Strange Behavior

Chapter 7: Strange Behavior

Translator: Ca5 Editor: MadHatter

[ TN: Writing style could be little different from now on, Im going to use Yandex translation instead of google one. The issue being Gtrans sees Jiang and He as separate terms and screws up the sentence construction, increasing a lot of effort for me. I hope youll understand. After a mass release, Ill switch to monthly releases until mid 2023.]

Whats the problem?

Captain Wangs words went unnoticed by Jianghe. He continued to pull at his hair with his eyes closed firmly, and after a while, he started to perspire lightly. Perplexity assailed everyone in the room. While they were clueless about what was going on, they could tell Jiang He was in a great deal of anguish.

And at this precise instant, all of Jiang Hes memories and details flooded into his mind like a tide.

Had Jiang Hes brain been compared to a bucket, he believed that the entire Pacific Ocean was contained within this small bucket.

Jiang He, Jiang He, they said.

In an effort to understand what had occurred to Jiang He, Captain Wang rubbed his shoulder.

Jiang He opened his eyes suddenly, and the anguish was palpable in his bloodshot eyes, but he swiftly returned to normal.

Its nothing, its just a minor issue, he explained. Based on my observations of the entire scene, there is a 60% likelihood that a third person was present.

For a time, Wang Chao couldnt stop staring at Jiang He as if he were a different person now than when he was insane earlier.

The traces of madness were plainly apparent on his face moments ago, but Jiang He himself didnt seem to notice it.

He continued, dismissing the astonished expressions from those around him, So we are still far from the truth.

Wu Guifengs suicide after killing He Huijuan was a case proposition that matched the circumstances perfectly, given the traces left at the site.

Yet, all of the present police officers that were in charge of the crime investigation believed that Jiang He, a little-known police officer, whose origin was unknown, was correct.

In a short period of time, Jiang He had already convinced all of the present officers by utilizing his outstanding observation and analysis capabilities.

There was only one exception, and she was Xu Yiman.

Since Xu Yiman was absent during Jiang Hes analysis process, she could not grasp why these individuals would listen to a raunchy, disheveled man who was donning garments that were evidently ill-fitting.

Xu Yiman was also aware that Wang Chao oversaw the criminal police squadron as its squadron leader.

But Xu Yiman remained silent. Xu Yiman always observed folks who had to cut their sides. In her eyes, ladies wanted to converse to gentlemen. And Jiang He would be considered a gangster if he was grudgingly labeled. After all, this tiny and feeble Jiang He had a thiefs heart but lacked the skill.

Whats the problem?

What happened?

A mans voice was heard by all.

The man then said, This is, this is my mother, this is, this is my daughter-in-law, in a wavering voice.

After uttering these words, Li Weiyi closed his eyes and passed out.

Three individualsXu Yiman, Jiang He, and Wang Chaowere present when he awoke.

When Li Weiyi looked around, he found that he was on a bed in a different bedroom in his home.

Li Weiyi recognized his own home while casting a vacuous gaze in all directions.


Xu Yiman took a look at the 30-year-old man. According to Xu Yiman, Li Weiyis true age should be 40 years old. His face was riddled with wrinkles and he had dark black skin. At first glance, he appeared to be exposed to the wind and sun all year. With a lot of white hair hidden in the short hair, the individual appeared to be utterly spiritless.

Perhaps he figured that everything was a dream and that his mother and wife would still be by his side when he awoke. Such a thought crossed Xu Yimans mind as she stared at the poor man.

But the man quickly caught on to reality and could vividly see the three people in front of him.

He couldnt believe it and asked, All of this, is all of this true?

Li Weiyis voice trembled and his speech was sluggish.

Xu Yiman wished there was a way she could tell him it was all a dream, but there was none.

Your mother, Wu Guifeng, and your wife, He Huijuan, were found dead at home.

The hour of death is around three hours, so two individuals passed away about eleven this morning. Where were you at eleven? asked Jiang He.

Jiang Hes interrogation tone was distinctly heard by Li Weiyi. I- fu*k you. Damn you, are you saying that I killed my wife and mother! he exclaimed with a flushed expression. Get the hell out of here!

Li Weiyi was going to surge forward and beat Jiang He after that.

Even an honest person would find it challenging to accept that they were accused of killing their own mother and wife.

Li Weiyi, who was acting hastily, was restrained by Wang Chao.

Wang Chao could only tell Jiang He to go out first and wait for Li Weiyi to cool down since Li Weiyi was in an emotional state.

Even so, Jiang He remained motionless, and Xu Yiman was unable to continue watching. She grasped Jiang Hes arm and dragged him out of the room to the stairwell.

Whats the deal with you?

Xu Yiman remarked, her fists trembling, Dont you know that it should be sad for others to confront such a big thing? Do you think its appropriate to say this to him now?

Jiang He remained motionless as he listened to Li Weiyis voice, who was still swearing inside, and asked, What? Is there an issue? Theres a 30% chance that Li Weiyi had returned. You dont have a complete picture of the circumstances at the scene, so youre missing some details, the scene

I am a forensic doctor, not a detective, I am only responsible for inspecting the body and providing you with useful information, replied Xu Yiman in fury as she stared at Jiang He.

But bear in mind that these corpses were all once living people with families and emotions. I dont think anyone who cherishes life would say such things in front of the deceaseds relatives. With that, Xu Yiman entered the room. She turned her head as she stepped through the door and said, Im not targeting you either. I understand your actions as well. Of course, investigating the case is important, but the world is already awash with darkness. If you can, just try to maintain as much gentleness as you can.

Xu Yiman was more confronted with life and death as a doctor and forensic doctor than the average person. She could tell that losing a life meant much more than just turning into a corpse. This truth was understood by Xu Yiman, but not by Jiang He, who was standing at the door.

Jiang He paid no heed to Xu Yimans remarks at all, consequently, her words had no impact on him.

In his mind, Xu Yimans voice was automatically bypassed, and instead, Li Weiyis yelling was heard.

Jiang He did not learn anything from Li Weiyis yells, which were alternately sorrowful and indignant.

All that remained senseless weeping and shrieking, and curses like fuck your ancestors to the eighteenth generation

Despite Captain Wang Chaos best efforts to console him, Li Weiyi could not stop.

After eventually calming down his emotions, the police were able to carry out a simple information inquiry on Li Weiyi.

The inquiry was limited to asking whether there were enemies and if there were any abnormalities when he went out.

And Li Weiyi offered a firm no in response.

Jiang He was observing Li Weiyi as he answered the question.

Li Weiyi sported a conventional outfit consisting of a black suit, a white shirt beneath, and a pair of black leather shoes.

Based on his attire, Li Weiyi was like an ordinary office worker in this city.

Jiang He, on the other hand, noticed subtleties that others had neglected as well as details that were easily overlooked.

This black suit should cost around one hundred RMB. The worth of this outfit wont go beyond 300 RMB, as per Jiang Hes past experience. This was evident from the coarse fabric. Even though the black suit appeared to be gray, it did not seem to have been washed all year.

The white shirt was crumpled, and the collar was turning yellow as he peered inside the suit.

This clothing had undoubtedly been worn for some time.

Jiang He noted that the suits trousers were discolored with a dark substance that he identified as rubber residue.

And while the heel of this pair of leather shoes displayed substantial signs of wear and tear from prolonged use, Li Weiyi has yet to replace them.

Jiang He repeatedly labeled Li Weiyi while he was gazing at him. He was frugal, didnt like to dress up, and struggled to communicate with others.

And this reminded Jiang He of Wu Guifeng, the mother of Li Weiyi.

These labels were almost identical to those on Wu Guifengs body.

Wu Guifengs pants were made of poor-quality material and should have been made of cheap synthetic material.

The green short-sleeved sleeves did not fit, and her sons clothes were clearly on her body.

The only time Wu Guifeng used a thimble was while she was using a needle to stitch.

On her finger, Wu Guifeng wore a thimble rather than a ring. She had never seen a ring more stunning than this one.

Wu Guifengs constant carrying of a thimble revealed that, despite being at odds with another person, her outlook on life could be saved.

I wont say anything superfluous, but I promise you that I will help you find the murderer as soon as possible and get justice for your family, Wang Chao said, This is the best I can do. But, I hope youll be open to cooperating with us at the same time. After all, we need your help to apprehend the murderer at the earliest opportunity.

Li Weiyi gave a nod.

Wang Chao concluded by saying, So thats it. You return and give us a comprehensive account first, and then we will look into it once more on the scene.

Li Weiyi glared angrily at Jiang He as he passed by.

Dont care about that, Wang Chao uttered as he sighed and patted Jiang He on the shoulder.

Jiang He gave a headshake. I dont care about this, but have you noticed that there is a certain thing missing in this family, and everyone has this thing? By the way, Wu Guifeng might not possess it, but He Huijuan unquestionably did.

Wang Chao suddenly remembered a college riddle, Is there anything male or female?

Do you happen to have this thing? Wang Chao shook his head.


And how about me? Wang Chao inquired once more.

You must as well.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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