Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2267: Blue Moon City

Chapter 2267: Blue Moon City

As the ethereal light faded, Yun Lintian found himself inside a similar, spacious hall. He glanced around briefly and stepped out of the formation.

A female receptionist quickly stepped forward and said, "Hello, Esteemed Guest. Welcome to Blue Moon City. Would you like to transfer to another location or stay here?"

Yun Lintian gave a polite smile to the receptionist. "No need. I'd like to explore the city a bit first."

The receptionist returned the smile. "Of course. If you need anything, please feel free to ask."

Yun Lintian nodded and walked out of the hall, leaving the receptionist behind. He found himself in a wide, bustling street. Though the city was called Blue Moon, it was bathed in warm sunlight.

The buildings had a distinct architectural style, blending elegance with practicality. The air hummed with divine energy, much denser than in the Divine Light City.

As he strolled down the street, he observed the people around him. Most of them were divine- level cultivators, and there were a few ordinary people walking around, which was quite rare.

Yun Lintian wandered through the market, his eyes taking in the sights and sounds. He wasn't interested in buying anything, but he enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere. He noticed a few glances directed his way, some curious, some appraising.

After a while, he decided to find a quieter place to rest. He spotted a teahouse tucked away in a corner of the square. The teahouse had a serene ambiance, with bamboo screens and bonsai trees decorating the interior. The air was filled with the soothing aroma of tea.

Yun Lintian entered the teahouse and found a table near the window. He ordered a pot of tea and sat back, enjoying the view of the bustling square.

As he sipped his tea, he couldn't help but overhear the conversations of the other patrons.

"Have you heard? The Nine Hells Gate is appearing again."

"Yes, I heard. I'm afraid they're going to kill a lot of people this time."

Yun Lintian's ears perked up. He didn't expect the Nine Hells Gate to be so rampant.

"Alas. Our lives will be difficult again."

"Who said no? I hope the Misty Cloud Palace will do something."

"Speaking of the Misty Cloud Palace, they're going to hold a grand ceremony soon."

"A grand ceremony? What ceremony is that?"

"I don't know, but I heard it's related to the former saintess."

Yun Lintian's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know who the former saintess was. Hopefully, it wasn't his mother.

He continued to listen to the conversations, gathering information about the Holy Lands and the various factions within it. It was a complex and fascinating world, full of opportunities and dangers.

As the sun began to set, Yun Lintian finished his tea and left the teahouse. He had a long journey ahead of him, and he needed to prepare. He found an inn and rented a room for the night.

Sitting on the bed, Yun Lintian took a deep breath and closed his eyes, absorbing the surrounding divine energy. He wanted to see how fast he could progress here.

A moment later, Yun Lintian opened his eyes with an astonished expression. He discovered it was roughly twenty times faster than in the outside world. It was no wonder cultivators here could improve their strength extremely quickly.

Unfortunately, Yun Lintian wouldn't benefit much from this. Even though he could absorb the energy very fast, it would still take him decades to make another small breakthrough.

Unless he found a place similar to the Azure Spring Grove, he could simply forget about improving his strength further here.

Yun Lintian put this matter aside and began to study the map. The Misty Cloud Palace was located on the center plain, not far away from the Divine Moon God City. It was quite far away from here.

After roughly memorized the map, Yun Lintian laid down and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Yun Lintian woke up refreshed and ready to embark on his journey. He left the inn and headed back to the bustling market square. His first task was to find a way to travel to the Misty Cloud Palace.

He approached a stall selling maps and travel guides. The stall owner, an elderly man with a long white beard, greeted him with a warm smile.

"Welcome, young master. How may I assist you today?"

Yun Lintian returned the smile. "I'm looking for a way to travel to the Misty Cloud Palace. Do you have any recommendations?"

The stall owner stroked his beard thoughtfully. "The Misty Cloud Palace, eh? That's quite a distance from here. The fastest way would be to use a profound ark ferry service."

"Profound ark ferry service?" Yun Lintian inquired, intrigued.

"Indeed," the stall owner nodded. "As for the grand formation, unless you have a recommended token, you cannot use it."

Yun Lintian asked, "Where can I find such a service?"

The stall owner pointed towards a grand building in the distance. "The Profound Ark Ferry Terminal is located at the edge of the city. You can't miss it. It's the tallest building in Blue Moon City."

Yun Lintian thanked the stall owner and made his way towards the terminal. As he walked, Yun Lintian saw a few groups of city guards patrolling around. They appeared to be looking

for someone.

He soon arrived at the terminal, a magnificent structure made of white jade and adorned with intricate carvings. The terminal was bustling with activity.

Yun Lintian entered the terminal and approached the ticketing counter. A young woman with a pleasant smile greeted him.

"Welcome to the Profound Ark Ferry Terminal. How may I assist you?"

"I'd like to purchase a ticket to the Misty Cloud Palace," Yun Lintian said.

The woman checked her records. "The next profound ark to the Misty Cloud Palace departs in two hours. The journey will take approximately one week. The ticket price is 100,000 low- grade divine stones."

Yun Lintian nodded and paid the fare. The woman handed him a ticket and directed him to the boarding area.

He found a comfortable seat in the waiting lounge and patiently waited for the departure time. As he waited, he observed the other passengers. There were cultivators of all ages and backgrounds, some traveling alone, others in groups.

Finally, the announcement came. "The profound ark to the Misty Cloud Palace is now boarding. Please proceed to Gate 3."

Yun Lintian stood up and joined the queue. He presented his ticket to the attendant and boarded the profound ark.

"Please cooperate with us. We are looking for criminals."

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