Nameless King

Chapter 1033 The Strongest

Unlike Plant World, where the most important thing was to find peace and coexist peacefully with plants, things were different in Axalt World.

The people here were not lacking in dignity, on the contrary, the Axalt were extremely respectful of the older generations and also put more perseverance into their training than others.

However, their main goal was to become as strong as possible, but Axalt never forgot to respect others, as getting strong was not their only goal.

That is why every Axalt respected their Ruler, for he was the strongest Axalt, as well as the other Progenitors of their races.

They knew what their Ruler was capable of, but the biggest reason for their respect was the temple he was in. Only the most talented of the Third Chronicle could reach the first floor, the Fourth Chronicle could barely make it to the second or even third floor. And, only the God Stage Axalt could climb to the very top with relative ease.

However, even God Stage Axalts couldn't just walk to the top. They had to use their skills and vast experience to prevent the wind from injuring themselves. Not only was the wind dangerous, but so was the ice, since the higher it was, the colder it was.

"Agh... I thought this would be a bit more interesting..." Alucard muttered climbing up to the second floor.

He had reached the first floor a while ago and besides the wind, he was also hit by powerful frost currents. His body started to be covered with thin ice that should have held him back, but Alucard just stepped forward with an emotionless expression.

"Well... I guess that shouldn't happen, right?" Osvald muttered with a confused expression.

"Yeah." Marlis nodded, "It's hard to believe, but if Alucard didn't have such insane regeneration, he would have died several times by now. Just look at this insanity!"

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

It seemed like the wind was alive, as it became so angry that Alucard didn't even try to resist. The wind became faster and sharper, revealing Alucard's bones and tearing up the skin from his face.

He should have felt a terrible pain that would have made him do something about it, but Alucard didn't even flinch. For someone who had been an immortal for a long time, pain had long since ceased to be something meaningful.

"Hmm... It looks like this wind actually has some sort of consciousness. Well, in that case, we can start a dialog." Alucard serenely said before snapping his fingers.

All his wounds instantly healed, his speed literally increased several times over, and his body became stronger, so now the wind couldn't even scratch him, though it tried with all its might.

Alucard stopped, took a deep breath, and raised his hand slightly.

"If you have a mind, you should realize that against me you simply don't stand a chance. Everything you do is nothing more than a refreshing stream of air for me, nothing more. Well, I'll show you that." Alucard's eyes sparkled as he unleashed some of his aura.

Crimson energy streams traveled towards his hand, creating a powerful pressure under his palm that quickly turned into a vacuum. The wind shuddered as it at Alucard's will, headed towards his palm, shrinking into a sphere.

"See...? I don't possess the attribute of wind, yet I can still control you simply because of my power. So... You better stop annoying me." Alucard calmly said before hiding his aura once again.

The wind was given freedom, and as Alucard assumed, it did not attack him. Wind was just afraid of him, or rather this situation since Wind didn't understand what needed to be done.

"Well, looks like it's my turn now. It won't be good if, because of Alucard, this wind stops putting the others to the test. We need to fix that." Gael calmly said with a slight smile before stepping into the temple grounds.

The wind did not immediately attack him as it did with Alucard, which caused Gael to smile bitterly.

"Damn, that was expected. However, I didn't expect you to be so timid. Come on! Unlike my friend, I will do things by the book. I have the sword and the skills to give you a decent fight! To make you realize that I am worthy to rise to the top!" Gael said as a sword woven from ash particles appeared in his hand.

His sword was one of the most powerful weapons in the entire world, however, right now Gael was not going to act seriously and reveal his scars like in the fight with Alucard. He just wanted to have fun and get the wind back to normal.

Gradually, the evening began to try to attack Gael. In response, Gael reflected the currents with smooth movements, nothing serious.

The farther Gael passed the stronger and more confident the wind became, as if it were a real person.

Gael was a master with a sword, so it was no problem for him to climb up to the third floor without even getting a scratch. By then he had already caught up with Alucard, who was pacing leisurely. He did it slowly as if he was waiting for his friend on purpose.

"You decided to waste time on it...?" Alucard asked as he glanced at Gael.

"Yeah. Why not? It's quite interesting. Maybe you should learn the art of the sword too? Knowing how to use a sword is something every man needs!" Gael said with an excited expression.

Alucard waved his hand, "Enough of this nonsense. I don't need a weapon. My body is the weapon."

"Hah, I didn't expect any other answer. That makes you pretty predictable, you know?" Gael smirked.

Alucard didn't answer anything, he just shrugged and quickened his step, heading toward the top of the temple.I think you should take a look at

Gael nodded.

"Well, it's time to call it a day. Don't forget that you're supposed to be a test for anyone who enters this territory." Gael said calmly, addressing the wind, "My friend just doesn't know how to be polite."


Gael swung his sword, dispelling the currents of wind around him in an instant. He did it with ease, though even God Stage Axalts would probably spend a lot of energy just to get to the top.

Step. Step. Step.

Alucard and Gael, together, climbed the last staircase until they reached the end.

At that moment, Wain, Marlis, Sven, and Osvald finally saw the one that Alucard and Gael had come here for.

At the top of the temple, in the center of a huge stone platform that looked like an ancient arena, sat a single person.

It was a man with long black hair, his eyes were closed and in his ear was a jade earring. He was wearing a spacious white mantle, something similar to the one Gael wore.

His legs were crossed in the lotus position, as his sword floated in front of him. It was a long blade, with a smooth and sharp blade, a marble-carved guard, and a long hilt.

"You have come at last." The man said quietly, but his voice spread for hundreds of meters around, bringing with it majesty and power.

Gael smirked, placing the sword on his shoulder.

"You still spend your days training the same way, don't you?"

The man nodded silently.

Step. Step. Step.

Alucard silently headed forward with a slight frown.

"Hey, you have visitors, can't the great ruler of the Axalt World behave like a gentleman?" Alucard said sternly as he stopped, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Hm? Did I invite you?" The man replied coldly, "You intimidated the defenders of my world, one even injured, then came here and frightened the frosty wind that for hundreds of years has protected this place from any unworthy."


The man stood up abruptly, grabbed his sword by the hilt, and made a swing. In a heartbeat, Alucard was split in two, everything happened so fast that even he didn't have time to react.

Obviously for any creature such a wound would mean inevitable death, however, Alucard simply recovered.

"What was that?" Alucard frowned, he wasn't even angry even though a killing move had just been used against him.

The man slightly opened his eyes which were blue, deep, and cold like ancient glaciers.

"Weren't you bored when you came here?" The man glanced at Alucard, "You came here to talk about the Great War, that's obvious. However, are you worthy of me listening to you?"

Alucard raised an eyebrow, "What...? I did not expect to hear something so profound from you. You and I are on the Transcendence Stage, and it is abundantly clear that we both stand at the very top of this world."

The man nodded, "Yes, but, I'm not talking about power. What about your spirit? Unlike Gael you didn't take the test, are you so arrogant that you have no respect for nature itself?"

Alucard smirked, "Nature...? If I want to, I can power the whole world with my energy! And... Hearing that I'm arrogant to you is quite ironic. This world doesn't know anyone more arrogant than you."

The man shrugged, "Well, you can think that way it's your right. Either way, you're going to have to prove that I'm worth listening to you."

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

At the same moment, the man let out some of his aura, and everyone felt a chill go down their backs, even Sven and Wain.

"Hah, I didn't expect anything else from him." Wain smirked insidiously as he stared intently at the man, "Progenitor of Axalts, Liang, The Strongest One."

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