Nameless King

Chapter 109 Goblins New Allies

The fire goblins disabled the mechanism, and Wain eliminated the cause of the flames. From the mechanism, unusual lava was flowing down the pipe, and Wain decided to take a closer look at it, so he headed toward the tank.

'This lava is in a wooden tank. Could it be some kind of special wood, or is this lava not really very hot?' Wain thought as he approached the tank.

The fire goblins had already turned off the mechanism and were just watching Wain's actions.

As he approached the tank, Wain ran his hand over the lava. To his surprise, the temperature was not too high.

'Hmm, it looks more like boiling water than lava. A normal person would get a burn if they were in this lava, but skin and flesh would not burn. Moreover, given my stats and passive skill, this lava would be like a warm bath for me.' Thought Wain.

"Hey, can one of you guys explain to me what this is?" Asked Wain.

One of the goblins nodded and stepped forward. The goblins were intelligent creatures and realized that Wain could not understand their words, so the goblin decided to act differently to get his point across to Wain.

The goblin pointed to the lava and then to the wound on Wain's arm. He did so several times, then drew a plus sign on the ground.

"You want me to stick my wounded hand in there?" Wain asked.

The goblin nodded.

Wain shrugged and did as the monster advised him. He saw nothing strange or dangerous in it. The lava of this temperature could not do him any damage.

Wain slowly lowered his hand to his elbow and immediately felt a pleasant sensation. This lava was more like an airy foam than a liquid. Wain immediately felt better, and the regeneration process began.

"Huh, not bad," Wain muttered and took his hand out.

Wain then threw off his cloak and began to undress. He got completely naked and moved his stuff into the Ring of Damned.

This lava increased his regeneration, and for Wain, this was great news. Even given his Vitality, it would take him about half a day to heal all his wounds naturally.

Wain took a step forward and was about to plunge into the lava tank when suddenly the ceiling shook.

Wain became alert. He thought it was some dangerous enemy.

"Take cover somewhere!" Shouted Wain to the goblins. They were his allies now, and he couldn't let anything bad happen to them.


Half a second later, a hole formed in the ceiling, and a black silhouette dropped down next to the massive mechanism.

It was an unexpected appearance, but when Wain saw the silhouette, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, it's you, Zero...I thought I was about to get naked to fight." Smiling Wain said, looking at Zero.

She came here because from above, she could detect a small stream of fire coming from below. This place was above the mechanism, so Zero decided to punch through the ceiling to deal with the fiery hotbed. But, by that time, the goblins had already disabled the mechanism.

Zero was puzzled. She hadn't expected to meet Wain here, but when she looked at him, she forgot how to talk.

"Wwwwwwwwwwwww..... Wain?!" Zero said with difficulty. She was discouraged, for Wain was naked.

That situation Zero would remember for a long time. In front of her was a completely naked Wain and dozens of goblins not far from him.

Zero immediately covered her face with her hands and looked away.

Wain smirked, 'Huh, didn't think she was that shy.'

He then plunged into the lava tank. As Wain supposed, it felt just like a hot bath. At that moment, Wain experienced heavenly pleasure. His whole body was relaxed, and his wounds were gradually healing.

"Zero, did you want something?" Asked Wain lying in the lava as if in a hot spring.

Zero turned around, and seeing that Wain was in the tank, she calmed down. The recent scene she would never forget again.

She wanted to say something to Wain, but suddenly she saw goblins. At that moment, she frowned and instantly attacked the monsters. The fire goblins flinched in fear and tried to run away.

"Stop!" Wain said harshly without getting out of the lava.

Zero turned around and said, "What?! But they're monsters! We have to kill them."

"Don't be silly. These creatures are completely harmless. They can't even hold a knife in their hands." Wain replied calmly.

"But... because... they're monsters..." Mumbled Zero. She could not understand Wain's actions. This situation seemed strange and wrong to her.

"It doesn't matter. You should not fight monsters or humans but those who intend to harm you. Cast aside your prejudices. The race is of absolutely no importance. It's the actions and intentions that matter." Said Wain.

Zero stood silently in one place for some time. She pondered Wain's words.

'Is Wain really right, and can monsters be friends? I don't understand...' muttered Zero to herself.

But then the silhouettes of the scientists who were experimenting on her in the lab appeared in her mind.

'No, Wain is completely right. Many humans are more monster-like than humans, so race is not the deciding factor.' Thought Zero and looked at the fire goblins.

They no longer tried to run away, for they realized that Wain would not let her hurt them. But, they were still wary and treated Zero with distrust.

"Fire goblins are pretty nice creatures. Moreover, they understand human speech. Try talking to them." Said Wain.

"Is it true...?" Unsurely asked Zero.

The fire goblins nodded their heads in the affirmative.

"Wow..." Zero said smiling. At that moment, she felt like she was talking to some kind of animal. It was a strange but cool feeling.


Wain climbed out of the lava, and Zero turned away again.

"Don't just stand there. Join me. I don't mind." Said Wain turning to the goblins. "Zero, you too if you like. This lava has healing properties."

Then he plunged back into the lava. The goblins smiled, ran to the pool with joyful faces, and jumped into it.

"I... I... I... with you...??" Zero muttered uncertainly.

,m "Ahahahah, come on, stop being shy. You're wounded. This lava will help you heal faster." Said Wain pointing to the bloody stain on Zero's leg.

Zero nodded and took off her clothes, and plunged into the lava. Wain did not look at her so as not to embarrass her further.

Wain was amused by the situation. He was no fool and understood perfectly well what Zero was experiencing right now.

"This lava is really something incredible. I can feel my wounds healing." Said Zero.

"Yeah, let's lie here for a few minutes and then head upstairs. I've already solved the fire problem. It was all about that mechanism." Said Wain.

"I see. You're ahead of the game as always."

Wain shrugged, "It wasn't my fault. It was just a coincidence. But, more importantly, it's the fire goblins. I spared these monsters for a reason, they're harmless, but it's not enough that I let them live. Every one of them is a blacksmith."

"What?!" Zero said shocked. She didn't think such small and clumsy creatures could have skills in blacksmithing.

"I was surprised, too, but they do. As strange as it sounds, at this point, these monsters are more useful than most people in Last Light." Said Wain.

Zero nodded.

For the next ten minutes, they rested and waited for their wounds to be healed.

Then Wain jumped out of the tank and quickly dressed, and Zero did the same.

"Okay, it's time to go back." Said Wain, and the fire goblins climbed out of the lava.

"I agree, but how do we move the fire goblins upstairs? There are only two of us and thirty of them. We physically can't do it." Zero said puzzled.

Wain shook his head, "That's not the biggest problem we have to solve. I want to get not only the goblins out of here but also this lava and the mechanism."

He looked at the goblins and asked, "How does this thing work?"

One of the goblins stepped forward and led Wain after him.

After a while, Wain nodded and muttered, "I see. In fact, this mechanism could be called a large alchemical machine. In one of the legs is placed coal or any other fuel. In the second leg, various herbs are placed. In the third leg is placed water. In the fourth leg is placed lava or any high-temperature reagent. Am I right?"

The goblins nodded affirmatively.

The mechanism for producing healing lava was technically like a massive cauldron that stood on four legs. The legs were pipes through which the necessary reagents entered the cauldron.

The cauldron also had several pipes through which the excess and various impurities came out. If no mistakes were made at the end of the process, healing lava could be obtained.

"So are these goblins also alchemists?" Zero asked.

But, suddenly, the goblins shook their heads.

"I don't think so. There are no materials suitable for creating such a mechanism here. Moreover, it is almost impossible to find suitable herbs and plants in this location. Most likely, this mechanism was here originally."

"Is that possible?" Zero asked.

"Yes, since the Nest is created because of the large amount of Soul Essence concentrated in one place. Perhaps this mechanism came from another space. There are many different monsters and materials in this place. Moreover, it's a two-level Nest." Said Wain.

"I see. Wain, what do we do? How do we get this mechanism upstairs, as well as the lava tank?" Asked Zero.

"I don't know, I have one option, but I'm not sure it will work." Said Wain and touched the mechanism.

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