Nameless King

Chapter 1131 Blue Rain

Chapter 1131 Blue Rain

After a few rounds, the colosseum suffered again, or rather Gael's attack was powerful enough to break one of its walls, punching through it Ereg.


As the power of the energy came to an end, Ereg finally stopped, falling to the ground with his broad back and spurting out a mouthful of blood.


Gael cast a calm glance at his opponent, not at all worried about the future of their battle. He knew Ereg wouldn't stop there.

"Damn... Scars, partial time travel back, three kinds of ash, and now this weird sword... Not to mention initial physical power and bright flames strong enough to win against most creatures..." Nitra muttered, listing everything she had seen.

Liang nodded, "Yeah, Ereg has just as much ability, probably even more. However, that aura of death emanating from the black ash transformation is actually frightening."

Alucard shrugged, "In fact, he just created a protective area around him so that Ereg can't defeat him just because of his superior speed. But, it's unknown if Ereg has a way to counter it."

Step. Step. Step. Step.

Gael moved forward at a leisurely pace, getting closer to Ereg but staying within the colosseum. A full minute had passed, but Ereg still didn't budge, though it was obvious that Gael's attack wasn't powerful enough to defeat him.

"Hm? What's he up to?" Gael muttered, tilting his head in confusion.

Ereg took a deep breath, slowly rising from the ground. Since it was the palm attack that knocked him outside, there were no cuts on his body, but there were many small wounds with trickles of blood dripping from them.

"Shit, that was unexpected. Death energy? A special zone where time runs differently? I wonder... What should I do then?" Ereg muttered then a mad grin appeared on his face.

At the same moment, some of the green energy covering him somehow turned blue, just a small plume on top, but it was obvious to everyone that the green ghost wasn't really green.

"What the hell...?" Gael was wary as he swung his sword, enlarging the death zone around him.

Ereg extended his arm, pointing at Gael, and then he snapped his finger.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

The ground shook as a stream of green energy with bits of blue energy erupted from beneath it. The stream was far away from Gael as if it had no intention of harming him.

Then, with each passing second, more and more of these streams, or geysers, filled the arena with dozens of pillars of green-blue energy.

Gael narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing Ereg and each of the energy pillars. He didn't understand what their purpose was, but he didn't have to let his guard down.

Ereg nonchalantly entered the arena area, pointing upwards.

Although it could have been dangerous, Gael looked up only to see hundreds of green droplets and a few blue ones that were heading towards him. This was real rain that was going to reach the ground very soon.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Ereg smirked as he watched the green drops enter Gael's death zone.

As expected, the blobs slowed down, slowly making their way through the black zone, through Gael's aura.

However, somehow, there was no limit to the blue drops, their speed remained the same as they fell on Gael's shoulders.

"What...? How is it possible...?" Gael muttered in disbelief, he was sure that nothing could ignore the aura of death. After all, how could death be ignored?

"Surprised? Yeah, you definitely didn't expect to see that. Hey, take a closer look, these blobs are safe, at least for now." Ereg offered with a wave of his hand and a kind smile. 

Gael's pupils narrowed when he saw the inside of the blue droplets a flame, though it wasn't fire but just what looked like energy imprisoned within them.

"Ether...?" Gael's eyes went wide with goosebumps all over his body.

When he said that, everyone was surprised, even Wain and Sven, who were ghosts watching the fight from afar.

Everyone knew that Ether was one of the three unique powers of this world. That didn't mean that whoever possessed them was considered the strongest, because there were many other unique attributes and abilities, but Ether, like Chaos, was usually not subject to any laws.

In fact, technically there were only two forces beyond the laws of this world - Ether and Chaos, because the third in its full strength possessed only one person - Wain or Nameless King.

His ability to destroy all barriers and rules in his path was unofficially named Gluttony, particularly because he was a human and his energy took the form of jaws.

There may have been many beings who tried to follow a similar path as Nameless King, but none had ever managed to reach the same level of Gluttony's ability to ignore rules like Chaos and Ether.

"What...? Ether...? That's his main power? No, it's all about his ghost..." Liang muttered in a disbelief.

Although he didn't possess any of the three unique powers, his abilities could scare anyone. However, no one dared to underestimate Ether or Chaos, because the appearance of these two powers could change the course of the battle in a moment. 

"Not bad, right? To be honest, when I first ghosted Green One, I was more surprised than you. You can't be expected to suddenly create an ether, but maybe it was just luck, who knows?" Ereg smirked before stepping forward.

In a heartbeat, he found himself right in front of Gael, one more step, and he would have entered Gael's death zone.

Gael gripped his sword, preparing to attack.

'No matter what he can create ether, his body is still mortal! Nothing has changed!" Gael internally exclaimed, preparing to block Ereg's attack.

Then, Ereg stepped forward and brought his fist down on Gael. As he expected, Eregl's arm slowed as it entered the death zone, so Gael had time to react and counterattack.

However, a blue blob flew in front of him, falling on Ereg's fist.

At the same moment, Ereg's hand regained its previous speed, crashing down on Gael's face.

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