Nameless King

Chapter 71 The Return

'Damn, why couldn't I just go back without incident. Judging by her words and tone, she's not going to let go of me that easily.' Thought Wain.

Wain didn't expect Agnes to have such a hard time understanding him. He understood that she was serious, and that was a big problem.

"Agnes, I already told you I don't need followers. I'm not interested in that. It's your wish for me to be your master, but not mine. I don't have to do what you want me to do." Said Wain. He tried to change her mind about the decision she had made.

Wain's words stunned her, for she realized that her words and wishes were illogical.

'If I want him to be my master and yet he does not want it, does that not mean that I am going against my master's will? But...then what should I do?' Agnes pondered.

"Agnes, the world on the other side is dangerous, and you should be concerned about your own safety first, not anyone else's. By the way, as a watcher, you must have some powers, don't you?" Asked Wain.

Agnes nodded, "Yes, but that's not exactly true. Since I'm a watcher in this area, I'm pretty strong, but I'll lose all my powers after this space collapses. The only power I'll have left will be my physical power."

"I see. Once you get your soul, though, you can become quite strong again. Moreover, most of your abilities are aimed at creating and activating this portal, am I right?"

"That's right. I can easily stand up for myself. But I don't want to follow you to protect me. Of course, I am no match for your power as I would not get the pearl of soul. I will follow you as it is my duty." Agnes said seriously.

'Damn, she's harder to change her mind than getting that pearl.' Thought Wain.

"All right, then, I'll ask you a question. Do you intend to follow me and obey even at the cost of your life?"

"Yes." Agnes was quick to answer such a serious question.

Wain nodded and slipped his hand under his cloak. The next moment his knife, which he hadn't used in a long time, appeared in his hand.

"Then I guess you won't mind if I kill you." Wain said coldly and attacked Agnes with lightning speed.

His hand became a blur, and his knife instantly reached Agnes's neck. The girl didn't even have time to react, but...

Suddenly Wain stopped. The knife blade tip led to a stab into Agnes' skin, and a scarlet trickle of blood poured down.

"Looks like you weren't lying. You didn't even try to retreat, even though you saw me attacking. The seriousness of your intentions and your resilience is astounding." Said Wain looking into Agnes' eyes.

"If my words were empty, then I would have no right to live." Agnes said seriously.

"You're pretty adamant. You know, if you were a crazy maniac, I might even fall in love with you." Said Wain and took the knife away from her neck.

"Agnes, what we'll do is this. I agree to become your master, and my first order is for you to no longer obey or follow me. You must live for yourself and do what you want. Otherwise, you will perish and never be able to reach true heights." Said Wain.

"What? can't do that!" Said Agnes. She didn't understand how it was possible to give such strange orders.

"You can, you think too narrowly, there should be no boundaries for you, and you should do what you wish for yourself, especially when the apocalypse has begun. That's it, I've had enough of this circus. If you pester me again, I'll kill you for real." Said Wain and headed for the portal.

Wain had no reason to kill Agnes. This girl had done him no harm. On the contrary, with her help, he could get out of the area and learn a lot. But, if she continued to hinder him, he would run out of patience.

Agnes wanted to say something and object, but Wain wouldn't hear her anymore. He jumped into the portal and, a second later, found himself in a spatial rift.

'The door to Sven's bar is still here. Great, I can visit neutral zones when I enter Void and when I leave Void. Unfortunately, all the souls I got in the pagoda I already used. I'll visit him next time.' Thought Wain and stepped toward the inky door.

He opened it and, as he expected a few seconds later, found himself in the main hall of the laboratory. There still lay the carcasses of the scientists and the two monsters Wain had recently killed.

Wain's Ring of Damned glowed, and a phone appeared in his hands. He looked at the time and muttered to himself, "I've been in that space long enough. It's only two hours until dawn. I need to get some sleep, I've been exhausted."

Wain took a quick bite and headed toward the lab's exit, but suddenly he saw part of the wall behind him turn to ink. Then Agnes came out of there.

She looked at Wain and said, "I've thought about what you said, and if it's your will, I will only act in my own best interest. I will not annoy you again."

Wain smiled and nodded, "It's good that you understand that. I'm going somewhere safe where  my new friend. Will you go there with me, or would you prefer to go somewhere else?"

Agnes hesitated and, after a while, answered, "I don't know this world well, so I need to learn more about it first. I will go with you as many other people there have information useful to me."

"Clever, then until we get to the university, we will work together." Said Wain.

Agnes nodded, and they walked toward the exit of the lab. As Wain suggested, the robotic samurai weren't done fighting yet. They had to choose a new King of the Nest, and they would cross their swords until they did.

"What are they doing?" Agnes asked. When she saw these creatures, she prepared to attack and was ready to fight. But then she saw Wain walk past them, and they didn't even pay attention to him.

"Fighting for power and strength, though that's what every living thing on this planet is doing right now, just not in such a formal way.

We may be attacked by monsters outside this park, and perhaps some of them will be pretty powerful. It's practically been twenty-four hours since the apocalypse started." Said Wain.

"I thought all the monsters were just out to kill and wreak havoc," Agnes said, surprised, looking at the robotic samurai.

"I thought so, too, until I saw these creatures. Now I realize that such thinking is rather primitive and narrow. This world is vast and varied. Therefore, it should have been obvious that not all monsters behave in the same way. They are somewhat similar to humans." Said Wain.

The next moment, the last cigarette he had was in his hand. He used the engraved lighter and blew out a puff of smoke a second later.

Wain muttered, "Perhaps some monsters will be able to communicate and understand human language. In that case, they could be called a whole, new race if their numbers and strength are large enough."

"Don't you hate the idea of monsters talking and interacting with humans?" Agnes asked. She was surprised at Wain's words.

"Hmm? Of course not. If you think that such monsters are very different from humans, you are sorely mistaken.

Believe me, I've seen people so disgusting and horrible that monsters are just minor problems compared to them. Monsters look awful on the outside, but some people on the inside are far more terrible than monsters."

"But... Even if such monsters don't dislike and disgust you, that doesn't mean that other people will have the same opinion." Said Agnes.

"You're right, but not completely. If monsters capable of communicating and understanding human language appear, they will first be enemies. But, then, if they are not hostile, they will become strategic allies and partners. People will gradually begin to get used to them."

Wain sighed and continued, "Then the bond will strengthen. Trade will begin, and more cooperative activities will take place. Then, after a while, these monsters will no longer be monsters.

They will be a new, human-friendly race. That's all there is to it. I'm sure something like that could happen in the future. But, it depends on too many factors."

"I see. Despite your age, you are quite wise. I will remember your words." Agnes said seriously.

"Wisdom? No, my words are based on logic, a mercantile interest, and my complete indifference to all those I don't care about. If I don't worry about people, why should I feel prejudice against monsters if they will act like people?" Proclaimed Wain.

Agnes didn't answer anything. She followed Wain and pondered his words. Agnes was much older than Wain, but he had experienced dozens or even hundreds of times more events than she had. His experience in every aspect far exceeded her own.

A couple of minutes later, they were out of the park and into town. Wain decided to use his previous tactic and climbed onto the roof of the nearest building. Agnes had no problem doing the same.

The park was quite far from the university. It would take Wain and Agnes about an hour to get to the university.

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