Naruto- Secret Sage

Intense training schedule

Intense training schedule

Honestly speaking I should have seen that outcome coming from miles away given how closely related the two techniques were. Unfortunately I was rather overconfident in my own abilities and paid a hefty price for it as a result. It was bound to happen sooner or later I suppose with how eager and careless I was with messing with new techniques. Still even this incident was valuable for me as it not only warned me of a dangerous possibility but also gave me an idea for a new technique.-

See that horrible torque that my body had experienced had enough power to not only injure me but even do a serious near fatal amount of damage, so imagine what it would do to normal shinobi? The trick was figuring out how to replicate that same effect safely and preferably far away from me. Obviously I wasn't going to try and figure it out now after just recovering but it would be a project for the future. I was also entirely done messing with the [rasengan] as I saw no point in continuing to work with it after "completing" it by adding elemental release to it.-

Sure I could try adding the unusual chakra releases that my beast's had but why should I when the technique wasn't my style? It didn't suit me is all, not that there was anything wrong with it but I just preferred my normal techniques instead. It was probably personal pride if I'm being honest as most of my techniques were made by me or at the very least something I developed based off of imitation. The only thing that didn't fall in this category was the shadow clone jutsu, iryonin jutsu and the jutsu I copied from the village library. Even still I rarely used any of these things in battle other than iryonin jutsu.-

The [rasengan] was a different matter entirely as it was a complete technique technically and I barely had to do anything to get the elemental variants of it. Even then the essence was still basically the same. It wasn't like the jutsu I learnt and then turned into something new by adapting them to sage chakra. Anyways I took it easy for a while on my training with my chakra armor under penalty of paperwork by my sensei and enforced by Karin who had gotten uncomfortably clingy after my near death experience.-

Even my beast had gotten protective after that with one of them constantly nearby like I was just going to suddenly keel over by breathing wrong! Like I get WHY everyone was so freaked out about it since this kinda thing was rather serious but I am a shinobi which was a dangerous profession inherently. Ok so maybe killing yourself on accident wasn't all that common but that was still no reason to act like I was made of glass damnit. Thankfully after a couple weeks everything went mostly back to normal and I could get back to work training hard with my chakra armor.-

Compared to when I started my chakra armor had come a very large way as I had gone from barely being able to cover a finger to covering a whole arm, most of the upper portion of my chest and up to my other arms mid forearm. I was oh so tantalizingly close to being able to cover both of my arms at which point I could start working on extending the armor down my belly and legs. I was saving my head for last as the chakra network and nervous system there was particularly delicate.-

I can't really say much changed over the next year as everyday I woke up, ate breakfast, trained my chakra armor, ate lunch, trained some more and then grabbed dinner with Karin from somewhere. I still had a mitosis clone working in the hospital so I didn't have any missions to worry about and could focus my attention. The village itself had some changes though that i can talk about. First and foremost was that the whole place had electrical wires running through it and had modernized a noticeable amount. -

My peers had also started to mature as they much like myself were in their mid teens now at fourteen and fifteen years old. It had made a bit of a fuss when it came time for my birthday and I refused to celebrate it but it's not like I could be forced to do so either so it had to be left alone. I still got some gifts though but nothing really memorable. Naruto also had his birthday shortly after I had mine but since he was out of the village we had to send the gifts to him through delivery.-

It wasn't anything crazy just some money and my notes on the [rasengan] that he had made a big part of his go to arsenal. I certainly couldn't blame him for it as while it took a lot of chakra and control even the base version was a hard hitting technique. I suppose I should mention that there was a little bit of a fuss about me figuring out the elemental variants of the technique after Naruto told Jiraiya who was training him. Honestly I didn't see a reason for all the dramatics about me not telling anyone about it considering only like seven people in the entire village could use the thing.-

It wasn't really even a go to technique for those people other than Naruto and Jiraiya either as Kakashi literally never used it in battle and the Hokage guard during the Fourths time were pretty much retired and/or never left the village. Throwing a fit about me not mentioning it after that as a result was stupid in my opinion but it was whatever at this point. My sensei actually had the nerve to ask if I had made improvements to any other legacy jutsu of the village like I actually had the time to do something like that with my busy schedule.-

Hell I probably wouldn't have even learnt and messed with the [rasengan] if it wasn't for me thinking I'd gain inspiration for my chakra armor in the process. I didn't by the way, complete waste of time on that front. Another change in the village was that thanks to Kiseki the harvests of food and herbs had skyrocketed which meant we were gaining much more income from shipping out the stuff we had excess of, which was a lot.-

Thinking about it there was in fact one thing that happened involving myself that was unexpected. My land had started to show signs of becoming a sage region tainted with my unique natural energy signature. As it turned out me residing in a very heavily natural energy rich area for a long period of time had started to cause my own constant intake and expel of natural energy to "taint the surroundings a bit, it really was very minute though unlike the other sage regions.

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