Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 5: The Grind Begins 4

Chapter 5: The Grind Begins 4

Something was off here.

Laying across a tree branch in his chosen training ground, there was a frown on Daiki's face.

It had been ten days since he'd visited the shinobi library archive. With a new ninjutsu to learn, a new taijutsu style to focus on, study material to pour over and physical conditioning to lose himself in, he'd thrown himself into training.

It was so easy to lose himself in the training when he had actual things to learn and strive towards and see the ever increasing numbers the status screen reflected back at him.

The increases he gained, were amazing. But, odd, very odd.

[Name: Daiki Yurei]

[Age: 13]

[Chakra Capacity: 4700/4700 (Elite Genin)]

[Strength: 23.8/500]

[Endurance: 32.8/500]

[Durability: 23.8/500]

[Agility: 23.8/500]

[Taijutsu: 99/500]

[Ninjutsu: 30/500]

[Genjutsu: 10/500]

[Bukijutsu: 15/500]

[Chakra Control: 146/500]

[Chakra Affinities:]

[Lightning - (N/A): You have no training with this element.]

[Fuinjutsu - (Novice): You have reached the level of a Novice.]

His physical abilities had increased by around fifty percent give or take, his chakra control had grown a decent little bit, and his chakra capacity had outright doubled once more.

…Only, it was now listed as Elite Genin. Meaning, more than five times the amount of chakra he had when he woke up, still didn't compare to a chunin.

The scope of things was getting harder and harder to judge. If this amount was only Elite Genin, then just how absurd of an amount did the Hokage have, or the likes of Naruto?

But putting that out of mind, the most explosive growth of all, was his Taijutsu score, it had outright doubled as well in the past ten days. The thing was, he'd broken into the nineties four days ago.

Since then, it was like pulling teeth trying to increase it, even training himself into the dirt going through the Feather Fist forms every day until he dropped, netted a two or three point increase.

'I suppose there's only so fast I can grow going through the forms over and over.' he mused. He had no experience using it in a proper fight.

Well, he'd probably get the chance sometime soon to test it out. He was running pretty low on funds, he only had a bit over forty thousand ryo left right now, it would probably do him another week, a week and a half at most before he needed to hit up a mission.

Still, cowardly as it may be, he found himself leery of going on any missions that might see him meeting other shinobi in combat.

Delivery missions tended to lead out of the Land of Fire, so they were out for now. He supposed he could just stick to D-ranks for a bit, or see about any other C-ranks close to the village.

Maybe he'd be lucky and there'd be a group of bandits or something cooped up somewhere? They'd probably be closer to the daimyo's court though in the capital and the smaller villages near it rather than close to Konoha.

There wasn't much else he had to do right now, beyond continue with his training, while he was hitting a kind of soft cap in his taijutsu and such, that didn't mean his physical conditioning was the same and of course, there was his fuinjutsu studies.

He'd managed to learn how to make storage seals, and he was so so close to being able to make explosive seals successfully, only fifty percent of them blew up in his face now!

'I suppose there's the hospital like Shiho said.' Daiki thought, banishing the status screen with a thought. The Mystical Palm Jutsu would be an amazing help, not only for increasing his training gains and dealing with injuries, but also…

It was the jutsu Nohara Rin used to implant Hatake Kakashi's Sharingan.

There was no way he could see him getting his hands on any sharingan. The only ones who had them, were Danzo and Tobi or rather Obito.

And maybe Orochimaru.

But yeah, getting his hands on any of their possessions, was a pipe dream. They were all Kage level shinobi. Fuck that noise.

At the same time though, it wasn't like the Sharingan was the only dojutsu around.

It may be scummy, but, he'd confirmed the existence of a current rogue shinobi, among others. One by the name of Kurosaki Raiga, the current holder of the Kiba blades. One of the legendary seven swordsman blades, or two of them he supposed, which would go very well with his lightning affinity now wouldn't it?

The scummy part was, he knew of a convenient, weak target with a very interesting set of eyes who was with Raiga.

He would kill two birds with one shuriken.

Not that he was set on the path, it was just an option that was open to him. It would be a long while before he was capable of hunting and killing a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsman Of The Mist after all, even if it was the weakest of them all.

'Alright, first Mystic Palm, then I'll do a mission.' Daiki decided on, slipping off of the tree branch and dropping to the ground, then disappearing in a blur of speed as he made his way back into the main village area and towards the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, he couldn't really think of how to go about things beyond asking the nurse stationed at the front reception desk about it.

Thankfully, she was quite helpful and directed him towards the right wing of the hospital, to the very top, just below the rooftop.

It was quite a big building, and on the way, he even noticed a familiar pair of water storage tanks that got blown open during a certain fight.

The area he was directed to, was a long winding corridor, leading towards a pair of large double doors. In front of the doors, two scrub-wearing ninja stood on either side, guarding it.

Because he couldn't sense chakra and the fact they were wearing scrubs and nothing else, he couldn't really gauge what level of shinobi they were, but, going by the fact they were both grown men, he'd say chunin going with his gut.

"Is there something you need?" the one on the right asked.

"Yeah," Daiki grimaced a bit, trying to figure out what to say, before deciding on just being upfront, "I got sent over this way by the nurse at reception, I'm looking to see about getting some medic ninja training."

Their faces were utterly covered beyond their eyes, but he still made out an eyebrow raising, "Huh, don't see much kids your age nowadays trying to learn this, good on you," the man chuckled, "The only other one your age attempting the training currently is that bun haired girl that's failed three times now over the past year to get the Mystic Palm Technique down."

Huh, that would be…Tenten? He remembered she had an arc where she wanted to learn med-nin jutsu to be like Tsunade, but lacked the chakra control and that was why she went into learning how to use fuinjutsu to back up her bukijutsu.

"Weird, seems like really useful stuff to know." Daiki replied with a shrug.

"Well, kids your age are more interested in learning how to breath fire balls and shoot lightning bolts," the man snorted.

He then reached into his scrubs and pulled out a rolled up scroll, "Still, despite your interest, you still gotta learn this jutsu, come back when you think you have, and we'll test you, this is the basic qualification you need to be a medic ninja, if you can't even learn this, well, you can't, simple as that."

Daiki raised an eyebrow, but caught the scroll when it was tossed towards him, "You just keep these on hand to give out?" he asked dubiously.

The medic ninja shrugged, "The head medic is a testy guy, very busy, always on the move and seeing to patients," he replied, "He set it up this way so he wouldn't be bothered by anybody but those that have the potential to be medic ninja."

Daiki grimaced, a voice floating through his ears, as he remembered his genin test.

"Look, I have a lot of duties and some special things I want to pass on. I'm looking for those with great potential. If you can't even land a single hit on me, three on one at your age, then that ain't you guys, so come at me, you have one hour."

Fucking Genma.

"Right, I'll get back to you then when I'm done with this, thanks." he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and bid goodbye to the two medic ninja guards and continued on his way.

He unrolled the scroll as he walked, idly reading through it as he made his way outside.

At the very top, the scroll went into the name of the jutsu and the general uses, and there were quite a lot. While it couldn't set broken bones, it could mend them if provided enough chakra, it could also repair skin tissue, reconnect nerves and more among other things.

It was recommended, that one must have mastered the Tree Walking and Water Walking exercises before attempting the jutsu and even then, that wasn't a sure fire way indication of being able to learn the jutsu.

As far as hand seals went, there were only two, a pair of modified variations of the Ox and Tiger seals.

And listed at the bottom was the test he would have to pass. He would have to use it, to save the life of a large fish that had been stabbed and left out of water to suffocate.

Poor fish, that was some hardcore shit.

"…Back to the training ground I suppose." Daiki sighed. This was probably going to take a decent while if the time it took him to learn Tree Walking and Water Walking was anything to go by.

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