Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 7: The Message

Chapter 7: The Message

(Music: Senya)

After Kakashi's Graduation, Kozuki's life at the Academy became even more comfortable.

With no one to bother him for a spar every now and then, Kozuki continued his happy life of eating Bento with Kurenai and training the rest of time.

On the other hand, the person who killed the Kiri spy even after so many months of Investigation couldn't be located as it became a mystery.

Hokage Office

"Stop the investigation" said Sarutobi sitting on his seat wearing the Hokage attire to the Anbu in front.

"Tell Danzo about this, maybe he can find the Killer" said Sarutobi though he doubted that Danzo won't know of this matter.

"Yes" nodded the Anbu as he went outside leaving the deep in thought Sarutobi.

"How long will this peace last" thought Sarutobi looking at the prosperous village through the window as he knew this peace was only temporary.

It's been nearly a decade since the last War and Most Villages had nearly recovered from it.

Land of Fire was rich with numerous resources and the other villages all wanted a piece of land for themselves already causing two wars.

"I hope it'll last long enough for the younger generation to grow" thought Sarutobi as he smoked heavily.


1 Year Later

Ninja Academy.

"As expected from one of my Eternal Rivals but I'll never give up and my youth will shine one day" shouted Might Guy as he got up bruised a bit from the ground.

"I believe that day will come soon" said Kozuki to Might Guy who he had defeated just now in the assessment with just one punch.

Might Guy became even more energetic after hearing his words and started a lap of running around the ground.

"Kozuki-Kun won again..."

"So Amazing..."

The little girls around shouted for Kozuki cheering for him.

"Damn! this guy is getting more and more stronger" said Obito gritting his teeth looking at Kozuki.

"Here Kozuki-Kun" said Kurenai to Kozuki handing him a towel though he didn't get tired at all from the fight earlier.

"Where did you get this" asked Kozuki a bit speechless holding the towel looking at Kurenai.

"Do you hate it" asked Kurenai looking at him angrily.

No... said Kozuki sighing as he wiped the already clean face with the towel as Kurenai nodded in satisfaction.


"Take care Kozuki-Kun" said Kurenai waving to Kozuki as they both went in opposite direction after the school towards there home.

On his way home, Kozuki noticed the atmosphere of the village a bit wrong wondering what happen.

Spotting a group of people talking about something, Kozuki arrived near them as he heard their conversation.

"Yeah! White Fang failed the mission..."

"That bastard because of him the village lost so much face...."

"Yeah wasting the village resources..."

"So that's what it is" thought Kozuki as he immediately understood the matter.

White Fang for saving his companion decided to abandon the mission which was a noble deed but some people took advantage of it.

"These bastards" said Kozuki looking towards the Hokage Building.

Kozuki knew it was Danzo who was fawning the flames but Sarutobi didn't stop it obviously wanting to ruin his reputation.

The only difference was that Sarutobi didn't intended to kill him while Danzo wanted to kill him.

"I can't let this happen" thought Kozuki as he wanted to stop this suicide.

Kozuki already regarded Kakashi a close friend of his so he didn't want him to turn into an emotion-less person like he was in his teens in the original.

"But how should I stop this" thought Kozuki as he couldn't go simply to Kakashi's house and say not to commit suicide.

Not to mention Danzo must have put his eyeliners near his house to keep an eye on him.

Kozuki knew that stopping his suicide was rather easy as Sakumo only needed someone to approve his actions.

After some thinking, Kozuki thought of a way to save him though he wasn't sure it will work but this was all he could do.


Outside White Fang House,

"Get out White Fang..."

"Come out you bastard..."

Outside Sakumo house a lot of people were gathered shouting and ridiculing him.

Kakashi stood at door looking at the people scolding his Dad who he admired so much wondering was task really that important.


Suddenly a loud sound rang throughout the street as a visible pressure spread destroying the walls around and all the ordinary people in front of Kakashi suddenly fell down passing out.

"What was that" Kakashi immediately became vigilant totally fine as that pressure didn't affected him at all.


A Kunai flew out from an unknown direction as it hit the door behind Kakashi.

"Who is it come out" shouted Kakashi but there was no answer as he looked at the Kunai noticing a white paper stuck on it.

Holding the Paper, Kakashi saw it was folded with words written "For White Fang"

"A message" thought Kakashi wondering whether he should deliver to his father but finally decided to give it to him as he went inside.


At a roof of a building some distance from Hatake House,

Few figures wearing black rob and masks covering their face sat on the ground on one knee gasping for breath.

"What was that an illusion or something else" said the person wearing a monkey mask.

The other shook their heads not knowing what it was as they decided to report it to Danzo.


"This was all I could do" said Kozuki looking at Kakashi going inside with the letter.

This year his Template extraction has reached 27% and he has unlocked one of Shanks most fearsome ability: Haoshoku Haki.

The ability to enforce your will on other as the weak didn't have a chance to stand against the King.

After looking around and after assuring no one saw him, Kozuki flashed away disappearing from the place.

(Read 35 chapters ahead on /NavyKing6666)

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