Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 14: Results

While the teachers were calculating the final scores, all the students were waiting around in the training grounds. Fujin internally laughed while noticing, 'Wow, some of them are so nervous, it's so cute, hahaha. Only the 2 yawning Naras and Teru look calm.'

After adding up the scores and cross-checking, the teachers finally came back, led by the Hokage himself. Hiruzen gave another inspiring cum brainwashing speech while praising everyone for their efforts and the display of their talents. After his speech, Genki walked forward and displayed the results on a board.

As Fujin expected, he was the one ranked first. The scores of Top 5 were : Fujin : 100+20+30+44 = 194

Hana : 100+13+29+46 = 188

Teru : 96+12+30+48 = 186

Nobu : 98+13+30+40 = 181

Yori : 95+09+30+42 = 176

Fujin, looking at his rank, was very satisfied. It was as he expected. However, on taking a deeper look and checking the scores in each individual category for him and others, he was a bit shocked, 'Damn! I'm ranked one only due to the leaf concentration competition! If I didn't build a huge lead there, then Hana would have outranked me and Teru would have been tied with me! I didn't expect anyone else to get a 100 in written exams.'

He exhaled a long breath of air in relief, 'I guess I have been incredibly lucky with the marking system of the leaf concentration competition. Chakra control is where I am much superior to these kids from the clans. But sadly for them, their specialities weren't marked in this manner. Yori and Teru could have easily scored much more if the Shuriken competition was made more difficult. Similarly they'd have been much superior than everyone if Ninjutsu was tested. After all, Fireball jutsu is a rank C jutsu. I am sure Genki would have noticed this too. So next year, the marking scheme might be different. Perhaps other exams would be marked similar to the best scorer as well.'

He concluded his thoughts with, 'Even though I ranked first, I still have much to work on. I shouldn't slack off. Instead I should be intensifying my training. I'm sure these guys would be trained hard by their clans during the vacation.'

After coming out of his thoughts, he noticed those around himself. He noticed that Hana and Teru were looking at him with a very aggrieved look. As if he had done them a huge injustice. After a second be realised, that they were probably mad due to the results of the leaf concentration competition. He just decided to ignore them.

After displaying the results, Hiruzen wanted Genki to announce the prize. However after looking at Genki, Hiruzen felt as if Genki was looking very grumpy. He began to guess what made him so irritated. Wondering if he could get to hear an interesting story. He decided to ask him later.

Genki was really irritated. He thought, 'This brat! For 10 fucking months he didn't answer a single question in the class. Always seemed half distracted. Who knows what the fuck he does with his left hand always under his desk. The one time I tried to check, all I found was a lot of soil under his desk! And now he scores a perfect 100 on written exams? Don't tell me that after he goes home, all he does is study.'

Right then he felt like the Hokage was looking at him. Seeing Hokage looking at him, he understood what Hokage wanted and quickly announced, "Alright everyone, be silent for a while." After getting the class's attention, he continued "As I had told you guys on the first day, Lord Hokage would come here to watch your performance. However, there's an additional reward for the one who scores the highest in this exam. The best student can ask Lord Hokage for a reward."

On hearing this, the civilian kids were surprised. While the kids from clans seem to already know this. Genki announced loudly, "Suzuki Fujin, step forward."

Fujin walked forward while thinking, 'I wonder what are the limits of the reward. Can I ask for private tutoring from him? Any forbidden or rank S jutsus? Or better yet ask for the scroll of sealing? Hehe, I wonder what face he'd make if I asked for the scroll of sealing or something like Edo Tensei! Oh well, need to show proper respect now I guess.'

When Fujin reached in front of Hiruzen, he bowed respectfully. Seeing that, Hiruzen was very pleased. He smiled kindly and said, "You've performed really well. I can see that you have worked really hard to be able to rank 1st in your class. The will of fire burns strong in you." Fujin thought sarcastically, 'Yeah, right'

Hiruzen continued, "Ask what reward you'd like." Fujin took a glance at Genki, and was a bit surprised at his irritated look. He then looked towards Hiruzen and respectfully said, "Lord Hokage, I would like to get seals that can replicate the effect weights have on our physique, but without any detrimental side effects."

Hiruzen was a bit surprised by what Fujin asked for. However he soon nodded and said, "Alright. However it will require some time to be prepared. I'll call you to my office when it is ready."

Fujin tried to show a very happy and enthusiastic expression. He said in an excited manner, "Thank you very much lord Hokage."

After that he retreated back among the kids. The exams were finally over. Fujin, who had already grown used to the new routine provided by Genki, would finally have better means to strengthen his physique. However before they were dismissed, Genki announced that they would have a class tomorrow. Hearing that most of the kids groaned. Students from other divisions already started their vacations 2 days back. Genki however tried his best to assure everyone that this will be the last class.

Next day, everyone was present in the classroom. Genki arrived and the class greeted him. A few were still upset at being called for class.

Genki started by saying, "Before we start, I have to say that I am very proud of your performance yesterday. Keep up your hard work and soon you all will be splendid Shinobi."

Hearing that calmed down the upset ones. He continued, "I hope that you guys continue your training in the vacation as well. As for today's class, don't worry, it'll be very exciting for you. I will be talking about what options are available to you guys in the future. That is what type of ninja you can become."

After that, Genki started telling them what all options are there in the future. He started with the easiest one to understand, the Medic-nin. He explained what a medic ninja does and emphasized their importance in a squad. He even mentioned Tsunade in order to increase the interest of his students.

He followed it up with various other possibilities like Assault ninja, Tracking ninja, Sensor ninja, Hunter-nin, Infiltration ninja, Communication ninja and so on. He explained the benefits of each and every one of them as well as their restrictions and limitations as well as the risks associated. He also gave a good role model for each option.

He also explained about specialising. He explained, "Genjutsu, Taijutsu, various elemental Ninjutsu, a ninja could become very powerful if specialized in one of these. But having basic capability for the rest is important too. Otherwise you will have a lot of weaknesses."

He explained more about them. The lecture continued for 2 hours straight. Around 10 am, Genki finally ended his lecture. He said, "Alright, with this now you are officially on your vacations."

Fujin was very happy with this lecture. He thought, 'Finally, I got a chance!'

Many students got very excited and started celebrating. However Genki raised his voice and continued, "BUT, think about what we talked about today. Discuss it with your parents and decide the optimal way for you to train. If anyone has any doubts, they can consult me. I'll be in the staff room till noon."

With that he finally ended his class. Many students just ran out of the class. Fujin instead went to the shuriken training ground and started practicing. After half an hour, he decided to visit Genki.

On reaching the staff room, he knocked and entered after being permitted. Genki was the only teacher present. It made sense as vacations had started.

Looking at Fujin, Genki was still irritated a bit. However after a few seconds, he let out a sigh and thought, 'Forget it. I guess he is just too reserved to actively participate in class.'

Fujin was puzzled by looking at Genki sigh. He called him to get his attention, "Sensei"

Genki replied, "So, what queries do you want to clear?"

Fujin replied, "Sensei, could you update my workout routine again and also tell me more about those seals and how to use them?"

Genki nodded and took a look at his workout routine again. After considering the addition of seals, he made a few changes to the routine and asked Fujin to follow them. He said, "Alright, follow this plan and if you get comfortable, you can increase the pressure that the seals can put on you. However don't increase the pressure a lot or you can get injured and won't be able to practice for weeks."

Fujin nodded, "Thank you sensei." However he still stood there and asked something Genki would have never guessed. He said, "Sensei, I thought about the roles you mentioned during the lecture. And I'm really interested in being a sensor. So can you tell how I should train for it?"

Genki was really surprised by this request. Not able to understand the reason, he asked, "Why do you want to become a sensor?"

Fujin replied confidently, "Sensei, if an enemy sneaks up on me or my team in the future, being a sensor would help me save all of us. Also I'll be able to detect enemies from far away and prevent us from falling into any ambush. That's why I wanted to become a sensor." After finishing, Fujin smirked internally.

Genki was surprised a bit by the answer. All the stuff that Fujin just said, was what he himself had said in class. He thought, 'No wonder he scored full in written exams. But still, something doesn't add up. He seems a bit too interested in becoming a sensor, it's not something that can happen in merely 2 hours. It's as if he knew about sensors beforehand."

He asked, "Since when did you want to become a sensor ninja?"

Fujin wasn't ignorant of the fact that Genki could have found this request a bit suspicious. He acted to show that he was nervous, and said, "Um… I wasn't aware of sensor ninjas until today's lecture." He then sheepishly rubbed the back of his head while saying, "However I was thinking along those lines from the day you snuck up on me in the library. If it was an enemy, he could have killed me without me even knowing what happened."

Genki was stunned by the reply, 'I never thought that a simple incident as that had such an impact on him. And that was merely his first day! Sigh. Whatever, I guess I'm the one to blame for this obsession of his.'

He then replied, "I am not a sensor, so I won't be able to help you with this." Hearing that he saw a dejected look at Fujin. Fujin was thinking, 'Oh please, not another trick again! I don't wanna wait till next year's final exam!'

However, Genki had good news for Fujin. He continued, "However, I have a good friend who is a sensor and is in the sensor division of Konoha. I'll ask him to train you over the vacation. I hope you don't have any other plans for the vacation."

Fujin put up an excited expression, while thinking, 'Oh, I do have a lot of plans, not just for the vacation but also for the next year or two!' and said, "No sensei!" in an excited manner.

Genki smiled and said that he'll pick up Fujin tomorrow at 8 am. Fujin then took his leave.

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