Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Chapter 655 - 649 : Training (1)

Chapter 655: Chapter 649 : Training (1)

"This will be my training for the entire month?" Naruto muttered in disbelief and shock. It took half a minute for him to snap out of it. He jumped and complained loudly, "No way! Do you want to kill me???"

Fujin broke out into laughter and said, "Be careful of what you say while boasting. You should have seen your face, hahaha!"

Naruto turned his head away and pouted in annoyance at being fooled yet again by Fujin. As soon as he did so, he noticed 5 kids running towards them. They stepped right next to him.

Sayaka said, "Sensei, we're here."

Yuji looked at Naruto and said, "Looks like you got here before us, Naruto."

Naruto looked at them and asked, "Will you guys be joining the training too? That's cool!"

Before any of them could answer, Fujin said, "That's enough chit-chat. They are here to learn as well as to help you prepare for the exam."

He deactivated Naruto's Training Seal and asked, "Naruto, are you ready for your real training for the Chunin exam?"

Naruto immediately forgot about the previous prank and said excitedly, "I am, believe it! What jutsu are we training?"

Fujin's students were curious as well. Fujin said, "Before we begin, I wanted to ask you something. According to you, which jutsu is better? A rank C jutsu or a rank A jutsu?"

Naruto confusedly asked, "Wouldn't rank A jutsus obviously be better? What sort of question is that?"

Fujin glanced at his students as well and asked, "What do you guys think?"

Sayaka, Hikari, Takeshi and Shoma answered, "Rank A jutsus."

Only Yuji thought for a few seconds and answered, "Rank C jutsus!"

All 5 kids looked at him. Naruto asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

The others were curious as well. Even Fujin wondered what he was thinking. With a smug expression, Yuji answered, "Sensei wouldn't ask such a simple question. So, it is obviously a trick question. That's why I said rank C!"

All the 5 kids looked at his smug face with a deadpan expression. Fujin chuckled and said, "Not bad thinking, Yuji. Unfortunately, you're incorrect."

Yuji's smug look disappeared. He asked, "What is the right answer then?"

Fujin smirked and replied, "The correct answer is that both have their advantages and disadvantages. Hence, neither is better than the other. So, none of you were correct."

All 6 of them stared at Fujin with deadpan expressions. Yuji said, "That's such a boring answer."

Sayaka said, "Yeah, it's too diplomatic, sensei! What use is diplomacy to us?"

Fujin chuckled and said, "On the contrary, diplomacy is very helpful for any ninja, young lady. You should always know how and when to be diplomatic."

Naruto annoyingly said, "We are ninjas. Why would we engage in diplomacy instead of fighting?"

Fujin raised an eyebrow and asked, "What Hokage do you want to be if you don't want to do diplomacy?"

Naruto immediately shut up after that question. Fujin turned his gaze towards all of his students and said, "Irrespective of whether you become someone in a position of power or if you just focus on combat and missions, diplomacy along with negotiations will always be useful to you.

During missions, you may find yourself in a situation where you can't defeat your opponent. Or, you could be in a situation where you don't want to engage in a battle. Perhaps you want to chase after something and want the person obstructing you to give way without combat. Or you could be facing multiple opponents, whom you can't defeat together and may want to turn them on each other so that you have a chance at victory.

In all such situations, diplomacy will help you. You might be able to get your job done with the least amount of effort."

Naruto and Fujin's students paid careful attention to Fujin's words. Knowing how experienced Fujin was, they valued his words a lot. A sly smile appeared on Fujin's face as he added, "And of course, if you think that diplomacy isn't working, you could suddenly attack and kill your opponents before they know that they are under attack."

Everyone's eyes widened. None of them expected Fujin to say something like that. Naruto muttered, "This... Isn't that unfair?"

Fujin chuckled and said, "You're a ninja. Why do you want to play fair? Hit the enemy when they least expect it and win your battles while ensuring that no one does the same to you."

Fujin's students thought for a bit and nodded. Naruto nodded as well but he still wasn't entirely sure.

Fujin said, "Anyway, we've gone off-topic. Naruto, you can use the Great Breakthrough jutsu, correct?"

Naruto nodded. Fujin asked, "If another ninja can use the Great Breakthrough jutsu as well, will both your jutsus be equally powerful?"

Naruto instinctively answered, "They should be... Wait!"

As he was answering, he recalled his previous interactions with Fujin. He corrected his answer, "Normally they should be. But the Wind jutsus you use are much stronger than mine. Why is that?"

Fujin nodded and asked in return, "Good observation. Why do you think it is so?"

Naruto immediately began thinking. After half a minute, he answered, "I initially thought that it was just because you are good at it due to having practiced a long time. However, no matter how much I practice, I can't seem to improve them to your level."

Fujin nodded and said, "You're correct. Though practice plays a part, the reason why my jutsus are stronger is due to another factor. Can any of you guess what that factor is?"

Fujin asked his students. They thought for a bit before shaking their heads. Fujin answered, "That factor is the amount of chakra used to create the jutsu."

Naruto asked, "Chakra? What do you mean?"

Fujin answered, "I can infuse more chakra into the jutsu than normally required. That is why my jutsus seem so much more powerful."

Naruto's eyes widened. He asked, "You can do that? That's so cool! Wait, will you teach that trick to me???"

Naruto immediately became excited. He had long been a fan of how destructive Fujin's jutsus were. After learning the Great Breakthrough jutsu, he trained for a long time to emulate Fujin's destruction but failed to do so. The 5 Kiri orphans also became excited to learn it. If they could increase the scale of their Kekkei Genkai jutsus, then their attacks would become far more terrifying.

Fujin replied, "Yes. But first, observe this carefully. I'll show you the difference between the two ways of using the jutsu."

Fujin gathered his chakra and said, "This is the normal Great Breakthrough jutsu."

Fujin blew intense winds in front of him. Due to his previous training, the training ground had become quite barren. Only a few lucky or unlucky trees still stood in the interior of the training ground. The branches of those trees waved in the air while a few leaves were broken off and flew a long distance away along with dust and other things on the ground. Other than that, no destruction happened.

Fujin asked, "This should be how strong your Great Breakthrough jutsu is, right Naruto?"

Naruto answered, "Yeah, that's right."

Fujin said, "This jutsu consumed a minuscule amount of my chakra. Now, I'll display a Great Breakthrough jutsu that is created with 5% of my chakra!"

Fujin took a deep breath once again while concentrating 5% of his chakra into the jutsu! A second later, he exhaled intense and sharp winds! The winds immediately tossed a layer of soil into the air and flew away at a very rapid speed! The few remaining trees in the way finally joined their fellow martyrs. Despite standing behind Fujin, all six of them felt the winds and covered themselves.

Hikari muttered, "That's incredible!"

Takeshi said, "Yeah, if it was directed at us, we'd be dead!"

Sayaka agreed and said, "Yeah, I don't think my defenses would hold."

Meanwhile, Naruto exclaimed, "That's only 5% of his chakra? This is nuts!"

Fujin ignored the commotion in front of him and said, "The technique of infusing more chakra into a jutsu is called Supercharging a jutsu. Of course, not all supercharged jutsus are the same. Their effect will vary depending on how much chakra you infuse into the jutsu. There is another thing you need to consider.

Even though the destruction and power are very high, it does have two drawbacks. The obvious one is that your chakra will run out faster if you use it repeatedly. During a battle, you'll only be able to use this a few times. So only use it when you know it can give you the best results. Which is the second drawback?"

[A/N: Initially had written Fujin training just Naruto. Realised later that it would be a good opportunity to show Fujin guiding his students as well and teach them supercharging jutsus too (granted it won't be very beneficial for them at this stage due to limited chakra). So rewrote the chapter.]



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