Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 675: Target Kumogakure???

Chapter 675: Target Kumogakure???

'However, there is one big problem!'

As Ay analyzed calmly, he discovered some anomalies. He thought, 'There is no question about the fact that Konoha has schemed something. Otherwise, we wouldn't have learnt about Fujin leaving Konoha, let alone about where he was heading. Their real scheme should be what is giving me this bad feeling. However, what could their scheme be?'

Immediately, Raikage recalled two things. The first was him telling Darui to protect the village while he wasn't there. The second was the Fuinjutsu Grandmaster saying that there was one unknown seal among the explosive seals.

His eyes widened in shock as he realized, 'Don't tell me! Did those bastards actually do this to lure me out? Is Konoha brave enough to launch an attack on Kumogakure? Besides, even without me and Bee, Kumogakure is still very strong. They wouldn't be ab…'

His eyes widened even more as he recalled Jiraiya's attack on the mine that killed over 250 Kumo ninjas! He thought, 'Even though the village is strong, without me and Bee, we won't be able to stop their rank S ninjas easily. What if their plan is just to make a large attack and retreat? If we're caught off guard, Kumo might lose hundreds of ninjas.'

He glanced in the direction of the Land of Fire and wondered, 'Does Konoha really want to start a war right now?'

Bee noticed Ay's change in mood. He became serious and asked, "What is it?"

With a grim expression, Ay answered, "I suspect that this might have been a scheme to lure me and you here. Konoha might be planning to make a move against our village. While we're hunting Fujin, they might have sent the Sannin to attack Kumogakure with their large summons."

The eyes of all 7 Kumo ninjas widened in disbelief. One of them exclaimed, "That's impossible! Konoha is known for not starting wars! They wouldn't make the first move!"

Ay replied, "That's why they might be able to catch us off guard. Inform Mabui. Ask her to increase the defenses of the village. Until we return, the village has to be on the highest alert."

Minutes later, Mabui and Darui received Ay's message. Both became tense. Darui muttered, "Boss thinks that Konoha wants to surprise attack our village with their summoned animals. However, would Konoha really launch a war?"

Darui didn't see Konoha with as much suspicion as Ay. He could believe that Konoha might try to secretly assassinate the Fourth Raikage but didn't think that Konoha would start a war without any provocation.

Mabui said, "I'm not sure either. However, there is no question that something very fishy is happening. We need to be on guard."

Darui nodded and said, "Yes. If Konoha wants to do a surprise attack on us, then they won't bring too many troops since we would find them. Most likely, only their rank S ninjas would make a move and attack the village with large-scale attacks. Against such tactics, we'll suffer if our ninjas are gathered together. Hmm…"

Darui thought for a bit and said, "Without Boss here, we'll take the safe approach. Deploy the barrier team on the walls and have them create a barrier to surround the village. Tell them to extend the barrier underground as well in case Orochimaru attacks us.

Send a few hundred ninjas to help the barrier team by providing chakra to the barrier and ask the rest to be prepared for a battle. We'll block the enemy's large-scale attacks with the barrier.

If they manage to break the barrier and enter inside, then I and Yugito will confront them while everyone else assists us. We'll overwhelm them with numbers. If we're lucky, then Konoha might lose a few rank S ninjas."

Mabui nodded and immediately got to work. Even though their leader wasn't in the village, Kumogakure still had over ten thousand ninjas in their village. As long as they weren't caught off guard, they weren't afraid of a few rank S ninjas.

In one of the villages that were rehabilitated by the Shadow Clones of Fujin's teammates, one old man wiped the sweat off his forehead and thought, 'That was scary! Was the Raikage really among that group of ninjas as Lord Shikaku said? As expected of Lord Shikaku. Only he can make the Raikage move wherever he wants to.

Anyway, there was a chakra spike just a minute ago. The Raikage must have retreated as Lord Shikaku said. I'll send a messenger bird to inform him that the group has left. However, I'll wait for a couple of hours just in case they haven't and are still keeping an eye on here. I can't imagine what they would do to me if they caught me!'

That man was a spy Shikaku inserted in the village while the 'rogue ninjas' were harassing them. When the Raikage's group entered the village in disguise, he didn't even dare to look at them. He relaxed only after sensing the chakra spike.

While Ay's group hurried back to the Land of Lightning and Mabui and Darui shored up Kumo's defenses, Fujin destroyed 3 more bases in an identical manner! Half of the bases had been destroyed!

In all, 546 Kumogakure ninjas had died! Among them were 96 Jounins, 2 Elite Jounins and 448 Chunins! It was a colossal loss for Kumogakure! Yet, not a single person in the Land of Lightning was aware of these losses!

Standing at the center of the base, Fujin let out a deep breath. He looked at the Wind Cloak and analyzed, 'My chakra reserves are down to 40%. The Wind Cloak has 20% of my chakra. In order to wipe out everyone in the next base optimally, I'll need to charge it up to at least 35%. The chakra needed to travel will be compensated by the chakra I'll recover while traveling. However, I'll still be down to around 25% of my Chakra reserves…

I guess it's time to take a break. There is no need to exhaust my chakra to that level. After all, the mission can already be considered completed. I'll wait until my chakra recovers. Thanks to the soldier pill and the chakra in my Shadow Clones, I'll only need around 6 to 7 hours…

Shikaku said that Ay began returning around 3 hours ago. Considering how long he took to reach there, I should have enough time for a second round if Kumogakure doesn't recall the remaining ninjas back to their village…'

Fujin stretched his body to alleviate the stiffness caused due to traveling continuously. He muttered, "Since the Wind Cloak still has some chakra that I can't absorb, I might as well have some fun. It's time to test that!"

Once again, Fujin began traveling at a high speed. His destination was the sixth base on his target. The five bases that Fujin targeted were between Kumogakure and the border between the Land of Lightning and the Land of Frost. However, the remaining 5 bases were on the other side of Kumogakure. Hence, the distance between them was much larger, with one base being all the way on the Western coast of the Land of Lightning. Fujin would require a couple of hours to reach the sixth base.

The scenery in that base was quite different from the other bases. Even though Fujin had noticed that the ninjas in the fourth and fifth bases were preparing for something, the ninjas in the sixth base had already prepared for war! Everyone was just awaiting orders to be dispatched.

In the headquarters inside the base, Dodai sat calmly while recalling the message he received from Mabui. He thought, 'To think that Konoha might make a move against us. Their strength should have already recovered. As we suspected, they won't take the humiliation we inflicted upon them a decade ago too kindly. We might soon be in another Great War…'

He turned his gaze outside the headquarters and activated his chakra field. He thought, 'Fortunately, we're very well prepared. If Konoha thinks that they have any chance of a swift victory against us, they're badly mistaken!'

As Dodai was thinking that, Fujin reached the base. He looked at his Wind Cloak and thought, 'Just 6% remaining...'

The Wind Cloak separated from him and began changing its shape once again. This time, instead of transforming into the Wind Domain, it took the form of a human and transformed into a Wind Clone! He chuckled and said, "Alright, I'll have some fun."

This was the second method Fujin created to use the leftover chakra in the Wind Domain. Fujin could transform it into a Wind Clone and keep it with himself until he recovered his chakra. This way, if someone attacked him while he was still recovering his chakra, he could recreate the Wind Domain.

Of course, there was no need for anyone to guard him now. So, Fujin just let his Wind Clone go to cause some havoc and leave a few nightmares in the Land of Lightning.

As for Fujin, he continued looking at the base and muttered, "Here goes nothing..."


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