Naruto: The Wind Calamity

Chapter 698: Kumogakure's massive attack!

Chapter 698: Kumogakure's massive attack!

[A/N : Hey guys. This chapter is Sponsored by Zero1995. You can thank him for the double release.]

Watching from outside, the morale of the Kumogakure ninjas soared ceaselessly! The sight of thousands of clones rushing into the building was just too powerful. It displayed Kumogakure's indomitable strength.

Smiles appeared on the faces of the council members as well. Mabui muttered, "Incredible! Every time we entered with low numbers, a barrier appeared after everyone had entered. However, what can he do this time? The clones can continue rushing in for several minutes in this manner. That much time is enough for them to search through the entire building!"

Nanako replied, "He could still close the barriers and keep the clones out. We won't be able to attack unless we decide to destroy the building. Not to mention, my clones will need some time to analyze the seals."

To her surprise, Inazuma said, "No, it is very unlikely for him to do that. Don't forget that he is attacking an entire hidden village by himself. And, just a couple of hours ago, he looked down on us. His pride won't allow him to back down from a challenge. At least not until he is at a risk of dying. We should be able to take this building back. I just pray that he doesn't blow it up."

As they entered, the Jounins asked Nanako's clone, "Lady Nanako, how do we proceed ahead?"

Unlike other elemental clones, who were there as sacrificial pawns, Nanako's clones were protected by the Jounins. They knew that she was critical to take down the seal formation. Nanako's clone said, "There is no danger here. We'll continue moving forward. Let the clones rush in ahead. It'll let me observe the seals more carefully."

Everyone followed her words and continued moving forward. As the clones rushed forward, they met the first obstacle. The path in front of them was blocked by a barrier. Nanako's clones immediately began analyzing the barriers. They wondered, 'This is strange. Why would he keep barriers here? What difference would there be from just keeping the entrance closed? Hmm? This is…'

They immediately noticed an anomaly. Her clones realized, 'Wait a minute, these barriers are different. Even though seals are complicated, I can crack them without resorting to brute force. Actually, even a SealMaster might be able to do so.'

Nanako's clones confirmed whether the entrances to the pathways were still open and ordered a message to be passed outside to inform her main body about their findings. As eight clones rushed out, Nanako's clones began working on cracking the barrier open. For someone at her level, it wasn't difficult. All the clones neutralized the seals in half a minute and the barriers blocking them disappeared.

Before the Kumo ninjas could rejoice, a look of surprise appeared on their faces. One of the Jounins muttered, "This path separates into four different paths. How did this guy even manage to make such a mess of the Raikage Building and the Anbu Headquarters? Which path do we take now?"

Nanako's clones weren't sure either. After thinking for a bit, they said, "Send the clones ahead to inspect. He isn't closing the entrance to the pathways this time. We can take some time to inspe…"

Each of her clones stopped talking mid-sentence as their eyes widened in horror. Nanako's clones weren't the only ones shocked. Every clone and ninja inside the building saw a blue light with horror on their face.

Before even a word could escape their mouths, all of them were engulfed by a massive Lightning flood! It didn't matter who was in the way, whether it was a clone or a real ninja, no one stood a chance. In the blink of an eye, the entire building was cleared up!

Thousands of clones were still waiting outside the building when they saw the blue light as well. Due to the seals on the battlefield, no one outside could sense the massive jutsu. The Lightning flooded out and engulfed all the clones waiting there. All of them, including the clones who had rushed out to pass the message, were dispelled before the Lightning continued moving forward and hit the barrier raised by the Kumo ninjas.

A horrified expression appeared on the face of every Kumogakure ninja as they could finally sense the horrifying jutsu. Hundreds of ninjas gulped nervously while several others dropped their weapons. The Lightning continued bombarding the barrier for a few seconds before dispersing.

In the Raikage's office, a helpless smile appeared on Fujin's face. He thought, 'I underestimated Kumogakure… Oh well, I should have anticipated this. After all, these are the same guys who made Hiruzen buckle…'

The light around the vajra-shaped hilt in his right hand finally faded away. Fujin thought, 'There were only 16 ninjas among them. Everyone else was a clone. The losses are far less than I anticipated… Oh well, it doesn't matter.

It's time to leave. I have already gone through all the important-looking scrolls here. Unfortunately, I didn't find the scroll containing the completed Lightning Chakra Mode technique nor did I find any traces of Kohaku no Johei.

I didn't find any plans related to the chakra cannon either. Hmm, I wonder whether it even exists... If it does, it could be a troublesome tool. Even though it can't kill me, it can change this world considerably. It could have a similar impact as the nuclear weapons from my previous world…

Anyway, even in terms of jutsus, I didn't find anything exceptional. Though I found a few good Lightning jutsus, I already knew about them from the memories I read. I suppose I should have expected this as well…'

Fujin was slightly disappointed. Even though he didn't have very high hopes, he expected to gain more from raiding Kumogakure's most important building. However, after the gains he made in the initial few minutes, he didn't gain anything important.

While his clones did go through several important scrolls and gained a lot of information about Kumogakure, it wasn't something he was particularly interested in. He had already read the memories of dozens of Jounins and could freely teleport inside Kumogakure. So, even though other villages, including Konoha, would be willing to risk several lives to get their hands on that information, it was almost useless for Fujin.

Fujin shook his head and thought, 'I guess Kumo's generosity has its limits too… Oh well, even though this is the Raikage Building, they won't leave things like that lying around. Getting the elemental crystals and the Third Raikage's notes is quite good. Expecting anything more was unrealistic...'

He gazed outside the window once again as his lips curled up. He wondered, 'Would they still dare to approach the building before Ay and Bee return? I wish I could wait and watch, hehehe. Unfortunately, there's no point in waiting any longer. Fighting Ay and Bee with just my Lightning Release is just asking for a trashing. I'll target them at a more appropriate time.

For now, I need to improve my Lightning combat system and take it to the next level. Once I have some success in replicating the Lightning Chakra Mode, I'll ask Ay to be my sparring partner. In addition, I also need to create a few hidden cards that aren't related to Lightning. I need a… No, I need to get several new summons.'

Fujin disappeared from the building, leaving just four clones behind to clean up. Outside the building, silence engulfed the entire area. None of the two thousand Kumo ninjas moved a muscle. The morale that Inazuma had built up vanished in the blink of an eye and was replaced with despair. Slowly, everyone gathered their wits.

"What was that?"

"I have never seen such a strong Lightning!"

"How do we even fight this?"

"We're lucky that Elder Inazuma ordered the barrier to be raised first! Otherwise, we'd be dead too!"

"Where's Raikage-sama?"

"What about the guys who entered the building?"

"There's no way they would have survived. We just lost 16 Jounins!"

"Fuck! Why are the leaders so restless? Couldn't we just wait for Raikage-sama to show up? Where even is he when the village is in such trouble?"

"Can Raikage-sama defeat that?"

"Of course, he can! Don't underestimate Raikage-sama!"

Several such discussions broke out. The entire force became a mess. Not only were they demoralized, but they also began blaming their leaders. Yet, not a single council member did anything to control them. After all, they were in an even bigger shock!

Mabui's heart ached. The losses kept on piling. She muttered, "He hasn't gotten weak! He baited us!"

Nanako said, "Thankfully we sent only a few ninjas. Otherwise, our losses would be catastrophic!"

One of the council members replied, "It is already catastrophic. What do we do now? Sending any more ninjas inside is suicidal. Not to mention, if we irk him and he reverse summons into the village, then such jutsus can kill thousands of people!"

Everyone looked at Inazuma, who looked to be deep in thought. As the one who gave the order, Inazuma was directly responsible for the deaths of 16 Jounins. They wanted to hear from him, but he didn't say a word and looked lost in his thoughts. The council member called out, "Elder Inazuma?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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