Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 105:

Seeing that each of them didn't know whether they were cold or scared, and their expressions were not very good, Qin Huai didn't ask them in detail, and told them to go back to rest and let them go. They were indeed a little tired, so they didn't say much, hurry up Click back to lie down and return to blood.

The next day, Jian Chu, who was relieved, came to look for Mu Nan, and then told what happened yesterday: "I thought the transaction was so smooth, we could go by ourselves next time, but unexpectedly, it turned out that we were waiting outside. As for us, such long steel nails are still sharpened, if we drive up, how can we come back, if Team Yuan hadn’t been careful to observe the road conditions, we might really fall.”

Mu Nan asked curiously: "Then how did Team Yuan find out?"

Jian Chu shrugged: "It may be the intuition of the soldiers. It seems that they went to Monkey Mountain not only to trade, but also to notify the people in Monkey Mountain to replace their ID cards and vaccines, but they may have noticed something wrong when they were bargaining. The people who came in from behind saw that the snow was different, so they didn't reveal their identities, and didn't mention a word about the new ID card. Then they told us that something was wrong with those people, and they drove very slowly on the way back, probably I found clues from the traces in the snow, got out of the car and checked, and there was indeed an ambush."

After Jian Chu finished speaking, she couldn't help sighing: "The first person we came into contact with was a boy in his twenties, he was very enthusiastic and cheerful, and he didn't look like a bad guy. This time, he changed someone, it seems to be the boy's uncle. , I just don’t know if this is a black family, or what’s going on, anyway, we won’t do this kind of thing anymore, it’s too scary, who knows what was buried in the thick snow, desperate for a little meat, no worth."

Mu Nan felt a little apprehensive when he heard this: "Fortunately, there are soldiers going with you. It's really a little bit close. Let's forget about such adventures in the future. My life is the most important thing."

Jian Chu: "That's not true. Team Yuan said that when they were bargaining, the people on the mountain probably came down and followed the tracks of our wheels to bury the nails. We must have returned the same way when we went back. Now there are many places outside. It must be the safest way to go along the original road for those with small pits. I probably thought of this, so we buried nails in our road, plus yesterday's big snowstorm, and the sky has changed, I want to find out the problem It's even more difficult, so the two people who came in later had more snow on their pants and shoes, tsk, I learned, you must pay attention to such details when you are outside in the future, this is the detail that saves your life."

However, thinking of what was traded yesterday, Jian Chu became a little happier: "I'm afraid those people were thinking of making money and killing their lives, so the final price is not high. A few hundred catties of rice for thirty rabbits is definitely a good idea." We made a profit. I also said that Team Yuan’s level of counter-offering is too high. They have kept the price so low. I guess those people are thinking that these things will return to them anyway in the end. See outside The ambush is almost over, and I didn't bother to waste time to drag, so I agreed, I didn't expect that we could see them through and come back safely, those people might be jumping right now."

Not all the things they brought were traded out, there was still a lot left, and when they came back, they took back the leftover supplies from each family, and the rabbits were two live ones, and the military department took away the ones they traded themselves. One, and the rest of the rabbits will be exchanged for points and exchanged for them. However, Xu Ming said that he hopes to directly exchange all the points for coal this time. The above did not agree, only to apply first and then notify them.

After Jian Chu finished talking about this, she went back. Although she only went out for a day, it was thrilling and exhausted more mentally than physically, so she had to take a good rest.

After Jian Chu left, Mu Nan looked at the two rabbits trapped in the corner of the stove by Qin Huai with a wooden plank, and couldn't help but take out vegetable leaves from the space to feed them: "Brother, are there a male and a female in our house?" ?”

Qin Huai hummed: "There are a lot of female rabbits in exchange this time, so it's rare to give it to a female. Do you want to raise and give birth to a baby rabbit?"

Mu Nan turned to look at Qin Huai: "Try?"

Qin Huai said: "Then let's put it here and raise it first. If it can survive, I'll put a room on the second floor with a hot air pipe and try raising it in the upstairs room. If it can't reproduce, you can fatten it up and eat meat. Lost." Now the two wild rabbits are still a little thinner, much thinner than the first time they caught them.

Fearing that Mu Nan would develop real feelings, Qin Huai added: "But don't get your hopes up too much, wild rabbits are very temperamental, this rabbit should have grown up, it's not easy to feed."

Mu Nan saw that neither rabbit would eat the vegetable leaves in it, so she clicked her tongue: "Are they going on a hunger strike?"

Qin Huai smiled: "It's also possible that you would rather die than surrender if you hit your head against the wall."

Seeing that Mu Nan was still messing with the two rabbits, he wondered if there were worms on his body after being caught in the wild, and since he had nothing else to do now, he simply started messing around with the hot air pipe, the room is bigger, the space is bigger, I don’t know Can you feed them? If it doesn't work in the room, then you can only kill them and eat meat.

There is no hay, even though there are a lot of things in Mu Nan’s space, I didn’t plan to put them on the hay, but there are still sawdust, they are all accumulated when making arrows, and sawdust is a good material for making fire, although There are not many, but now I have just started raising wild rabbits, try to give them a better environment, raise them well first, and talk about it later.

With the previous experience, it is much easier to connect a hot air pipe to the room. Anyway, it doesn’t need much warmth in the room. There is a stove downstairs, and it also needs to supply the upper and lower floors. It is not very warm. , It can only be said to maintain a certain degree of heat, so that it will not be as cold as outside. Originally, wild rabbits were not easy to feed. This kind of wild animal has a strong temper. It would rather starve to death than be trapped. But I don't know if it's because of the extreme conditions outside, the lining of the house is warm enough, which made the two rabbits feel comfortable. When Qin Huai put the two rabbits upstairs, they adapted well and shut them upstairs. When I got out of the cage, I didn't eat or drink. I put it upstairs, no one was around, and the space was much larger. In addition to sawdust, there were even **** of cotton wool. The two rabbits began to eat and drink.

Mu Nan eagerly went upstairs to watch the rabbits every day, and couldn't help sighing whenever he saw two rabbits gnawing on vegetable leaves.

Qin Huai, who was watering the vegetables in the warm shed, heard it and said amusedly, "Don't you want them to have a litter today and a litter tomorrow?"

Mu Nan said: "Brother, do you think we should intervene? I saw some rabbit breeding videos posted on the Internet before, all of which were bred under human intervention. A super long needle went straight in. That needle really It's super super long, at least three times as long as a human injection, you said it depends on the male rabbit itself, and the male rabbit's jj is not that long, so how can they mate?"

Qin Huai said helplessly: "You still worry about this, they can't mate, so where did the wild rabbits outside come from? What kind of mess do you usually see."

Mu Nan snorted: "What a mess, this is to increase knowledge."

Qin Huai put the curtains of the greenhouse in place, took the watering can and walked up to the third floor: "I'll see for a while, and I won't be afraid of the cold when I go down."

Mu Nan went to the balcony on the second floor and lifted the curtain to look out. It has been several days since the last sudden change of weather. The temperature outside has obviously dropped a lot in the past few days, but today the sun came out for a while, although now The sky became gloomy again, but the wind and snow stopped. When the wind and snow stopped, it seemed that it was not so cold outside from the house, but in fact, it would definitely be cold to death when going out.

Counting the time, it has been more than three months since the beginning of winter, and it will be hot again for more than three months. He doesn't know how long it will be this time, whether it is like half a year like winter, or like It was hot for a year before, and I didn’t know. I hope that before summer comes, some food can be grown in the greenhouse on the base. If there is no way to grow it, I can’t imagine what life will be like. Even if he had a small space, he was a little panicked.

Just as Mu Nan was about to come down from the stairs, he saw a group of thickly wrapped people coming from a distance. There was no wind and snow today, and even though there was no sun, the sky was still bright and the range of vision was quite high. Upstairs, I saw at a glance that those who came back were Yu Zibai and the others, and Wu Zheng. Although Wu Zheng was at home last time, I don’t know if he told the person who registered with him that he wanted to wait for his brother to come back. Registered a new ID card, so this time Yu Zibai Jianchu and the others went together when the time came. It was lucky that the wind and snow hadn’t stopped yesterday, but it stopped today. big hindrance.

As soon as Mu Nan returned to the first floor, he hadn't taken off his clothes, he hadn't got on the kang, and he was adding firewood to the stove when he heard a knock on the garage door. The one who could knock on the garage door must be the neighbor next door, Mu Nan quickly looked I checked to see if there was anything that could not appear on the kang, and after making sure there was nothing there, I went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Jian Chu rubbed her hands and came in: "Let me tell you, we went to register this time and heard something important. Wait for me to slow down and die of cold."

Mu Nan said: "Then you go to the stove, I just turned up the fire a little bit, go to warm up."

Jian Chu sat down to warm himself up by the fire, Mu Nan poured him a cup of hot water, and when the cold was gone, Jian Chu gossiped with Mu Nan: "I also said that the last incident at Monkey Mountain, when Team Yuan came back, Didn't say anything, I thought they were thinking that we were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and they just don't have to deal with that side in the future, I didn't expect that in a few days, Team Yuan directly recruited troops gone."

Mu Nan was puzzled: "Array? Why do you want to suppress the bandits?"

Jian Chu nodded: "Yes, I just realized that it's not the first time what happened to us that time. Before us, there were already two cars that didn't come back. Both cars were driven by a few people alone. We are the same as last time, but where did we go missing? In the current climate, there is no monitoring, and we don’t know the general direction of their actions. A missing car hit their heads, but within the jurisdiction of the government, how could such a bad thing be allowed to happen, of course it must be resolved, so I went directly with soldiers and weapons."

Qin Huai came down from upstairs, saw the two people sitting in front of the stove, and said with a smile: "Jian Chu is here, have you registered your ID card?"

Jian Chu said: "I've registered, I'm chatting with Mu Nan."

Qin Huai said: "Then let's talk, are you hungry? Let me make some pancakes for you to eat." The latter sentence was obviously addressed to Mu Nan, even though it included the word "men".

Mu Nan said: "Eat, yes..."

Before he could say the rest, seeing Qin Huai narrowing his eyes unkindly, he swallowed immediately.

Looking at the two of them, Jian Chu laughed and said, "What charades are you playing?"

Qin Huai took the basin and scooped up the flour: "He wants to eat chili."

Jian Chu smiled bluntly and said: "You should restrain yourself, you just got better, and it's not yourself who suffers from the pain."

Mu Nan also wanted to restrain himself, but when the scar was healed, he was the one who forgot the pain. If Qin Huai didn't take care of him, he might not be able to restrain himself. Asked: "And then? Was the suppression of the bandits successful?"

Jian Chu said: "Of course it succeeded. The army was dispatched to suppress the mountain people. I can imagine how unsuccessful they were. After that day, when they went to the snow to collect the corpses for us, they found that there was no car and buried them. The nails are gone, how angry, maybe thinking viciously, next time we will not let us go so easily, but before the next time, the army will besiege the mountain. This group of people is the same, no I know it’s because I’ve watched too many TV shows, or I think our government is like tofu, and I feel that if there is a catastrophe, no one will take care of it, and we can take over the mountain and become king.”

Mu Nan said: "Maybe it's because I've watched too many American dramas. Have you ever watched disaster-type American dramas? It's all about self-reliance. When a natural or man-made disaster occurs, it's like being abandoned by the whole world. Anytime, anywhere It’s amazing to be able to support yourself.”

Jian Chu smiled and said: "Sure enough, art is art, and life is life. Didn't I tell you that the guy who made a deal with us at the beginning was a boy in his twenties, and later changed to a middle-aged man who said he was his second uncle?" , So there is something inside this matter!"

Mu Nan asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"That middle-aged man is not the boy's second uncle at all, and it has nothing to do with half a dime. This matter is quite twists and turns. Originally, all the residents living on the mountain were from the original area, and there were not many people living here. Those who were able to walk before the earthquake all left, because many of them had relatives in the countryside. After the earthquake, although not many people died, many died. It is common sense that there must be a major epidemic after a major disaster. Knowing that living in so many dead people will definitely cause accidents, so they migrated to the mountains far away, digging holes in the mountains, avoiding crowds, and this mountain is not theirs, so as long as they don’t occupy the holes dug by others, who No one cares about coming and staying. The murderer, the one who planned to ambush us, is actually a murderer. I heard that he escaped from the prison, but the people who lived on the mountain didn't know it at first, although they didn't have any dealings. , but they didn’t turn against each other, so we got along without incident.”

"Later, the weather turned cold, and life on the mountain was not easy, but they had gained experience living in the mountain, so they set up a set of hunting methods. They had some meat to eat, but there was less oil, salt, rice and noodles, and the meat wasn't too much. At most, there is a bit of a tooth-beating festival. The only good thing is that they are on the mountain. Even if the sun has bald the mountain before, they can get firewood on the spot. It's too far away here, and it's unrealistic to walk here, so there's no way to exchange some daily necessities, until a hunting vehicle passes by, and the residents on the mountain suddenly found a new way of trading, exchanging the hunted things for rice, flour, grain and oil .”

When Jian Chu said this, Qin Huai had already mixed the flour, and there was no need for fermentation. He kneaded it into a ball three or two times, then flattened it, put a layer of minced meat on it, pinched the edges of both ends to wrap it, and boiled it It was directly ironed in the fried oil pan, and the crackling aroma of the oil exploded with the sound, and the hooked Jian Chu subconsciously stretched his head to take a look: "Your brother is good at cooking."

Mu Nan also turned back, and then called out to Qin Huai: "Brother."

Qin Huai raised his head, and seeing Mu Nan's heart gesture towards him, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

The two of them didn't chat, just gathered around the pot and watched, watching the white noodles being fried to a crispy golden color, but unfortunately there were no shallots, if there were green onions, sprinkle some chili noodles, the taste would be perfect.

A piece of minced meat and scallion pancake without shallots came out of the pan, Qin Huai put it on the plate and handed it to the two people who were drooling around the pan: "Take it out and eat it first." As he said that, he put down another roll of white dough After finishing the pot, he still reminded him: "Nannan, eat less, you can only eat half of it, it's fried."

Mu Nan agreed, and Jian Chu and Jian Chu were holding the scallion pancake halfway, and it was a little hot because it had just come out of the pan, and she had to change hands every second or two to blow on her hot red fingers. As he gnawed his head, he urged Jian Chu to continue, "Then, why did a good deal turn into murder for money?"

Jian Chu continued: "Didn't I say that the man is a murderer, but he is not from the local area, he is just serving his sentence in our prison here. The earthquake is so severe that he wants to go home and have a look, but It was too difficult to go home at this time. Without a car, he seemed to have never served his sentence. It is said that when the earthquake happened, they were working on the playground of the prison. It was chaotic, anyway, he took the opportunity to run away, for fear of being caught back, he ran all the way, and wanted to go home. I am afraid that there is no way to get around at the moment, so he can only walk towards the national road, and this is the end It’s nearby, but if you go farther, there’s no place for shade. You know how desolate it is, so he wants to find a place to live first, and then follow the residents here to dig holes in the mountains. Residents don't want to live here because they have all their belongings here, and the cave is comfortable to live in, so they don't want to come here. He doesn't want to be afraid of being found out that he has a criminal record. Is there anything on file?"

After Jian Chu finished speaking, he took a bite of the cold scallion pancake, and said: "His ultimate goal is to go home. He couldn't help it before. Didn't the residents on the mountain make a deal with driving a car to hunt? He found out, this The viciousness was revealed at once. First, some thugs were found, and the supplies of some old and weak women and children living on the mountain were robbed. When I traded with that young man once, it was when this guy was just making waves. I said that he looked pretty good at that time, and the murderer knew that it was impossible to occupy the mountain here forever. The more vehicles he robbed, The easier it is to cause trouble, the army is still stationed here, so he wants to intercept and kill some vehicles and supplies in a short time. The focus is on vehicles. Only when there is a car can they leave. It is enough to grab a car. But he punctured his car tire and needed to change the tire. He didn't know how far it would be before going back, so he had to prepare some fuel, so he planned to save up a little more and leave immediately, but the speed was not as fast as those soldiers. , and ambushed directly around the mountain, anyway, all the people on the mountain were brought down, how comfortable they lived on the mountain before, and how miserable they were tortured during this period, it turns out that they can’t do without the government.”

Hearing this, Qin Huai picked up the noodle cakes in the pot and put them on a plate, and looked at Jian Chu, this kind of guy who can directly freeze people to death in the snow in order to grab a car, It is impossible to expect to be humane, so it is entirely conceivable that when his behavior is exposed and unscrupulous, the ordinary residents on the mountain who have little resistance will be treated, but he did not stop Jian Chu from saying Let Mu Nan listen to these things.

Sure enough, Jian Chu continued: "The people who drilled holes on the mountain were originally people from this neighborhood. Some lived alone, and some were just a few members of an ordinary family. How could they be the opponent of this kind of mad murderer? Anyway, the soldiers searched for them. When going up the mountain, I found many people who had frozen to death in the caves. The entrances of those people were blocked by big rocks. In addition, once the ice and snow froze, they could not be pushed away. Later, the sealed caves were opened. , except for the people who died of freezing, there was not even a grain of rice in it, and they were all taken away. There were also some women, who were even more pitiful. What about the little girl who is 10 years old, do you think these people should be damned!"

Mu Nan nodded, these people can no longer be called human beings, those who follow the murderer as a sidekick are more abominable than the murderer, those who freeze to death, or are abused, maybe there are people they know, who are not afraid of life Difficult because people's hearts are too evil.

Jian Chu didn't say what happened to those people. Anyway, the death penalty is cheaper for them, but all the residents on the mountain were brought back, and the car was hidden. A total of seven people were found in a snow-covered pothole at the foot of the mountain, all of whom were frozen to death.

This matter has been spread in the greenhouse, because after the people from the mountain were brought down, the innocent victims were settled in the greenhouse first, so the matter could not be hidden, so they went to register their ID cards , I just heard a lot of news. Jian Chu came here to tell Mu Nan specifically to make them more vigilant. Although Mu Nan reminded them that the transaction might be dangerous at the beginning, but when the matter has come to fruition, they should also know. Otherwise, if you are trapped in this house by the heavy snow, you will think how peaceful the whole world is.

Before leaving, Qin Huai asked Jian Chu to take two breads away, and he did everything, that is, a little flour. Now that their food is not in short supply, naturally they don't need to worry about such a little thing, Jian Chu is a little I'm sorry, it's as if he came here to eat, but the enthusiastic neighbor had to accept it, thinking that next time he would cook something delicious and send it over to give back.

At night, Mu Nan lay on the kang, and when Qin Huai also fell asleep, he threw himself into Qin Huai's arms and hugged him.

Qin Huai caressed his back lightly: "What's the matter? Are you frightened by what Jian Chu said?"

Mu Nan said sullenly: "How can I be so timid, I just feel that the current life is too heavy."

Qin Huai smiled: "Let me see how heavy it is?"

Sensing Qin Huai's actions, Mu Nan was immediately annoyed: "Brother!"

Qin Huai smiled and said: "Think about it, but it's too free, come and do something else, your little mind won't think so much."

Mu Nan couldn't help laughing and hid back: "No, it's so troublesome to take a shower now."

This is not a question of saying if you don't want it, you don't want it.

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