Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 114:

Fantasy at any time is beautiful, but when it is overdone in reality, the contrast will be particularly tragic.

At the beginning of his career, Jiang Xuan fantasized about all kinds of wonderful possibilities for him. He thought that his skills were not bad. In the past, he was willing to be Qin Huai's green leaf and was willing to support him behind the scenes. Of course, he also recognized Qin Huai's ability. If Qin Huai wasn't perfect enough, how could he never forget him since he was a student, but in his heart, he is no worse than Qin Huai, it just depends on whether he is willing to show himself.

The successful entry made him guess that although Qin Huai is the person in charge of the civil communication project team, he may not have much power. The ultimate authority of this kind of thing must be controlled by the official side, and Qin Huai can be the person in charge because of the right time and place Otherwise, with his merciless attack on him back then, how could he not have done some tricks behind his back so that he could enter the job smoothly.

In his fantasy or the future he set up for himself, not to mention being able to step on Qin Huai, at least he can stand shoulder to shoulder with him and compete with each other. He wants Qin Huai to take a good look at how blind he is. Go and choose the succulent flower.

He also understands Mu Nan, he is not the kind of gentle and careless person who is particularly good at making things happen, coquettish and self-willed, although he has not paid attention to Mu Nan himself these years, he did arrange for someone to collect some information about Mu Nan It's just because Mu Nan is getting more and more homely, he doesn't have much contact with people, and he doesn't collect much information, but he can know how autistic and gloomy Mu Nan is without Qin Huai.

Jiang Xuan feels that Qin Huai now feels more guilty towards Mu Nan, and Mu Nan will definitely rely on Qin Huai's guilt to act as a demon in various ways. After a long time, no amount of guilt will be exhausted. What is so outstanding that people look at it, so sooner or later they will break up, and Qin Huai will definitely regret the original choice. As for myself, as long as I seize the opportunity to work well, show my personal charm, and wait for the position to climb higher and higher, he will definitely fulfill that sentence. Today you don't answer me, and tomorrow I will make you unable to climb!

But after officially joining the job, Jiang Xuan discovered that Qin Huai may not have great power, but he still has small rights, such as assigning work, such as grouping personnel. In addition to personal ability, their work also requires teamwork. For a project, as long as one person is hindered, it will slow down the progress of the entire project.

But if it's just one person, it's not a problem to share it with others, but who are those who are assigned to a group with him, the programmers in their fifties, their fingers are stiff, and the thirties The young man coughed and coughed all day, as if he had tuberculosis, and there was another one who was even more outrageous, holding a book every day and didn't know what he was reading. Let him do the exercises, and the speed was as slow as a snail.

Such a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, what's the use of him alone? What Jiang Xuan can't stand is that in such a group, he is not the group leader. Well, well, not at all tough, let alone ability, I really don't know how this kind of person was selected.

Jiang Xuan, who couldn't bear it anymore, knocked on the door of Qin Huai's office. He felt that it was necessary for them to have a good talk.

Of course Qin Huai knew that Jiang Xuan would come to him, but he didn't expect that he couldn't help it after only a few days, so he was not surprised to see him at all, and said with a blank expression: "Grouping is based on ability assessment and consideration, you The original test was so dotted, if you don’t get into this group, you want to get into a group? Then you have to ask the members of a group if they agree.”

Jiang Xuan quickly said: "You know what I am capable of. I was too cold and had frostbite on my hands so I wasted time."

Qin Huai: "I know? What do I know about you? It's up to you whether you have chilblain or not and whether you are active or not. I look at the work ability group. If you have an opinion, don't get such a low score in the test."

Jiang Xuan's eyes turned red: "Qin Huai! Why do you hate me? Mu Nan is not mine. Why should I take care of him? If you want to take his responsibility on yourself, then you should be responsible. I am Bullying him or persecuting him? You have no right to do this to me!"

Jiang Xuan's grievances are true, he has nothing to do with Mu Nan, Mu Nan is such a big person, and he is not a three-year-old child who needs to be fed, he can't live without someone, he won't know how to live, what kind of care does he need? For such a trivial matter, he broke off friendship with him for so many years, and even regarded him as an enemy. He really hated and felt wronged.

And this kind of Jiang Xuan really broke Qin Huai's understanding of him once again. He really felt how blind he was, how he managed to be friends with such a stupid and poisonous person for so many years, and looked at him distraught and distraught. Pretending to be a poor Jiang Xuan, Qin Huai's eyes were cold and untouched: "So what do you want to say? You didn't get the test scores yourself? You have a reason and others don't? This weather is only freezing you, not others?"

Jiang Xuan took a deep breath: "I just want you to be fair to me."

Qin Huai laughed when he heard this: "Then tell me, how am I being unfair to you?"

No matter how well Jiang Xuan could argue, he couldn't tell the difference between one and two of these words. Public examinations, grouping by points, how unfair? Everywhere is fair, everything is fair, open and just, but Qin Huai is obviously plotting him into the old, weak, sick and disabled group, but he can't produce any evidence.

Seeing him speechless, Qin Huai's expression turned cold: "I said, you'd better never appear in front of me again, or you will bear the consequences."

Jiang Xuan raised his head and looked at Qin Huai, he knew that Qin Huai must have done something! Although there is no proof, he trusts his instincts!

"I don't understand, why do you hate me so much? Do you have to force me to death!"

Qin Huai didn't care that he yelled loudly in the office, not to mention that Jiang Xuan's matter itself was untenable, even if he was so innocent, in the real environment of the workplace, good people must be rewarded, or justice must defeat evil. Things have always only happened in TV dramas, not to mention that Jiang Xuan may not be the one he thinks is righteous.

"It's none of my business whether you die or not. You're using your working time to talk about private matters. If you don't distinguish between public and private, I can fire you."

Jiang Xuan clenched his fists tightly, no matter how ambitious he was in his heart, he had to bow his head in the face of reality: "Why do you want to kill them all, I just don't provoke you, can't we just pretend that we have never met, my dad Mom wants me to take care of you, and you are the one who called them uncle and aunt, so you must starve my whole family to death!"

Qin Huai said coldly: "You are also the one who was once called Brother Jiang Xuan by Nan Nan. You said that you have nothing to do with Nan Nan. What does your parents have to do with me? I said, or never appear in my presence." Right now, all the past and the past are wiped out, if you show up, there will be a settlement with you."

Jiang Xuan yelled in Qin Huai's office, and some people who were close to Qin Huai's office heard it. Some people heard it and others gossip. When eating in the break room, Zhou Chuanghong asked a question, and Qin Huai didn't hide it: "We used to be classmates. I went abroad and asked him to help me take care of my younger brother, but not only did he not take care of him, he also lied to me for several years, so he broke off the relationship, and now his grades in the examination are low, and he thinks it is my secret operation."

Zhou Chuanghong was speechless for a moment: "So shameless? I have persecution paranoia due to my incompetence? Damn, I really didn't see that he is this kind of person."

Qin Huai put away the finished lunch box and said, "So there is a new notice in the afternoon, which is related to your own performance."

After the lunch break in the afternoon, everyone soon received a new notice. From now on, there will be an evaluation every month. The last one in the evaluation for three consecutive months will be dismissed, and the first place every month will be rewarded with additional subsidies. It can be regarded as mobilizing everyone's enthusiasm to a great extent, although even if the current environment is not mobilized, having a job for a living is enough to make people active.

As for Jiang Xuan, he only saw the request to be fired. He felt that this was Qin Huai's conspiracy to fire him openly, which would directly deal a blow to his body and mind. As a computer programmer, besides doing this job, he now If he wants to survive, he may have to move bricks. Once his hand is removed, he will never be able to return to this industry.

When Jiang Xuan was unable to extricate himself from the plot of love-hate counterattack in the workplace, Mu Nan, who had never faced him face-to-face, was still working hard in the farming mode. After a few days of tossing, Finally, the upstairs and downstairs were integrated a little bit, and a little space was freed up on the second floor to successfully plant alfalfa. Several stubbles of alfalfa can be harvested a year, as long as the temperature, water volume, and soil nutrition meet the standards.

Although there are few rabbits in his family, he is not worried about harvesting too much and losing nutrients or killing them. Anyway, he puts them in the space, and it is safe. It is a good time to accumulate more feed now, no matter what he wants to raise in the future. , As long as it is grazing, there is no need to worry about no feed for feeding.

Because Qin Bing was in charge of patrolling the entire second district before. At that time, there was no internet or telephone. If people living in the second district needed any daily necessities, they could only report to the patrolmen like them, and then they continued to report. Although there is now Internet and telephone, but there is no formal exchange platform yet, so Mu Nan can only find Qin Bing.

Looking at the lively rabbits, Mu Nan took a few photos of the little rabbits and showed them to Qin Bing: "Do you have any chickens? The ones that lay eggs, the rabbits are replaced by chickens."

Qin Bing takes turns today, but the daily training can't be abandoned. He is exercising in the dormitory. He received a message from Mu Nan. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the two rabbits were really raised and gave birth to cubs. He gave Mu Nan a reply After saying a word, he went to ask, then put on his clothes and went to the logistics department. Unfortunately, there are no chickens at present, and they don't have any here.

But there was a group of people who lived on the outer ring road at that time. When the government moved them away from the hardest-hit area in the city center, they took away a lot of supplies, including some live poultry. Although they have made contact now, And there is a exchange of supplies, but only some frozen meat can be transported. If the weather transports live poultry, even if it is delivered, it will freeze to death. There is no such condition for the time being.

After Qin Bing asked about it from the logistics department, he replied to Mu Nan: "Not currently, but there will be meat on the line soon, and eggs may not be available until the weather gets warmer."

Mu Nan said hello, although it's a pity that he doesn't have one, but it doesn't matter, he has a lot of space, but if there is no one outside, he can't give Qin Huai a dish with eggs at noon, and there are only a few things at home that can be brought to the public He came up, came and went repeatedly at noon, he was afraid that Qinhuai would get tired of eating, and he didn't know when the underground subway would be unblocked.

If it is officially in operation, he can deliver meals to Qin Huai at noon, and he can bring more things, such as noodles, some boiled dumplings that are not tasty after being put out of the pan for a long time, he will It can be put in an insulated bag, and when you get to Qinhuai's unit, you can take it out of the space directly through the insulated bag to ensure that Qinhuai can eat the freshest food.

But these can only be thought about at the moment, and I can only hope that it will be opened to traffic soon.

After removing some weeds from the vegetable pot, Mu Nan threw it into the rabbit nest, washed his hands and went downstairs. Although the power supply is now on and the floor heating in the house has been turned on again, the main reason for turning it on is to allow the vegetables to grow. Even though there is floor heating in the bedroom, it is still not as warm as sleeping on the kang. In addition, Mu Nan knew that the temperature would hit a new low during this period, so naturally he would not go back to sleep in the room, and still slept on the kang on the first floor.

Added some firewood to the stove, just climbed onto the kang, saw Qin Bing sent another message, didn’t read the content, thought it was a chicken thing, clicked on it quickly, saw Qin Bing asked his brother if he went to work , and then said: "Yes, I went to work, do you have something to do with my brother?"

Qin Bing said: "No, if there is only one person in your family, don't open the door casually during the day. We checked the license plate number you mentioned last time, and it was indeed a group of people who took advantage of loopholes to rob the house, but it wasn't a corpse. The murderer of the case, they have not killed anyone, the murderer should be an acquaintance."

Mu Nan thought for a while and replied: "As for acquaintances, we don't have any acquaintances except those in our own yard." So if we commit crimes, we can't do it on their side.

Qin Bing: "Last week, a 20-year-old boy who lived alone in an apartment building was murdered again. Now we have limited information to investigate. We can only see from the damaged environment in the house that the victim opened the door by himself. , and according to people who lived nearby, they did not hear the sound of struggling and fighting, so it was inferred that it was an acquaintance who committed the crime."

Mu Nan thought it was the people who knocked on the door last night and said they wanted to take their body temperature and exploited a loophole. It turned out not to be, and another one was killed. It used to be the second district of their side, and now it is the first district, which means that the murderer should be Those around here, thinking that there is a murderer hidden nearby, are a bit scary. After thinking about it, Mu Nan asked Qin Bing, "Did the second murdered person also have his body dismembered?"

Qin Bing: "Yes, the scene was very tragic, so I remind you to pay more attention, especially for people you know, and you must be more prepared."

Mu Nan said: "Is there anything missing from the last corpse? Was it taken away and eaten?"

Cannibalism, Mu Nan thinks it is not impossible. Although he is living a life without shortage of food and seems to maintain order on the outside, the world has indeed changed, no matter how much effort the government uses. To maintain this order, but everyone knows the collapse of the whole society. No matter how long it will take in the future to restore to the past, at least now, no matter where it is, it is actually in a seemingly calm, but Hidden deep in the chaos. Some people cross the bottom line of human nature, which is also expected.

After a while, Qin Bing replied: "No, the corpse was put together in the end, and no major parts were lost, but some pieces of meat were too broken, and the corpse of a recent victim is still being processed, so For the time being, the possibility of cannibalism cannot be ruled out." After all, if the murderer took away a catty or two of meat and restored it to such a degree of dismemberment, it would be difficult to find.

Qin Bing gave Mu Nan some precautions for being alone at home, as well as emergency measures for emergencies. Although Qin Bing said these things, Qin Huai would give him a class every once in a while, and the lectures were more detailed. What Qin Bing sent was more detailed, but Mu Nan read it carefully. After thanking Qin Bing for his reminder, he forwarded it to their neighbors' small groups to make everyone more vigilant.

As soon as he sent out the news, Qin Huai's news soon came. Mu Nan told Qin Huai what Qin Bing told him about another boy being killed in the apartment building: "So beware of acquaintances you know. , but thinking about the few in our yard, it should not be possible, but don't worry, I won't open the door casually when you're not at home."

Qin Huai smiled: "It's still early, take a nap under the blanket, and when you wake up, I'll go home."

Mu Nan was already on the kang, took off his heavy clothes, and was lying under the quilt playing with his mobile phone. It seemed that the time had already passed Qin Huai's lunch break, which would disturb Qin Huai's work. Mu Nan said that he was going to take a nap , ended the chat, then put on the blindfold, got into the quilt, and fell asleep after a while.

It may be because the nap time during the day is relatively short, and the sleep is concentrated in that hour, so the sleep is particularly heavy. If you are woken up without a good sleep, you will be more angry when you wake up.

When he was awakened by the sound of the mobile phone message, Mu Nan was irritable, but he was afraid that it was Qin Huai who sent him the message, so he struggled to wake up, opened the blindfold and adjusted to the light for a while, and then saw that it was not Qin Huai, the irritability directly After upgrading, I threw the phone aside and didn't even want to answer it.

It's just that after being woken up, it's a bit difficult to fall asleep again. After tossing and turning in the quilt for almost half an hour, I really couldn't fall asleep, so I had to find my phone again to see who sent it to him The news turned out to be Liang Yu who hadn't talked much.

When Liang Yu went to get his ID card last time, he chatted with people he knew, but they didn't connect to the Internet at that time, and they didn't exchange mobile phone numbers. Later, Liang Yu added him from the group in the second district.

Like the previous buildings, a group has also been established on the side of their villa area, because this area is directly divided into the second district. Households are also convenient for those who live here to exchange some information, or exchange items by bartering. Mu Nan also joined the group. After all, if there is an announcement, if you are not in the group, you may not be able to notify it immediately.

Liang Yu also lived here, so he was added privately through the group, and of course his brother was also added, but they didn't chat.

Although he is at home every day, he is also very busy. After Qin Huai wakes up in the morning, he will take out the breakfast that he prepared to put in the space the day before for Qin Huai to eat, and also bring the lunch to Qin Huai when he leaves. Qin Huai After going to work, he sleeps back into the cage. When he wakes up, he has to get up to do housework and wash the clothes he changed. But now that the floor heating has been turned on, the temperature in the house has increased, and the water pipes have been connected. He can use the washing machine, which is easier than before Too much, mopping the floor, going up and down three floors, manual cleaning where the sweeper can't take care of, watering vegetables, weeding, and cleaning the rabbit's room.

After a busy day, it was almost afternoon. I slept for a while and waited for Qin Huai to get off work. The day passed like this. I didn't have time to hang on the bed and brush my phone every day, so I basically didn't chat with anyone.

Liang Yu sent him a message saying that he had just finished playing cards at Huang's house, and seeing that it was still early, he wanted to come to play with him. But this was all half an hour ago, and Liang Yu didn't get any response from him, so he probably went back.

Mu Nan doesn't like to be in contact with unfamiliar people, especially letting unfamiliar people step into his territory, and the two of them have only met that once, what are they playing, are they having an awkward chat, they feel uncomfortable thinking about it, so He replied: "I'm sorry, I was busy with other things in the afternoon, and I just saw it."

Liang Yu replied quickly: "It's okay, are you home?" followed by a smiley emoji.

Mu Nan clicked his tongue. He still wanted to come. Before he could figure out how to refuse, Liang Yu sent another message: "Do you eat biscuits? I made some cookies. Although the conditions are limited, but The cookies made under limited conditions still taste pretty good, can I give you some to try?"

Seeing this, Mu Nan hurriedly said: "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't eat sweets, I'm a bit busy now, so I won't talk, 88." With a smack of her finger, she sent it almost in seconds, for fear of getting caught. A minute late, someone stood at the door of his house and knocked.

After Mu Nan sent the message, he threw away the phone, thinking that no matter what Liang Yu sent again, he would ignore it, as if he was busy and didn't see it, but fortunately, Liang Yu only said that if he was free, he would not make an appointment. Continuing, Mu Nan breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay, although it's enthusiastic, it's not so enthusiastic that it doesn't have EQ.

Glancing at the time, it was more than an hour before his brother got off work, so he sent a screenshot of the short conversation and joked: "I always feel that this person is too enthusiastic. Do you think he has taken a fancy to you, or is he a fan of you?" Me?"

Looking at the short conversation, Qin Huai almost frowned: "No matter who you have a crush on, don't talk to him in the future." For those who have nothing to do, no matter what the reason is, it's better to stay away.

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