Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 128:

Back home, Qin Huai was pushed by Mu Nan to take a hot bath, and an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial bath tablet was specially placed in the tub. Although I don't know if it really has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects, but It doesn't hurt to take a dip.

If it weren't for Qin Huai's warning eyes to persuade him to retreat, he would have wanted to throw some more rose petals in the water. After the bath tablet was soaked in the water, the whole water would turn pink. If you didn't add some rose petals, you would be sorry for this romantic color. .

Qin Huai picked up water and poured it towards Mu Nan: "Believe it or not, I'll make you eat noodles for three days."

Mu Nan clicked his tongue, the noodle warning is great.

Well, it's really amazing, Mu Nan didn't dare to continue making trouble, but took the opportunity to touch Qin Huai's firm chest muscles, and then ran away quickly, afraid that if he ran a step slower, Qin Huai would throw him into the tub for a mandarin duck bath Yes, men at the age of restlessness are not easy to mess with.

The rainstorm stopped in the afternoon, but the sky was still gloomy. Without the rain obstructing the view, the situation outside the yard can be seen more clearly. There are a bunch of messy things floating in the water, and there are even some furniture. A little farther away I can't see clearly whether it's floating clothes or corpses, it's vague, and it makes people feel a little creepy. The rain had stopped, but the water level didn't seem to have receded at all.

Mu Nan was a little curious: "Everywhere is flat now, there are no tall buildings, and there are no regional obstacles, so why didn't the water flow around, but accumulated here instead."

Qin Huai: "The flow of water also takes time. The sewer pipes are clogged, many places are piled up with ruins that have not been cleared, and I don't know the size of the area radiated by this rainstorm. Maybe other places are better than ours. It's even more serious, our downstream is considered to be a very flat terrain, and the water flows straight down, if we change to a more concave environment, the accumulated water may have covered the roof of the house."

Just as Qin Huai guessed, the terrain on their side is relatively high, and the area downstream of the river is flat land. It is planned that this side will be rebuilt into a comprehensive community, including business districts, schools, medical care, etc., because the entire area downstream The flat area is not small, and there is no need to expend manpower and material resources to push down the accumulation of construction slag, which can save a lot of time.

The community to be built is also planning to build small ten-storey buildings. Too high will not work. People are still afraid of earthquakes. It is not good to be short. The current construction area is limited. If all buildings are built into single-family small buildings, it will take Wait until traffic resumes.

Before the rainstorm, there was a new mode of transportation, electric tricycles. Some of them work in factories, but they can’t live in factories. They just take the modified electric tricycles. The distance is not too far. It costs two or three cents a trip, which is cheaper than renting a car. Plus it's much cheaper to buy oil.

It's a pity that this kind of lucrative career hadn't blossomed everywhere before it was temporarily wiped out by the rainstorm.

Because of the overall terrain and environment, the flooding situation in the first five districts is not bad, at least they only reach the first floor at most, while the residential areas in the back are on the lower terrain, and the entire waterlogging is almost flooded to the height of the third floor. The upper and lower sewers are silted up, and in some places there is a strong flow of water, washing away many people. Even though the top has moved as fast as possible, but the conditions are limited and the rescue is not stopped day and night, more than half of the people are still trapped in the flood-affected area.

Some people are even rejoicing that this is summer. If this is winter, when there is such a heavy rainstorm, they don’t know whether they will be drowned or they will be frozen to death. However, summer may not be all right. How many people have died of illness, and how many people have finally re-established their small homes that are about to disappear.

Because they didn't know the situation outside, Mu Nan and the others felt that it was already serious when they saw the stagnant water in the yard reaching the stairs on the second floor. Standing in the yard, the water level was so high that it would kill them all. did not pass. But in fact, the side where they lived was well chosen. The small three-story building, the high area, and the downstream plains greatly slowed down the impact of the water flow, so they were just soaked in the water.

Because their side is quite calm, and the higher-ups probably checked the situation here, the problem is not too big, as long as they move to the top floor, they can save themselves for the time being, so they didn't take care of this side, the main rescue forces were concentrated in various sheds, There are many people and the environment is complicated, which is very difficult.

Unable to see what kind of wind and rain was going on in other places, Mu Nan could only squat at home with Qin Huai and wait for the water to recede quickly, even praying that it would stop raining. It's a pity that God couldn't hear prayers. The sky was calm for several hours, and it rained again. Although the rain was heavy, it could only be regarded as an ordinary torrential rain. The heavy rain like before can only be regarded as a younger brother.

But even so, it still makes people worry: "Continuing this way, I feel that the second floor will be flooded soon. Is the second floor flooded now?"

Qin Huai just came up from the second floor after lighting the mosquito coils and smoking the moxa sticks: "It's not there yet, it's just up the stairs, but not much."

Mu Nan said, "Will the floor tiles be damaged by water?"

Qin Huai sprayed himself with disinfectant and said: "Probably not, it's okay if the soak is broken, just change it, have you taken your temperature today?"

Mu Nan handed the temperature book to Qin Huai: "You haven't measured your own yet."

Qin Huai changed his clothes, went to the cabinet and took a forehead thermometer to take a measurement, and then recorded the temperature in the notebook. Since the flood, taking my own temperature is a must-do every day. Although they have a courtyard wall that can block many things floating with the water, and the door of the house has never been opened, the house has only entered water. The dirty things in the water are all separated.

But I'm afraid that there are many invisible bugs and germs in the water, especially before there were floating corpses, which they saw. They don't know how many corpses have been soaked in the water where they can't see, and they are worried that they will get sick accidentally. , so record and observe body temperature every day, and take medicine as soon as possible in case of any situation.

After Qin Huai took his body temperature and changed his clothes, he took the tape to the living room and sealed up the door and some gaps in the living room on the third floor. This is something he must do every day, mainly because he is worried that some insects will breed in the water Come on, the kind of small ones that can be drilled through the door cracks, he would rather spend a few more things every day to paste the doors and windows, and don't want to be bitten by some messy things because of omissions.

When Qin Huai was dealing with the doors and windows, Mu Nan was sitting cross-legged on the ground, laying down on the tea table to put together puzzles.

This is a new toy he just discovered in the space, and he bought it when he and Qin Huai went shopping together, the kind of huge jigsaw puzzle starting with two thousand pieces, and there are also Lego, Stitch, Pikachu and various cartoon and animation characters , any one of them is half the height of a person.

At that time, there was still a lot of money left in Qin Huai's account, and they had already bought everything they could buy. At that time, they could go out, but it was already hot, so they went to the mall from time to time to go shopping at night, blow on the air conditioner, eat and buy some clothes , I happened to pass by this jigsaw puzzle store once, and I bought so many of them that they couldn't take them home by themselves, so they left the address and asked the store to send them to them, because the Lego bricks alone are huge, if not The stock in the store is limited, Qin Huai almost bought a series of anime characters.

After buying these things, Mu Nan took them into the space. He was not a person who could calm down before. Before Qin Huai left, he thought about playing every day besides eating. He went to play ball and computer games with his classmates every day, and couldn’t sit still. After Qin Huai left, although he lost interest in group activities, he spent all his time painting and didn't have the time to do jigsaw puzzles to sharpen his mind, so he never thought that there was such a thing in the space. .

Now trapped in the house by the stagnant water and heavy rain, Qin Huai does the cooking and eating, temporarily lost interest in variety shows and TV dramas, and has nothing to do to tidy up the space, so I sorted out this jigsaw puzzle.

Qin Huai watched Mu Nan divide the puzzle piece by piece, and said, "Do you think you can figure it out?"

Mu Nan turned to look at him: "You think I can't spell it out, so why did you buy this for me before?"

Qin Huai smiled: "This is bought for punishment."

Mu Nan's head was filled with question marks: "??? What the hell?"

Qin Huai sat next to Mu Nan: "If you are disobedient, make a mistake, or make me unhappy, I will punish you to finish one district, and you will not be allowed to sleep until you finish."

Mu Nan's eyes instantly stared like copper bells: "It turns out that you are such a vicious Qin, and you are upset, so what should you do if you upset me? You will be fined to play Lego, and you will not be allowed to sleep until you finish the spell?"

Qin Huai pretended to murmur: "Then punish sleep after serving you comfortably?"

Mu Nan dropped the puzzle and threw himself on Qin Huai. This person is really shameless.

The two quarreled for a while, and the progress of the jigsaw puzzle was naturally stalled, interrupted by Qin Huai, who was impatient to continue, so he threw it on the coffee table and left it alone. Although it is not impossible to cook with a fire in this situation, they have batteries and can use an induction cooker, but there is no need to toss, and it is not that there are ready-made ones in the space.

The sewage outside is overflowing, mixed with a large number of germs that may make people sick, so Mu Nan is more concerned about eating. At this time, it is necessary to eat and drink well to improve resistance, and to eat and drink enough to keep the body from becoming weak. , three dishes, one soup, two bowls of rice per person, and a small cup of tonic before going to bed. Ever since Qin Huai made bird's nest for him in winter, the two of them have eaten a small portion every day. Mu Nan didn't know if it had any effect anyway, so he ate it when Qin Huai asked him to eat it.

Mu Nan slept soundly at night, especially the sound of the rain was very hypnotizing. Of course, if he was alone, he wouldn't dare to let himself sleep like this, but with Qin Huai around, even if he was worried about the heavy rain and stagnant water, he could still sleep without worry. lung. Qin Huai got up once in the middle of the night, and the rain outside hadn't stopped. He went downstairs to check the situation at home, and the water level of the stagnant water increased a bit. It only reached a few steps on the second floor at night, but it had already overflowed the second floor in the morning. Half a flight of stairs.

One morning, Mu Nan went downstairs to take a look. The first floor was already flooded and half of the stairs on the second floor were soaked in water. If the rain continued for a few days, then they really needed to use a boat escaped.

Qin Huai pulled him upstairs: "It's okay, don't come down, who knows if there is anything in the water, if there are disgusting insects crawling up to bite you, let's see if you are afraid."

Mu Nan sighed: "Stop raining, it's going to rain this day, it's wet, and there's a bad smell."

Qin Huai: "So I told you not to come down. I'll order a moxibustion stick to smoke it later. You can go and see the rabbit. In the morning, I see that the ice cubes in that room have almost melted."

Mu Nan immediately forgot about the water on the second floor, and hurried to look at the rabbits, they are his food reserves, there must be no mistakes, and he would be so distressed if he lost one.

Fortunately, rabbits are wild rabbits, and their strong vitality is not afraid of such a small setback. Because the room is not big, it is a small guest bedroom on the third floor, so after putting a whole ice cube in, the temperature can drop a lot, at least for rabbits. Said that it was not too hot, changed the ice, added a little fodder, cleaned up the hygiene of the rabbit nest, and Mu Nan went upstairs to look at the peppers and tomatoes on the top floor.

This time the tomatoes turned out to be okay. After this batch is harvested, I will replace the tomatoes with Chinese cabbage. Chinese cabbage is also easy to grow, and there is no need to build a shelf. When the time comes, I will ask Qin Huai to make a few more shelves and stack them high. , so that several pots can be grown.

After finishing the family business, a morning passed. Mu Nan took a short shower. It was too hot. After moving a little, he was covered in sweat and washed away the smell of sweat on his body. As soon as he entered the house, he said to Qin Huai: "Our family There are too many industries, and it is really a big family.”

Qin Huai wiped his body with a face towel soaked in toilet water, to prevent mosquitoes and prickly heat, to cool down and cool down. By the way, he checked his body for any mosquito bites. This is also a daily procedure.

"I think it's too much, you can shrink the family property."

Mu Nan shook his head quickly: "That won't work, just point to these industries to support you."

Qin Huai smiled and said, "That's really hard work for you."

After lunch, Qin Huai went downstairs again to check the height of the water, and confirmed that there should be no problem for the time being, so he asked Mu Nan to bring out a bunch of fruits from the space. Time to cut a little more.

Mu Nan started to toss with his puzzle again, Qin Huai fed him a couple of bites from time to time while cutting the fruit, Mu Nan asked, "Can rabbits eat watermelon rind?"

This Qin Huai really didn't understand: "It should probably not be able to, the water content is too high, rabbits are prone to diarrhea, but wild rabbits have tenacious vitality, maybe it can, why don't you give it a try."

Mu Nan shook his head quickly: "Forget it, let's save the watermelon rinds. If they can feed chickens and ducks in the future, they can eat them."

Jigsaw puzzles are really a time-consuming thing. As long as you have patience, you can calm down. When you recover from the puzzle, a few hours have passed. Mu Nan put together the pieces of the first area and rubbed them together. Rubbing his sore neck, he turned his head and saw that Qin Huai was sleeping, lying on his side with his whole body facing him. He didn't know how long he looked at him before falling asleep.

Qin Huai who was asleep was not as fierce as when he was awake, but his profound and resolute facial features made him have nothing to do with the word harmless even when he was asleep. Mu Nan thought to himself, how could someone be able to sleep with aura? , looked at it, then unconsciously moved over, sat on the ground, with his chin on the edge of the bed, it turned out that he liked someone, and he really couldn't get enough of it.

Probably because his gaze was too powerful, even if the sleeping people were woken up by his harassment, Qin Huai opened his eyes, saw the head beside the bed, and immediately laughed, with a hoarse smile in his voice: " Are you done?"

Mu Nan immediately felt a little proud: "The first district is finished."

Qin Huai didn't get up, and his posture didn't change much, he just rested his head on his head with one hand, and squeezed Mu Nan's cheek with the other: "You are so powerful, I thought you would have to fight for three days in one area."

Mu Nan slapped his hand away: "You should underestimate people. Painters have their own talent for graphics processing, okay?"

Qin Huai stretched out his hand and pulled the person sitting on the ground to the bed: "It's still early, sleep for a while, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Mu Nan obediently climbed onto the bed, lay down next to Qin Huai, and leaned on Qin Huai's extended arm: "What do you want to eat?"

Qin Huai hugged him in his arms: "Then wake up and think about it later. When you're hungry, you'll know what you want to eat."

Mu Nan wasn't sleepy at first, but the bed probably has magical powers, making the person lying on it immediately feel sleepy. The cool air from the big ice cubes at the end of the bed dissipated the heat in the room, and the silent air-conditioning fan was facing the bed. While blowing, Qin Huai put a thin blanket on the two of them, hugged Mu Nan with one arm, and soon fell asleep again with the sound of rain outside the window.

However, this sleep did not last long, Qin Huai was awakened by the movement in the courtyard, let go of Mu Nan who was already asleep, Qin Huai went to the balcony and looked out, just in time to see someone climbing their courtyard wall Flip into the yard.

The rain outside did not know when it stopped, and the water level rose a little more. The water was not even half a meter away from the top of the courtyard wall, so people in boats outside could turn over into the yard by lifting their feet, but those who entered the yard Not others, but Qin Bing.

Seeing that it was Qin Bing who came in, Qin Huai went straight into the room and shook the sleeping Mu Nan: "Qin Bing is here, I guess there is something wrong."

Although Mu Nan was still awake, he got up instinctively. Qin Huai reached the second floor, and Qin Bing, who was wearing a life jacket, just swam over. The solution landed.

Qin Huai opened the balcony door, and Qin Bing hurriedly said, "Quick, evacuate with me immediately!"

Mu Nan ran over and asked nervously, "Where are we going to retreat? Where are the others?"

Qin Bing wiped the water on his face: "It's too late to say, hurry up, come with me first."

Mu Nan looked at Qin Huai, and subconsciously asked Qin Bing: "Then can I take the rabbit with me?"

Qin Bing instinctively thought about the size of the boat, nodded and said: "Take it first, if it doesn't work, just throw it away."

Qin Bing said: "Hurry up, I'll knock on Yu Zibai's house."

Qin Huai said: "Song Jia is alone at home, and there is Niu Niu, if you want to take them, you go to Song Jia first, and I will inform Yu Zibai."

Mu Nan returned to the house, and quickly put all the things in the house into the space, including the vegetable dishes on the top floor, and the rabbits were stuffed into the cage. Except for the two big rabbits, which were a bit heavy, the other small rabbits were nothing. He quickly took out two sets of protective clothing and a raincoat, and put on one for himself first. After Qin Huai notified Yu Zibai to come, he hurriedly put it on for him.

"Why are we going to evacuate? The water only reaches the first floor. I don't see any movement in the other rooms. They won't just take us away and leave the others alone, right?"

Qin Huai said while putting on his clothes: "It's impossible to ignore it, but there will be an order, maybe they haven't evacuated to our side yet, Qin Bing came to take us away first when he got some news."

Mu Nan was a little nervous, as if he was in a hurry, as if he was about to be washed away by the flood, and he was sweating nervously: "I have collected everything, and there is only one cage of rabbits left. Where are we going to evacuate?" Ah, there are no tall buildings around here."

Qin Huai said: "Follow the top, don't think so much, take out the emergency kit."

Everything has been prepared in advance, there are some medicines, a change of clothes, and food in it, just in case something happens and you have to flee suddenly, with a big bag on your body, it will be more convenient to carry anything. Qin Huai carried the bag and the rabbit cage to the balcony. Yu Zibai was probably packing up his things, and Qin Bing was still waiting in the water, with a few life jackets in his hand.

But Qin Huai took a look, he didn't have many life jackets, one even just took off from his own body, Qin Huai didn't ask for his life jacket, just took out his own, put it on for Mu Nan, and pulled the rope on the life jacket It was automatically inflated. As for the life jacket Qin Bing was holding, Qin Huai threw one to the balcony next door. Song Jia was too far away to throw it there.

Qin Huai handed the rabbit cage to Qin Bing: "You take it to the boat first, get on the boat and wait, we will come here by ourselves."

I don't know if the whole thing will be infected by sewage if it is soaked in water, but if it soaks for a long time, it will definitely catch a cold and get sick. Now the cold and sickness are not easy to cure.

Qin Bing carried the rabbit cage and handed it to the courtyard wall. There was still someone waiting on the boat. He should be a soldier, maybe a friend of Qin Bing. Both of them were wearing private clothes. They should have come to help Qin Bing because of his personal relationship. Yes, otherwise they should be helping the rescue in the above organization now.

There is definitely no way to go downstairs, so I can only jump into the water from the second floor. Mu Nan can swim, and he is wearing a life jacket, so he is not afraid at all. He climbed over the balcony railing on the second floor, and went down into the water little by little. Then he went out, Qin Bing was on the boat to meet him, and soon Qin Huai also came over, but he was carrying a bag, the bag was a bit heavy, so it was a bit heavy, and he swam slowly, but fortunately, he came over smoothly.

Soon there was a splash on Song Jia's side, Niu Niu was paddling in the water, Mu Nan hurriedly shouted: "Niu Niu come here, come here quickly!"

When Niuniu heard the call, she glanced at her master, then swam towards Mu Nan with her paws.

Yu Zibai's family boarded the boat right after him. It probably took a while to pack their things. They also carried the eldest bag, but it can be seen that the packing was done in a hurry, and the bag was messy and bulging. The only remaining life jacket was covered by Yu Zibai. On Jian Chu's body, and his family's protective clothing was also put on Jian Chu's body.

Mu Nan was on the boat, so he stretched out his hand to pull Jian Chu from a long distance. Jian Chu was badly ill and his physical strength was weak. Mu Nan saw that he was struggling to swim, so he wanted to pull him to save him some effort, but Yu Zibai soon disappeared. After catching up, he pushed Jian Chu to swim out of the courtyard, and then pushed him over the courtyard wall behind him. Song Jia was the last one to come up.

There were three other girls in the next room. They were watching from the balcony. Sun Sisi was so frightened that she cried, but the girls didn’t ask to take them away. It was crowded, except for Sun Sisi who was crying, the other two were calm.

Although there was no way to take them away together, Qin Bing said that they would evacuate soon, and asked them to pack up their things first, and when the evacuated troops came, they could take their things on board the ship as soon as possible.

Mu Nan couldn't bear to look over there, saw the rabbit cage on her body, and Niu Niu who was huddled into a ball: "Brother, they will leave smoothly, right?"

He brings dogs and rabbits but he can’t take people with him. He can live without rabbits, but Niuniu can’t. If he doesn’t take Niuniu with him, Song Jia might rather not leave, but even if they don’t want rabbits or dogs, they can barely squeeze one person on board. , two of them still have to be left, and there is no way to take them all away together.

Qin Huai said: "Yes, and they know the news of the evacuation in advance, so they will be more prepared. Don't worry, the situation here is not too serious, otherwise they would have evacuated as soon as possible."

Qin Bing also said: "Yes, there are at least three hours to evacuate. Don't worry, the higher authorities will not give up on anyone. As long as they can be taken away, everyone will be taken to a safe place."

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