Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 144:

When the night gradually dissipated, many people dragged their exhausted bodies and walked towards home. Some people's places of work were relatively close, and they could get there by bicycle, while some people had to wait for the scheduled shuttle bus that had just started running. The monthly ticket costs three yuan, which makes commuting to and from get off work much more convenient. Although there were not many people taking the shuttle bus, there were a few more buses that occasionally passed by on the once empty and deserted road, which showed a bit of smoke.

Although the current life is not like before, you can have whatever you want, but working steadily, running around for three meals a day, after the catastrophe and catastrophe, it is already hard-won happiness.

A scheduled shuttle bus arrived at the entrance of the community, and more than half of the people got off the bus. Those who knew each other said hello and said goodbye. A small square.

In the past, the small square was relatively empty and deserted during this time period, but today it is extraordinarily lively. You can hear noisy voices from afar, and even the smell of deep-fried salty fragrance wafts over with the hot wind from time to time, waking up the fatigue. A night of physical hunger.

Some people subconsciously inhaled the long-lost smoke, and some people couldn't help but follow the gluttonous smell and approach the fragrance source.

There were still people holding small speakers at the lively stall to keep going, but the front was already surrounded.

Someone peeped inside, and was slobbered by the tempting aroma and asked, "What are you selling? It smells so good, are you selling some fried meat?"

The one who knew what was being sold couldn't help laughing: "What are you thinking, now even the government doesn't have the conditions to open up the sale of meat, and fried meat, I think I can still have it in my dream." If it is a butcher, this I am afraid that the police will have to be deployed to maintain order in a short while. People with green eyes can do anything.

The man sucked in his breath suddenly, as if he had swallowed it after sniffing twice: "Then what is this? There are so many people that I can't squeeze it in."

"Selling bamboo worms, do you want to buy them? Fifty cents a piece, if you buy them, you'll line up, if you don't buy them, you'll stand by and smell the incense. Those who don't buy them over there are reluctant to leave."

The person who spoke pointed to the side, a bunch of people who just came back from work or went for a walk before going to bed gathered together, their mouths were flooded with greed, these people might be afraid of bugs and couldn't pass the test in their hearts, It may also be that they are short of cash and really have no money to buy, but they are reluctant to leave. They probably think that just smelling the fragrance can satisfy their greed a little, so they are eagerly watching the stalls to join in the fun.

Not everyone can accept bamboo worms, but not everyone can't accept it. In the past, this dish was not cheap.

Some people are struggling, and they still need to have a little psychological construction for eating insects, but the fragrance is so tempting. If the conditions are better, you can still eat some oily smell after a while, but the food is a little bit more willing. Put two drops of oil, but the conditions are average, it is really a boiled meal, now even the water is limited, and the life is even more dry, and now I smell the smell of heavy oil, even if it is a bug, it will make me feel sick. People can't help it.

Just when some people were still doing psychological construction and trying to let themselves put aside the appearance and just think that it was a piece of meat to accept the bamboo insects, they heard the stall owner holding a small trumpet shouting: "The last ten, the last ten, the next There is no need to queue up anymore, it’s sold out and sold out!”

As soon as these words were shouted, many people squeezed forward without caring about anything, but they finally got in line, and seeing that they were almost gone, how could they give way? When Jian Chu shouted, the one who had just The man said directly: "I want all ten!"

As soon as he said this, he immediately started cursing, but the man was still unconvinced: "What's wrong with my family's extra population, and I need ten more. It's not that I don't have money, so I want ten. If I don't give up, ten may not be enough!" He quickly handed over the lunch box. Those who go to work now basically bring their own lunch box. Some of them don’t have a lunch box in front of them, so they can eat it directly in their hands. Anyway, the stall does not provide packaging.

This person is obviously a multi-worker family, that is, there are several workers in the whole family, otherwise there would be no such conditions. Although they lived in the first five districts, they came relatively early. It's good, and even accumulated some wealth in the ruins, but most people still live in poverty and tighten their belts, without so many rich conditions.

Of course, it is also possible that this person has experienced all kinds of catastrophes, life and death, and looks down on the day-to-day, but no matter what, he is rounded up, no matter how regrettable he is, he is almost unable to restrain himself, but he dare not make trouble. Next to this is the newly built police station. If you enter the police station, you won't be able to get out if you don't get ripped apart.

Someone lined up for a long time without catching one, and asked the stall owner very unwillingly, "Are you coming tomorrow?"

Seeing many people who didn't buy anything looking over eagerly, Jian Chu held the horn and said: "No more, no more tomorrow, it was just shipped from Qinghe in the morning, it's not easy to go there , The production of bamboo insects in the mountains is not high, they are all naturally raised and grown naturally, when will they be available? Let's go, close the stalls and close the stalls."

Many people looked at the pot of hot oil with greedy eyes, and some couldn't help but stepped forward to ask if the oil was for sale. They didn't mind the oil that had fried bamboo worms at all.

Jian Chu looked at Qin Huai. The oil belonged to Qin Huai and his family. It used to be less than half the pot of oil, but after frying the bamboo worms, I don't know if it will produce oil. Now the less than half pot of oil has become more than half the pot of oil.

Qin Huai said: "Do you want it? If you want it, go back and divide it up. If you don't want it, sell it." Anyway, Qin Huai definitely won't use this kind of second-grade oil. Whether he takes it back and stores it in the space or divides it up, he will No one would use this kind of oil to cook for Mu Nan.

They stockpiled some oil before, it’s not that there is no oil at home, anyway, Jian Chu has a considerable shadow on bugs, just thinking about it makes her stomach hurt, so she shook her head quickly, Song Jia said: “Then let’s sell it for money Will buy again in the future.”

After the discussion, Jian Chu picked up the horn again: "It's selling oil, it's selling oil, the oil that has fried bamboo worms costs three yuan a spoonful, and three yuan is a spoonful of oil!"

When the sun came out, a few people dragged their things and walked home. Jian Chu was tired, so he went home together with Mu Nan's car. Others rode bicycles and pushed small stalls on foot. There was no time to say more, when they arrived at the door, Qin Huai directly stuffed a small box of bamboo worms for Daniel, and he was kind enough to help, but they couldn't say nothing.

Daniel naturally didn't want it: "I've already eaten a few pieces, and I'll eat them back even if I'm paid. You can keep them for yourselves, and I'll go back." Besides, he took the initiative to stay and help, and it wasn't someone asking him to help. Yes, how can I collect things from others, I'm not so cheeky.

Qin Huai said: "They have all been infected by parasites, and they have a shadow of the insects. I'm afraid they can't eat this kind of food. You can take this little food back home for extra food. You have helped me hard today." Although there are quite a few of them, but With so many people added together, I am afraid that none of them has the deterrent effect, so we should thank them.

Several people took turns persuading him, and if he didn't accept it, he would be a bit out of touch. Daniel was embarrassed to accept it, and a blush could be seen on his tanned face, so he had to say: "Next time, if you need help, just come Call me, next time you don't give me anything, I eat your things and take them again, I'm in a panic."

Having parked the car in the garage, Mu Nan didn't see them coming back after waiting for a long time, so Mu Nan came out to look for someone and said with a smile, "Okay, next time I ask you for help, I won't be polite to you."

After parting ways with Daniel, a few people entered the courtyard, just made money, and came back from trading things outside, everyone couldn't sleep, and their spirits were not working, so as not to worry about them, Qin Huai directly asked them to share things together .

It was Yu Zibai who collected the money, but he was afraid that too many people would confuse him, so he was the only one to collect the money, including the money for selling oil later, which was also collected by Yu Zibai. Now he turned on the phone and counted directly: "Gas money I bought thirty-six yuan, and I will transfer the money to Mu Nan directly."

The oil came from Qin Huai's family, so the money in exchange naturally all belonged to them.

Song Jia said, "Where are the bamboo worms? How much did we sell?"

Yu Zibai said: "The bamboo worms sold for one hundred and seventeen, how much did you pay for the bamboo worms?"

Qin Huai said: "Fifty-five, the amount of bamboo worms dug in this mountain is too small, and it's only a small amount after two days of accumulation."

Don't look at the ones that only bought fifty-five yuan. There are hundreds of insects in this article, which is quite a lot. After all, this is not artificial breeding. It is not easy to find so many. I am afraid that the one with They traded bamboo worms, and they collected a lot from other people. Otherwise, they would never be able to dig so much by one person alone. Bamboo worms are not all over the mountains and plains. If they really want to be everywhere, then Not worth the money anymore.

Song Jia let out a wow: "A net profit of 100, did you earn back the car rental and gas money this time?"

Qin Huai nodded: "Almost."

Mu Nan asked them to remove some of the things they changed from the car, a pile of leather, a pile of cloth, dry rice, all piled up in the small living room on the first floor of Qinhuai's house.

After all the things were removed, Mu Nan sat aside to calm down. After the whole tossing, the physical consumption was nothing, but the mental consumption was a bit heavy. In the past few days outside, the environment was unfamiliar and he was on guard for safety, so he didn't sleep at all. Have a solid feeling.

Before I left, I waited until early in the morning. In order to maintain the freshness of the bamboo insects, I specially agreed on the trading time. I couldn’t rest well when I waited for people to come. After the transaction was over, I continued to drive for four or five hours. When I got here, I went straight to the small square to get out of the stall. Now I am so sleepy that my brain is throbbing. Now I am sitting next to me and yawning one after another. The settlement on their side sounds like bible.

Qin Huai rubbed his head: "Go up and take a shower and sleep first."

Mu Nan shook her head: "Wait for you."

Qin Huai smiled and asked Mu Nan to sit beside him without forcing him.

When they came back, they had already discussed it in the car, and they also took out a small book, which recorded the amount of money transferred from Song Jia's family and Jian Chu's family. They also asked about the girls' side before, but they should have it in their hands. I really don't have much money, so even if I want to buy shares, but I don't have anything to sell, I can only stop participating for the time being.

The price of chickens. Qin Huai asked how much it would be if he bought it with money. Hens are a little more expensive because they can lay eggs. Even if a chicken weighs only one or two catties, the price is not cheap. Fifty rooster, although it seems that the price is sky-high now, as long as chickens and ducks are not flooded to the point that most people can afford it, the price may not be lowered, so he directly recorded the price in new currency in the notebook Otherwise, their pumpkin soap would not be easy to convert.

Then, according to the money given by the two before departure, see if they exchange chicken or dry rice noodles.

In the end, each of the two families changed a hen, rice and some millet, and a bag of dried sweet potatoes, and Song Jia changed homemade cloth.

Jian Chu didn't change it. He gathered a lot of clothes when the earthquake just happened. He took some of those clothes with him and handed them over to the military headquarters. After all the troops evacuated, they sent them to the military headquarters. All the household belongings of the military department can be brought back, so there is no need to worry about clothes for the time being, but Song Jia's family's clothes are not enough, so I just changed some cloth and asked Yang Jing to help make some vests and the like.

Although all the money was spent, this trip was a great harvest for them, with food and meat, and some money back after selling the bamboo worms. Although the apportionment is not too much, at least the rent The electricity bill is there, and when the chickens are raised and can lay eggs, it will be profitable again. When the hen is well-raised, then I can ask Mu Nan to borrow a rooster, and maybe I can give birth to chicks. Naturally, the more I accumulate, the richer my wealth will be.

If they hadn't seen Mu Nan's sleepy head falling to the ground, they still wanted to ask about Qing He's situation. They made so much money this trip, and they could double their money back with just a few casual moves. , such a huge profit, they also want to go this trip, not for anything else, they used to get more bamboo worms and set up a stall to sell them, it is best to develop acquaintances over there, they drove in the afternoon and took the things Drive back in the early morning, set up stalls and sell them out before the sun comes out, and choose a holiday to make a fortune.

But this matter must not be rushed for a while, huge profits are also accompanied by risks, and the roads on both sides have been cleared and opened to traffic, and there will only be more and more people commuting, so if you want to do it, you must do it as soon as possible.

But right now, Qin Huai and Mu Nan obviously don't have the energy to discuss making money with them, so they went back home for the time being, and came back to discuss it after they rested.

Mu Nan was dragged upstairs by Qin Huai, insisted on taking a shower, and could no longer open his eyelids as soon as he fell down on the bed.

Qin Huai saw that he had fallen asleep as soon as he came back and was not vigilant about being outside at all, so he kissed him on the forehead in a funny way, and then went downstairs to tidy up his things again.

Others can be ignored for the time being, but the chickens will be kept separately for the time being. There is a master bedroom, a second bedroom and a storage room on the second floor. The master bedroom has been used to raise rabbits, and the second bedroom is just temporarily used to raise chickens. After throwing away some hay, putting in water and rice, setting the temperature of the air conditioner, and bringing back two rabbits from Jian Chu's house, Qin Huai went upstairs to take a bath and rest.

This sleep was quite heavy. When Mu Nan woke up, the clock was already turning. He went to bed at seven or eight in the morning, and slept until midnight. When he woke up, he was still a little dazed: "I slept for fifteen hours. Ah, I can sleep too much, right?"

Qin Huai woke up a long time ago and had already eaten his meal. Seeing that he was awake, he went to pull him up: "Sleep well?"

Mu Nan nodded, his fizzy hair swayed twice on his head with his movements, there were marks on his face from the pillow, his eyes were swollen from sleeping, and he was still in a daze. .

Qin Huai twisted a wet towel to wipe his face: "Get up and eat something."

Hearing the word eat, Mu Nan rubbed his stomach, he was so hungry that he couldn't care less about brushing his teeth, and hurriedly took out a bunch of ready-made things from the space, including rice, noodles, and a bunch of vegetables: " Why don't you wake me up, am I starving?"

Qin Huai smiled and said: "It's not that there is no food at home, I cooked noodles when I got up, and I didn't call you when I saw that you were fast asleep."

Mu Nan started to eat with a bowl of noodles, Qin Huai sat next to him and picked up the meal, he had already eaten noodles, but that was in the afternoon, who knew Mu Nan could sleep for so long, would this He just had his second meal, and said while eating, "Yu Zibai and Wu Zheng plan to visit Qinghe as well."

Mu Nan snorted: "The four of them going?"

Qin Huai said: "Only Yu Zibai and Wu Zheng are going. We talked about it just now, and I told them about the situation there. If we go, we can cooperate with the Cai family. If we can manage it for a short time, we can let Cai Wentao is helping to collect the bamboo worms over there, they will go in the afternoon and return in the morning, they will leave after picking up the things, they can save a lot of money by staying overnight, and they don’t need to stay outside for so many days.”

As for the long-term operation, it is a bit difficult. After all, the bamboo worms are not artificially raised. It depends on whether they can be artificially raised later, but those things can be discussed later. Now that they have just opened to traffic, they can earn as much as they can. When more and more people come and go later, it may not be as profitable as it is now.

Mu Nan said: "Then will they know that we traded pumpkin soap for things? The people in the Cai family should be able to tell. Just talking casually in a chat can reveal a lot of information."

Qin Huai said: "It's all right, it's nothing to say, I told Yu Zibo and the others before I left that apart from our things, I would also take some of my friends' things. Even if the Cai family said something, they would only think that those things were my friend's."

Mu Nan clicked his tongue: "You make friends out of thin air."

This kind of brain that takes one step and thinks about tens or hundreds of steps behind is really not something he can have. Mu Nan didn't expect that Qin Huai had already planned all the possibilities in advance. There is nothing to worry about: "When are they going?"

Qin Huai glanced at the phone, it was another new day, and said, "It's this afternoon, but just now, some things may take some time, and it may not be possible to go back and forth on the same day, the two of them went to work today, although there is There are other ways to make money, but I can’t lose my job, I’ll go find Daniel later and see if he’s interested in participating.”

Mu Nan smiled and said, "Is this the first to get rich and then get rich later?"

Qin Huai: "This is to ensure safety. We went to the meeting this time without twists and turns. That's because we haven't formed an interest chain. If they want to develop this interest chain, there is a possibility that people will be jealous. Then there are not two people. You can come back safely after a trip, so in order to ensure safety, the more people there are, the higher the force value, the better."

Hearing what Qin Huai meant, Mu Nan realized later, "You don't want to go too, do you?"

Qin Huai nodded: "I'll go this time too. After all, we are in contact with the Cai family. It would be better for me to take it with me. Don't worry, I will return after spending a night there at most. If everything goes well, I may not necessarily stay overnight."

Although Mu Nan was a little uneasy, but this time he didn't say anything he didn't like, he just told Qin Huai to be careful, and he took a bunch of weapons from the space, what kind of mace, what kind of spiked hammer, in addition to crossbows, even He also took out a Tang knife: "You put it in the car, your own safety is the first."

Qin Huai asked with a smile: "Why don't you say whether you can not go, or you want to go too?"

Mu Nan sighed: "Brother has grown up and is going to fly independently."

Qin Huai pinched the tip of his nose, "It's not big or small."

Let’s go to Qinghe again. Without Mu Nan, the Dingdang cat, other principals will be needed. Before that, they almost spent all their money there, although they exchanged a lot of more valuable things, such as Those chickens can't be sold for money as soon as they come back. After all, chickens are things that can develop in the long run, so now they don't have much money except for the more than two hundred yuan from selling bamboo worms.

Daniel also wants to make more money through more channels. Although he is alone now, he promised his wife to live a good life and live a good life. As for him to find another person in the future, Daniel thinks it is too difficult .

Many people will never meet a person who can really make their heart beat. Most of the time is up, the age is up, and they can find a suitable person to make up for it. He will live a good life, eat and drink well, and when he goes down to find his wife in the future, he won't be scolded by his wife for being disobedient, but if his wife wants to scold him by the ear, that's okay. OK.

So although Da Niu also went with him, he didn't have much principal, and there was only a few yuan left in the deposit, so he had to buy shares manually.

In the end, it was Xu Ming who generously contributed 200 yuan to make their trip a smooth one.

After they left, the small yard was not idle, Mu Nan went to find Yang Jing with a pile of fabrics and leathers, and wanted to ask if these things would be enough to make a few finished products.

Yang Jing has never made leather before. This thing is thick. If it is purely handmade, it would be really awkward. But it is very easy to make a vest with homemade cloth. The key is to save fabric. Ten meters of homemade cloth can make at least three or four vests. .

Yang Jing said: "There is no need to throw away a lot of waste. If you can find a way to find wooden sticks and the like, you can use those cloth heads to make mops. There are quite a few people who want to buy such household tools."

During this period of time, they made a lot of clothes for people, and more than one person asked the waste cloth leader if he could make a mop. Yang Jing was not very good at it at first, but it can be done after thinking about it, anyway, as long as the materials are in place , Human potential is infinite.

Mu Nan said: "Do you think this kind of vest can be sold at a high price?"

Yang Jing: "How much did you pay for this piece of cloth?"

Mu Nan made a comparison: "Two catties of rice in exchange."

Yang Jingdao: "Three yuan and five catties of rice on the line yesterday, converted to seven yuan and ten meters of cloth, which is a little more, and ten meters of cloth can be used to make three vests. If you save one province, you may be able to make three men's and one women's vests. If we make all women's vests, we might be able to make five pieces, and there should be a market for a single vest that costs 5 to 7 yuan, so we can make money, but this does not include labor costs and transportation costs."

Mu Nan paid attention to another important point: "Now the rice costs three yuan and five pounds?"

There is no shortage of staple food in their family, so they don’t keep an eye on the time of online rice grains to grab them like others. In addition, the money in the account is almost spent, so they don’t go to the online mall every day, especially They were still outside these few days, so Mu Nan really didn't know that the price of rice had risen so much.

Yang Jing nodded: "It may not be possible to grab it yet. We have been stuck trying to grab it for the past two days, but we didn't get it. I heard that from next month, things that can be used as staple foods such as rice flour and corn flour will also be based on the number of people. There is a limit, so there is no need to grab it at that time, but there is a fixed number of ID cards that can be bought by a person in a week, and it is estimated that it is not too much, and it may be barely enough for food and clothing.”

Mu Nan said: "That's fine, it's better than trying to catch it all the time without getting something to eat."

Mu Nan left half of the cloth at Yang Jing's place, and asked her to make it slowly when she had time, and then take it out for sale when it's ready. Of course, it's best to exchange money for food. If not, it's the domestic sales in the small yard. Well, anyway, everyone is quite short of clothes. It's just that knowing that the price of rice has risen again, Mu Nan couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and felt that money was not as secure as food.

He still remembers that when the online shopping mall was first opened, the price of rice was one yuan and two catties, and then the price was raised again. Unknowingly, it rose to three yuan and five catties, and most people’s daily wages were also It's only three or five yuan, and the price of rice is so high, how can it not make people panic.

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