Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 148:

Looking at the long queue, Song Jia fanned the wind and couldn't help but said, "It feels like I'm back in Jinglin Community."

Speaking of when they used to live in the city center, Song Jia smiled and said to Jianchu and the others: "Do you know how we walked the dog at that time?"

Jian Chu said: "The night is quiet, the night is dark and the wind is high, when there is no one in the night?"

Wu Zheng said: "Song Jia and I were walking with a kitchen knife in our hands."

In the beginning, Niuniu was not trained to play at home, so she had to go out when the time came, and she was unwilling to settle at home. Later, the situation outside became worse and worse. It’s a large dog, and it’s uncomfortable for dogs after a long time at home. Some people can go crazy if they are locked in the house, let alone dogs, so I can only take Niuniu down every week to let them out, and they have to hold weapons to guard against death.

Song Jiadao: "At that time, I thought, if anyone dares to **** Niuniu, those who are flying cars, I will throw a kitchen knife at them, and kill one by one."

Jian Chu said: "When we were there, we once saw a golden retriever being robbed. They just dragged the dog on the ground and ran away in the car."

Song Jia sighed: "That golden retriever is called Naisi, and she and Niuniu are still good friends. At that time, the pet group in our community wanted to scold their ancestors, but what can we do? Naisi who was dragged away can't come back. Come on, you don’t know, some people treat cats and dogs as closely as their own children, and some people just take the cats and dogs they have raised for several years in exchange for food, just because they are reluctant to kill them, hey, Everyone has it."

When they were chatting, Mu Nan hung on Qin Huai's body: "It's so hot..."

Qin Huai fanned him with a small fan: "Be patient, we will go back after fetching water."

They wear protective nets, so they don’t have to worry about mosquitoes, but even though it’s a gauze net, it’s from the hood to the tail, and there’s no wind in the small square, and several districts are producing water together. There was no water, so many people came to line up early, and when Qin Huai and the others arrived, there was already a long queue, and when there were more people, it became hotter, and the queue became even more uncomfortable.

Jian Chu was also very hot, and was complaining to Yu Zibai: "This can be supplied by water trucks, why can't it be supplied by pipes? There are such dense queues every day. If there is any infectious disease, none of them will be able to escape."

Yu Zibai also fanned him with a fan: "Hang on, we're almost here."

Song Jia looked at the two of them and couldn't help but clicked his tongue, then turned to look at Wu Zheng: "Brother, I'm hot too."

Wu Zheng said without brotherly love: "I don't have hands?"

Song Jia looked up at the sky, he has no love for this world, let it be destroyed.

Finally, when they slowly moved to the vicinity of the waterwheel, Qin Huai noticed that there was an open space behind the waterwheel that was being surrounded, and seemed to be planning to build something. Mu Nan saw Qin Huai looking over there, and poked it with a smile. He poked him: "Do you know what's going on over there?"

Qin Huai shook his head, seeing the expression on Mu Nan's face that you quickly ask me I know, Qin Huai smiled and said, "What are you doing over there?"

Mu Nan said, "Maybe at Jianshui Station."

Jian Chu came over and asked curiously: "What water station? What is the water station for? What news have you heard?"

Mu Nan said: "I guessed it too. Didn't I serialize comics? Recently, many people have been discussing the water cut-off. There is a comment section under my comics. Some people are complaining about the hot weather. Mosquito bites in line, etc., a reader said that this is temporary, it seems that there is a plan to build a water station in each district, although I don’t know what the situation is about the water station, but now I am enclosing such a small area Going to work, it kind of feels like that."

Qin Huai said: "That's probably true. Recently, the higher up is working on a new program. It's free once every 24 hours, and you'll be charged for the second time."

This program is not complicated, but because it involves fees and the binding verification of the ID card system, it needs system encryption, and it is a government project, so it is a bit troublesome. The few he brought before encountered the problem that the card could not pass I also came to ask him, so he knew a little bit.

Song Jia didn't understand: "What do you mean? What's the charge?"

Jian Chu said: "Maybe build a water station, and you can fetch water at any time in the future. It is free once a day, and if you want more, you have to charge money."

Song Jia was puzzled: "Then why don't we supply water through the sewer? It's not like we don't pay the water bill."

Wu Zheng conjectured, "Maybe it's because there is no such condition for large-scale water supply. For example, the depth of groundwater is different, and the degree of water extraction is different. I guess, and I don't know the specific situation."

Mu Nan said: "I don't know if it's the water station, I just thought of the previous reader's message and guessed it casually."

Yu Zibo said: "If it's true, does that mean that it is possible to dig a deep well now?"

Everyone turned to look at him, Yu Zibo said: "If there is such a condition, then we can fight together in the yard."

Qin Huai hadn't spoken yet, but apparently after talking about the well digging in the car last time, Qin Huai's safety theory took Wu Zheng's heart, so Wu Zheng said directly: "Let's take a look first, if there are many people digging wells, Then let's fight, if no one acts, we'd better not be the first to eat crabs."

A few people were chatting, and the speed of queuing seemed much faster. There were so many of them. It would be too tiring to walk home with a bucket of water, so I rode a tricycle directly and put a bucket of water on the car. Yishun was pulled back, and after each took their own buckets from the car, they put the tricycle in a corner of a shed that was later built in the yard, and put it outside for public use. take it easy.

After returning home, Mu Nan and Qin Huai took a bath one after the other, the bath water was accumulated to flush the toilet, and the rest of the water was poured upstairs and downstairs, and the returned water was almost used up.

Mu Nan was lying on the bed fanning the air, because Qin Huai refused to turn down the temperature of the air conditioner too low, the temperature was just right when he was sleeping, and it would get a little hot if he moved a little in the room, so he still needed to fan the fan manually, and sighed: "When you go out After wading back, the water was used up, and I was so tired and sweated all over, what do you think of this picture.”

Qin Huai: "I want you to go out and get down to earth."

Mu Nan turned over, resting on Qin Huai's lap as a pillow, still crossing her legs and shaking her feet: "Do you think it's possible to drill this well?"

Qin Huai: "The possibility can still be expected. If the water station is built, it is estimated that many people with certain conditions will have some ideas, and our area can be regarded as a residential area for the rich, and there are many conditions. Now Let's see who has the guts to be the first to eat crabs."

Obviously, after batch after batch of eliminations, those who can still take root in the villas and low-rise buildings in the second district, not to mention how capable they are, but most of them are not stupid. It means that there are signs of difficulties in the future. At this time, I would rather think about it than live in a muddled way, maximize the crisis, and then be able to protect myself better.

So there are quite a few people who think like Qin Huai, among other things, not everyone has the guts to shoulder the hidden dangers brought by the early bird, so until the water station is built, there is no movement in the residential area.

The water station is just as Qin Huai guessed before. It is a small spire house with an area of ​​about ten square meters. It should be equipped with an electric water pump. Just like the vending machines in the past, you can swipe your card to get water, 24 hours a day. The first time is free, and the second time is 20 cents for a bucket of water. The amount of water provided once is three liters, which is not too much, but it is barely enough for one person to eat and drink. If you want more, you have to spend money.

Because the water station is always there, you can go to get water at any time, which also reduces the pressure of queuing up, so Mu Nan, who has been queuing for almost a week, finally feels like he is at the end of the line.

When the water station was built, Qin Huai and the others just arrived at the time to pick up the bamboo worms as agreed, because this was not the first time, and they were familiar with it, so Mu Nan and the others were more at ease and prepared the boiler early. I even went to bed early on purpose, and waited for them to come back to set up a stall in the small square.

It's just that the bamboo worms were taken smoothly, but the stall was not so smooth, because the news that today's stall would be set up was sent to the bamboo worm group in advance, so many people wandered around the small square early and waited for the stall to come out. Nan and Song Jia were arranging things on the small three rounds, while Jian Chu was scrolling through the group chat, but his face immediately became sullen.

"Our previous booth has been taken!"

Mu Nan didn't care and said, "Then just set up a stall in another place."

The small square over there is circular and has a large area. One side has developed into a market. Some people will take out things that are not needed at home and set up a stall for trading. Some are handmade, such as woven bags. Woven shoes and clothes, and even bamboo baskets, benches and pier, earn some rations by hand, and those who live nearby will want to go for a walk if they don’t buy them, to join in the fun.

As for the other side, it is a place where residents living nearby take a walk, but the temperature is too hot, unless you are very restless and want to go out for a lively stroll, some old people and children will not go out if they cannot bear the heat, so there are relatively few people , and the place where Mu Nan and the others set up their stall is almost in the middle, close to the market but not in the market.

So even if it is occupied by someone, it’s okay, just move it to the side. Anyway, there is no urban management to control where you set up a stall, as long as you don’t make trouble and go to the police station.

Jian Chu said: "No, there is a stall selling bamboo worms over there!"

Hearing this, Mu Nan stretched his head to look at Jian Chu's mobile phone. Someone in the group posted a photo of that booth. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that the price of the other party is actually cheaper than theirs, three pieces for one dollar. !

Song Jia also came over: "Someone is robbing the business, so can we sell it out this morning?"

Mu Nan has never done business before, and he doesn't know what to do in this situation. Besides, bamboo worms are not something they buy out. If they sell them, they can go to Qinghe to collect bamboo worms and sell them. Reason prevented him from letting him go, so he had to say: "Don't worry about it, let's talk about it when Qin Huai and the others come back. If they can't be sold out, we can continue tomorrow. If they can be sold out, we will only collect them once a week anyway. If someone robs the business If you don’t make any money, then don’t do it, An Anxin can raise chickens at home.”

Jian Chu also knew that this was the case, but people started a price war when they were just starting out. No matter how people don't get angry, it's useless to get angry, and getting angry can't change the status quo, so they can only go first.

Qin Huai and the others haven't come yet, so Mu Nan, Jian Chu, and Song Jia first found a place with a stone pier to sit and wait. The stall selling bamboo worms over there was completely surrounded because of its cheap price and attractive oily fragrance.

There were too many people there, so Mu Nan and the others found a place a little farther away, and now the three of them sat in a row watching the bustle that had nothing to do with them, eyes full of envy.

Jian Chu: "There are so many people."

Song Jia: "When our bamboo worms come, will anyone still buy them?"

Mu Nan: "There are three pieces for one yuan. If there are cheap ones, would you be willing to buy expensive ones?"

Sitting in a row of three people: "... hey."

Jian Chu is still scrolling through the group chat, and the more I look at it, the more I feel that it is inappropriate for them to focus on water and well drilling during this time, and they don’t even care about such a lucrative part-time job. It’s no wonder others have been robbed of their business .

Jian Chu said: "People come to set up stalls every day, and today is already the third day."

Mu Nan and Song Jia looked at Jian Chu: "As the head of the information department, your information radar is not sensitive enough. They have been setting up a stall in front of our house for three days, and you will only find out today when you come out of the stall."

Jian Chu bowed her head silently: "My pot."

Mu Nan: "Then shall we lower the price?"

Song Jia counted with her fingers: "If you lower the price, you will lose money."

For the sake of safety, many people go there, so it is calculated according to the shareholding ratio. Naturally, it is not equal. Funds are invested, manpower is invested, like Daniel's manpower, because there is no principal, so the earning is less, like A few of them stayed at home, but some of them came out to help set up stalls, and part of their manpower was counted as shares, and other funds were invested in shares, and the final profit share would be based on the shareholding.

If the shares are dispersed and the price is lowered, then there will be no money to be made. Why bother to run so hard without raising a few eggs at home for a trip, so there is definitely no way to lower the price. Their oil, salt and seasoning are all capital. Well, if you drop again, you may still have to lose money.

The three of them couldn't help sighing again, seeing more and more people buying bamboo worms over there, a sturdy man was holding a big loudspeaker to maintain order, and kept calling the last hundred, and finally Seventy items, and the last fifty items, some of which might have been part of the fun and didn't want to buy them. Driven by his atmosphere, they felt that if they didn't buy them, they would lose a lot of money, so they also sneaked into the crowd and asked for it.

Song Jia looked at Jian Chu: "You were not passionate enough last time, learn from others."

Mu Nan was surprised when he saw it: "This person used to be a live broadcaster, right? This will arouse the atmosphere. He called me so cheap that I feel like I will lose money if I don't buy it." What about protein or medicine? In terms of value, those who hear and know know that they are selling bamboo worms, but those who don’t know think they are selling caterpillar fungus, which is too foolish.

Jian Chu rubbed his chin: "It's a pity, I used to work all my time before, and I haven't watched live broadcasts a few times. I knew I should pay attention to it and learn how to create an atmosphere."

Song Jia: "I often watch it, and I can squat in other people's live broadcast room for several hours in order to grab those penny benefits, but now when I ask me why I am so angry, I feel that I suddenly can't remember what it is. "

Mu Nan: "Why don't you say that there is a specialization in the art field? People think that just yelling in front of the screen can earn hundreds of millions of dollars. I don't know how much I have learned for those one or two minutes of yelling behind my back. If you can't sell it, then take it back to feed the chickens, my chickens have started to lay eggs, how is yours?"

Speaking of chickens, Jian Chu instantly had a smiling face: "Here, although there are not many, there are only two at present, but the prospects are promising. Mu Nan, I will borrow your rooster when I raise the chickens again."

A chicken is not cheap, and they had no money, so he and Song Jia each asked for a hen, but the rooster really had no money, so they had to borrow it.

Mu Nan said: "No problem, I will lend you one of the brightest, most majestic and mighty big cocks."

After Jian Chu finished speaking, he hissed, covered his stomach and said, "I can't do it, I have to go to the bathroom."

Song Jia quickly looked around: "Why don't you find a place where no one is around?"

Jian Chu rolled her eyes: "There isn't even a tree here, how can there be no place where no one is, are you squatting behind someone's wall? I'll go back, and I'll be back soon."

As soon as Jian Chu left, Mu Nan and Song Jia couldn't help sighing, fanned the wind and waited for their car to come back, saying that they would be there in ten minutes, thanks to the fact that they were wearing net clothes, otherwise sitting here would be like mosquitoes Blood station.

However, what they didn't expect was that Qin Huai and the others waited for a group of people carrying baseball bats before they came back. When the group of people came far away, Song Jia couldn't help but hold Mu Nan's arm: "Why do I think it's murderous?"

Mu Nan also felt that the group of people had an obvious goal, and they went straight to the bamboo worm, so he instinctively measured the distance between the two sides, and said, "Shall we step back to the side?"

Song Jia was also a little timid, afraid of harming the innocent, so she nodded repeatedly, and then the two rode a tricycle to a further place.

When they moved, the group of menacing people immediately gathered in front of the stall, and those who walked in the front pulled the people around to buy bamboo worms like chickens.

Those who were picked up, some even fell to the ground without standing still, almost couldn't hold back their curses, but seeing this group of people with sloppy faces and weapons in their hands, they ran away in a hurry. Didn't dare to say a word of nonsense.

The stall owner of the bamboo worm stand also realized that these people were not kind, and quickly picked up their sticks and machetes. As soon as the group of people walked up to the stall, without saying a word, they directly pointed the hot oil at the stand beside the stall. The stall owner was thrown off.

The one shot with this hand was called fast and accurate, it was a boiling oil pan, and the whole pan of oil was poured on his body, and the man was immediately useless, and after a shrill scream, he fell to the ground and rolled all over the ground in pain.

Mu Nan and Song Jia stared blankly, and immediately felt that the place they were staying here was not safe, but there was a fight on the way home right now, and they didn't dare to go there at all, so they could only retreat again and again, hoping that they would not When the trouble came, Song Jia tightly hugged Mu Nan's arm: "You won't fight, will you?"

Mu Nan: "Probably not. At worst, we'll take a detour. The small square is so big, and there's a police station. What are we afraid of?"

Song Jia couldn't help but said: "Isn't the police station a background board, it only appears every time it's done."

Mu Nan covered Song Jia's mouth: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Jian Chu went back to use the bathroom, and when he came by bike, the sky had changed. Although a group of people looked flustered, they were mostly watching the lively gossip, and even the platform of the low building behind the small square could not stand Few people, all looking forward to the small square, Jianchu heard something about hacking people to death or bamboo insect stalls, his face turned pale with fright, he didn't think about the stalls robbing them of their business at all, his first instinct was that something happened to his own people, So he quickly pushed away the crowd and went retrograde.

In the end, he managed to break out of the encirclement, when a man covered in blood was kicked and flew over and fell in front of him, Jian Chu, who paled anxiously, said, "???" I don't know him.

When he looked around again to find someone, he saw a small tricycle parked on the other side of the small square, and two people squatting behind the small tricycle. He didn't know whether they were huddled together in fright or hiding and peeking: "..."

Jian Chu immediately took a photo of the situation in the small square and sent it to the group, and then sent the two cowards hiding behind the small three rounds to the group, otherwise when they arrived and heard that something happened in the small square, He didn't see anyone, he was afraid that his soul would fly away, he didn't know if Yu Zibai could fly or not, so he rushed to Qin Huai to be as nervous as Mu Nan, and he was sure to fly.

This time the police came very quickly, because the movement was too loud, and they even fired warning shots directly.

Mu Nan didn't cover his ears in time, even though the distance wasn't very close, his ear was blown and buzzed.

While he was rubbing his ears, a hand stretched out to cover his eyes. Mu Nan was startled, but the next second he smelled a familiar smell, so he didn't struggle, and turned around and hugged him.

It's a pity that he was wearing a net shirt with a steel ring inside, which directly blocked people, so he couldn't hug him fully.

Wu Zheng looked at Song Jia with disgust on his face: "Do you want to be counseled?"

Just as Song Jia was about to refute, Wu Zheng took out his phone. The photo on the screen was the back of him and Mu Nan squatting behind the little three rounds just now. It was obviously taken secretly by Wu Zheng and the others when they came over just now. I have to say, indeed Very cowardly.

Yu Zibai didn't see Jian Chu, and frowned, "Where's Jian Chu?"

Mu Nan: "He went home and went to the bathroom, but he hasn't come yet."

Wu Zheng: "What's the situation?"

The two shook their heads, and Song Jia said: "I don't know, suddenly a group of people came over aggressively, first they lifted the oil pan, then hacked people, blood and flesh flew all over the place, and blocked our way home, so we can only go home first." Hiding here."

Mu Nan said: "Should we go home first? The group of people who were cut down just now were selling bamboo worms. They have set up a stall here for three days. They are cheaper than ours, three for one yuan, although I don't know them. Why are we fighting, but it might be a conflict of interest, should we go back and see the situation?"

Daniel said: "You guys wait first, I'll ask."

After Daniel finished speaking, he walked towards the police station, and everyone realized that Daniel was working in the community as a contract worker, mainly responsible for security, so he should be able to ask the situation at the police station.

The two gangs fought with each other, causing heavy casualties, flesh and blood flying across the ground, and oil pans all over the floor, but even so, when the wounded and the dead were taken away, someone rushed to the scene of the incident and quickly took the others' money. The pot and a pile of seasonings scattered on the ground ran away, and the others reacted and rushed forward, not caring about the blood stains all over the floor, they took whatever they could, not afraid of the **** scene at all, and seemed to be happy to pick something up Great deal as well.

After a while, Daniel came back, and said directly: "It's not a conflict of interests, it's a black-hearted stall owner who sells dead insects, some meat is rotten, they rinse it with water, throw it into the pot, fry it, and then put seasoning, even if someone can It tasted wrong, but I was reluctant to part with the meat and oil, and ended up eating it to death."

Song Jia was startled: "Eating dead people?"

Daniel said: "Well, there are two children and an old man, they are vomiting, diarrhea, inflammation and high fever, and they are gone."

The crowd of onlookers ran over to grab the items, and those in the way dispersed. Jian Chu hurried over on his bicycle, looked at them and asked, "Are you still selling it today?"

Qin Huai said: "Otherwise, let's go back today, it's getting late, and we won't be able to sell it for a long time, and this kind of thing happened, maybe the people who bought it will feel a little bit psychologically disturbed, the bamboo worms shouldn't die too much after a day , I can come out to set up a stall after dark today, Daniel, do you have time?" Yu Zibai and Wu Zheng have to go to work at night, so if they set up a stall, I am afraid it will be only him, Daniel, and Nan Nan.

Daniel nodded: "Yes." He was supposed to be off today, and he would go to work tomorrow night.

Jian Chu followed them and pushed the car slowly, while whispering to Mu Nan: "I thought there would be a business ring, but I didn't expect it to end like this."

Mu Nan looked at the people picking up things on the ground over there, and even blushed because of a few pieces of firewood for the stove. As for the people who hacked to death over there just now, no one cared at all. The environment of the end of the world has long since faded away. The people's awe of life and death.

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