Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 157:

The dense and non-stop buzzing outside the window made people have a headache. Mu Nan thought that he would not be able to sleep because of the noise. After all, the sound outside was not construction at a construction site or someone's house being renovated, but it might break at any time. The door and window then scratched your **** locust, but not long after lying in bed, he felt dawn.

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up. I was originally rolling and stretching lazily on the bed, but suddenly realized that the sound outside was still there, so I hurried to check Qin Huai's laptop to check the camera on the roof.

The locusts were still there, flying all over the sky, and even the fierce sun was covered by the shadows of these locusts.

They are not afraid of the current high temperature at all, and they are not even affected.

Mu Nan was startled, Qin Huai entered the room, and closed the notebook: "Go wash your face and brush your teeth, I'll make you breakfast."

Mu Nan turned his head to look at the tightly blocked bay window: "Aren't they leaving? In those movies I watched, locusts don't fly over a place quickly, devour everything that can be eaten and then fly away quickly." Go find the next target, why did they stop here?"

Qin Huai smiled: "The locusts are not harvesters. After three minutes of cutting, they will leave immediately. It takes a while for people to eat, and they may leave soon. Don't think about it, hurry up and brush your teeth. Today If you want to eat thick eggs or fried dumplings, small wontons are also fine."

Mu Nan slowly got up from the bed: "I want to eat red oil Chao Shou."

Qin Huai directly cooked him a bowl of small wontons, stuffed with fresh meat, and brought some shredded mustard greens in the soup, and sprinkled some delicious dried shrimps on the noodles to enhance the taste and freshness, except that he didn't follow Mu Nan's instructions. Looking forward to put red oil, this breakfast is quite comfortable, soup soup, warm stomach is a bit comfortable.

Mu Nan was lying on the sofa to digest, and he didn't forget to show his condolences to his good friends, and sent a message in the small group: "Are you awake, how is the situation at home?"

Song Jia probably woke up a long time ago, so he was the first to reply: "It's good, just now my brother and Uncle Cai cleaned the garage again and killed four or five insects that slipped through the net. The garage should be completely clean. There are no insects in the house at the moment, but fortunately I learned from Qin Huai and made a cover outside, otherwise I feel that the newly replaced glass may not be able to withstand the impact of so many locusts."

Not long after, Jian Chu also responded to the message, but he posted a scalp-numbing video in the group. The video was full of snakeskin bags, which were still alive, because the things inside were constantly The movement of the locusts was probably because the spikes on the locust's feet were too sharp, and some even poked out of the bag.

Jian Chu: "Yu Feng caught the locust last night."

Song Jia: "??? Ran out to catch locusts? Are you so brave?"

Mu Nan: "People catch them on the balcony, take a bag and tie it to the railing of the balcony, there are so many locusts that they throw themselves into a trap."

Song Jia: "Good way, I'll let my brother try it too, there seems to be a big thick bag at home."

Mu Nan: "Come on, I'll buy dried locusts from you when the time comes, and besides, is the alfalfa that your family grows ready to be harvested?"

Song Jia: "Okay!"

Jian Chu: "Yes, you want it now?"

Mu Nan: "It feels like my rabbit is about to give birth, so I need to prepare nutritious food."

Mu Nan planned to exchange rice with them. In terms of material reserves, they definitely didn't have as many as him, but he couldn't give people food for no reason, so he just exchanged it with alfalfa. He had discussed with Qin Huai that one catty of grass would be exchanged for two catties of rice , as for this kind of family planting, the harvest can only be 10 to 20 catties at most, and there is not such a big space if there are more.

Like Song Jia’s family, there may be a little more, because Song Jia’s family grows alfalfa and nothing else. Jian Chu’s family also grows a little pepper and Chinese cabbage. The amount is not much, but it’s not too small. The peppers at home are growing well, and now they are bearing fruit. It is just a small one, that kind of small sharp pepper. It may take a while to eat it.

As for Chinese cabbage, it has also started to show up, but it is only green. It will take a month to wait for it to grow, but it has been planted anyway, and as long as it is watered well in the later stage, it will be harvested.

Mu Nan posted a hand-drawn list in the group, which showed the types and quantities of replacements, rice noodles, grains, oils, seasonings, and even instant noodles. The most luxurious ones were jerky, dried pork and beef. The menu made by Nan is the same. They are all hand-painted cartoon versions of the dishes, which are very tempting to look at.

The rice that seems to be able to emit aroma, although it is obviously not in line with the real thing, but the instant noodles with rich materials and hot waves, as well as the tempting pork and gluttonous beef in the painting are simply in a newspaper office!

Seeing the list sent by Mu Nan, Song Jia instantly hated the rich: "Your family still has so many good things!"

Immediately afterwards, Song Jia posted another message: "Do you have to draw so attractively? I know you can draw, but painters are not used to torture poor people like us who can see but can't eat!"

Mu Nan: "Unhappy people have a lot of money. Although the shelf life is only 24 months, don't worry, I ate it yesterday and it's definitely not bad."

It is definitely impossible to be damaged. It will not be damaged if it is stored in the space for a hundred years, but the shelf life shown on the packaging bag is so long. It must be explained so that people cannot think that it is expired. Things to deceive people.

Jian Chu wants to be extravagant. He likes to eat snacks, and he has always liked them. If it wasn't for the poor conditions before, he would have to work in various places for tuition and living expenses. My dream is to stay at home every day to eat and drink whatever I want, drink whatever I want, keep drinking and snacking, and live a free life outside the house.

Unfortunately, reality does not allow it.

The reality of the past did not allow it, and the reality of the present does not allow it.

So I could only look at it with greedy eyes, and then reluctantly exchanged with Mu Nan for the most filling rice noodles and a little seasoning.

Jian Chu: "Is there enough stuff in your house? I heard from Yu Feng yesterday that there might be a real shortage of food in the future. They also estimated a possibility that there is a shortage of food and water in the north. In order to survive, they can only go south. The water and food pressure in the country is overturned, and our life will only become more difficult."

Mu Nan: "That's enough, don't worry, raise rabbits with rice for grass, and when the rabbits grow up, the things they sell will not be such a few catties of rice. If you don't make money, who would take so much trouble raising these things, just cleaning up every day A rabbit's nest is enough to toss around."

Jian Chu thought the same at first, even if there is a lack of food in the future, no matter what time it is, there will always be people who don’t worry about food. If you can't exchange it, I'm afraid you will earn more because of its scarcity.

Anyway, Qin Huai is smarter than Mu Nan, and with his plan, they would definitely not be at a disadvantage, so Jian Chu put down his phone and went upstairs to mow the grass, and they could go to each other's house from the top of the building without going out, so they didn't have to worry about being caught when they went out. Locust attack. So Mu Nan can only change with Jian Chu now, Song Jia and his family have to wait, at least until the locusts fly away.

After a night of hard work, most people in the outer city moved to the indoor plaza in the eastern suburbs. Because there were too many people, it was very crowded inside, and they would accidentally kick people on the opposite side when lying on the ground, but if you don’t go, you have to After being attacked by locusts outside, he could only hide in with the government.

Someone posted a photo of the crowds in the indoor square, and everyone in the Cai family who saw it felt terrified. If Wu Zheng and the others hadn't taken them in, they would be crowded with others in the indoor square at this moment.

In addition to these transferred people, there are still many deaths caused by conflicts, all of which were caused by pushing and trampling to death. Not many people were actually killed by locusts, but this locust incident still caused huge losses in personnel and finances .

The fiery daytime restricts people's travel, so the locusts are raging more and more unscrupulously. The scary thing about these things is that they seem to have evolved to eat anything. As long as they can eat, those people put them outside to block the sun. , the battered batting used to shield windows from shattering glass, they eat anything.

Mu Nan was really taken aback when he found a ray of light coming in from the outside of the house. It was a ray of brightness coming in from the gap of the sun visor in the room.

Mu Nan moved the sun visor a little away, and saw that the old quilt nailed to the wall by Qin Huai outside the window, more than half of it had been gnawed off. Because of the loss of shelter, Mu Nan saw a lot of locusts crawling densely on it. Moving, he almost couldn't hold back his vomiting from the impact of this unprepared scene, and it took him a long time to calm down his twitching stomach. This nausea was definitely no less than the last time he mistakenly thought he had drunk worms.

Qin Huai pulled him back to the room and put down the sunshade inside the room: "Stay in the room, don't look outside if you have nothing to do."

Mu Nan rubbed his stomach and frowned: "Do they even eat cotton and cloth?"

Qin Huai poured him a cup of hot water: "They are eaten by humans now, cotton and cloth are nothing."

Mu Nan was a little frightened: "Is the gate of our house made of wood?"

Qin Huai said: "Don't worry, it's iron, they haven't evolved to the point where they can eat iron."

Mu Nan couldn't hold back, and sent a message to the group: "Are the quilts you keep outside okay?"

Sun Sisi from the girl's side was the first to reply: "Half of the quilts that have been gnawed are left. Poor our quilts. Before this winter comes, we have to find a way to replenish winter supplies."

Seeing them in the group, Song Jia ran to the window and opened it to have a look, and suddenly she was about to explode: "My quilt! Is it because of these that these locusts don't go away, so if before We didn't put the quilt outside to cover them, they didn't have anything to eat, so they left long ago?"

It was Tu Juan who responded to him, who posted a photo of the house in the second district, but the house was covered with locusts: "If you don't cover it with a quilt, this will be your family's fate."

Because there is no buffer without shelter, when a large number of locusts attacked at high speed, the glass could not withstand the impact of such a large area and density, and it shattered early.

Therefore, although the quilt is part of the reason why the locusts linger here, it does protect the glass from being smashed. Now the locusts have not left, but because the large army is in the hovering or docking stage, there is no violent impact, even if it waits for some people outside The shade cloth and cotton batting were eaten up, at least there would not be so many locusts rushing down to hit the glass.

When the sun was about to sink, there was man-made movement outside. Some people in protective clothing and full-face helmets were holding flamethrowers in their hands and spraying fire at the sky. Where the vehicles passed by, the ground They were all the corpses of locusts, some of them were still alive, but they were jumping and struggling on the ground because their wings were burned.

There are vehicles following behind, cleaning all the way with a broom, and sweeping the locusts that cannot fly to the cargo box on the car. Although there is no way to quickly eliminate all the locusts, even if the locusts fly higher, the musket will not be able to burn them. It's here, but how much can be wiped out, otherwise, if they don't deal with them and wait for them to go by themselves, they will also harm the next residential area.

Song Jia still sent a message in the group: "Do you smell the smell of barbecue?"

Mu Nan was lying on the sofa watching a TV series, and upon seeing this, she replied, "I can subsidize you with a little cumin for free."

Song Jia: "Are these locusts edible?"

Xu Ming rarely spoke in the group: "It is not recommended to eat. According to some photos yesterday, these locusts have become bloodthirsty, that is, they have changed from herbivorous to carnivorous due to various reasons such as the environment. I don’t know what the genetic influence of the locust itself is, but one thing is very important, how do you know that the locust you ate didn’t eat human flesh?”

Seeing Xu Ming's words and smelling the aroma of roasted meat in the air, Song Jia couldn't help retching twice.

Of course, Xu Ming is just guessing. When people are so short of food that human flesh can be eaten, bugs and even animals that have eaten people are nothing, but Xu Ming knows that the people in their small yard are not short of food yet. For the sake of it, they cut off their idea in advance. Even about feeding locusts to chickens, Xu Ming suggested that they check the situation first, and don't just feed them.

In just one day, Yu Feng had already collected three big bags of locusts, and these locusts were the kind that flew into the bags by themselves, so that Xu Ming's thick sacks were not enough, so he asked Mu Nan and the others to get some.

In Yufeng's words, being idle in the house is idleness. In the future, if you can sell money, you will sell it, and if you can't sell it, you will feed them chickens. Even if you exchange two eggs, it is still a profit.

Mu Nan was afraid that locusts would fly into the house, so he didn't let Qin Huai make such a fuss, and would rather buy ready-made ones, but the two of them were locked in the house, and things were done well. This time the rabbits were born during the day, and Mu Nan happened to take Looking at the alfalfa brought from Jianchu's family to prepare for extra meals, it turned out that while the rabbits were pulling their stomach hair with their mouths, there were constantly little rabbits being born like a little mouse.

Mu Nan couldn't help but said: "Every time I give birth to a litter, I have to pull my own hair. The speed of the hair growth seems to be a bit slower than the speed of the rabbit's cubs. I have used so much cotton for it. Why is it still pulling at its fur?"

Qin Huai stood at the door with him and looked in: "The habits of animals, especially the wild ones, are even more difficult to change."

Mu Nan stood outside until his feet were sore, and saw another one puffed to the ground, and said, "This is the eighth one, will there be more?"

Qin Huai saw that the rabbit turned around to smell the litter of babies he gave birth to, so he said, "There should be none."

Mu Nan held the grass in his hand: "Do you want to give it?"

Qin Huai looked inside, because the rabbits had been giving birth all the time, so he hadn't eaten much of the food given before, so he said, "Give it to me tomorrow. Going in today will scare the rabbits."

The birth of a new life is something worth sharing, so Mu Nan posted a photo in the group: "It's born!"

Song Jia replied with a nose-picking emoji: "Those who didn't know thought it was you who gave birth."

Mu Nan: "There is a baby at home, and those who are going to give out wedding candy, forget it, I will keep it for myself."

Song Jia: "Congratulations!! How many babies have been born? Wow, a litter! Great, great, when will the wedding candies be distributed?"

Mu Nan sent an eye-rolling emoji in the group to pay him back.

The last time I was going to trade in Qinghe, they didn’t have enough supplies, so they took all the little rabbits to make up the number. This time, I gave birth to eight. As long as all of them can survive, Jianchu plans to buy two from Mu Nan. Not to mention making money, it's okay to kill and eat meat if you raise yourself up.

He is fine at home, he can grow vegetables without the wind or sun, but Yu Zibai works very hard outside, running around every day, during this time he has really lost a lot of weight.

Although they are young, they can't lose themselves so much just because they are young, so they still have to make up for what should be made up.

Jian Chu had a private chat with Mu Nan, it was agreed before, and Mu Nan of course agreed, although he still doesn't know the number of male and female children, but it's not so unlucky that they are all male He also hopes that Jian Chu's family can raise them, so that after a few more batches of breeding, he will replace the female breeder rabbits, and if he can't catch one of the rabbits, the fur will be bald.

After seeing enough rabbits, the two went to clean the chicken coop again, cleaned the floor tiles in the room, put the dirty water in a bucket, Qin Huai took it to the top floor to store it, and waited for fermentation to be used for watering vegetables .

Mu Nan took a look in the chicken coop. These chicken coops have been in the coop for a few days, and he doesn't know when the chicks will hatch. He hasn't raised the process from egg to chicken, so this time is not easy to grasp. I can take a look every day. After changing the water for the chickens and adding a bunch of grains, the inside and outside of the house were properly handled.

While Mu Nan was taking a bath, Qin Huai inspected the upstairs and downstairs. Now that the locusts stayed here and did not fly away, at least they were not too aggressive towards the windows, so there was no need to worry about something being smashed into it. In the house, all that remains is to wait for time. Until the government eliminates the locusts and the locusts fly away on their own, I am afraid that they will not be able to go out for the time being.

Hearing the sound of water in the bathroom, Qin Huai took off his sweaty clothes, pushed the door open and walked in.

Mu Nan was attacked and yelled, "I haven't finished washing yet!"

Qin Huai whispered something in his ear, and Mu Nan pushed him away: "Our family is not short of this little water!"

With a backhand, Qin Huai turned the person who pushed him into his arms.

Calculated, Mu Nan is almost twenty-five years old, this age group can no longer be called a teenager, but when he was hugged in his arms, he was still as thin as a young man, with the blades behind his shoulders clinging to his chest, With slightly lowered eyes, one can see the attractive shape of the collarbone. Under the soft and bright light of the bathroom, the fine drops of water are gradually condensed in the heat, and then slowly slide down.

The thin waist is wrapped in the hands, as if it will be broken with a little force, and I want to make people explore the limit of this flexibility.

Qin Huai's eyes were getting darker, he lowered his head and lightly bit the neck of the person in his arms, extremely close to the ear pinna, the hot air that spewed out made Mu Nan tremble uncontrollably, and subconsciously grasped it with force. Qin Huai held his arm.

Mu Nan had a little bit of a shadow on the difficult environment of the bathroom, and they had been busy all day, they hadn't had dinner yet, and their stomachs were already growling with hunger, so they begged for mercy in a hurry: "Brother! I, I'm hungry Well, you should give him something to eat first, even the death penalty still has a meal of decapitation."

Qin Huai chuckled in his ear: "Exercise, you will eat better later."

Mu Nan stepped back again and again, with an accusing expression on his face: "The sky is full of locusts outside, and many people are still living in dire straits..."

The rest of the words were sealed in Qin Huai's mouth, and it was a precarious situation. Who cares about other people, shouldn't we cherish every day as if it were our last.

Finally, in order to save water, Mu Nan was forced to take a bath with Qin Huai.

After taking a shower, Mu Nan was tired and paralyzed on the sofa, and Qin Huai, who was dressed fresh, went to cook in a happy mood. During the meal, Mu Nan brought out a plate of oysters and pushed them in front of Qin Huai: "Thanks for your hard work, I'll make up for you .”

Qin Huai frowned: "Walking on the verge of death every day?"

Mu Nan looked pure and kind: "How could that be! You're overthinking it! Jianchu reminded me today that his family's Zibai works outside every day, and he lost weight due to hard work, so he wants to raise two rabbits. Give Zibai some meat when you grow up, you can’t do whatever you want just because you’re young, even though you haven’t worked so hard outside, you still have a lot of things to do at home, and you’re also very tired, our family has the conditions, this supplement has to be mentioned Schedule, a bowl of bird's nest dessert every day is obviously not enough, men still have to fill their own gas stations!"

There were a total of six oysters on a plate, and they were all fresh. Qin Huai glanced at him, picked them up and ate them unceremoniously, and said: "It really needs to be replenished. I will make you happy."

Mu Nan rolled his eyes and ate angrily. He couldn't believe that it was all a toss. Qin Huai could not let him go. He would have to rest for three days if he came here. Qin Huai was the one who was so tormented and distressed. Own!

It turns out that with Qin Huai's understanding of Mu Nan, Mu Nan can still bear this kind of trouble, Mu Nan cried and shook his head: "Brother Wu Wu, you know, I'm not in good health , This is such a useless brother, you are the only brother like me!"

Qin Huai gently bit his earlobe: "You can waste my brother, but I can't be sorry for the six oysters you gave me."

Mu Nan: "..."


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