Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 176:

The strong wind came during the day, and when everyone was sleeping soundly, the strong wind suddenly blew up, crowding and penetrating through the gaps in the doors and windows, making whining sounds like howling ghosts and wolves.

Because the wind was too strong, many discarded items were blown into the air, and the sound of hitting each other awakened many people to sleep peacefully.

Mu Nan sat up from the bed in a daze. Hearing the loud noise outside, he was a little worried: "I feel like the house is being shaken by the blowing."

Qin Huai stood by the bay window, looking outside with a slight frown. Mu Nan got off the bed, yawned and looked for slippers with his feet, and groped for a long time before putting on the slippers: "Is there a lot of things blown outside?" fly in the sky?"

Qin Huai slightly stepped aside and let him watch by himself.

Mu Nan's eyes widened in surprise. He is so big, and he has never seen such a scene of yellow sand all over the sky. The visible range outside is only a few meters, and even the building opposite their house can only be vaguely seen. A blurry silhouette was seen in a patch of yellow sand and dust.

"What's the matter? Is the wind so strong that it blows up all the sand on the ground?"

Qin Huai: "Maybe it's a sandstorm."

Looking at the scene outside that seemed like the end of the world, Mu Nan murmured, "It's really been a long time, I've seen all kinds of scenes."

Looking at sandstorms in inland areas, it seems that Jianchu's previous theory of desertification will be realized in a short time.

But now is not the time to watch the sandstorm through the window, Mu Nan found that the ceiling installed in the yard downstairs seems to be a little unable to withstand such a strong wind, and it looks like it is about to be blown away, which makes people panic.

What Qin Huai frowned was also the problem of the ceiling. He didn't expect the wind to be so strong. Although the ceiling downstairs was installed fairly firmly, if the wind lasted longer, it would be difficult to withstand the wind.

But even if they can't stand it, they can't go down and reinforce it. There is no reinforcement, and the dust outside is so heavy that they can't even go out the door. They can only pray that even if the roof is blown over, no one will be hit.

However, people should not be able to hit it. It is like this outside, and it is daytime, so no one should come out, but if it is blown out and hits someone's wall or window, it feels quite dangerous.

The two watched by the window for a while, until Qin Huai heard Mu Nan's stomach growling, then went to the kitchen to make breakfast, glanced at the time, saw that it was still early, and said: "If you haven't had enough sleep after eating, you can sleep again Go get some sleep."

Mu Nan yawned and followed behind and shook his head: "Don't sleep anymore, the rumbling outside makes it too noisy to fall asleep."

Qin Huai first went to the chicken coop downstairs to have a look. When he saw the eggs inside, he took them out. He made two hard-boiled eggs and fried a few slices of buttered toast. Fearing that he would get tired of eating, he turned the refrigerator Take out the cold dishes in the bowl and steam them for a while. Although the cold dishes can be eaten cold, it is better not to eat too cold things when you just wake up.

While eating breakfast, Qin Huai said: "I'll get rid of the little roosters later, and just keep a breeder chicken."

Mu Nan stuffed his mouth full of egg yolks, and immediately went to drink milk, otherwise his mouth would choke, and he said, "Are you going to kill the three little roosters? Can you kill them now?"

"It's ok, raising it again will only make the meat old. This size is just right to kill."

Three little roosters, this is not a small project. You have to boil water, wipe your neck, pluck the hair, and clean up the site after you finish it. Qin Huai also said that while the blood is fresh, he directly burned the little **** and made a few hand-torn pieces. Chicken, the rest made into roasted cock.

Mu Nan thought that Qin Huai did this only because those roosters had grown up and could be slaughtered, and they wouldn't grow much meat if they were raised any longer, and they would cause trouble. As a result, the next day, Qin Huai started to deal with the rabbits again, obviously those rabbits could be raised again. Some are disposed of now, and there is not much meat.

Seeing Qin Huai's actions, Mu Nan suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Brother, you are not preparing to flee, are you?"

Qin Huai put the **** rabbit fur to soak in the pond beside him, and said amusedly, "What is the difficulty of escaping? Where can this windy and sandy person escape."

Mu Nan squatted at the door of the bathroom and looked at the skinned rabbit on the ground: "Then why kill it now, it can still be raised."

"The wind and sand are too strong now, so we must guard against the possibility that the doors and windows of the house will be smashed."

Mu Nan pointed to the glowing red rabbit meat on the ground: "Kill them to prevent it?"

Qin Huai looked at him helplessly: "The number is too much, reduce it a little. If the doors and windows of the house can't withstand the strong wind, we can at least hide in the storage room without windows. Is it more convenient for a few chickens and rabbits to hide in, or is it more convenient to bring a group of chickens and rabbits?"

Only then did Mu Nan suddenly realize: "It makes sense."

Qin Huai: "Do you want to eat rabbit meat? I can make you some cumin rabbit."

Mu Nan licked his mouth when he heard the words, and nodded without hesitation: "Eat!"

When Qin Huai was dealing with the rabbits, Mu Nan was not idle. He started to deal with the rabbit skins. However, the sky was full of yellow sand these days, and the sun couldn't even get out of the sun. It happened to be soaked in medicinal water, and then brought to the top floor. The room was dry.

He already has a lot of rabbit skins in his hand. He bought a lot of them when he was at Qinghe, but he gave them to Yang Jing and asked her to help him make a rabbit skin vest. Now the rest of his hands are Mu Nan plans to make two scarves by himself. The simplest and rude way is to sew them on both sides, so that there are hairs on both sides, so that they can be directly wrapped around the neck to keep them warm. When the Spicy Rabbit Ding was just out of the pot, a video from Daniel came to the group. Mu Nan just sat down and was about to check the news with his mobile phone. When he saw Daniel’s video, he felt a little bit in his heart. What happened last time was still a little bit Shadow, afraid that this is another big event, quickly connected.

As soon as the video connection was connected, Daniel hurriedly said: "Get your things ready, you may evacuate at any time, after finishing your things, stay at home and wait for the notice."

Before Mu Nan could speak, Daniel hung up the video call. If he really wanted to evacuate, he would probably be very busy there. Other people in the group who didn't have time to click on the video call were all sending question marks. After repeating Daniel's words in words, he immediately ran to Qin Huai.

"Brother, Daniu said that we might have to evacuate, let us prepare things, but there is such a big wind and sand outside, where are we going to evacuate? Should we go to the cave again?"

Qin Huai was calm and unhurried: "You pack the contents of the pot into the lunch box, check if there is any problem with the backpack we prepared, and take out the timing feeding machine and put it in the storage room."

Mu Nan hurriedly followed suit, first packed the vegetables in the pot, and then put the feeding machine into the storage room, Qin Huai soon came over with the chicken: "You take out a fence to separate the rabbit from the chicken."

Mu Nan snorted, "Aren't you going to take them with you? Then if we stay outside for another ten days, half a month, or even a month or two, wow, they'll rot at home and grow maggots!"

Qin Huai was silent for three seconds, probably the scene Mu Nan described automatically appeared in his mind, which really made people feel a little uncomfortable, so he simply said: "Now wipe your neck and put it in the space."

Mu Nan suddenly cried: "Is my family's animal husbandry business going to die again?"

Seeing that he was really unwilling, Qin Huai didn't force it: "Then let fate have enough food and water. Whether you live or die is up to fate."

Mu Nan sighed, watching Qin Huai separate the rabbits and chickens with a guardrail. The rabbits were full of feed, and the chickens were filled with two large buckets of grain and water. It was set to feed once every twelve hours. Just go out for a month without starving to death.

"Why do we need to evacuate? Even if the wind is strong outside, we can just stay at home and not go out. This house is not made of paper, so it won't collapse when it blows."

Qin Huai asked Mu Nan to put all the electrical appliances at home into the space. This time they still had plenty of time, so they simply packed a sack of Chinese cabbage and watermelon. Although it was a sack, the quantity was not much, only three cabbages. , There are only two watermelons, and the others are not yet ripe enough to be picked. This time it is not a flood. I just hope that the house will be stronger and will not be blown down by the strong wind.

Even the refrigerator was put into the space, and Mu Nan and Qin Huai's mobile phones received the notification of the imminent evacuation, so the residents were asked to wait patiently at home, and the various communities would effectively organize personnel to leave.

Mu Nan and Qin Huai closed the upstairs and downstairs doors, and they were sure to evacuate, and the electric switches upstairs were also turned off, but a generator was placed in the windowless storage room, so there was no air conditioning. The solution is to generate electricity to supply fans to chickens and rabbits.

Based on the power consumption of the fan, the generator filled with oil can be used for at least half a month. I only hope that this dust storm can pass quickly.

The two sat on the stairs on the first floor, and when they left, they turned off the main switch in the house. They had two huge backpacks and a sack of things. For the convenience of carrying, the trailer used for the previous migration When he came out of the arena again, he put a lot of daily necessities in it. Anyway, he took it with him, and he had to throw it away if he couldn't. He just didn't know where to evacuate this time.

While waiting at the door, Mu Nan received Jian Chu's voice, asking them if everything was ready.

Mu Nan: "Ready, we brought a trailer, how about you?"

Jian Chu: "We also brought a trailer, but we don't have that kind of transparent goggles, but we have swimming goggles, but I don't know if wearing them will make us unable to see the road clearly."

Mu Nan: "The goggles we wear should be able to see the road. If you can't see clearly, then lead us along."

Song Jia also sent a message in the group: "Help me to let go of your ideas, people can wear cloth covering their faces, what should dogs do?!"

Mu Nan: "Take a cardboard box and put it on Niu Niu's head. If Niu Niu doesn't want to walk if she can't see, you can help me carry the bag, and I will lend you the trailer to tow Niu Niu."

Song Jia: "Deal!"

There was another beeping sound, Qin Huai picked up the phone to check, and informed the residents of the second district to gather in the small square, the meeting time was fifteen minutes, and no one was waiting after the time limit.

Qin Huai put on the goggles for Mu Nan, making sure that there were no gaps to prevent the dust from blowing in, and he also put on the hat tightly. For this reason, he also wore a thin long-sleeved sweater, and the hat was tight and elastic. The rope, cuffs and trouser legs are all tied tightly with rope. Although it will definitely be hot when going out like this, it can at least prevent a little wind and sand.

Mu Nan also checked Qin Huai to make sure that his eyes, ears and mouth were covered tightly, and then the two opened the door and went out.

As soon as he went out, he was almost blown away by the wind. Boys are fine, no matter how thin they are, even Mu Nan weighs 110 to 20 jins, girls are much lighter. The petite Sun Sisi has a round face, but The actual weight was even less than ninety catties, and the whole person was almost blown away.

In the end, the trailer was donated to Niu Niu, but Song Jia didn’t let Song Jia help with the quilt. There was still some space in the trailer, and it could barely hold a Niu Niu.

It’s not that Niuniu is unwilling to leave because of the cardboard box, the main reason is that the wind is too strong, and the sound of some things being blown into the air by the wind is a bit irritating to the dog, and they don’t know the reason why they are not used to the sound. , I will be afraid, and with the crazy blowing, I am too scared to walk.

After finally getting the people and the dog settled, the group of people carried their bags and dragged the car towards the small square with heavy loads on their backs.

Song Jia and the others didn't have any goggles, so they walked behind. Qin Huai and the others didn't have goggles to block their vision, and they were wearing the tightest clothes, so they opened the way ahead, but the road was really difficult. Forced to take two steps back.

Mu Nan had never gone out on such a windy day with more than ten levels, and he was completely stunned. He even felt that he would be blown away at any time. Qin Huai also specially replaced his bag with Chinese cabbage and The watermelon bag, even though it looked big, was not half as heavy as the cloth bag, and it weighed a lot on my body. Although it was heavy, it was at least solid.

After finally reaching the square, everyone was exhausted. Many people were already waiting in the square, pulling each other in groups.

It has been a few years since the earthquake. Under the general environment, there are very few people who are obese. Even in the second district, where the conditions are slightly better, there are not many fat people, and everyone is underweight. If you don’t Pulling each other, it is really easy to be blown to the ground by the strong wind.

Fifteen minutes was the notification time, and when the time came, the people wearing the overalls of the Self-Defense Forces could only gather them with sticks and move them to the resettlement site. The wind was so strong and there was a lot of yellow sand mixed in. There is no way to speak. Even if they are members of the Self-Defense Forces, few have goggles. Many people can't open their squinted eyes, but they are still working hard to organize the evacuation.

Mu Nan doesn't know if there are still people coming from behind. They arrived relatively late. After all, they are a little far away from the small square. They just came here and stood there for two minutes. The visual range is almost zero, even if they wear goggles and can open their eyes, they still can't see anything clearly.

Although I don't know where to evacuate this time, since the evacuation has been organized above, it must have been arranged, so just follow along.

Originally, I thought it would take a long time to walk in such strong wind and yellow sand, but I didn't expect to reach an underground entrance after only walking for about 20 minutes.

Mu Nan knew about this underground entrance. When he came out with Qin Huai, Qin Huai specially took him to see it. There used to be a subway station under construction here, but it was under construction before the end of the world, and it was not officially opened for operation.

Later, after resettlement and reconstruction here, the subway has been being rebuilt. Last year, I saw some news that it would be put into use again soon. As a result, some buses were on the road again this year, but there was no news of the subway being opened.

Unexpectedly, this evacuation turned out to be to evacuate underground. Mu Nan thought he was going somewhere to take a car, and then evacuated to the cave.

Although there are many people, in the organization and arrangement of the Self-Defense Forces, one by one went down in an orderly manner. When they reached the underground building, the wind that could blow people over at any time was finally gone. It's a little lighter.

Because it is going down the stairs, the trailer is not easy to tow. There are so many things plus Niuniu, the weight is still a little bit. Fortunately, Song Jia and Wu Zheng helped to lift them together. There is not much room for the three of them to walk here. Don't rush to help, just go to help Jian Chu and the others, they also have a lot of things, and they are also dragging their families, so the weight is not light at all.

The building under the subway is obviously completed. It is not only ventilated, but also powered. Once inside, it is very cool and air-conditioned. However, the volume of a station is so large that it may not be able to accommodate people in several districts. However, every time the subway There is a site at a certain distance, so scattered, each site should be able to accommodate personnel.

They were the first batch to come in, and the inside was empty. In front of them, there were community staff holding a loudspeaker and announcing the living conditions, where they could be resettled, where the toilets could be used, and where to get food and water every day.

Of course, food and water are not free, they are all charged. If you have no money, it doesn’t matter. After you settle down, go to the staff to register, and the above will arrange temporary work. As long as you can move, you can Absolutely starve to death. It’s okay if you can’t move. If you really can’t move, the higher-ups will issue subsidies.

While the staff were talking about various matters with a small speaker, Jian Chu and Mu Nan had already started to look around, where they would settle down later, they definitely couldn’t live in the middle of the crowd, Jian Chu brought rabbits and chickens, Song Jia Bringing chickens and dogs is not suitable for mixing with people.

But at this moment, Jian Chu discovered that Mu Nan and his family didn't even bring a single animal.

Mu Nan said: "I didn't bring it with me. I think it's not very convenient to carry it. I'm locked up at home. When I go back, whether I live or die, I can only resign myself to fate."

Jian Chu's heart hurts when she heard it: "I hope I'm still alive, otherwise I might as well eat it, it's just a few mouthfuls of meat anyway."

It is estimated that people from other districts will arrange to come over, so too many people can't block the door. After finishing the living rules in a few words, take them inside and let them choose where to live.

People from the neighborhood committee said just now that this severe sandstorm may last for five to seven days, and the specific situation should be treated in detail, so at least one week of evacuation must be prepared here.

Because they are the first batch, the venue is very open, and there are many seats to choose from. Mu Nan is going to choose the bottom of the stairs, which makes people feel more secure, but Qin Huai pointed to the platform on the side of the last carriage: "There There is an air vent, although it is the innermost one, the circulation of air should not be a problem, it is more suitable to be close to the wall and in the corner."

As soon as Qin Huai finished speaking, Song Jia saw that someone next to him seemed to be interested in it, and immediately ran over without saying a word, and directly occupied the place first.

It seemed that the family in that corner was still walking there, thinking that such a big place would not be occupied by them all, but when they saw the people coming from behind, they immediately changed direction. There were so many people, All of them are tall and big, and they can't be provoked.

The three girls lived in the innermost place, and then put the two trailers next to the girls as a temporary barrier. Girls have no scruples.

The air cushion came in handy again, but the girls might not be able to take care of it. Seeing Mu Nan's tangled look, Yang Jing waved his hand and said, "Use it yourself, we brought some foreshadowing."

The so-called bedding is just a thin bed sheet. Mu Nan was still thinking if this would be too unmanly, so Qin Huai walked over, patted him on the head, and then took the mattress from his hand He handed it to Jian Chu who was cleaning the ground, and said to Mu Nan, "Take off your clothes."

Mu Nan looked around subconsciously: "Take off your clothes?"

Qin Huai started directly, and Song Jia on the side covered his eyes and shouted, "Is this a scene I can see without paying?"

In the end, Qin Huai just took off the sweater that Mu Nan was wearing outside, and there was even a khaki sleeveless vest inside.

Qin Huai took the clothes that Mu Nan took off to the side of the train track and shook them off for a while, a pile of stones, slag, dust and yellow sand were shaken off, and then rolled up the sweater: "Use it as a pillow, go Take a shirt out of your bag and put it on."

Others followed suit, and there was no way to shake it off in other places. There was a pile of stone roads under the car tracks, and the yellow sand that came in from outside was shaken on the car tracks to avoid soiling the ground where they were going to sleep.

But they didn't have any clothes inside. At first, there were a few naked people who were embarrassed, but more and more people came over, and some took off their outer pants, shoes and socks in public. Everyone didn't feel embarrassed, anyway. They are all dry and dirty, and I am afraid it will be a disadvantage to be seen by others.

Mu Nan didn't bring wet wipes this time, and it's unreasonable to still have wet wipes now, but he brought a small pack of face towels, and asked Jian Chu if they wanted them, and after making sure they had brought towels, they drew two. Wet it with water, wiped one piece on himself, and wiped off the other piece for Qin Huai.

The face towels after wiping had turned black, and they had been strictly protected. Finally, they wiped the ground in front of them to sleep a little, and they used the two face towels to the extreme.

After finally settling down, the second batch of people also arrived.

Mu Nan lay on his side on the mat, propped his head with one hand and fanned the small electric fan with the other. Seeing the noise of the group of people who had just arrived over there, he sighed, "The group life has begun again."

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