Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 178:

Now it's not just Qin Huai and the others who are making food, some families are also starting to set up pots and spread noodles and cakes. There is a place in front that provides sockets. If there is an induction cooker, you can go there and queue up. Burning firewood is probably the experience I learned in the cave during the previous flood. I directly use firewood to light pancakes and fry potatoes. If the conditions are better and there is water, cook some noodle soup.

Because the sleeping places over there are a bit dense, it is already very hot just lying down. If someone makes a fire and cooks there, the people next to him may not be willing.

So many people directly jumped under the subway tracks with their things, cooking in a variety of ways, and the aroma of the food was constantly wafting over. Qin Huai and Jian Chu who were below made finger cakes were not so conspicuous.

Mu Nan reached out his hand to feel in the bag, and then lay down on the edge of the table, because the place where they slept was close to the platform, and they could roll down to the subway track by turning over, so now they can see it when they lie on the edge The person who was cooking below silently handed over a box of meat.

As soon as Jian Chu raised her head, her expression was undisguisedly surprised, she even looked around subconsciously, then quickly took down the box of meat that was clearly shredded and covered it: "Where did it come from?"

Mu Nan lay on the edge with his hands on his chin: "Of course I brought it with me. My brother killed all the chickens and rabbits at home two days ago. The cumin smell you smelled before is because you just ate cumin. Meat, there is still a little minced rabbit meat left, it will go bad if left on, so add it to the pancakes."

Now living down there is no better than living on the mountain before. When the rain stopped, they could stroll outside and secretly eat something. You can’t hide in the toilet to eat down here, so take advantage of the two days ahead. When Tian took out something that was still reasonable, let his brother eat two more bites of meat.

The meat has already been brought out, and there is no refrigerator outside, it would be the biggest waste if left uneaten and spoiled, so Jian Chu didn't show courtesy to Mu Nan, and called Yu Zibai to stand beside him to block other people's sight, After all, it's a box of meat. If someone sees it, you're afraid that some pestering people will come and ask you to buy it for a few dollars, and that will be troublesome.

Jian Chu poured out all the meat inside, then added some seasonings to adjust it, and sighed: "It would be nice if it was winter."

In winter, he can make dumplings with these meats. Even if he seeks refuge outside, the natural temperature will be frozen firmly, and he is not afraid of spoiling at all, so he can keep them and eat them slowly.

But now, this box of meat is probably going to be eaten immediately, and it is impossible to wake up. Even if there is an air conditioner in the subway station, the intensity of the air conditioner cannot be compared with before. It's more than forty degrees, and now it's up to sixty degrees casually. It's good to have a little air conditioning inside. With a room temperature of nearly 30 degrees, there's no room for meat.

But the meat belonged to Qin Huai and the others after all. Jian Chu cleaned out the bowl, then filled four meat-filled pancakes, and evenly spread the rest on the other pancakes.

Mu Nan dug into his bag again, and took out a small bottle of chili powder.

Jian Chu glanced at him and said with a smile, "Are you Tinker Bell?"

Mu Nan: "Yes."

Qin Huai pursed his lips and smiled, and fried the pancakes that Jian Chu had made. Just listening to the oily sound made people want to drool. If it weren't for the fact that the two neighbors were also making pancakes, sharing the pancakes and attracting the attention of many people, they would have been the most ostentatious in the audience just because of the aroma of the oil. But if they didn't see other people making pancakes, they wouldn't want to eat pancakes. I'm afraid they just cooked some sticky dumplings to deal with it.

Uncle Cai thought for a while, and brought over a handful of mushrooms: "Can I change one with you?" You just need to change one, otherwise Xiaozhu will be greedy when they eat later, although Xiaozhu is very sensible and won't open his mouth to look for it. Adults want it, but they can't bear to see children greedy.

Moreover, people like Qin Huai and the others also knew that they would definitely give Xiaozhu something to eat at that time. Instead of eating other people's food for free and finding ways to make up for it, it would be better to give Xiaozhu another one from the beginning.

Jian Chu took a quick inventory of the flour **** they kneaded, and one cake should be enough to eat, so she nodded: "Okay, no problem."

After speaking, he asked Yu Zibai to wash the mushrooms, then cut them into pieces, added them directly to the flour balls, and then mixed them with the meat to form cakes.

Of course the four meaty ones belonged to Qin Huai and Mu Nan. Mu Nan was not polite to Jian Chu and the others, but he only ate one and half a piece and couldn't eat it anymore. The oil of this cake was a bit heavy, and the first one was just right. The one who is greedy still wants to eat, but the second one is so greasy that he can't finish it. Fortunately, Qin Huai has always eaten more than him, so he just ate what he couldn't finish.

Xiaozhu over there ate the hot pancake and found that there was meat in it, his eyes widened immediately, and then he insisted on pulling off the meaty place, and stuffed a mouthful into the mouths of everyone in his family. The whole family ate the cakes, and Xiao Zhu specially reserved a small bite, saying that he would eat it when his uncle came back.

Wu Zheng and Yu Zibai work outside, and they come into contact with not a few people every day, so they are very clear about what life outside is like. They can only eat one meal a day, so except when they were in the urban area at the beginning, because they had no money, they were hungry for a short period of time due to lack of oil and salt, and they have not been hungry until now.

Because they knew the situation outside, after suddenly living in groups, the lives of each household were spread out in front of them, and they didn't think there was any problem. The general environment is like this, and they have long been used to it.

But Song Jia and Jian Chu haven't gone out to work for a long time. Except for those in their own yard, the people they come into contact with are through the Internet. There are many people complaining on the Internet, but they all complain exaggeratedly, even if they take it seriously, I don't have much substantive feelings either. After all, I can still surf the Internet, and my life may not be so bad as it is unimaginable.

But now, when people are lying in the same space, there are children screaming for hunger in low voices, adults who are forced to fall asleep are full of bellies, and a family of three can barely wet their mouths with dirty water bottle caps in order to save a little water. .

When Mu Nan leaned against Qin Huai to digest, he also saw a mother and son carefully eating the multigrain cakes issued by the government before. They were so careful that they were divided into two halves from the bag, and then poured out half in their hands for the son to eat whole. and she poured the crumbs of the multigrain cake into her mouth. She licked the palm of her hand clean for fear of missing anything, and then carefully stored the other half. The meal for two people is this half of the multigrain cake. .

Compared with them, Mu Nan, who had just burped with the taste of pancakes, subconsciously covered his mouth.

Qin Huai pulled his hand down, let him lean on his body, and put a small blanket on his body, wrapped his arms around him, and stroked his body with the other: "Go to sleep."

Mu Nan didn't have the nerve to say that he couldn't sleep because he was too full. There was no shelter around here, and it wasn't like before in the cave where he was separated from people. The whole place was brightly lit and he could see everything clearly, and there were strangers. The person sleeps not far away, even if he speaks in a low voice, others may not be able to hear him, but his words are too hateful, especially compared to the child over there who cried and said he was hungry like a weak cat, so he said no exported.

Qin Huai: "Then watch a movie?"

Mu Nan thought it was okay, took out his phone, plugged in the earphones, and the two of them put the backpacks on the back and raised them up a bit, then leaned on the backpacks and watched a movie. Movies should not be too exciting before going to bed, so Mu Nan found Watching a Japanese pure love movie, with gentle music, gentle and peaceful plot, Mu Nan was hypnotized and fell asleep before watching half of the movie.

This sleep is not very comfortable, although most people's work and rest are the same, almost upside down day and night, but this is not the same as taking a nap at school, no matter whether you can sleep or not, you can't make a sound under the supervision of the teacher Come on, so as long as some people are not asleep, it will be quite noisy, and those who are asleep, snoring like thunder is even more noisy.

But Mu Nan is only coquettish at home, so if he can't sleep well outside, he can't sleep well. Even losing his temper can't change the sleeping environment.

Because I woke up earlier, there were not many people queuing up for the toilet, but the smell was quite refreshing, and I felt nauseated and almost vomited before I went in.

There is nothing Qinhuai can do about this kind of thing. In the past, due to the heavy rain and floods in the mountains, the most important thing was water, so the bathroom was cleaned every day, but now the most needed thing is water. The bathroom is not a toilet with a flush toilet, it is built separately. When I got up, there was a squatting pit storage container underneath, and no water was needed at all.

Mu Nan couldn't hold back the redness of his eyes. The thought of having to meet his physical needs in this environment in the next few days made his whole body collapse and stupefied. The most difficult period he passed was also solved by cat litter.

Seeing Mu Nan covering his nose and mouth as soon as he was finished, not waiting for him to rush to the sleeping mat, Qin Huai felt distressed and funny at the same time.

When they got up to go to the bathroom, Jian Chu and the others woke up. Seeing Mu Nan rushing back with a dazed expression, they were startled: "What's wrong?"

Qin Huai, who came back after him, wet the face towel with water, wiped Mu Nan's face, and then wiped his hands: "I was irritated by the toilet."

Jian Chu and the others haven't been to the restrooms below, but the impression that the restrooms in the subway station should be flush toilets, but thinking of the lack of water now, my heart tightened: "Yes, how exciting is it?"

Qin Huai pointed to Mu Nan who was now full of despair: "It's so exciting, how exciting do you think it is?"

Mu Nan pulled Qin Huai: "Is there any medicine that will make me constipated for seven days?"

Qin Huai laughed and said, "Even if you are constipated for seven days, you still have to hold back your urine for seven days?"

Then he rubbed his hair and coaxed softly: "Today is only the first day, it must be difficult to accept, it will be fine after two days to get used to it, when the time comes we will wear a mask and seal our mouth and nose tightly of."

After a while, Jian Chu and Yu Zibai also came back, and Jian Chu looked at Mu Nan just like this: "I can't bear this kind of small scene? What's the matter?"

If Jian Chu's complexion hadn't been so pale, it would still be a little bit believable.

In order to avoid going to the bathroom, Mu Nan didn't even dare to drink water, and Qin Huai didn't force him, after all, the refuge here is only temporary, if he can't stand such a bathroom, he should eat less and drink less.

It was the watermelon they brought, which suddenly became not so popular.

The few people who had been severely disgusted by the bathroom looked at the green melon skin exposed by the burlap bag that Mu Nan opened. They were really greedy and did not dare to eat it. This watermelon is diuretic, which is a dilemma.

"You don't bring chicken or rabbit, but watermelon?"

Mu Nan: "It doesn't mean it's ripe. I'm afraid if I don't pick it, I'll go back in ten days and a half months, and I'll dry it to death in the melon pot."

Song Jia sighed: "This is really a sweet torture. You can only eat it in secret, otherwise people who haven't eaten fruit for several years may swarm over to **** it."

Qin Huai: "There's a hole at the bottom over there. Go down and walk a little bit forward. It can accommodate about two people. If you want to eat, let's go there in turn. If it's farther away, the smell won't spread."

In fact, they didn’t intend to eat the watermelon they brought with them. If they stayed at home, the doors and windows were closed and the electricity was cut off, the watermelon would be suffocated by the excessive heat, so they brought it out and ate it if they could. Can't eat and don't force it.

Jian Chu: "Let's eat before going to bed. After eating, I hope to settle it and come back to sleep."

While they were talking, the three girls came back, and Song Jia asked curiously, "How powerful is the women's toilet?"

Sun Sisi: "It can make people explode in place."

Seeing them holding a box of coarse-grain steamed buns and a bottle of water in their hands, Song Jia said, "You guys went shopping? How much is it?"

Sun Sisi: "One yuan, just one steamed bun, one 250ml of water."

This is not cheap after all. Before fetching water from the water station, the price of the second bucket has only increased to 50 cents. One bucket of water is three liters, which is much more than the two hundred and fifty milliliters.

But in the current situation, the price is not too unreasonable. They don't know how serious the wind and sand is outside, and they don't know how much material is stored in this subway station for them to take refuge. The price should be higher. Let people save some food and drink.

In the morning, I didn’t cook anything too dry, so I cooked some pimple soup, which dropped the Chinese cabbage leaves and the mushrooms that I didn’t finish eating yesterday. The girls were more economical, and the three of them ate a steamed bun directly. Song Jiaren saw it He couldn't stop asking Sun Sisi in a low voice, "Is your food shortage so bad?"

Sun Sisi: "It's not like that, I just don't want to do it, anyway, I just lie down every day, if I'm hungry, I'll be hungry, and I'll lose weight."

Seeing them all looking skinny, Song Jia didn't ask any more questions. In the past, eating less might really mean restraint to lose weight. Now, it's probably still not enough food. Otherwise, if you can eat enough, why would you want to starve.

After breakfast, Mu Nan took out a mini tablet, which was slightly bigger than the phone screen, and then played a very appropriate thriller, Subway Escape.

Song Jia asked curiously, "How can there be such a movie on this tablet?"

Mu Nan exited and showed them the catalog: "It's full of doomsday movies, virus hit the city, sandstorm doomsday, extreme escape, last dawn, etc. I used to like watching these kinds of movies, especially some of them are too **** and exciting. Just now I can still watch it when it is released. After a while, I don’t know whether it is a copyright issue or it was reported to be taken off the shelves. I can’t find the resources. All banned."

Song Jia gave him a thumbs up: "It's a good habit. When we go back, we can make this movie into a horror album."

Jian Chu: "Isn't that the Sandstorm Doomsday movie that fits the occasion?"

Mu Nan: "But we're at the subway station now."

Song Jia on the side shook her head again and again: "I hope this doesn't really fit the occasion, it would be too scary."

The time of watching movies passed quickly. When they finished watching the first movie and were about to find the second movie, they heard a huge booming sound coming from upstairs or outside. Even the subway tracks were heard at the same time. The wind is calling.

Afraid of any sudden changes, the noisy people below quieted down instantly and listened carefully to the movement above.

Mu Nan leaned towards Qin Huai: "How can there be wind down here? Could it be the sandstorm blowing in from outside?"

Song Jia had already started to pack things. Anyway, they put all the things outside just now into the trailer, so that they could run immediately if there was any situation.

There was another loud bang. Some young children were probably affected by the environment. After all, all the adults were holding their breath nervously. The atmosphere was a bit scary. They were frightened and cried in panic.

Song Jia was a little flustered: "Isn't it suitable for the occasion?"

Jian Chu and Mu Nan looked at him at the same time: "Speak!"

Song Jia shut up immediately. At this time, the whole subway station turned on the announcement, saying that there was a strong wind coming, people should stay where they are, don’t panic, don’t walk around, and said that the gates of the subway have been closed, and the room is safe, so everyone don’t panic, If there is any news, the radio station will notify you as soon as possible.

I haven't been in a subway station for several years, and I haven't heard this kind of broadcast for several years. When the broadcast first rang, everyone was in a daze for a while. Mu Nan felt like traveling back in time and space, and whispered He said to Qin Huai: "Suddenly, I feel like returning to a civilized society from survival in the last days."

Although he didn't know how this feeling came from, it was just that the radio sounded.

The rumble outside continued, but because of the broadcast from the radio station, many people relaxed a little more than before. They sat down slowly from their original standing positions, but they still listened with their ears up.

Jian Chu whispered: "How strong is the wind outside here? It can make such a big commotion. We don't have tall buildings here anymore. It won't be possible for the five or six-story buildings to be blown down, right?"

Wu Zheng said, "Very likely."

Mu Nan looked at him puzzled: "Isn't it?"

Wu Zheng: "We worked on the construction site for a period of time. At that time, in order to rush to build houses, the foundations of many houses were very shallow, because the designed floors were not high, and there was no need for too deep foundations. Some houses behind were even built. The splicing structure is adopted, which is quick to build, can resist earthquakes to a certain extent, and can even withstand strong typhoon-level winds, but our side is neither coastal nor northward, so we can do this strong typhoon-level wind resistance It is considered the highest level of disaster preparedness, but if there is a wind force stronger than a strong typhoon, those houses will not be able to withstand it.”

Mu Nan nodded with the original expression on his face, then turned his head and asked Qin Huai in a low voice: "What is a disaster reserve?"

Qin Huai: "When making disaster predictions, different terrains and environments will cause different natural disasters, such as coastal cities, typhoon-prone areas, and even the risk of tsunamis, so the housing construction there is another level. The terrain on the side is flat, there is a lot of rain, and some floods are more common, so building drainage systems for houses is the focus, which is called disaster preparedness.”

Mu Nan snorted: "I didn't expect it. It's been a long time since I saw a sandstorm happen on our side, and it was the kind of super strong wind."

Jian Chu also sighed: "I don't know what will happen outside when the storm passes. I pray that our house won't collapse."

Song Jia thought more realistically: "Fortunately, you didn't get any more solar panels later, otherwise the strong wind outside might even blow the roof away."

When it comes to solar panels, it is still a pain in the flesh that Jane can't let go of.

Sitting still is also a panic, so Mu Nan leaned against the wall and played with his mobile phone, only to find that there was no internet connection: "I knew it would definitely be disconnected, brother, you said that if the network cable is built underground in the future, will it not be possible? If something happens, the network will be disconnected.”

Jian Chu turned around and said, "Why don't you say to build the wires underground, so that the power will not be cut off if something happens."

Mu Nan: "I still have basic common sense."

Several girls straightened their clothes and stood up: "Now that everyone's attention is outside, let's go to the bathroom and take care of things."

Song Jia waved his hand: "Go, go."

As soon as they left, Daniel came over to inspect: "As a matter of routine, do you need any temporary work?"

Qin Huai and the others definitely didn't have it, and they knew what this temporary job was for. It definitely included cleaning the toilets.

Song Jia said directly: "As long as I have something to eat, I won't do this if I'm killed!"

Daniel smiled, and Aunt Yin asked: "Is the temporary job just cleaning the toilet?"

Daniel nodded: "Including, there is also cleaning the ground, cleaning the trash cans, and cleaning the trash on the subway tracks."

But now there is not a lot of garbage, and those who can be imported are not thrown away, and those plastic packaging bags are also very few, but although there are few, there are still some. As long as there are traces of life, there must be garbage. For the living environment below, and The subway tracks will be safe to run in the future, so someone needs to clean them up.

Seeing Aunt Yin's agitated look, Uncle Cai said directly: "Okay, Daniel is still busy with inspections, don't delay people's work."

Aunt Yin: "I'll ask what's the matter. If the treatment is okay, then I'll try it."

Uncle Cai: "Try what to try, less toss and nothing."

This is a family, and they can talk a little bit if they have nothing to do. Aunt Yin probably wanted to earn some rations for the family when she asked about it. Mu Nan noticed that they didn't bring much rice except for the mushrooms. Should still be buying the weekly government ration quota.

Even if the potatoes in that house were sold for a few dollars, there was no place for them to buy grain. The high price of grain was probably not willing, so until now, although their family still eats two meals, the amount of each meal is very small. Little, even Xiaozhu can't eat enough, let alone adults, it's no wonder that Aunt Yin wants to find a job.

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