Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 194:

When I saw Daniel again, it was already a year after Qin Huai and the others came to the dungeon. Qin Huai's job was to be in charge of system security defense. He will also follow the relevant technical departments to each connection port to check the situation and conduct on-the-spot investigations. During the inspection, he met the big cow of the construction team.

Daniu was also very surprised that he met Qin Huai by such a coincidence. He has been in Tibet with the engineering team for almost half a year. He already has a job and a house here. He also tried to find Qin Huai and the others on the person tracing system, but The whole dungeon is too big. The urban area where the dungeon has been opened is about the size of ten Kangyun residential areas, not to mention that there are many places that are under construction but have not yet opened.

Although the system here is perfect, it is not too difficult to find people, but Daniel just came down at that time, and the engineering team has been busy with work, so I searched the person tracing system a little bit, but I couldn't find it. He put this matter aside for the time being, thinking that when he was not so busy with work, he would go to the household registration office to check carefully, but he did not expect that such a fate would meet him.

However, both of them were at work, so they didn't want to talk too much about the past, so after exchanging contact information, they went to work separately. When they were free, Daniel found Jian Chu's dessert shop according to the address Qin Huai provided.

The previous noodle shop was called Youjia Noodle Shop, but now the dessert shop is probably too lazy to think of a name, so it is called Youjia Dessert Shop directly.

Now compared with when it first opened, the business is much better. One is that more and more people have come down. After their batch, they can see many new faces here every once in a while. The houses nearby are already fully occupied, and there are still people asking for a lot of money online to share a room. They probably work nearby but can’t find a nearby place to live because they arrived late.

With more people, and Yu Feng’s joint venture and delivery are on the right track, many people can order from the Internet, and the business will naturally pick up.

Because the cost of desserts is relatively large, after all, whether it is sugar or dairy products, they can be regarded as high-end products. The cost is high and the price is expensive. If you can’t make it, you will really lose money. People dare not try it at all. Opening a store to sell cakes and steamed buns is more secure than selling desserts.

If it weren't for Jian Chu himself who likes to do these things, and has the pre-existing confidence in Qinhuai, he would not dare to try the price of the raw materials.

Fortunately, it is considered to be in the early days, making a lot of profit every month, not to mention, Yu Zibai also successfully joined the bank, although he is still a contract worker, but the benefits are good, their family is not as good as Qinhuai, and the rent is directly exempted After many years, the house still directly belongs to his name.

Yu Zibai's work unit exempts 30% of the rent and utilities, and the monthly food quota is slightly higher. Although it is not like Qinhuai's family quota, after all, he is only a contract worker, but he insists on doing it, and then goes to work. If you upgrade your exams and become a staff worker, your salary will increase again.

So now Yu Zibai's salary alone can afford the lives of the two of them. Jian Chu's store is even less stressful. Without the pressure, it's much easier to do everything. In addition, there are not many dessert shops now, so the business is naturally getting more and more popular.

When Daniel came, many people in the store were buying small biscuits. This is Jian Chu’s weekly benefit. You can buy a small bag of biscuits or candies for one or two yuan. The quantity is not much, but the price is not expensive.

One or two yuan is not so difficult for their wages in the dungeon now. After all, basically everyone who can go to the dungeon now has a job. I don’t want to part with a small cake of 7 yuan or a small biscuit at the original price. It’s good to buy a small package of one or two yuan on this welfare day and taste it.

The benefits that Jian Chu set up every Monday made the dessert shop very busy every Monday. Mu Nan and Song Jia would come to help, and the salary was of course not necessary. They also ate the desserts that Jian Chu made. Some new products to try, and the occasional small pastries that are not sold out, are basically divided among them. Anyway, they are fine at home, so it is not bad to come out to help and spend time.

Mu Nan had sharp eyes. Before Daniel entered the store, he saw people walking this way through the glass door, and quickly pushed Song Jia who was collecting money and tickets: "Daniu is here."

As soon as Song Jia raised his head, Daniel just opened the door and came in. He waved at him quickly: "Daniu! Come on, come on, it's just in time for you to come, come and help."

Daniu walked to the backstage following Song Jia's guidance, and Mu Nan said, "A small ticket and a packet of biscuits, I'll go to the back and help Jian Chu pack them."

The timing of this Monday is also good. Tomorrow is the Qixi Festival. Today is the welfare day. Many people come to buy it for tomorrow’s festival. The sales volume of the welfare day is fixed, and we will not continue to make it when it is sold out. Restocking, but thinking about Qixi Festival tomorrow, if you can eat sweet things on this day, it may increase your happiness. Seeing that there are many people buying, Jian Chu simply opened another pot and is currently weighing and packaging it.

With the help of Daniel in the front, and more personal packaging in the back, the scene suddenly relaxed, so busy that the store was almost sold out, Jian Chu put up a small sign saying sold out and closed the store, and then took A small cake was handed to Daniel: "Before, Qin Huai said that he met you and exchanged contact information, and wanted to say why you haven't come to us yet."

Daniel also took the small cake politely. He doesn’t like sweets very much, but he didn’t like it because he used to eat whatever he wanted, but now it’s okay to eat what he doesn’t like, and he loves what he doesn’t like. And after knowing each other for so many years, there is no need to be polite, so the food is very simple.

After praising Jian Chu's craftsmanship, Daniel said: "I only have one day off a week, and I came here when I didn't rest. When I first came here, I took a look at the surrounding environment. Your place is really nice."

Song Jia asked, "Where do you live now?"

Daniel: "I live next to the power plant. It's not far from your place. It's just one subway transfer away. It's very convenient."

Mu Nan: "My brother said that you are in the engineering team. Aren't you in the self-defense force? How did you switch to the engineering team? Could it be that there is a shortage of people in the engineering team and you have to be transferred from the self-defense force?"

Daniel shook his head: "It's not the tune, I resigned, and then went to the capital. When I left, my captain gave me a contact information. It was his former comrade-in-arms who worked in engineering. It happened that they were also recruiting at that time. People, I have a good physique, and I have the relationship with the captain, so I joined their engineering team and worked for a few months, then followed the team to take over the dungeon project, and then I came down."

Jian Chu asked curiously: "In other words, you left by yourself, not arranged by the superiors. What about the Cai family, and Yang Jing and the others?"

"They were still in Kangyun at the time. I asked them if they wanted to go together. There were too many people in the Cai family, and it was not so easy to leave. It was not convenient for Yang Jing and the girls to follow me, so they stayed in Kang Yun is waiting for the arrangement from above, and now I don’t know how they are doing, whether they have come here or are still in Kang Yun, anyway, when I left, the situation on Kang Yun’s side was already not very good.”

Anyway, it was the place where I lived for so many years, and with that bit of curiosity, Song Jia hurriedly asked: "What do you mean it's not so good? The sea is flooding over?"

Daniel: "That's not true, but after you walked for a few months, a large-scale tsunami occurred along the coast. Many people died, and another part of the land was swallowed up. Many people escaped. Too many people the sick, the wounded."

Everyone is experienced. After such a large-scale disaster, among other things, epidemic prevention is definitely the first step. If you are not careful, the entire residential area will be filled in.

"At that time, I saw many people with black spots on their bodies, and those with black spots were taken away, but no contact isolation measures were taken, and I didn't know if it was some unknown infectious disease. But seeing more and more land plates spread by the sea, I think it is better to leave early. No matter whether I can go to Tibet to find you, at least go to the capital, and if something happens, I can escape to Tibet as soon as possible. I will come gone."

Hearing this, Mu Nan and the others felt hairy all over their bodies: "What kind of dark spot, it can't be some kind of infectious disease again?"

Song Jia shivered: "No way? Do you want to be alive?"

Jian Chu said: "I have been saying before that the glaciers melted and the ancient viruses were unsealed. Do you think it will be those frozen viruses?"

Song Jia clasped his hands together: "I hope the dungeon will always be peaceful and safe."

Daniel is not worried: "You should be able to rest assured about this. Just focus on the repeated inspections when you came in. Those who were stripped for inspection and blood tests were quarantined. Those with problems must have been quarantined long ago. As long as they come in under control personnel, as well as food and water sources in all aspects, there is really an unknown virus, and it can also guarantee the safety of the dungeon to a large extent."

Mu Nan looked at Daniel: "How long has it been since you came in?"

Anyway, they haven’t been out since they came in, but they don’t have much need to go out, their jobs are stable, and their living environment is comfortable. It may be that the people in the dungeon are relatively sparsely populated, so the food is much more relaxed than outside, and there are many Things that are almost extinct outside can still be found in the dungeon, such as puffed snacks, milk drinks, etc. How can they be bought outside.

There is no need to worry about eating and drinking, and no worries about food and clothing. Naturally, there is no need to go out, so I don't know what is going on outside now.

Daniel said: "It's been at least three or four months. Before I came in, the outside was actually a bit chaotic. At that time, the news of the dungeon was known by many people. Some people were afraid that they would be abandoned by the government as the rumors said, so They simply searched for a way out by themselves, and crowded the capital, but those people didn't know whether they were in good health or whether they were carrying any infectious diseases. The bodies of those who ate less were already boiled dry, and many people died outside directly, and the corpses could not be disposed of in the first place. Think about it, what will happen if this bad situation continues to circulate.”

They have lived here steadily for almost a year, and their life is very peaceful. Those who go to work go to work, those who open a shop open a shop, and when they have nothing to do, they invite them to be together. , without the urgency of the harsh environment and the pressure of survival, I almost forgot what kind of baptism the outside world is suffering.

Now that I saw Daniel and learned about the outside situation, I realized that it's not that life has improved, it's just that they entered heaven in advance, but there are more people still struggling in hell.

Chatted with Daniu for a long time, about the things he came into contact with outside before he came in, about those friends who were still in Kangyun after they left, until Qin Huai and Yu Zibai both got off work, because they knew that today Monday, they would definitely be here I helped in the store, so I came to the cake shop directly after work, and when I saw Daniel, we had another hot chat.

If Daniel hadn't said that he had to go to work tomorrow, he couldn't stay too late today, and there was a time limit for the subway to go back, and they were going to invite Daniel to have a meal outside, and finally see each other after a year, naturally Worth a big meal.

Although they didn't have a dinner together this time due to the rush of time, they made an appointment for the next dinner together, and they won't go out to eat at that time. Although there is a restaurant outside, the price is also expensive. The money is spent to buy vegetables and go back to cook and eat more. many.

Knowing that Qin Huai would come to the store after get off work, Mu Nan took Song Jia's car when he came, and took Qin Huai's car when he went back.

It was almost seven o'clock, so the light on the zenith of the dungeon was gradually dimming, and the street lamps on the street were also lit up one by one. Mu Nan sat on the back seat of the bicycle with his arms around Qin Huai's waist, looking at the people on both sides of the road. The lights on the house, I thought this kind of tranquility was very beautiful before, but now, I feel a little heavy for no reason.

Qin Huai heard him sigh from behind, turned his head slightly: "What's wrong?"

Mu Nan said in a muffled voice, "The situation outside doesn't seem to be very good."

It's not just bad, it's very bad. Mu Nan doesn't know what's going on outside. He hasn't had much contact with the outside since he came in. Every day is very simple. Although there are a lot of information on the Internet, most of them People who come in have little chance to get in touch with the outside, and those who can get in touch will not talk about it online, so the content of the chat basically revolves around the inside of the dungeon.

But what he is in charge of is security defense. It is not just a matter of making a few softwares. It also needs to be combined with the external situation. Among other things, it is to predict the level of tsunami and flash flood impact once the sea water rises in the future. What level of defense can resist it? In order to survive, we must constantly update external information and conduct research and experiments.

In addition, the number of people that the entire dungeon can accommodate has been constantly updated. To update these data, it is necessary to estimate the current approximate number of people outside.

In just this year, almost five provinces have been swallowed up in the coastal cities alone. The melting seawater of the glaciers is rising much faster than previously predicted.

According to the latest forecast above, in a few days, there will be a heavy rainfall in some areas. This rainfall is a good thing in some inland places that have been dry for a long time, but it is a bad thing in areas that have been flooded by sea water. disaster.

Right now, from the beginning, tens of thousands of people can be imported into the dungeon every week, and now hundreds of thousands or more are imported every week. The sudden increase in population has accelerated the construction speed of some projects that were originally short of people, but at the same time, The existing materials cannot keep up with the rapid increase in population entering the dungeon.

So don't look at them living here in peace now, but the situation may not be too optimistic.

While cycling home, Qin Huai analyzed these things to Mu Nan, who made Mu Nan flustered: "Then we won't run away again in the future?"

Qin Huai smiled: "This is the last refuge, how can we forget where to escape, escape from the earth? Don't worry, although the situation is very bad, it will not affect our current life too much. Lack, the prices may be a bit expensive, but we came early, and the selected area has already been perfected. Even if the gates are opened to allow more people to come in, it is impossible to fill our side with people, polarized Life is inevitable, even if we are in the same dungeon in the future, some people can live in luxury, and some people are still precarious, so don't think about what is going on outside now, in this world, there will never be a day when the world is unified."

After being told by Qin Huai, Mu Nan could only try not to think about it as much as possible. He only hoped that Xiaozhu, Yang Jing, and the others would come over soon, and that Qin Bing would not be sent on a rescue mission because of the disaster outside. Although only Qin Bing Not retiring for a day is inevitable, but he still hopes that everyone he knows will be safe.

And his brother's classmates, before they left, they told Wang Xiaoli that he would take his wife to the north and then enter Tibet if he had the chance.

The rare emotion was blown away by the wind blown by the speed of the car when they got home. Even if the sky outside collapsed, as long as they were alive, they would have to live as usual, so Qin Huai was in the yard When the car was parked, Mu Nan had already entered the kitchen to wash his hands and started cooking.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and the food is the biggest.

The people Mu Nan cares about are actually only one place away from him at this moment, they are underground, while the Cai family and Yang Jing are on the ground.

After Daniel left, Cai Wentao had been thinking about leaving. His family was definitely not as elegant as Daniel's, but if he didn't leave, they would feel a little uneasy.

Later, a new disease broke out on their side. Although the above has issued a notice saying that the infection rate of the virus is extremely low, people still panic because of this. Those people have black or brown plaques of varying severity, and some In the more conspicuous places, such as the back of the neck and hands, and some places on the body that can be covered by clothes, this kind of cover is a bit scary, after all, it is impossible to guard against.

Although it has been said above that this currently unknown spherical virus, which can only be called physically, does not have the possibility of human-to-human transmission as long as there is no excessive close contact with blood, people are still afraid, just looking at the skin of the infected person. The appearance makes people dare not approach.

The most frightening thing is that the source of infection of this virus has not yet been clarified. Some people speculate that it is sea water. Those who got sick all escaped from coastal areas. Under such circumstances, he hurriedly took his family and fled to the capital, as long as he was farther and farther away from the sea.

Too many people gathered, and the chaos that the above has been trying to avoid still happened.

Among the crowd, in an inconspicuous corner, a few people with disheveled hair, blackened clothes, and muddy bodies were hiding in the corner. Not far from them just now, a few strong men grabbed The black mantou from the family in front walked away.

No one dared to say anything, and no one dared to stop them, so they could only carefully hide themselves and the food on their bodies.

Xiao Zhu, who was hiding among a group of adults, huddled into a ball. He was almost nine years old this year, and he was as thin as a six or seven-year-old, so he was not conspicuous in a small ball.

Guo Hui stood in front of Xiao Zhu, Cai Wentao carefully picked out a piece of dry pancake from his clothes, and quickly stuffed it into Xiao Zhu's mouth.

After eating a small piece, Xiao Zhu stopped eating. This was his daily food, and the others tried to hide and stuff their mouths with food, but they couldn’t eat too much. One bite would last a day’s consumption .

They have been hungry for a long time and only have a handful of bones left. The dirt on their bodies is not to hide themselves, but because they really don't have that condition. They can't wait to accumulate urine even to drink water, let alone clean.

They originally thought that earthquakes, wildfires, floods and epidemics were the hardest days to live, but they didn't expect that life could be even more difficult.

Cai Wentao regretted it more than once, regretting why he didn't simply and decisively go with Daniel at the beginning. If they had left at that time, wouldn't they be like they are now, and they might die on the road at any time.

But it was too late to regret. Apart from waiting, apart from following the crowd to find a way out, they had no way out.

What's more, because they left relatively early, they have now entered the Tibetan area. I heard that there are still people fleeing here. Many people in front of them have starved to death because of lack of food. How miserable can it be.

There is a majestic and heavy city wall in front of it, and isolation fences are erected outside. Everyone is waiting in line outside, and only a part of them can be admitted every day. There are many entrances into the Tibetan area like this, but each entrance is unique. It is controlled at every level. I heard that the inspection is very strict. People with plaques or people with obvious diseases are not allowed to enter.

The people from the Cai family and Yang Jing have been waiting outside for more than a week, and they don't know when they will be in line, but there is no other way but to wait for them, but this kind of waiting is too torturous.

I don’t have enough food, no water to drink, and I hear some people crying and crying every day, especially those who have managed to get in, but are refused to enter due to some physical reasons. The desperation is really too terrible.

Sun Sisi, who has thinned from a round face to a small pointed face, shed tears silently while listening to the desperate cries over there, while Tu Juan slapped her on the side, her dry lips could burst into tears when she spoke. , the voice is even hoarse: "Save some water, why cry."

Sun Sisi lowered her head and asked in a low voice, "Can we survive?"

Yang Jing held her skinny, bruised and dirty hand into his own, as if comforting her and himself: "Yes, just keep going, just keep going."

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