Natural Disaster Apocalypse

Chapter 66:

If only Da Niu said it, the two soldiers still doubted whether this man forced others to change houses with him because of his fierceness, but now there are more testimonies from other neighbors on this floor. The expression of a soldier looking at the old and the young turned cold in an instant.

Before they could say anything, the old lady of the Zhang family sat down on the ground and began to cry: "I'm dying! This world is killing people, and no one cares about being robbed of the house! If you have a home, you can't go back. Instead of helping the common people, you are helping the wicked to bully people!"

Before they said anything, this man howled. Although Daniu had a rough face and any expression made people feel fierce, his eyes were really innocent. Even when Mrs. Zhang was sitting on the ground, she subconsciously took a step back , for fear of getting involved with himself.

The soldier glanced at Daniel, who quickly said: "I really didn't force people to change houses, they took the initiative to look for my house. Anyway, I suffered from hardships in the early stage, and now I finally have an elevator to go up and down smoothly. No matter what you say, you won’t go down, it’s not just for the weak to cry.”

The soldier waved his hand with a headache: "Go in."

Mrs. Zhang grabbed the soldier's hand: "You can't do this! Soldiers don't make decisions for the people. What kind of soldiers are you? This is my home! We have to live in our own home now!"

Another soldier, who looked a little younger, said impatiently: "There is no such good thing in the world. You changed the house yourself. Now that you know the conditions above are good, you come to make trouble. Everyone is like you. It deserves to be killed!"

Mrs. Zhang couldn't hear these words in an instant: "How do you talk, you curse me to death! Believe it or not, I will report you! What is your name! I will report you to your chief!"

The soldier sneered, grabbed his grandson and dragged him to the elevator. Seeing his grandson being dragged away, Mrs. Zhang jumped on him, screaming like a butcher.

And his grandson was silent from the beginning to the end, and he didn't resist when he was dragged away, but his clenched fists revealed his restless heart. He was spoiled by his grandparents. Compared with his parents, he has a deeper affection for these two old people, but being spoiled since he was a child does not mean that he is so distorted. He never thought that his family members have How bad it is, although he knows that they like to be greedy for some petty bargains, but who doesn't love cheap bargains? Nine out of ten people will want to take advantage of some innocuous little bargains, but when this behavior of taking advantage of others is so bad The extent of killing people is completely different in nature.

His grandfather, because he was afraid of being taken advantage of by others in the elevator, refused to bring out water, but he was rescued, but his grandfather was gone. He didn't understand, is a bottle of water really so important? They all said that they were willing to repay twice, but his father said that his grandfather did this all for him, to let him have something to eat and drink, but are they really short of that bottle of water? No.

After the earthquake, they resettled in tents, and a family of three escaped fortunately, but their child seemed to have asthma, so when they fled for their lives, the first thing they took was a medical emergency kit, but the bag was missing , Later, the child had an asthma attack and was taken to the medical team. He didn't know if there was any medicine for emergency treatment, but he saw two boards of anti-inflammatory medicines that he didn't have before in his bag.

Later, it was obviously his grandma who said that it would be easier to escape if he lived in a lower place, and climbing the stairs would not be so hard, but now he blamed him and said that someone else had taken over his house.

Zhang Zicong couldn't stand such a reversal of right and wrong, but that was his grandma, who loved him the most, even if there was only one bite left in the family, he would definitely give it to his grandma. He couldn't blame him, but he couldn't overcome the hurdle in his heart. Apart from being silent, he didn't know how to react to face such a family he couldn't accept but couldn't let go of.

Because Zhang Zicong was pulled into the elevator, Mrs. Zhang was afraid of what these people would do to her grandson, so she quickly followed after him. To deal with this kind of old man, the two soldiers can't be tough, anyway, they don't care if they get him down , As for whether this old lady Zhang will make trouble, they can't control it. Anyway, Mr. Niu doesn't seem like a person who will suffer.

After the person went down, Daniel came out and moved the wardrobe, blocked the elevator again, and then returned to the house.

After watching the fun, Mu Nan clicked his tongue softly: "Those soldiers are working hard. They have to save people, clean up the corpses, protect against the plague, and deal with this kind of thing. It's too hard."

Mu Nan said again: "They are like a sharp sword, they can defend against the enemy and defend, and they stay quietly in the scabbard when they don't need it. At this time, it seems that no one from the government pays much attention to it. "But it can't be said that, at least the people in their community are still in charge of planning and arrangement, but I don't know why, but looking at those in military uniforms makes people feel more secure.

Qin Huai said: "Their obedience determines their ability to respond to disasters. The government can only do some logistics or overall planning, but only the army comes down to the masses. This is why whenever a catastrophe occurs, people are the first to The only one who thought of coming to the rescue was the People's Liberation Army."

Mu Nan once again sighed how hard it was, and became happy again: "It seems that the Zhang family should not be able to come back. It's so strange. They have nothing to do with their family. It seems that they haven't said anything until now. Why? I just instinctively dislike his family."

Qin Huai smiled: "Probably the aura is not in harmony. That Grandma Zhang is a restless person. If her house runs out of water and food in the future, she will not be able to close the door and cook slowly by herself. She will definitely ask her neighbors for help. He will be attracted to him greedily, and if he doesn’t help, he is afraid that he will be greeted by the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, so it is difficult to have any good impressions on this kind of person.”

Mu Nan wiped off the hot sweat from watching the excitement, then sat on the bed and fanned himself with a small fan: "Just now Xu Ming didn't even come out, so I don't know if he is also hiding behind the door to watch the excitement."

Qin Huai: "How many days has he been in self-isolation?"

Mu Nan crawled over and flipped through the desk calendar: "It's been seven or eight days, it should be fine, do you think he will live in Jian Chu's house by then?"

Qin Huai shook his head: "If the temperature doesn't continue to rise, and at most keeps at this level, he would probably rather stay at home and use the air conditioner."

People like Xu Ming seem to be close, but in fact they are very far away. It is not easy to talk to each other. But in the same way, as long as you don't turn against each other, you will not take the initiative to plot against you. In today's society, even brothers can betray each other. It's not so easy to find a friend who can talk to each other, so it's good if you can cooperate with each other so that you don't hurt others, and people don't hurt you.

Thinking of this, Qin Huai couldn't help but rub Mu Nan's hair, how lucky he was to have Mu Nan by his side in this life.

Mu Nan whose head was rubbed suddenly: "Your expression just now..."

Qin Huai smiled: "What expression?"

Mu Nan: "...It kind of means that my puppy is really cute."

Qin Huai smiled even more when he heard this, but he was very cute.

I don't know if the Zhang family went to the military headquarters to make trouble, or came up again later, but because the elevator door was blocked, she couldn't move such a heavy wardrobe with her own strength, so she had no choice but to go downstairs. Afterwards, their floor was quiet again, but Jian Chu said that they could often hear the woman coughing from Da Niu's house at home.

At the beginning, Jian Chu was worried that someone in their family was sick, but it has been almost half a month since they lived here, and the coughing sound has been there, which proves that the person is still there. Even if it is a disease, it should not be a plague of infection, otherwise it would not be able to survive for so long . But after all, there seemed to be patients at home, so Yu Zibai would spray the door with the common pet disinfectant brought back from Xu Ming's pet hospital several times a day. At this time, there is no need to save it. Although I don't know if it will be useful, it is better than doing nothing.

Compared with Yu Zibai who sprays pets, Qin Huai will wear protective clothing to disinfect the corridor every day. They have prepared a lot of disinfectant water at the beginning. How long will it take if they don’t use it at this time? Even though the elevators and stairs are blocked, However, I am also afraid that sick people will pass by, and the anti-theft door on the stairs can stop people, but it cannot stop mice and mosquitoes. This disinfectant can dispel it to some extent. After all, the smell is quite pungent. Anyway, it is sprayed every day. They are at home. Live with peace of mind.

As for their own gate and balcony, Qin Huai would light mosquito coils every day. The mosquito coils at home could not be used, because they were sealed and airtight, so they could only be lit at the gates. Now, except for the gates that would occasionally be opened to get in and out, there were no gaps in other places. They are all sealed with tape, and there is no need to worry about mosquitoes. The protection inside and outside has been achieved to the extreme, and the rest can only depend on fate.

After a busy day, Qin Huai and Mu Nan ate something and fell asleep when they saw that the sky was about to dawn. However, Mu Nan didn't sleep too deeply, and his sleep and waking has been restless, and he really couldn't sleep. After that, he took out his phone and checked the time. It was only before twelve o'clock at noon. Usually, they were fast asleep at this time. Since the start of the day and night upside-down routine, he rarely woke up at this time.

As soon as he moved, Qin Huai woke up. Before he opened his eyes, he stretched out his hand to touch the side, and then lightly patted Mu Nan's body: "What's wrong, it keeps turning over and over."

Mu Nan lay down for a while, couldn't help but sat up, Qin Huai hurriedly turned on the small lamp by the bed and followed suit: "What's wrong?"

Mu Nan frowned uncomfortably: "I feel a little bored."

Qin Huai got out of bed and turned on the headlight in the living room. Mu Nan squinted uncomfortably. Qin Huai touched his forehead: "Uncomfortable? Besides chest tightness, what else is uncomfortable?"

Mu Nan shook her head: "I feel like it's going to rain."

Qin Huai was taken aback: "It's raining?" He walked to the window, raised a corner and looked out, the sun was shining brightly, and there was no sign of rain at all.

But Mu Nan said that if it feels like it’s going to rain, it’s very likely that it’s going to rain. He’s more sensitive to rain than the weather forecast. He’s been like this since he was a child. As long as the weather is about to change, especially in summer, It is especially easy to feel wet when it is not down. Although rain can cool down the temperature, it may not be a good thing when it rains at this time, not to mention that the rain will spread some viruses further, and those materials that have not been collected from the ruins may be watered by the rain Ten does not save one. Not to mention, the corpses that have not yet been removed from the ruins are soaked in rain, and the situation is grim just thinking about it.

Mu Nan did remember that it rained at this time in his last life, and the plague broke out especially fiercely after the rain, but he couldn't remember exactly when it rained. For months, he might not even be able to remember the date when it rained on a certain day, but now this stuffy feeling before the rain tells him that the rain is coming soon.

Even though the air conditioner was turned on in the room, Mu Nan was still too stuffy to lie down, but also very sleepy. Qin Huai had no choice but to stretch out his hand and pull him onto his body, like he did every rainy season when he was a child: "I hold him You sleep for a while."

Mu Nan shook her head: "You're an adult and you still sleep in your arms. If you can't fall asleep, don't go to sleep. Anyway, after it rains, you won't be bored. Go to sleep. I'll watch a movie."

Mu Nan didn't sleep, how could Qin Huai sleep, so he simply asked Mu Nan to take out the pot of cooked chicken feet. The claws were already cooked before, but bone removal is a delicate job, and there were still many chicken feet at that time. The aniseed dishes were not cooked, so these things that took time to slowly and would not cause too much smell were left in Mu Nan's space, that is, they couldn't go out right now, but they couldn't make too much smell. Kill time when there is a lot of movement.

Mu Nan took out a long, low table from the space. While putting the computer on, he leaned on the bed with his pillows in his arms and watched a movie. On the mat, there is a special lunch box with bones beside it. It is easy to remove the bones from boiled chicken feet. The bones can be picked out with a swipe of a knife. Mu Nan looked at some chicken feet with some meat on them. Bone, said: "Do you want these bones?" He felt that it was a waste to throw away all the things that could be eaten.

Qin Huai: "You can keep it. These can be used as a soup base to make bone soup. The boiled soup can be used to cook noodles. At least it is more nutritious than plain boiled noodles."

Mu Nan said loudly: "That's the best use of everything. With so many bones, if our family has a dog, they can still be boiled and fed to the dog."

Qin Huai smiled: "If you want to eat it, you can eat it if it's boiled, and it can also supplement calcium."

It took Mu Nan a while to realize: "I'm not a dog!"

Qin Huai smirked, and the movements in his hands became more and more proficient and fast. After a while, the pot of chicken feet was cleaned up. Mu Nan put the bones and pot into the space, and asked Mu Nan to make the soup that he had prepared earlier. Take out the ingredients, pour them all into a food box with claws and seal them tightly: "Store in the refrigerator for two days and then store them in the space."

Mu Nan: "I think they debone the chicken feet and cook them again in this kind of soup base, which is more delicious."

Qin Huai: "It's also delicious, just reheat it when you want to eat it hot."

Mu Nan smelled the spicy lemon scent in the air, and couldn't help but said, "Brother, can I have chicken wings?"

Qin Huai turned to look at him, thinking that he was not feeling well at the moment, so he pampered him a bit: "I can only eat a little."

Mu Nan quickly got up, took a lunch box of small wing tips, and two cans of Coke: "Brother is working hard, come and cool off."

Qin Huai took off his gloves, wiped his hands with a wet towel, and then took the Coke.

Mu Nan put on gloves, and specially took a small trash can that could be hugged on his body, and put a small trash bag inside, so that the bones gnawed out just spit in it. In the past, he gnawed almost everything I will spit it out. Now I eat the small crispy bones that can be crushed, and I spit out the ones that cannot be crushed until there is no trace of meat left. Therefore, I eat very slowly. I watch a movie. It's over, and I haven't eaten much yet.

Just when I was about to rummage through the next movie, there was a loud bang outside, followed by crackling rain like splashing water.

Qin Huai got down from the bed, opened the curtains and looked at the sky, which had been under the sun for more than half a year, and it finally became gloomy, with clouds and heavy rain.

The thunder just now was too loud, as if it was hitting the ear. I don’t know if it’s because the place collapsed and was empty after the earthquake. The sound was unobstructed, and it sounded like it was going to split the sky. . Although Mu Nan had a premonition that it would rain, he was still startled by the thunder, and the tip of a small wing in his hand fell to the bed with a snap. Qin Huai, who was looking at the situation outside the window, quickly picked up the dropped one and stuffed it into his mouth.

Qin Huai put down the curtain again, and checked in the kitchen and bathroom to see if there was any water seepage in the sealing tape. The room where the generator was placed was sealed tightly, and no water had entered. The other room was dark because of the weather, and there was no water seepage. It was sunny, so Qin Huai closed the windows, but he didn't know how long the rain would last, and the power stored in their generator would last up to three days.

After Qin Huai inspected the house, he heard screams and cheers outside. It hadn't rained for almost a year, and the hot sun was hanging high in the sky. Seeing the sky, many people even think that this may be a signal of the disaster passing, the rain has come down, maybe the weather will gradually become normal later on, just like the smog that suddenly came and disappeared before, weird The heat will also dissipate with this rainfall.

When the rain started to fall, Mu Nan put all the things that shouldn't be outside into the space, he was afraid that the people next door would suddenly come over. Sure enough, after a while, Jian Chu called him on the walkie-talkie.

Jian Chu: "Mu Nan, Mu Nan, are you awake?"

Mu Nan: "Wake up."

Jian Chu: "Do you want to go to the balcony to watch the rain?"

Mu Nan thought for a while, the rain is not a problem, the problem is the bacteria and virus that the rainwater breeds in the ruins, so he looked at Qin Huai: "Do you want to go out?"

Qin Huai said: "Let's take a look, there are a few solar panels outside, go out and check."

So the two opened the door, and Jian Chu and Yu Zibai were already standing on the balcony. When they saw them, they sighed, "It was said that there must be rain after the earthquake. I didn't expect it to take so long for it to fall."

Yu Zibai looked at Qin Huai: "How long can the power consumption of the generator last in a rainy day like this?"

Qin Huai said, "Maybe less than three days."

Jian Chu sighed: "I don't know how long the rain will last, whether it will cool down after it rains, can we catch some of this rainwater? It's okay to eat and drink, and take a bath, right?"

Mu Nan said: "I don't know, but it seems that many people are taking a bath."

Mu Nan is holding a telescope in his hand, and now his field of vision is empty. With the telescope, he can see clearly at a far distance. After all, the sun is covered by dark clouds, but the light of the day is still there. Many people ran outside the tents to take a shower. It was raining heavily, and if they didn't take the opportunity to take a shower, those whose homes had collapsed would not have any extra water to wash.

Jian Chu thought about it, and simply went back to the house to pick up the water with a bucket. The rainwater that fell from the sky and has not yet landed, no matter whether it is dirty or not, at least it should not carry viruses. It is also good to save it for a bath. This is their There is still some water in the house now. When there is really no water, the rainwater must be drunk for survival.

Seeing that Jian Chu was trying to tie a rope to the handle of the bucket and hang it outside the balcony to catch water, Mu Nan simply found two rubber pipes from the house and two large funnels, and put one end of the rubber pipe on the other end of the funnel , and tied the funnel upright with a rope to the railing of the balcony, and then put the rubber tubes at the other end in two buckets. Jian Chu’s house needs to receive water, but their house seems to have a lot of water if they don’t receive water, so Just pick it up together.

Jian Chu looked at Mu Nan: "Your house is well equipped, including funnels."

Mu Nan: "I bought some large bottles of daily necessities when I needed them." Actually, he didn't remember why there was a funnel, but he remembered seeing it before when he was organizing a pile of sundries at home. As soon as Li thought about it, he could directly 'see' which box the funnel was in from the space, so it was easy to find out.

Although it was raining, it was still hot outside, because the rain hadn't soaked the ground yet, and the heat had risen more like a steamer, so the few people didn't stay on the balcony for long before entering the house. Anyway, Jian Chu and they didn't have to go out. You can see if the bucket is full by opening the membrane cloth on the balcony. If it is full, you can knock on Mu Nan's balcony door and ask them to come out and change the bucket together.

Like Jian Chu, when they saw the heavy rain, their first reaction was to find a way to catch the rainwater. There were many people. Even the people living in the tents in the camp area tried their best to find containers to catch the rainwater. Some simply stood in the rain and took a bath. I found some toiletries from time to time, and now they come in handy. Washing your hair and taking a bath is like Chinese New Year.

The people in the military department did not stop them from doing so, and even some soldiers couldn't help taking a bath with them. After all, there was too much water shortage, and now even the water for drinking had to be saved and saved. However, the leaders above were not as happy as the masses when they saw the sudden heavy rain. They thought more long-term, how to survive the unstoppable plague after the heavy rain.

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