Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

There were no objections. Everyone silently nodded at Rick's words.

Simon scratched his head in a little bit of embarrassment, and Hector didn't respond.

"And the weakest team is"

Rick glanced at Meilyn to check her countenance and said,

"I guess it's Team 1, with you and me, right?"

"Hey! Why are we the weakest?!"

Meilyn complained, face red in shame.

"Meilyn, do you know any enhancement dark spells?"

"Uh, hm. A few small ones, I guess?"

"Unless you're planning to burn all the people in Class C with a Dark Flame, it'll be a bit difficult to play an active part in a game like this."

Small laughter broke loose from everywhere. Meilyn's face went even redder.

Ignoring Meilyn's status, Rick continued his explanation.

"While Team 1 is focused on Meilyn, Team 3 has a solid breadth of strategies."

Class As Ace of Necromancy, Cindy Vivace.

Class As Ace of Curses, Jamie Victoria.

Class As Ace of Summoning, Pierre Berkeley

Class As Ace of Poisonous Alchemy, Claudia Menzies.

Those who scored in the 90s for their preferred subjects written assessment were all concentrated in Team 3.

Despite Simon and Hectors overwhelming performances, some felt that Team 3 was actually the strongest with their higher grades.

On the other hand, Meilyn, who was supposed to be the best of Team 1, didn't possess such specialized dark magic that'd be useful in this game.

"That's why our teams are the weakest, strongest, and mildly strong. We must put the weakest, Meilyn's Team 1, against Serene's team at all costs.

"You won't get away with this."

After glaring at Rick for a moment, Meilyn crossed her arms and turned around. As she let her thoughts fester, her fighting spirit only burned brighter.

Watching this, Rick furtively grinned.

In addition to what he said, he believed that Meilyn would somehow fight harder if she was versing Serene.

A cold voice split the lively atmosphere of the class.

"Youre blabbering bullshit thinking youre such a big shot! Bastard."

Hector intervened, his eyes gleaming with something strange.

"Stop dragging it on and cut to the damn chase."

"Ah, you're so impatient~ Just wait a little bit."

Sighed Rick, his hands in his pockets.

'Acting so high and mighty just because Simon Polentia is behind him.'

But Hector didn't go any further.

There was no reason to worry about a small fry like Rick. Hectors one target was already taking his everything.

"I got it."

Suddenly, an unknown males voice was heard in the air. As everyone was looking around for its source, the air melted, and a student with glasses appeared next to Rick.

It was Camouflage, a skill that hides the user's body.

"Could you please tell us?"

Rick smirked.

* * *

"Now then, students. Get ready for the match."

Grumbled Brett, who took the role of a referee. Students rushed to the front of the court.

'Ugh, this is pissing me off.'

Hong Feng and the other assistant teachers immediately left, saying they'd be preparing meals, leaving Brett and the two other senior assistant teachers to act as referees and deal with the students.

Of course, those seniors also left everything to Brett and went off somewhere.

'I'm gonna go insane! Am I really in a position to be treated like this?'

Brett violently pulled at his hair.

'After the incident with Simon, I feel like Professor Hong Feng is neglecting me! The other assistant teachers are also somewhat ignoring me! Dammit! Dammit! I'm sure everyone knows already! Maybe that bastard Simon spread the rumor?'

Of course, it was only Brett's own victim mentality.

'Simon Polentia!'

Besides, something more irritating happened a while back.

Simon brought in a girl named Camibarez.

"Assistant teacher. Cami seems to be showing slight anemic symptoms, so she needs some medicine."

Brett bluntly replied that there was no such medicine and told her to endure it.

At that time, what Simon said with a cold smile was ridiculous.

"A student is sick. Looks like your job as an assistant teacher is complete if you just say no, huh?"

It made his stomach sink.

An unspoken threat to tell Hong Feng all his secrets and make him resign from his position as a Kizen assistant teacher!

Since Simon had something on him, Brett had no choice but to run to Hong Feng's hut and bring the medicine.

'Ahhhhhh! It's annoying! That bastard keeps on acting up!'

Bretts legs trembled in anger. He resented not being able to resist Simon.

'How will I survive the 3 years until he graduates? Maybe he won't take up the Combat Dark Magic classes in the second semester!'

There was no way. Professor Hong Feng was putting so much effort into him, and he had a strong talent for the subject.

What worried him more than anything else was that when Simon succeeded in a Jet-Black Eruption earlier, Professor Hong Feng, a distance away, looked like shed been given the world.

He had never seen such a face in the five years he had served the professor.


Brett felt like his head was going to explode with jealousy, anger, and misery. He tore at his hair once more.

He was still a young man in his mid-20s, but his hair was already falling out with stress. At this rate, he'll become just like his father


Brett opened his eyes at the voice.

Jamie was standing at attention in front of him.

"Both Class A and C have gathered."


Brett slowly stood up from his seat.

"Then let's start the game. The chosen teams for Class A and Class C, please step forward."

From Class A, Team 1with Meilyn and Rickmoved forward.

And from Class C

* * *

* * *

"Serene! It's Serene!"

"Serene is first out!"


Class A cheered and celebrated.

On the other hand, the Class C students looking at Simon and Hector groaned in disappointment once they realized that neither were heading out.

It was the most ideal move from Class A's perspective. They succeeded in making their weakest card face the opponent's winning card.

"It's hella worth wasting Serene's team with that team."

"The others will probably do something about the rest."

Students from Class A already took their defeat in round 1 for granted.

"Don't be so happy about it, you crazy bastards!"

Looking back at the Class A students, Meilyn shouted,

"We're gonna win!"

The Class A students gave a weak cheer. Of course, they didn't believe in her.

Meilyn quickly turned away, wondering how often she had felt this gut-wrenching feeling today.


On the opposite side, Serene wore a white coat over her school uniform, waving and smiling at Meilyn. Meilyn shot daggers at her with her eyes.

'You're done for. I mean it.'

A total of twenty students entered the court.

Off the court, a passionate cheering battle took place in each class.

While the students who entered the court were waiting with a burning desire to win, Brett yawned and wearily blew the whistle hung around his neck.

"Silence! Representatives of both teams, please come forward."

Meilyn and Serene walked out. Brett took a silver coin out of his pocket.

"Heads or tails, which will you choose?"

"Heads, no matter what!!"

Said Meilyn, pumped up.

"Then I'll go for tails~"

Replied Serene in a soft voice. Brett messily tossed the coin and barely caught it.

"Heads. Class A will start with the ball."


Meilyn clenched her fists. Serene turned around, her hair swishing behind her.

"How cute~ Did you want to win at something, even if its just a little coin flip?"

"I'm so happy because I'll get to destroy your pretty little face first!"

The two were like fire and water. They turned their backs and walked back to their teams. In the middle of that, Serene was still giggling.

Brett tossed the ball to Class A.

"You may begin."


He blew the whistle. Meilyn quickly passed the ball to Rick.

"Hey, Enchanter, make it fast."

"Alright, alright~ As you wish."

As Rick was enchanting the ball, Meilyn was forming a magic circle. Taking a glance at what she was doing, he said,

"You know that you'll be disqualified if you use offensive magic on the opponents, right?"

"I know!"

After drawing the magic circle, she took a few steps back. You could hear the enthusiastic cheering of Class A students.

"Send them a good first hit!"

"Take one down and do 'that' pose, please!"

She blushed and turned away.

"Ah, you guys are so noisy! Shut up!!"

Meilyn, silencing the mocking Class A students, took a deep breath to calm herself.

After completing the enchantment, Rick gestured upward and shrugged. She nodded.

"Here you go."

Rick threw the enchanted ball high as though serving it. Meilyn ran behind it and leaped as high as she could, even activating Jet-Black Operation.


She flew like a butterfly and went to spike the ball.

Just before the ball touched her palm, the magic circle drawn on the back of her hand spewed dark flames.


Flames gushed out like an explosion, and she hit the ball with all her might.


The ball launched through the air and struck the face of a male student in Class C. He couldn't even react.



The ball fell off his face, and Meilyn landed effortlessly, letting out the breath she had been holding back.


"Nice, Meilyn!"

Cheers broke loose everywhere.

"You saw that?"

Meilyn straightened her back and looked at Rick.

"I can win even without my own enchantments!"

"Oh my, of course~ You're always the best."

After kicking the insidious Rick's butt, she turned her head.

She saw Simon, watching with other students, smiling broadly and clapping. A bit of pride bubbled up inside her.

Brett, up on the referee's table, prompted while stroking his chin.

"Faster, faster. Next, Class C's attack."

From Class C, a girl with pigtails walked to the front. Meilyn gave an order.

"Tanks! Get to the front!"

Meilyn, the main striker, and some students stepped back. The big boys came forward, all aspirants of Combat Dark Magic or students who had defensive dark spells.

The girl with pigtails glanced at the formation of Class A and threw the ball awkwardly. It was heading out of court.

"Hah! Wheres that supposed to?"

Just then, the ball going out of the court twisted and hit a student from the formation right in the chest.

This time, cheers poured out from Class C.

"You dumbass! You saw it changing direction when the professor did a demonstration earlier! Everyone, don't let your guards down!"

Meilyn flared up. The student hit by the ball scratched his head awkwardly and left the court.

"Rick! Same as before!"

Meilyn served as Class A's main cannon. Everyone in Class A passed the ball to her when it came to them.

Indeed, her attack power was outstanding. 100% of her attacks hit. None could escape.

On the other hand, in Class C, various students took turns leading the attack. In fact, Serene was standing in the corner of the court, not attacking, and was nonchalantly trimming her nails. The other Class C students didn't dare push her to attack and just occasionally checked in on her.


A student from Class A was out of play when he tried to catch the ball and it bumped into his arm.

Simon, watching from outside the court, let out a wry smile.

'To be honest, most of the attacks are successful.'

In this match, the offensive side had an overwhelming advantage. Of course, first-years also tended to belittle defense, so that was a huge factor.

In the first year, the power of each curse was quite something, so there was a tendency for the win rate of those who shot a curse or attacked first in the Duel Evaluation to rise.

Each sides fundamentals were lacking, so the first strike would often be the last.

Moreover, the protective suits and Kizen uniforms providing defense even in actual combat only encouraged that thought.

Of course, the importance of defense naturally increased as one went up to the senior and professor level.



At that moment, cheers erupted from both classes.

In this game where the offense almost always won, the impressive play was the defense, no matter what anyone said.

One of Class C's attacks was blocked by a Combat Dark Magic student from Class A for the first time. Liquid jet-black was dripping from his body.

'So he used Jet-Black Eruption.'

An aspirant who has studied in advance. He immediately fired back, and a Class C student was taken down.

This volley was worth double because not only did the attack succeed, he also nullified an opponent's attack. Everyone in Team 1 flocked to him and high-fived him.

The key to this match was a student who knew defensive spells or had a strong Combat Dark Magic talent.

'Defense, huh?'

Simon's eyes lit up.

Using just a simple ball game, Hong Feng was throwing a new subject at the students.

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