Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

"Simon, uhm"

"What's wrong?"

Her knees buckled for a moment as she murmured,

"You looked good In the glasses, I mean!"

"Really? Haha, thank you."

The two headed to the cafeteria together.

It was lunchtime, so there were a lot of people.

They went to the end of the line, waited, leisurely ate their lunches for about an hour, and enjoyed dessert at a cafe to cheer themselves up.

"That chocolate frappe was to die for~"

Said Camibarez, a pure smile on her face.

Simon thought she was very excited today.

Usually, she was very conscious of the people around her and talked less, maybe to avoid making mistakes. But her constant chatter at the cafe today seemed new.

'Ah, well, I guess it's not exactly new.'

Thinking about it, he had seen an equally excited Camibarez before.

First, on the night he first met her in a group class, and second, when they went to the Forbidden Forest together.

"We have about 30 minutes until our next class."

Said Simon while looking at his wristwatch. She smiled.

"Then how about we go to the lecture room early?"


The two walked slowly through the campus.

"Simon, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Uhmm, this is a story about Saddam, the club I joined~ There's a group of first-year students that hang around together, you see."


"They're really really close. Everyone seems to be very happy to belong to this group. But what if two members of the group, uhm began to like each other......"

She looked up at Simon with a bright red face.

"Would the whole friend group be able to hang out together in the same way?"


"Ah, the thing is, my friend seems to be checking my disposition on this for no reason, so!"

Simon scratched the side of his head.

"It's embarrassing. I don't know because I've never dated anyone either but wouldn't it be inevitable for the atmosphere to change?"

"D-Do you think so after all?"

"When you start dating, you implicitly prioritize your lover over other friends, and it won't be an equal atmosphere for all four of you."


She clenched her fists together as her face stiffened.

"Still, people's emotions aren't something you can control."

Said Simon, stretching nonchalantly.

"I think it's something natural."

"Ah, yeah! That's true!"

The two continued to talk about various topics while heading to the Magical Bullet Shooting Range, where the Hemomancy class was to be held.

Then, Camibarez eyes widened in surprise and she rummaged through her skirts pockets.

"What's wrong?"

"Ahhh, I left my notebook at the cafe!"

"I'll go get i"

"No, no! It's mine, so I'll go! I'll be fast! Go ahead and enter the lecture room without me!"

She shouted before sprinting back to the campus cafe.

Simon went and sat down on a nearby bench.


The wind blew softly, gently carrying his hair along with it.

It was very peaceful.

'Times like these remind me of the good old days.'

He used to lie on the grass at Les Hill absent-mindedly for hours. Simon tilted his head back and looked up at the sky.


The sky was tinted red.

Straining his eyes, he saw something like a red barrier stretched out above him. Because of that barriers color, the sky looked like it was soaked with blood.

'A barrier? I heard that Kizen has a defensive barrier, but'

It was the first time it had been so visible. Simon frowned as he looked up at the sky.

'Why is the barrier suddenly visible to the naked eye?'




Suddenly, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, and a strange dread seeped in.

He had no actual reason to be anxious, but his instincts said that something huge was about to happen.

Just as Simon was about to stand up


Concrete and fire mixed as an explosion erupted nearby. His vision spun just from the winds created by the explosion, and that vision soon found itself staring directly at the dirt floor as he fell into it.

He could barely hear a thing, and a loud ringing thundered on inside his ears. The ground still shook from the force of it all, and he could barely get an inch off the ground with how dizzy he was.

However, Simon managed to squirm his way up off the ground and look around.

Black soot filled the air. The explosion had shattered the shooting range Camibarez would've been in had she not left her notebook behind.

'What the hell is this?'

With how unrealistic the scene unfurling before his eyes was, Simon struggled to even comprehend what was going on.

It didnt help that his ears kept ringing.

After demolishing the Magical Bullet Shooting Range, an explosion also erupted on the other side of the campus. The building behind the Poisonous Alchemy Academy.

It was the Magic Technology Academy.


Simon jumped to his feet.

But before he could do anything, another few buildings were ripped open by explosions. One explosion burst forth from the dormitory, and another devastated the central first-year learning center.

The world surrounding Simon was covered in soot, blotting out even the sun.

Ear-piercing screams soon followed. Amidst the smoke and buildings catching fire, students were bleeding to death.


His eyes shook.

'What the fuck is going on? What about Meilyn? Rick? And'


Simons blood froze.

He ran like crazy, coughing from the smoke and still dizzy. But all he could think about was how he had to run.

One of his friends was nearby. He could still save her.

Simon, frantically wading through the smoke, suddenly froze.


Camibarez was collapsed on the ground, blood staining her forehead.

Her skin was grayish, and she was coughing up a storm.

"Are you okay? Hang in there!"


Thankfully, she opened her eyes.

"Wh-What's going on? An explosion suddenly Cough cough!"

"I don't know either!! But this place is dangerous! Can you walk?"

She nodded and stood up. Simon's only thought was that he had to somehow get her out of Kizen. It was no longer safe here.

Simon grabbed her by the wrist and pushed his way through the smoke.

'Seriously, what is going on? Is this even real? What is!'


The sound of flesh and bone being pierced like theyre nothing.

An intense pain that could be felt even through the waves of adrenaline.

Blood gushed out of his mouth.


Simon looked down. Something black, seemingly made of jet-black, was protruding from his chest.

It was a cross.

A cross had impaled his chest.

All strength drained from his body and he fell to the ground. Camibarez burst into tears and knelt beside Simon.

"Simon! Simon!! Are you alright? Please! Please! No! Don't do this! Simon!!!"

Tap. Tap.

In a world of smoke and ash, someone was walking toward him.

Simon desperately moved his head to see his assailant if it was the last thing he did.


Blood-red hair, a black scarf that fluttered with the flames. It was a woman in all black.

[Too much curiosity kills the cat.]

Seeing her demonic smile, Simon's eyes were filled with shock.

[You guys should've left Kizen while you had the chance.]

A hundred and one thoughts ran through Simons mind.

'That was it.


That was it

Professor Francesca!

Francesca was the priest.

She was the spy.

She killed all these students!

This needs to be stopped.

I need to tell them.

I need to inform Kajann, Lorain the professors...... Nefthis.........!'

But Simon felt the strength leaving his body.

His blood-stained vision blurred, and his consciousness began to fade.

Countless black crosses enveloped the sky above the crying and screaming Camibarez.


Not a sound left his lips

'Run, Cami.'

The crosses fell.

Simon took his last breath.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock

He heard the ticking of a clock in his ears.

He was still conscious. When Simon lowered his gaze, he saw the artifact given to him by Nefthis emitting a bright light.


The pain disappeared, alongside all his heightened emotions and senses.

Before he knew it, Francesca, Camibarez, and the flaming Kizen had vanished, and Simon fell into a world of black and white.

There was a tall woman with silver hair billowing out behind her. Countless clocks ticked in the air around her as she raised her outstretched arms.

A shadow fell across her face. Simon knew he had never seen her before, but somehow, she felt familiar.

Some characteristics he recognised were reflected in her appearance.


Simon fully went unconscious.

* * *

* * *

"Simon, Simon."


"Simon, wake up! You'll be scolded."

Startled, Simon shot awake.

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Camibarez, who was staring at him from the neighboring seat, wide-eyed.

Simon's lips trembled.

'What the hell is this?'

He looked around.

It was the lecture room. He saw Rick and Meilyn casually taking notes.

All the other Class A students were fine, just moving their quills. A cool breeze came in from the window.

The calmness was almost unnerving after the horrors from mere moments ago.

It was so peaceful.

'Everyone is alive?'

Along with the relief, a heavy shudder ran down his spine and through his whole body.

'Was it a nightmare? No, that wasn't a dream. It was definitely real.'

Looking at the desk, he saw a textbook for Poisonous Alchemy. Simon raised his arm and checked his watch.


That was it.

He had regressed to a few hours before that horrific incident.

When he looked down, he discovered that the necklace Nefthis gave him had been utterly destroyed.

"You'll know when you really 'experience death'. Just know that for now."

He remembered what Kajann had told him about the artifact.

'So this is what he meant by 'experiencing death'?'

Simons heart was racing.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Camibarez looked at Simon with worry in her eyes.

"Youre white as a sheet."


The moment he met Camibarez's worried eyes, Simon almost felt his will crumble.

He wanted to scream, grab her by the shoulder, and shake her frantically as he burst into tears and begged for her to flee.

But Simon bit his lip and swallowed down the words.

Now was not the time.

It was too dangerous.

After all, the explosion was nothing compared to what was before him.


Simon finally mustered the courage to look ahead.

"The caceus' venom is a form of vascular poison. It destroys blood vessels and cells so the bleeding doesn't stop, gradually draining the prey's strength......"



The source of it all was right in front of him.

His heart raced faster than he could ever imagine, and blood rushed to his face.

Was this how a detective who had the culprit right in front of him felt? He wanted to get up right away and shout that she was a priest.

'But how do I prove it? That she's going to explode Kizen in three hours time?'

Panic welled up inside him.

'Calm down Please, calm down.'

But Simon kept trembling.

Several times he envisioned kicking his desk away and taking her down.

'That's stupid.'

If he picked a fight now, students inspired by Francesca's speech would take her side.

And Simon has seen her powers in the Forbidden Forest. Without the power of the Commander, he would lose a hundred times out of a hundred.

I mean, would it be possible to win against her even if every last student in the class attacked her right now?

It was pure insanity.

The opponent was a ruthless priest who planned to blow up Kizen.

Any student who dared to attack her would be murdered.

'Calm down. If I die here, it really is over.'

The artifact created with the power of Nefthis had been destroyed. It turning back time twice was most likely impossible.

He needed to think of this as his last chance.

He couldnt act hastily and ruin everything.

He had no choice but to try to think up a plan.


His legs were still shaking and his mouth had gone dry.

'I can do it I can do it. I can do it!'


Simon took a deep breath and successfully reigned in his chaotic thoughts.

First, he pressed Pier's clone with his fingers.

'Pier. Bring the entire Legion and come to Kizen immediately. Bring Elizabeth, too. Now! As soon as physically possible!'

[Boy? I can feel your mind quivering. Is there something wrong?]

'I found the priest. I'll give a detailed explanation later, so please come quickly!'

[Hm, understood! I'll head there right away!]

He took his fingers off the clone.


The Poisonous Alchemy class wasn't over yet.

Provoking her was dangerous.

He had to endure it, at least until the Legion arrived.

Simon slipped his trembling hands into his pockets.

Then, he took out Kajann's glasses and put them on.

Francesca's face didn't change.

* * *

* * *

He couldn't see the scar on her cheek.

Her face was still the sa


For a brief moment, Simon witnessed a terrible, nightmarish sight.

Another face suddenly appeared behind the face of Francesca, who was teaching the students. The eyes, nose, and mouth protruded from where the cheeks should be.

No, that wasnt quite right.

It wasnt that another face had appeared, she just turned her real head with her biological face on and remaining stationary.

He couldn't see it through Kajann's glasses before because she was wearing a biological skin modeled after her own face, so there were no obvious changes.

But now, a crack had appeared in her disguise.

The real face of Francesca, hidden behind the biological face, was smiling.

And she was staring directly at Simon.


Her eyes lit up as corners of her mouth tore open into a demonic grin.

It was the same smile she wore when she killed Simon.

There was a very fine scar on her cheek, which Simon assumed he had created.

Chills ran down his spine, but Simon desperately forced his face to reveal nothing.

He endured.

No matter what kind of expression she made, Simon took the class pretending that nothing was wrong.

On the inside, however, he let his fighting spirit burn bright, using this fear as kindling.

He vowed something to himself then and there.

That he'd stop her no matter the cost.


The most unbearable part of the class was whenever her gaze turned to Camibarez.

Camibarez mustve been one of her high-priority targets.

In the end, Simon took off the glasses.

He feared that he might not be able to stand it any longer.

He feared that he might try to end things here and now.


And so, the long test of patience was over.

"Attention. Bow!!"

"Thank you for the class!"

"Thank you, too. I'll see you all again next week."

Students slowly filtered out of the lecture room. Some students went to Francesca and left her words of encouragement. Francesca smiled kindly and accepted them.

Simon almost puked at how contempt she was.

'Let's follow after her for now.'

During the class, Simon had thought up and calculated countless scenarios.

What he knew for certain was that laying hands on Francesca now was insanity.

All the professors who could fight her head-on and win were in the mausoleum.

Since there was no evidence that she was a priest, it'd take time to persuade an assistant teacher or even other students to cooperate with him.

Above all, large explosions would rack the earth about two hours from now. Given the small amount of time left, she had likely already planted the explosives.

Even if it was possible for Simon to run to the mausoleum to somehow persuade a professor and bring them back, if Francesca felt threatened by the professors, she could just detonate the explosives remotely.

'Let's calm down.'

The only one who knew of this cruel future was him.

So, the best bet was to find out which explosives she had planted and how she would trigger them so he could disable them without letting her know.

For now, he had no choice but to gather more information.


Camibarez approached him, her face painted with worry.

"Simon, you really are acting strange. Youre not usually like this."

Simon spoke in the quietest whisper of his life.

"Cami, a priest has appeared."

Her face turned pale.

"They'll blow up Kizen in a few hours. Gather Rick, Meilyn, and anyone else who you can persuade and get out of Kizen."

Just then, Francesca walked out of the lecture room. Simon followed quietly, leaving the turned-to-stone Camibarez.

Tap. Tap.

She was walking slowly down the hallway. Simon took careful steps to make his footsteps as quiet as possible and joined the crowd leaving the lecture room.

'I'll be done for if she catches me following her.'

She walked across the hallway and down to the first floor. Simon thought she'd leave the Poisonous Alchemy Academy building, but she kept walking and headed for the basement.

'The basement of this place, huh? Thats right'

The fact that dangerous chemicals were kept in the basement of the Poisonous Alchemy Academy building was common knowledge to Kizen students.

Managing them was also the duty of Kizens main Poisonous Alchemy professor, the continent's greatest expert at Poisonous Alchemy.

Little by little, the pieces were coming together.

The priest didnt only kill Lang to separate the professors from the students on the night of Erebus.

'If you become a professor in Poisonous Alchemy, you'll be able to handle the things in the basement. She must've gotten the explosives from there, I'm sure.'

Her footsteps were clear. You could hear the tap tap of her boots going down the stairs.

Pier hadn't arrived yet, but there was no time to wait.

Just when Simon was about to follow her down the stairs


Suddenly, two arms stretched out from behind, blocking Simon's mouth and pulling him in with great strength. Then

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!


The sound of frantic footsteps climbing the basement stairs made Simon shudder.

It was a suffocating fear.

A red-eyed Francesca had come up to the first floor and was checking her surroundings like a madman.

'Th-That was close.'

Simon was glued to the opposite wall with his mouth screwed shut by an unknown person.

If he hadn't been dragged aside by this person, he would've been caught.

Francesca was just a wall away.

Simon waited with bated breath. As she was about to step forward, students poured down the stairs.

"It's gonna be normal classes again starting tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah. But don't you think they'll skip this week's Duel Evaluation?"

"Hah! You know how Kizen works."

She stopped as the crowd of students flooded past.

With one last quick glance, fortunately, Francesca turned around and went back down.

'I-I'm saved.'

Simon felt his tension melting away.

Other than that who was this person? The grip on Simon's body was so strong that he couldn't even flinch.

"Stay quiet."

A familiar voice was heard from behind Simon.

"Shes still on high alert."


Simon quickly closed his mouth. After holding his breath like that for about a minute, he heard the sound of someone going down the stairs again.

Finally, the person who had grabbed Simon released his hands.

Freed, Simon looked behind him.


Simon's eyes become teary.

In this suffocating situation where he couldnt rely on anyone, one of the people he was looking for had just appeared.

Simon jumped closer as if clinging to him.

"Kajann! Kajann! This may be hard to believe, but you have to listen! I actually!"

"I believe you."

Kajann raised a finger to signal Simon to shush, then pointed at Nefthis' broken artifact.

"You must've seen the future, right?"


"I had an additional mission from Nefthis."

Kajann took out from his pocket a pendant similar to the one Simon wore.

It was also shattered.

"Guarding you."

Kajann continued to speak in a calm tone.

"If your artifact gets destroyed, this brother artifact would be destroyed along with it, and your location would be displayed. The moment I found my artifact damaged, I ran over."


"Calm down. From now on, whatever you say, I'll believe it unconditionally."

Kajann relaxed his stance a little, placing his hand on Simon's shoulder.

"I promise you. Whatever dire future awaits us, we can stop it if we work together."

A calm posture, a confident voice, and a trustworthy smile.

Simon knew it now.

"Tell me what kind of future you saw."

This person could be trusted.

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