Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

The Seven Saintesses of Efnel.

They were the greatest pillar supporting Efnel and the Holy Federation, and they were said to awaken in female students or graduates of Efnel once the essence of the saintess dwelled within them.

However, unlike the Dark Alliances Legion Commanders who act freely, not bound by affiliation or status, the saintesses are the core strength and representatives of Efnel and the Federation.

The moment one awakens as a saintess, she frees herselves from all struggles for power within the Holy Federation and reigns over humanity as a demigod. Only the Pope stands above her.

Also, each of the Seven Saintesses bore different powers.

Among them, incarnations of Flema, the Saintess of Purification, inherit the White Flame, the perfect trinity of recovery, attack, and defense.

She was also granted one more power, although only the Pope and a small few trusted figures knew of it. The Saintess of Purification transcended her human vessel.

Even if her own body fell, she could possess and occupy another.

With this ability, Flema decided to destroy Kizen from the inside after successfully possessing Francesca, who was suffering from a long life as an assistant teacher.

Flema was able to use Francesca's power, knowledge, and jet-black. She used that to teach classes and to poison Professor Lang, who believed in her wholeheartedly.

Pests like Kajann arose, but they were never an issue. She stayed hidden and prepared for her long-term plan with extreme care.

The plan was as perfect as it could be.

She killed Lang to bring the Nights of Erebus, where all Kizen professors took leave, and exaggerated the firm values of her character known as Francesca to convince everyone of her desire to 'stay in Kizen and conduct classes to honor Lang's will'.

It was easy. But she only knew to do this because she had a deep understanding of their culture.

Necromancers were overly emotional about death, and she knew that the wills they left behind had stronger influence than anything else in necromancer society.

The plan was perfect. But two miniscule specks of dust proved to become variables the size of mountains.

Simon Polentia.

Kajann Edvalt.

The two of them neutralized the desolators and made it this far.

But there were no more unexpected variables. Everything would be over once she eliminated these two and activated the Prima Materia.

[Burn! In the flames of eternity!]

A wave of White Flame surged from her fingertips. Simon and Kajann hurriedly rolled to the sides to avoid it.

It looked like a hideous white dragon was spewing fire, but everything the White Flame touched was fine. Well, everything except for


The flame only grazed Kajann's arm, yet he collapsed from the excruciating pain. Simon knew then that he couldnt let it even touch him.

[To think that such power exists. What a nightmare.]

Even Pier's voice was trembling.

An overwhelming force for all necromancers and undead. The power which the Saintess of Purification commanded.

[Now I'll get to find out who you really are, Simon Polentia.]

FrancescanoFlema smiled.

[I thought it was strange when that Ancient Undead appeared in the Forbidden Forest. To think that you were a Commander.]


Simon remained silent.

[Yet you're still in your infancy. It would be a different story 10 years down the line, but this stage is too early for you right now.]

Simon couldn't refute it. It hasn't been even half a year since he became Commander, and the opponent was an active saintess.

He wouldn't be any more than a pest.


Simon lifted up his greatsword.

"I may as well see it to the end."

She smiled with amusement and turned her back. She was headed to the magic circle table in the command and control room.

"Kugh! You need to stop the saintess from using that, Simon!"

Shouted Kajann, even amidst the pain.

"She's planning to activate the Prima Materia!"

At those words, Simon immediately churned out jet-black and rushed in.

But with a flick of a wrist, a huge wall of White Flame divided the main room in half.

Simon hastily brought himself to a stop before he barreled into the wall.

[Just observe from there.]

She opened her subspace and took out a cube which emitted a dazzling prismatic light. Simon stomped down hard with his left foot.


The subspace opened through the White Flame, and six blades immediately thrust out. However, flames wrapped around Flema and blocked each of the blades.


It was blocked so easily.

Flema gave a sympathetic smile and activated the table. The center of the table opened and a dazzling crystal arose.

It was the barrier stone that formed the protective shield around the entire Kizen. Flema yanked it out, threw it to the floor, and shoved the Prima Materia in its place.

[An artifact that endlessly creates all sorts of monsters using the essence of the user's power. You people have been harassing the Holy Federation with this for too long.]

She put her hand on the Prima Materia.

[Now it's your turn to suffer.]

White Flame flooded out of her hand and into the Prima Materia.

"Dammit! Stop it!


The effect was seen immediately.

White monsters began to appear on the numerous screens around the command and control room which displayed the entire Kizen campus.

They looked like featureless, white dolls.

Wings emerged from their backs, and black dots formed where the eyes, noses, and mouths shouldve been.

They were different in size and shape. Many walked on two legs, some on four, a few had arms longer than their bodies, and one even towered over buildings at its looming height of 20 meters.

The Kizen students, focussing on classes, hadnt seemed to notice yet.

[Watch the mayhem unfold before your very eyes, infant Commander.]

Just as those words left Flemas lips

[Ah, ahem. Mic test!]

An announcement could be heard even from inside the command and control room.

Simon immediately recognized the owner of the voice.


* * *

* * *

5 minutes ago.

The fourth floor of the Broadcasting and Communications Center.

"What is the meaning of this!"

"Please go back to your classes immediately, student!"

Three bulky servants were blocking the entrance of the broadcasting room. Standing in front of them, Meilyn struggled to get in.

"Ah, for real! You thick-headed numbskulls!"

Shouted Meilyn.

"I'm telling you, a priest appeared in Kizen! Theyre preparing something terrible!"

The servants just smirked.

"What kind of silly dream did you have to make such a fuss?"

"This is Kizen. Not even a saintesslet alone a lowly priestcould slip in, so please go back to class."

'Ughhhh, so frustrating!'

She looked out the window with anxious eyes.

Although the explosions were prevented, Francesca had been preparing this for over a year. Common sense dictated it wouldn't have ended with the bombs.

"Okay, let us at least try to listen to that silly dream of yours."

The servant sighed and continued,

"Who's the priest?"

"Francesca Velmond!"

Meilyn gnashed her teeth and spat,

"She was fooling us all! Shes secretly a priest of Efnel!"


The servants stared at each other blankly. Then, they straightened their backs.

"You're crossing the line. Were still in the middle of Professor Langs Nights of Erebus."

"Fabricating such rumors about any professor, but especially Professor Francesca, is too much."

She was telling the truth, but it only made the situation worse.

Then, one of the servants flicked his wrist. His core started activating, and a jet-black club appeared in his hand.

"If you keep on making a fuss like this, we will have to do something about it, even if you're a Kizen student."

"We'll report this matter to your professor-in-charge. It won't end with mere punishment."


Meilyn glared at them.

"So what if you do something about me, huh?"

"You little!!"

As the servant was about to swing his club, she pushed her foot aside, activating the magic circle she had prepared beneath it.

{Dark Glacier}


The first servant was flung into the wall, his entire body bar the face covered in ice.

"You crazy bastard!"

The other two servants tried to move, but Meilyn calmly flicked her hair back as ice crept up and around their legs, trapping them.

"L-Let us go!"

"Is she actually crazy!?"

She strode forward and opened the door to the broadcasting room. A servant was sitting on a chair in front of many panels, snacking away. Then, his eyes widened.

"Wh-What! What are the guards doi!"


As Meilyn swung her arm, the servant flew back, his body freezing against the wall. She sat down in the chair, flattened her skirt, and took a deep breath in.

"A-Are you actually crazy, student?"

"Ah! Shut up and just stay there for a while! Do what you want, whether you give me punishment or disciplinary action later!"

She put the microphone in front of her mouth and cleared her throat.

Honestly, she knew what she was doing was insane. That this issue wouldnt end with just disciplinary action. She was afraid to look like a fool if nothing happened after she went this far.

However, it was better for her to take the blame for this than for Kizen to suffer casualties from the priest's attack without taking any countermeasures.

Having made that decision. Meilyn pressed the ON button.

[Ah, ahem. Mic test!]

Her clear voice rang across all of Kizen.

'What should I say? I have to speak provocatively. They'll get it if I speak provocatively.'

After pondering for a moment, she opened her mouth.

[A priest of Efnel has infiltrated the Kizen campus! This is not a drill! All students, please evacuate immediately!]


At those words, the buzzing of students could be heard throughout the campus. The snacking servant sighed in resignation with a face that said, 'I'm a dead meat'.

[I repeat! A priest of Efnel has infiltrated the Kizen campus! This is not a drill! All students, please evacuate immediately! Avoid any buildings, as they may collapse. Students in buildings with underground bunkers, please move there, and other students]


Suddenly, she felt a strong impact on the back of her head as she fell flat. Crumbs of snacks splattered all over.

"Fucking shit! You really want to die, huh?"

Thanks to the barrier in the school uniform, she was uninjured. But she still received the shock.

Within moments, the servant with a jet-black club threw his weapon aside and pressed his elbow against her neck, pulling her arm behind her back.


"Do you think the servants are too dogshit to touch Kizen students? We're necromancers, too!"

Having suppressed Meilyn, he pulled her out of the seat.

"Hurry and call a professor or assistant teacher! I'll suppress this basta!"


With an impact louder than when Meilyn was struck by the club, the servant's pupils rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed.


Rick was grinning while holding an enchanted textbook.

"Was I late?"

"Hey, you wuss!"

Turning back to Rick, she whined,

"I got hit in the back of the head because of you! Why did you suddenly disappear without a word?"

"Uh, mm. Sorry. I don't remember what happened either. Other than that, keep going with your broadcast."

Said Rick, pointing out of the window.

"The priest's attack has already begun."

Outside the window, they could see the white monsters approaching.

Screams of students erupted from all over the place, and the servants who were with them looked out the window in disbelief. It seems that they had somewhat come to understand the situation.

Meilyn took a deep breath.

[I repeat! It's an emergency! The priests attack has begun! Assistant teachers, please stop classes immediately and evacuate students according to protocol! I repeat!]

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