Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

The Sky Island.

This mystic island floating thousands of meters above the ground had remained an impregnable fortress for the entire continent's history. It was currently used as the headquarters of Efnel.

At the only entrance to the island, 'Heaven's Gate', countless people looked around at the sky while whispering to each other.


The sky, which had been bright and clear just a few minutes ago, was dyed dark as night, and black lightning rained on the earth.

The priests and students of Efnel were quivering in fear.

"Wh-What demonic scenery is this?"

"Is the Goddess furious?"


Said a priest with hair so long it dragged across the floor. Faculty and students alike bowed to him in unison.

It was Efnel's Professor of Guarding, Aegir.

"This is an omen. Stop the classes and evacuate the students."

"Yes, sir!"

At Aegir's command, the faculty members of Efnel quickly dispersed.



A brilliant flash of light flooded the entrance, and a great pillar rose from the center of Heaven's Gate.

The pillar rose endlessly through the clouds of Sky Island.

Seeing a band of light from a fluttering garment, Aegir immediately knelt on the ground.

"Your holiness!"

Everyone around the pillar bowed so low they lay flat on the floor.

The 15th Pope, Hersillia Efnel.

The pillar of light disappeared, an elderly woman with graying hair taking its place.

PR/n: We are aware that we referred to the Pope as a he before. The Korean raws werent clear on that. We will be addressing Pope Hersillia as a she from now on.

She wore a baggy white habit and held a cane in her hand. She walked with compassion and a benevolent smile, but her 6-meter-tall form greatly intimidated those around her.

"P-Pope, your holiness! Why did you come all the way here yourself?"

At Aegir's words, the Pope looked into the storm.

"It would seem that Flema has caused an accident."


"Everyone's just too reckless. We always have to be the ones to clean up their mistakes."

Hersillia stepped forward and clasped her palms together.

"I might have to risk my life this time, too."


Black clouds rose in the sky like a tidal wave, then gathered to form the shape of a colossal demon. Blue eyes shone from inside the face, and its hands stretched into the horizon.

"A-A demon! It's a demon!"

"Goddess protect us!"

Hersillia summoned divinity and formed a second sun in an explosion of blinding brilliance.

"Aegir, I'll leave the evacuation to you."

"Yes, your holiness! Please be safe!"

Aegir knew very well he was no help in this fight. He took the lead and fled with those around him.

With the swipe of the Popes arm, a barrier of divinity surrounded Efnel.

"Nefthis, is this really how you must vent your anger?"

The huge arm of darkness struck the barrier.

* * *

The barrage from the rumored Witch of Death continued for 48 hours.

Efnel, guarded by the Pope, was safe. But her attack reached the Sky Island and the ground.

Three major abbeys were destroyed, forty-seven minor abbeys were reduced to rubble, and the cities under the Sky Island were also devastated.

Considering that thus destruction was merely from the debris that fell from Sky Island, Nefthis' attack was even more ferocious than the damage would suggest.

"Your holiness! Your holiness! Where are you?"

After the two days of terror from the Witch of Death, Aegir ran to the entrance of Efnel, which was now a complete mess.


Heaven's Gate, a structure Efnel was so proud of, was a ruin. The rubble that remained was also soaked in pools of blood that went up to the knee.

In the middle of that, he saw the Pope leaning against a wall.

"Your holiness!"

The blood was all hers. Trembling, Aegir collapsed into tears, his face almost falling into the blood in the process.

"I'll summon the Six Saintesses right now! We'll conduct a bloody revenge on the Witch of Death and!"

"This ends here, Aegir."

Said the Pope, closing her eyes.

"Please take control of the situation and focus on repairs."

Aegirs eyes widened.

"Y-Your holiness, I mean no disrespect, but do you intend to ignore Kizen's ruthless and vicious act of terrorism?! The Holy Federation is ready to fight to their death! Just give us the order, and!"


She laughed.

"There's no need for that. Nefthis was just throwing a cute little tantrum."

Aegir was taken aback.

The Pope was covered in blood, abbeys were demolished, yet she said it was just a little tantrum?

"If she were serious, I wouldn't have been left so unscathed."

She got up from the wall and quickly began to heal her wounds.

"It was an exchange of blows between people with an old, ill-fated relationship. This issue ends here. Focus on fixing what has been done."


Aegir's face stiffened.

Did she know how thirsty for war the armed groups of Efnel were? Saintess Flema also rebelled against the Pope's guidelines, resulting in her taking reckless action by herself.

But the Pope's command was absolute. While she was still actively suppressing the radicals, there was no justification to act.

Aegir sighed inwardly and bowed his head.

"As you wish."

* * *

* * *

Three days later, Kizen's infirmary.

"Whew, Nefthis' attack played a huge role! Efnel chickened out!"

Gathered around Simon in his patients gown, all of Group 7 were visiting the ward. Rick was talking eagerly as always, and Simon nodded along with a smile on his face.

"Did Efnel really chicken out?"

"Of course! They must've seen Nefthis' power first-hand! The priests talking war had to shut their mouths at that. As long as Nefthis lives, the Holy Federation will never start war!"

"How pathetic. You pretend to be smart, but you're not that good at diplomacy, aren't you?"

Resembling Nefthis in this way, Meilyn was snacking at Simon's basket of fruits.

"Nefthis is indeed great, and it's true that for every bit of damage we received, Efnel received it severalfold. But it's hard to say that Efnel chickened out. The Pope got hurt because she deserved it. In fact, the ones who chickened out were the Council of Elders, weren't they?"

"Ah, that's for sure!"

Rick smirked and nodded.

"After Nefthis herself stepped out and did this, they can't go about how Nefthis has done nothing! It's not enough! Let's have a war! It'd be ridiculous. In the end, they just went along with the publics praising of Nefthis."

Camibarez, sitting quietly and peeling a fruit, speared a piece with a fork and brought it to Simon.

"Simon, say ahh~."

Simon opened his mouth and Camibarez fed him a piece of fruit. Then, she stared at Simon eating.


"Yes, Simon!"

"You're also a patient. Why don't you have some rest?"

Like Simon, Camibarez was also wearing a gown, and bandages covered her body. She smiled and brought up her thin forearms, flexing them as hard as she could.

"I'm fine! I'm tougher than you, after all!"

The story Simon had heard was that she used too much hemomancy on her way to the mausoleum.

Of course, that wasnt quite the truth. She was in a very precarious position after breaking Ursula's seal. Silage, the professor of Hemomancy, took immediate action and resealed her, saving her life.

However, Cami kept this story a secret, fearing that she might make the others worry.

Knock knock.

A knock was heard, and a servant working in the infirmary entered the room.

"Sorry for intruding while you have your visitors. How do you feel, student?"

"I feel a lot better now."

"That's a relief. Would it be alright if I draw some blood for a test?"


The servant inserted a syringe into Simon's arm and began to draw blood. Everyone silently watched, until


The noise was so audible, Meilyn, Rick, and Simon all turned to look at where it came from. Camibarez was looking at the syringe with a bright red face.

"Cami, what's wrong?"

Camibarez jumped at Meilyn's question before wildly waving her hands in denial.

"Ah, y-you see! I thought that the syringe was scary! Just looking at its needle makes me nervous!"


Meilyn came over and hugged Camibarez tight.

"How cute~ You're afraid of needle? Cami is still a baby, I see."

Meilyn stroked her head. Camibarez looked away with her still-red face. She couldn't help but keep glancing at Simon's blood filling the syringe.

"Well, there we go."

"Thank you very much!"

"You seem to have stabilized, so you should be able to leave soon. I'll go tell the doctor."

"Yes! I'm counting on you."

* * *

Two days later, Simon and Camibarez were discharged without any troubles.

At Kizen, shortened classes continued.

The school was uneasy after of the saintess' attack, and normal classes were difficult with the many injured among the students.

Originally, in Kizen, injuries were the individual's responsibility. But this time, it was an external factor, so ignoring the injured and continuing performance assessments would inevitably mar Kizens name.

Then one day, in Beginners Dark Magic, after the shortened classes had been going for nearly a week

A large announcement was dropped by Jane.

"We'll be starting the holidays tomorrow."

Jane's shocking announcement turned the lecture room upside down. Simon already knew this thanks to Nefthis, so he just nodded.

"With the situation being how it is, we'll start the holidays a little early. The remaining classes, Duel Evaluations, final exams, and everything else from the first semester will be included in the newly made 'Integrated Second Semester'."

The Integrated Second Semester was a semi-wartime curriculum that considered the situation with the Holy Federation. Although no war broke out, it was evidence that Kizen Headquarters was taking this situation seriously.

"Of course, no student is thinking about only having fun during holidays, right?"

At Jane's signal, assistant teachers dropped thick bundles of papers in front of each student's desk. The students froze when they realized these were all holiday assignments.

"All nine subjects have holiday assignments piled up. Of course, even if the professors' assignments don't bother you, I hope you'll stay aware of yourself and use this as an opportunity to improve your skills in preparation for the Integrated Second Semester. Are there any questions?"

Jamie raised her hand.

"What will happen with the grades for the first semester?"

"Good question. Theyll be combined into the grades for the second semester. We plan to continue the Duel Evaluation without resetting students squads."

After Jamie, other students raised their hands and asked questions, and Jane answered smoothly as always.

"What if I don't finish my holiday assignment? Is there a penalty?"

"You'll get a permanent holiday. Next."

"How is the Integrated Second Semester different from the usual second semester?"

"We'll be training the students with the understanding that we may be entering war. Written assessments will be reduced, and the weight and intensity of practical training will increase overall. Evaluations will include practical skills against priests, and performance assessments will be several times more dangerous. Next."

"Who'll be the new professor for Poisonous Alchemy?"

"Whoever it'll be, they're not going to change your grade of 40. Next."

Camibarez timidly raised her hand and Jane pointed at her.

"Th-This is Camibarez Ursula! My question is out of the blue amid such serious questions, but"

"Feel free to ask anything, Camibarez."

"When the second semester comes will classmates change, too?"

Silence fell upon the classroom. Everyone was paying attention.

It was a trivial yet important question that everybody wished someone would ask.

Generally, in Kizen, the first and second semesters had different classmates. However, the Integrated Second Semester was unprecedented.

Even Hector, who had been casually sitting in the back with his arms behind his head, leaned forward.

Jane replied with a faint smile.

"The second semester will be done in the same classes."


Unable to hide their joy, cheers erupted from everywhere. Students hugged or high-fived each other. Simon also shared his joy with Rick, Meilyn, and Camibarez.

"What a relief, Simon!"

"I know!"

Simon really liked his current group, the composition of the class, and Professor Jane and her assistant teachers.

But there was one person who Simon wanted to transfer. Simon glanced at them.

"Uh, Hector, you just smiled, didn't you?"

"Shut up."

"Hector smiled!"

"Bwahaha! He must've been worried that wed be gone!"

"I said, shut up!"

While Hector's faction laughed loudly, Hector's eyes turned to Simon.

'In the 2nd semester, I'll definitely!'

Holidays were the best chance to get strong.

Hector was planning to widen the gap in these two months so that Simon wouldn't even dare challenge him. The Moore Family's training method was harsh, but he was confident he would survive it this time as well.

As Hector became determined to return on a whole other level, Simon simply turned away. Hector's face turned red.

'You bastard! So you don't give a shit about me anymore, huh?!'

Hectors murderous intent flooded the room, but the students didn't give a damn and kept exchanging stories in a friendly mood.


At Jane's words, Class A focused on her once more.

"Now then. I'll announce the most important task for you during the holidays."

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