Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

After however long, Simons consciousness began to return little by little.

[Oho! Youre back to your senses!]

And what he saw as soon as he opened his eyes was a tall skeleton with burning eyes. Simon sat up quickly.

Pier! W-What just happened?

[The contract has been successfully made. Feel the change in your body!]

Simon blinked his eyes and placed a hand on his chest.

The core got!

The size of the core had increased. Not just that, but the jet-black, which used to burden the body if even a small amount remained, now felt comfortable, like a warm object.

It felt like something fundamental had changed in him.

[Congratulations on becoming one of the Commanders of the Legion, something of which there are only seven of, Boy!]

Pier grinned. Simon, who was about to get up, rested his forehead on his palms out of a rushing dizziness.

[Dont overdo it! Your body went through a huge change.]

Ah. Understood.

Simon almost blacked out several times while the contract was being formed.

It was a terrible feeling, that of your entire body feeling some unknown sensation. It was such a painful time that he often thought that itd be better to bite off his tongue and die.

I guess I wont be able to move for a while. I have no choice but to stay here tonight.

Simon sighed and looked at Pier.

I have a question, Pier.

[Speak it, Boy!]

Pier folded his arms and spoke solemnly.

Whats a Legion?


A thick silence fell in ruins for a moment.

[What?! Did you make a contract with me without even knowing that?!]


He came here because Nefthis, his fathers comrade, had informed him of the place. Then, he met his fathers undead, Pier, taking him in. That was it.

Pier laughed dumbfoundedly.

[It may take quite some time for me to fully understand a human being like you! Alright, let me explain!]

Piers eyes became serious.

[Before that, how much do you know about the undead?]

Um Just as much as a freshman from Kizen.

[Hah! Coming all the way here by yourself fearlessly as a freshman! As expected from Richard's son!]

Pier began to explain.

According to him, there were three types of undead in this world.

The first was the Summon-type undead.

All undead that necromancers controlled fell here. They were artificially created from a corpse through dark magic and moved according to the orders of the necromancer.

They disappeared if the dark-magic-induced effects expired or after a certain period.

And the second was the Natural-type undead.

They were naturally generated undead, not needing a necromancer or dark magic. These were the ones commonly known to people, and they were feared on the continent because of their blind hatred for the living and extreme aggression. It was in the Monster category, designated by humans.

And the third was

[The Legion!]

Pier raised his voice.

[The Legion is located in the middle of summon-type undead and the natural-type undead! Its a natural undead thats independent with its own core, but its also a summon undead that obeys the orders of necromancers and higher-level entities!]

Legion-type undead

Simon chewed over it again by muttering and nodded slowly.

[There are only 7 Legions in the world. In other words, there are only 7 necromancers in the world who can control a Legion. This includes you, Boy!]

The usual Summoning necromancers were said to lead the undead at the Platoon level.

There were necromancers that led a company of undead. And also, high-ranking necromancers that were around the Kizen level could operate in a battalion, although it was somewhat inefficient.

There was a limit to the number because the undead led by the necromancers were all summon-type undead.

Summoning them and controlling them all consumed jet-black and mental strength.

However, the Legion, which moved with its own mana, was completely free from these restrictions.

[The Legion has no limits! Whether its a hundred thousand troops or a million troops, they can be infinitely operated! If you have heard the story of a necromancer who leads a large army of undead, then it mustve been the story of a Legion Commander!]


Simon was happy, but, at the same time, a little confused.

I became one of the seven necromancers in the world with no limit to their number of troops?

It was hard to believe.

[Are all your questions answered now?]


[Good! The contract ended successfully, and whether we like it or not, our eggs are in the same basket. Shall we talk about our plans from now on?]

Sure, Pier.

Pier, who was sitting with improper posture, fixed it. Simon, who saw this, straightened his back as well and sat down.

[You and I belong in a special situation. Is that correct?]

Yes. Im enrolled in Kizen.

[Do you not wish to come out from Kizen?]

Not at the moment. Its against my fathers will, and above all, I still have a lot to learn at Kizen.

[Mhm. Good! I also agree that Kizen has value in use!]

Spoke Pier as he tapped Simons forehead with his finger.

[Then, lets talk about the special situation that the Legion is in at this time.]

You mean how the Legion was once disbanded?

[Thats a given. If the Legion had not been disbanded, there wouldve been no reason to contract with you in the first place.]

The blue flames rising from Piers eye socket grew stronger.

[Currently, were the common enemies of the Necromancers. It would be easier to say that were wanted.]

And why is that?

[Because of the crime that your father, Richard, the ex-Legion Commander, committed.]

* * *

* * *

Upon hearing that, Simons body trembled slightly.

My father committed a crime?

[Richard committed an unforgivable crime to the world of dark magic. The Legion also helped commit that crime as an accomplice.]

What in the world is that unforgivable crime?

Pier closed his eyes.

[An act of treachery. Richard loved a priest.]


Simon felt like he had been hit in the head hard with a hammer.

Im hearing this story now?

[At that time, the Hundred Year war was going on between the Necromancers and the Priests. It was a very delicate movement! Nevertheless, Richard ordered the Legion to protect her beloved Priest. He made the Legions attack his fellow Necromancers who came to kill her.]

Simon tensed up.

[Many casualties occurred. An Annihilation order was issued against Richard and his Legion, which I assume remains in effect, even after Richard disbanded the Legion. This is the reason why the Legion cannot appear in the outside.]

I understand.

After hearing Piers story, Simon felt a much stronger sense of responsibility towards the Legion.

He felt that it was his fate as a son of Richard and Anna to accept Piere and the Legion, bearing their risks together.

[Boy, there is no need for you to feel guilty!]

Pier laughed with his mouth wide open.

[The Legion moves strictly according to the will of the Legion Commander! Richards Legion and Simons Legion are different. I believe the Necromancers are also aware of that.]


[But youre Richards son, not a complete 3rd party. The elders have no choice but to doubt you. And, above all]

Pier poked Simons forehead with his bony finger.

[How do you think the necromancers will act if they hear that a freshman of a Kizen owns a Legion?]

Simons eyes filled with might.

I cant let anyone take my fathers power.

I need to be stronger.

[Thats right.]

Pier clenched his fists.

[For now, be obedient, obtain the knowledge of Kizen, and become strong! The Legion will gradually recover its former strength. And when the time comes]


There was no need to say more.

Simon and Pier nodded simultaneously.

[Going back to our main point, were in a special situation. Thats why I, the Marshall, propose to you a new way to manage the Legion!]


Pier raised his arm and signaled. 

The skeleton that Simon had summoned earlier and was holding the lantern walked near.

Huh. So you can also control my skeletons, Pier?

[Of course! Now we share jet-black. All undead summoned with your jet-black belong to the Legion. You have the highest command authority as the Legion Commander, and I have the 2nd highest. However]

Pier rubbed his chin.

[This undead hasnt yet gone through conscription.]


The skeleton approached Pier. Pier raised his arm and touched the skeletons skull.


Simons unique dark blue jet-black soared like a flame, and the skeletons body floated into the air.

The jet-black that had roamed around the air in a huddle was sucked into the skull at once and formed a sphere resembling a brain.

After a while, the skeleton fell to the floor.

[This is the conscripted undead!]

The skeleton slowly began to rise. There was no difference in its appearance, but dark blue flames like Piers were surging from its eye sockets.

To put it simply, the conscription that Pier was talking about was the process of summon-type undead becoming a natural-type undead.

Since these undead moved with their own cores, the summoning time limit disappeared, and they could exist forever without Simon having to even lift a finger.

But its kinda obvious.

[Thats right.]

Simon put on a worried expression.

If he brought these back to Kizen, hed get caught right away.

[So theres no need to conscript all the undead! Unless its an undead that has existed for a long time like me, it's common knowledge that the summoning type has better combat efficiency. So Boy, just keep utilizing the summon type undead as usual. Then, when the skeletons holding time is over or its so damaged that you cant use it, bring it to me. Ill conscript it and station it here.]

Ah. I like that kind of operation method!

Common undead such as skeletons and zombies were usually single-use, but Simon could now permanently preserve undead like a warehouse.

In addition, if it wasnt seriously damaged, it could self-renew through conscription.

[Therefore, get stronger, Boy! If you can summon better undead, the strength of the Legion will also increase!]

Yes. Of course.

While he was at it, Simon also incorporated to Piers side the two skeletons that were damaged from fighting the werewolf.

The skeleton, who became a natural undead, also changed its behaviors.

Originally, they spaced out like a broken doll without Simons command, but now, they showed a bit of animal-like behavior, scratching their heads or running around involuntarily. Then, when Simon called, they came running.

It was proof that the power of a Commander was working properly.

Even after the serious talk about the Legions operation plan was over, the night was far from over. Simon and Pier, who sat next to each other, started chatting.

[Boy. How long has it been since you enrolled in Kizen?]

Its been three days now.

[I see. Hold it out just a bit more! After a little while, itll be possible to receive the mission that comes down from Kizen, even if youre 1st year. Of course, you can travel all over the continent with the teleport magic circle, not just Roke Island!]

The corner of Piers lips raised and he continued.

[When that time comes, Ill go with you! Youll also be able to operate your Legion as much as you want! And, under the pretext of the mission, gather the old forces of the Legion scattered across the continent! Everyone would be happy to join under Richard's son!]

Simons eyes widened in surprise.

I see you know quite a lot about Kizen, Pier.

[Heheheh! Of course! Ive been watching your fathers life in Kizen! He was a notorious and problematic kid in Kizen.]

This overlapped with what Nefthis said. And on Piers face, as he was telling Richard's story, a deep yet faint emotion flowed.

[Yeah. It was fun back then.]

This feeling also overlapped with Nefthis. Simon carefully asked,

Pier, dont you resent my father?

[Resent? Are you talking about resentment? Hahahaha! A weak feeling like resentment doesnt exist in the Legion! The Legion only moves at the order of the commander, and even if your father chooses the priest and uses us as a sacrificial lamb, well gladly accept that order! Thats the Legion!]

After saying that, Pier paused and rubbed his chin.

[But if the son of that guy repeats the same bullshit again, it could anger us. Dont you agree?]


Simon talked with Pier until late in the morning. There were many topics, but the story about his father was the most memorable.

It was far more candid than what he had heard from Nefthis.

[Why would I hide it? Your father was notorious garbage!]

Pier chuckled loudly.

[In front of a female student who followed him because she liked him, Richard had played with the underwear of a girl he went out with the day before!]

Simons eyes narrowed.

Arent you exaggerating? This is the first time Ive heard of it.

[Exaggerating? Bwahahahahaha! Im only talking about moderate-level episodes now to save Richards face! Do you know how many women he made cry?

No way.

Simon shook his head in denial.

[Yeah. Such a damn asshole]

A strange lingering sound mixed in with Piers voice.

[The scumbag that even the professors of Kizen gave up on Everything changed after meeting a woman. He was like a different person. It wasnt a change that could be expressed in terms like the power of love that is commonly spoken of in the world. It was like]

At that moment, the Piers voice stopped all of a sudden. Then, he turned his head and looked closely at Simon.

[Wait, wait, wait! No! Why didnt I think of that?]


[Y-You said you were Richards son, right? Then, dont tell me!]

Simon smiled with delight.

Yeap. My mother is Anna Polentia.

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