Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

"Isn't that over there Agent Seiwirr?"

The shoulders of Seiwirr, sneaking out of the back door with his office belongings, jumped up to his ears like a shoplifter who’d been caught stealing.

"Agent Seiwirr, it’s you, right?"

Simon and his groupmates flocked to him.


Seiwirr wished the ground would swallow him up. He wanted to hide, but the group surrounded him and he missed his chance to run.


Rick spoke with a chill in his voice, looking at the boxes Seiwirr was carrying.

"Seems like you got fired from Vengeance, huh?"

Seiwirr looked guilty, perhaps feeling a prick in his conscience, then bowed his head deeply.

His proud attitude, flicking his bangs with the back of his hand and recalling his heroics, had all vanished. All that remained were hollow eyes, furrowed cheeks, a scruffy beard, and thinning hair.

He looked completely different.

"What happened?"

Asked Simon.

Seiwirr bowed his head even lower and explained.

He said he'd been investigated by the Dark Alliance. While the situation had ended up benefitting the Dark Alliance in a few ways, such as the Holy Federation's influence falling in the neutral area, he was still guilty of tampering with government affairs.

Ultimately, he was given a permanent ban from necromancer society.

"A-A permanent ban, you say…"

The kind-hearted Camibarez looked down in sympathy, but Rick just shoved his hands in his pockets and spat,

"He's just reaping what he sowed."

Seiwirr’s face looked full of guilt again before Meilyn chimed in,

"For the first time in a long time, I'm in agreement with the commoner. I also can't forgive you for hiding the communication crystal ball until the very end."

As Rick and Meilyn pressured him, Seiwirr's head dropped down like a wilting flower.

"I-I have no excuses. It was all due to my greed and foolish behavior… I'll spend the rest of my life atoning for it. I'm sorry."


To see someone who used to be so confident now acting subserviently with wrinkles forming in his still young face, Meilyn felt a little sorry for him, even considering what he had done.


Just then, Agent Blake and his secretary approached. Seiwirr's head lowered even more.

"Farewell, Agent Blake."

"Although you've made many a mess, thank you for your service."

The two of them were surprisingly subdued.

"I have no words for you two, either… I'm sorry."

Seiwirr then staggered out of the building.

Watching him leave, Blake sighed.

"I'm having mixed feelings about this."

Rick replied,

"I thought you'd be relieved?"

"Even though he's been nothing but trouble, damaging the organization, there's a reason why we kept him around. His illusionary magic was truly one of a kind."

The secretary nodded as well.

"I know. He should've just been satisfied with intelligence missions. That's what he gets for trying to bite off more than he can chew."


"Now, now. Enough about the guy who left. You guys should return to Kizen before it gets too late. Come on, we'll send you off."

At that moment, Meilyn's face was deadly serious, her arms firmly crossed.


"Ah, ah."

Before she knew it, her group mates were following the secretary. She faked her smile and said,

"Cami, I'll go use the restroom before we teleport."

"Yeah, sure."

Walking with small, quick steps toward the restroom, Meilyn suddenly changed her stride and slipped out the back door through which Seiwirr had left.

She saw Seiwirr's back, still walking with slumped shoulders.

"Seiwirr. See me for a second."

Seiwirr looked back.

"A-Agent Meilyn?"


She pulled a business card from her inside pocket and held it out to Seiwirr.

Seiwirr took it with a puzzled face.

“…What is this?"

"Didn't you say you can't do anything related to necromancers anymore? Then, you'll have to find another path."

She flipped her hair back and cleared her throat.

"This is a business card of the owner of Langerstine Theater. Take it to the Great Theater and meet the theater owner. They'll understand it if you tell them you were sent by Meilyn Villenne."

"His illusionary magic was truly one of a kind."

Meilyn agreed with Agent Blake.

Especially the first time they'd gone to Khelso village to find Sasha. He created many illusions of priests and pretended to block all those attacks by himself. It was impressive in a different way.

In fact, everyone except Simon was actually fooled.

And as for his face… He looked somewhat greasy and withered, but overall, he had a good look.

He may not be fit for being a necromancer, but he had pretty good talent for being a theater actor.

"Try going there and tell them you'll do whatever they ask. They'll probably let you in."

Seiwirr himself looked a little taken aback, taking the business card. It seemed like he had never thought of theater.

"Th-Thank you for your concern. But how does a student of Kizen have connections with theat—"

"Agh, ah! I don't know! Just don't ask me that!"

Meilyn blushed and shouted, then ran away.

Seiwirr stared blankly in the direction where she ran off, then looked at the card again.

Langerstine Louiva Grand Theater. Theater Owner Louiva.

'My second chance at life…'

Seiwirr's gaze was glued to the business card.

* * *

* * *

"We're finally back in Kizeeen!"

Exclaimed Rick, throwing his hands in the air.

He could see the familiar hillside road of the teleportation magic circle and the Kizen campus below.

"Well done, guys!"

"Thank you for your hard work~"

Everyone had a big smile as they exchanged congratulations.

"Gosh, I need a day or two just for smelling the outside air! The neutral area is too desolate. Kizen is the best, after all!"

Simon replied to Rick's words with a smile.

"Didn't you say you feel too suffocated in Kizen, and it was good to get some fresh air when we were going to the neutral area?"

"You see, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."

Everyone let out a small laugh. Meilyn then looked at her wristwatch.

"We also have plenty of time. Let's get a good rest today and meet again tomorrow with fresh minds! Group 7, dismissed!"

Simon headed for the boys' dorm, and Meilyn and Camibarez headed for the girls' dorm.

Rick decided to go straight to Rochest, as he was worried about how the business was doing in his absence.

'It really does feel like I've been gone for months.'

Upon entering the dorm, the usual boisterous atmosphere was nowhere to be found. It seemed that most of the students on dispatch hadn't returned yet.

He walked up the stairs to the fourth floor.

Within this familiar scenery that gave off a homey feel…


Something strange was there.

A trail of blood could be seen in the fourth-floor hallway.

Simon's tired eyes suddenly turned serious. The hairs on his body stood on end, and tension surged through him.

Simon held his breath and walked slowly along the trail of blood.


Unfortunately, the blood trail continued into room 409. His room.

With a serious expression, Simon gripped the doorknob.


Six subspaces opened around him, ready for the Overlord to strike at any moment.

Then, he opened the door.


As soon as he opened the door, he saw a man lying on the floor of room 409. A man with gray hair, covered in blood.


Simon knelt down in front of the bloodied man and shook him by the shoulders.

"Hang in there! Kajann!"

"I felt like I was talking to a wall."


A third voice came from out of nowhere within the empty room.

Simon raised his head, his shoulders shaking. When he entered, he was certain that there was no one else in the room. However, the long hair of an unknown person fluttered in front of his eyes.

Someone was sitting by the window.

The long hair could easily be mistaken as a woman's, and the person's false frailty only added to that appearance. However, the eerie voice was definitely a man's.

"I told him I'd just wait around, but he insisted on fighting. Anyway…"

Simon realized that the worst calamity he was to face so far had arrived.

"I wanted to meet you, Simon Polentia."

This jet-black that gave a sticky sensation. It was the first time Simon had seen him, but he could guess who the man was.

The man used the same jet-black as the Ancient Undead Talahze who he had fought before.

Magnus Alban.

The Commander of the Fifth Legion stood before him.


His body and mind froze.

People say you can't speak when you're too surprised, and he felt exactly that in that moment. His face began to turn pale, and his lips felt dry.

If he made a mistake here…

He'd die.

[Be careful, Boy.]

Pier's voice in his head grew very serious as well.

[This is no different from him already strangling your neck. Create an opportunity to open the subspace. I can deal with him if I can head outside.]

If he openly brought out the Legion inside the school, he might have to give up his life in Kizen, but this was a matter of life and death.

Simon resolved himself and looked up.

“…Who are you?"

First, Simon showed hostility.

This was a normal reaction toward someone who attacked his roommate.

"I've heard a very interesting report recently."

Magnus didn't answer, instead turning the conversation around.

"An incomplete Saintess of Purification was born in a place called Khelso in the neutral area, and it was an unidentified wanderer who defeated them. And, although only that one wanderer broke through the barrier, there were signs of a great battle. Interesting, isn't it? So, when I sent my men to investigate…"

The corners of his mouth curved up.

“They found a wavelength that matches one of the Ancient Undead I’ve been searching for.”

Simon tensed up and gulped.

"Most of my surveillance was on a girl named Lorain at the time, but then that happened. That means it's definitely not Lorain. And coincidentally, your name was on the list of students for this mission."

Magnus leaned forward.

"Another one who I have been keeping an eye on. Simon Polentia!"


Perhaps the Overlord recognized Magnus' action as an attack. Its blades rained down.



However, the blades were blocked by some kind of invisible barrier.


He caught one of the blades that had aimed at his face with his own hand and examined it.

"I don't feel the power of Legion from this."


Simon's roundhouse kick shot toward his chin. Magnus blocked it by raising a finger with an annoyed face and sighed,

"Not boring stuff like this."

His other hand reached toward Simon's neck.

"Show me your true strength, or else you'll die h—"


A red spike came down from the ceiling and slammed into Magnus' palm, pinning his hand in place.

Magnus casually glanced up.

"Who's this?"

Suddenly, a man in red bone armor appeared in front of Simon.


Magnus, who didn't even flinch from the attacks before, was struck by the armored man's kick and sent flying. He smashed straight through the window.

As Simon looked up in surprise, the skull mask that covered the man's face was removed, revealing a familiar face.

"It's dangerous, so stay back."

Simon's eyes widened.

"Professor Aaron!!"


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