Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 309

Chapter 309

Simon went into Aaron's lab.

Aaron called him in because he wanted to hear Simon's side of the story in the lesson.

"I see."


Aaron set down his teacup.

"After seeing my battle with Magnus?"


Aaron's four enormous undead battleships.

Magnus was rather dismissive of it, finding it boring because the number of summons was limited, but Simon's heart pounded at the sight.

'To think he utilized that many undeads by binding them in one system!'

Aaron's hive magic had been taking up space in his thoughts ever since, and then he found a rune from the rune shards that was the original form of the hive magic.

'Rune of Transmission.'

Having a hunch reading the description underneath the rune, Simon jumped into action.

The 'Magiste system' that the students used on their tables wasn't separated per table. Instead, the whole magic circle of the practice room was connected into one.

That's why he used the Rune of Transmission to access the main Magiste system, insert his jet-black, and then simply issue an 'absolute order'.

He ordered every skeleton mage in the room to reuse the spell they had just used.

It was only possible in Aaron's class, which utilized the Magiste system.

'You could imagine it in theory, but it would take a genius to pull it off so daringly and in such a short time.'

Aaron looked at Simon.

'This bastard claimed to have recreated my hive magic, but he only merely got the idea. He used a completely different concept of dark magic and finally ended up recreating the same effect.'

Aaron laughed inwardly as the genius of a boy took a sip of his tea then frowned at the bitter taste.

"Professor, I have something to tell you."

This time, it was Simon who began the topic of conversation.

Although he came here at Aaron's invitation, he planned to come to Aaron on his own accord sometime soon.

"Go ahead."

"It's about the magical-type undead creation assignment you've given to us."

Simon's eyes lit up.

"There's something I really want to create."

"What is it?"

Because Simon was a rather unique student, Aaron was already afraid of his answer.

In fact, a regular skeleton mage with a little hint of unique enchantment should already be a pass for the assignment. However, Simon was committed to eccentricity, having gone over the top in the performance assessment by taking over everyone else's skeletons.

He saw things differently than the others.


Simon pulled out a Summoning textbook. Then, he flipped to the rearmost page.

"Ah, here. Please take a look at this page. I don't know if we'll be learning this in the class, though."

Aaron readied himself and sipped his tea.

He had to not be surprised no matter what kind of skeleton mage he would make.

"Professor! When can I make a lich?"


Aaron spat out the tea he was drinking.

Simon—his face full of wide-eyed innocence—as well as his open textbook, became soaked.

“Gimme a break! How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.”

Uncharacteristically shouted Aaron. He then grabbed his throat, breaking into a coughing fit.

"Ah, is this something you learn in third year?"

"The school…!"

Aaron's voice slightly became hoarse.

"Doesn't teach anything about liches!"


"That's a stupidly high-level undead! It's difficult summoning magic that even the most professional necromancers can't lay their hands on!"

Simon put down his textbook and tilted his head.

"Then does that mean you can't also make one, Professor?"

'This bastard…'

Aaron sighed heavily, clutching his forehead. Then, he reached his arms out behind him.

"You do not have permission to regret taunting me in this way."

A subspace cracked open behind Aaron's back.



Simon felt like Aaron's entire lab was plunged into darkness.

That thing poking its head out of the subspace… Its face was shrouded by a hood, but what could be see inside wasn't a human head but a skeleton's. Its eyes illuminated the imagined darkness, peering into everything.

Ba-thump! Ba-thump!

Simon felt his heart pounding.

Never before had his heart beat so loudly.

Ba-thump! Ba-thump! Ba-thump!

Only once when the monster's torso left the subspace did Simon realize that the heartbeat wasn't his own.

Ba-thump! Ba-thump! Ba-thump! Ba-thump!

It was…

The heart of the lich.

'Is this… possible?'

Inside the undead's sternum, visible through the robe, was an unmistakable, beating red heart.

An undead.

A dead being.

Had a beating heart.

* * *

* * *

"The reason why liches are considered the pinnacle of magical undead is that they operates a special heart called a 'life vessel.'"

Soon, the lich had completely emerged from the subspace. This undead, clad in chains draped over its ragged robes, clutched a large wooden staff in its hand. Its eye sockets glowed with an eerie light.

"Do you know why it has a heart?"

Simon gulped and nodded his head.

"...To operate its own core? Am I right?"

"You're correct."

Simon's breath became ragged as he processed the horror that was a necromancer's tenacity. To attach a beating heart to an undead so it can operate a separate core and use more powerful dark magic…

It was incredible.

Was this even possible?

Just then, the lich slowly moved its head and looked at Simon.

A bony hand protruded from its robe, grabbing Simon's chin and raising it up.


Simon was paralyzed with fear, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

The red glow that filled its empty eyes shifted and stared down at Simon's chest. Its lower jawbone slowly moved, and it started opening its mouth.


The moment the lich completely opened its mouth, aiming for the left side of Simon's chest…


The loose chains tightened around the lich's body.

Aaron swung his arm, and the chains pulled the lich back into its subspace.

Soon, the subspace completely closed.


The suffocating pressure finally eased. Simon sighed in relief, and Aaron opened the window to ventilate the lab.


Said Aaron, looking back at Simon.

"Do you realize what you were driveling on about?"

"I want to make it, sir!"

"You crazy…"

Aaron stopped himself there, covered his face with his hands so he wouldn't swear at his student.

Simon stood up from his seat with watery eyes.

"Please teach me how to make a lich! Please!"

Aaron was hoping to shock him into giving up, but instead, it seemed like he ended up encouraging Simon even further.

'What should I tell him? You can't do it? It's dark magic that's not even in the realms of approachable for first-years. But to tell him that…'

Simon had succeeded at everything.

In the first semester, he accomplished the full-body Bone Armor that the second-years learn, and in the second semester, he created 'Blood Golem', a dark magic learned only by dedicated third-years.

It was impossible to stop that genius using mere common sense.

Aaron slowly walked to a bookcase in the corner of the lab.

He opened the glass door and pulled out a thick, old book.

"Take it."

Simon reached out with both hands and barely caught the old book.

"If you can construct even the basics of a lich using the information in that book, I'll take a look for you."

Simon's eyes shone brighter than ever before.

"Thank you, Professor! I'll make it as soon as possible and come back to you!"

* * *

In Simon's next classes, the professors discussed their performance assessment schedules.

Because the fourth BDMAT had been simplified and the new after-school BDMAT program had been implemented, the students were being bombarded with performance assessments.

Just as Aaron had announced the final culminating performance assessment assignment that gave the highest score—'magical-type undead creation'—in advance, other professors did so as well.

Professor Bahil, the Professor of Curses, gave an assignment called 'curse synergy'.

"Use three or more curses to create a curse that displays a synergistic effect."

In other words, you either had to find your own combination of three or more curses that came together to create some sort of powerful effect, or create a single curse with three or more curse formulas working synergistically.

While the other students were complaining about the difficulty, it was a little bit different for Simon.

'This somehow feels…'

In Simon's case, the answer was already there.

He just had to master the four curses that Bahil had given him, and it'd be naturally solved if he created the 'Compellonia'. Simon decided to continue with his usual Curses study.

For his next class, Hong Feng's Combat Dark Magic, a quite tough performance assessment was waiting for them.

"You have to fight an assistant teacher one-on-one with Combat Dark Magic and win! Isn't that easy?"

At this point, the students looked like they were about to cry.

Cries of complaints were heard from everywhere.

"Professor! We can't beat them even if we use all our skills, not just Combat Dark Magic!"

"It's impossible!"

It was quite uncommon for students to complain to their professors. Assistant Teacher Brett gestured that he was watching the students from behind Hong Feng.

"Of course…"

Hong Feng clasped her hands together and smiled.

"there will be some handicaps applied to the assistant teachers! So try your best not to be beaten up one-sidedly!"

Knowing that there was a handicap didn't comfort the students much.

"…Sparring with an assistant teacher? We're gonna get our asses kicked."

Grumbled Meilyn, sitting down with her knees together. Rick and Camibarez looked horrified as well.

But Simon was thinking of something else.

'I did experience something similar before.'

In the first semester, he'd fought with Brett, having gotten into a quarrel over Hong Feng's direct disciple thing.

Of course, that was on the condition that Simon only needed to hit him 'just once' to win, and without that kind of handicap, he wouldn't have had even a chance of winning.

"Now! In preparation for the day of the final performance assessment, run harder, work harder!"

After Combat Dark Magic was Hemomancy.

In the lecture hall at the Magical Bullet Shooting Range, Professor Walter announced the performance assessment that would contribute most to their grades.


Stated Walter.

"Your final performance assessment is to prepare and perform a dark spell related to the heart."

'…This person really likes hearts, huh?'

Thought Simon to himself while resting his chin on his hand. He could still clearly remember what happened at the fish market.

'I wonder what he planned to do with so many hearts… He had enough to build a mountain.'

As his thoughts reached that point, Simon's eyes lit up.

'Ah! The life vessel!'

If it was a heart-related dark magic, so was the 'life vessel' of a lich.

In other words, if he really could make a lich, he would receive the highest score in both Summoning and Hemomancy.

Simon was getting more and more serious about creating the lich. Just then, Walter, who had been explaining the theory to the class, put down his chalk and said,

"Then, I'll give you a moment to take notes."

Scribble. Scribble.

Simon looked around as the students jotted down the hemomancy equations and formulas that filled the entire board.

A familiar face was sitting two seats away from him.


Simon called out to him in a low whisper. Toto heard him right away and turned to Simon.

"Do you want to pass by the club room after class?"

Toto nodded.

"Yeah! Sure!"

Simon thought it'd be better to see Benya and consult her first. Simon's imagination was going wild.

'I wonder what kind of heart would be nice for the life vessel.'


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