Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 38: Going to The Pocket Space World for The Final Preparation

Chapter 38: Going to The Pocket Space World for The Final Preparation

Ibro knew all the effects of his runes beforehand, and so he stood his place, motionless, for two hours, until the effects of his rune subsided, and the flash blinding light vanished.

The rune managed to clear all the monsters in the vicinity, even to the stretch of lands around the village. a single rune did all this marvelous work, without any scratch to any allied units.

Ibro stood inside the market, marveling the shocking reactions over Noda and Moran, as he waited for couple of minutes after the effect of the runes vanished, before speaking again:

"As you can see, my runes are special, quite special. I want to sell them at the highest possible price, but I don't need gold coins."

Moran, like possessed, turned to look at Ibro as he stuttered:

"H-H-How many r-r-runes do y-y-you have?"

Ibro just smiled vaguely, as he replied:

"I want soldier tokens, generals, saints, anything related to the military and can be bought in tokens."

Moran didn't understand for a moment before he nodded to him. He understood Ibro wouldn't tell how many runes he had, as these runes were a weapon of mass destruction.

If he had many, he might instigate the fears of those old monsters, and thus he would be in danger.

In fact Ibro didn't know about the existence of those old monsters at all, as he only refused as he thought this was his secret, and he wasn't obliged to tell Moran anything.

"Give me one day and I "

"One hour only," Ibro interrupted him. He didn't come to him amidst this battle and asked for his help one day. If so, then he would prefer to sell the runes to any merchant house. "I will give you one hour until you prepare the tokens and be ready for exchange."

"One hour!!" Moran mumbled, as he was surprised by Ibro's strange demand.

"Don't look at me like this, one hour is the maximum we can wait before the next wave attacks us," Ibro sighed as she explained further about his demand.

"Next wave?" Moran muttered, as he asked, "Is there another wave of monsters?"

"Not just another wave, but waves. I just conquered them at my village, and I faced many waves already. We need to be ready, or else this effect of the rune I just used would be wasted." Ibro then looked in a serious way towards Moran, "One hour only, not a single minute after."

Moran understood how dangerous it was, so he just nodded, and closed the connection with them. Noda was silent during all the negotiation with her brother, as she was yet shocked by the rune Ibro used.

"Last time I saw you, your runes weren't that devastating!" she suddenly said.

"I know, I just got stronger," he chuckled, "send for everyone, it's quite safe to return to the village once more."

"What about you?" she turned and looked at him. she felt he would leave here now.

"I have to prepare," Ibro said as he moved outside the market, before flying into the sky, "I will come after one hour, wait for me here."

Noda watched him silently leaving away, as she had some odd familiar feeling that appeared out of nowhere, like this wasn't the first time she said goodbye to him like this.

She sighed, before she started to gather her troops, and headed towards the ruined village. although everything was tattered and shattered, she and her living friends didn't feel much about it, after all the village centre was still theirs, and as long as it was kept intact, there was hope in rebuilding the village once again.

Ibro, just moved away from the village ruins, didn't delay as he entered rapidly into his own pocket world.

"Now, we have one hundred hours only here, let's make them count my friend."

Ibro stood inside a world full of skeletons fighting demons. He didn't just want to summon skeletons, but also to strengthen them. He was sure, no matter who was the true enemy behind Noda's village destruction, he wouldn't succumb to his interference simply like that.

The next wave would be devastating on a scale that would exceed what he just experienced at his village. For his own luck, he had this pocket world with the one hundred time difference in his favor, so he would have enough time to prepare, or that what he hoped for.

The first skeletons he summoned were his precious liches, he spent over ten hours summoning them straight without pause. Inside his world, his curses were completely liberated from the limitations they suffered back in the game world. So, the summoning efficiency of his liches was really notches higher than what he experienced in the game world.

"Order them to summon all the skeletons they could muster," Ibro said to his system from the beginning, and the liches started to follow the orders. Ibro stopped after the tenth hour, as he started summoning Golams and dragons.

He didn't know the scale or how far his enemies would go against him this time, but he expected the worse. So, he didn't just aim for summoning sheer numbers of skeletons, but he decided to use the most of the time summoning his highest special units in attack and defense.

Coupled with the liches army he just summoned, the army he planned to have started to take decent shape, reminding him of the vast legions these worlds once were full of.

He sighed, despite having so much might, he was always fighting right handed behind his back. No matter how many skeletons he had amassed, they would still not be enough for the high number of battles he had at any time.

Just after the end of the one hundred hours limit, he exited from this pocket world, knowing that he had an appointment with Moran, so he returned fast towards the village again, heading straight towards the market.

'Scan the area all the time, and notify me if you find any enemy.'


Ibro just speculated about the time needed for his enemy to summon their forces. The more time they gave him, the unlikely the upcoming battle would be easier, as his enemies wouldn't waste more time for him to prepare, but for their elites to come.

Ibro hoped his enemies would start to strike in one hour of his rune, but this didn't happen. just when he reached the market, he didn't receive any notification from the system regarding any enemy.

'This isn't good,' Ibro muttered to himself, as he entered the market, finding Noda standing inside, waiting for him, side by side with Froki, who knelt the moment he saw Ibro.

"My king!"

Ibro wasn't in the mood to greet him, so he just waved his hand,before asking the surprised Noda:

"Has Moran finished the task?"

"Always straight to the point," the screen of the market lit up, showing the face of Moran, who seemed quite exhausted more than the last time Ibro saw him.

"Everything is alright?" Ibro asked, with no much interest in his own affairs.

"It's fine, just some trouble caused by your rune," he replied, showing a struggling face.

"I don't care about that," Ibro simply replied, as he wasn't in the mood to deal with this sneaky greedy bastard, "I want to know how much tokens did you manage to provide as a price for me?" Ibro asked what he cared about right now.

"Well, not much," Moran replied faking loss, "after all the time you gave me is just tight, and I had to spend some of my own money t"

Ibro was familiar was the tricky moves of this merchant, so he cut his words while saying:

"I said I don't care about your troubles, just spit the price."

"Sigh, cold hearted as always," Moran replied, as he sighed helplessly. Ibro didn't wait a moment there, as he turned on his heels and moved heading outside the market without saying a word.

"C'mon, it's just a few tokens for your brother in law!"

"You should be the one to commission me with this price, not me. After all, I'm saving your sister, and you didn't need to pay anything."

"I have decided to marry you together, so she is your responsibility now, not mine!"

"Really? So, it's ok if I abandoned this village and took her to live in my village, right?"

Ibro stopped, as he looked towards Moran coldly with a sneer. Moran's face tilted with pain, as if Ibro did so he would be the only loser out here!

"C'mon, won't you give your brother in law a helping hand?"

"If you paid enough, then I will help."

"Ok, fine, I managed to get you a rune for ten million soldier tokens. This is the best price I could fetch for you."

Ibro started to consider this price, as each token could summon ten soldiers. That meant each token worth one hundred million soldiers. The price seemed extravagant, but Ibro knew well enough that this amount of soldiers were nothing in real battle.

The upcoming battle would be massive and brutal, using these low leveled soldiers in the battle meant he would lose at least half, if not two thirds of them by the end of the day.

Despite that, he knew he couldn't ask for more, not for now. The major limitation for these tokens would be the way to get them. 

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