Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 48: Getting Info about Sefiera and the Whole World

Chapter 48: Getting Info about Sefiera and the Whole World

Osan swallowed his throat, couldn't believe his ears, or his mind when he reached this conclusion. "A-Are you the one making these runes?" he asked, with much more caution and hesitation.

"Sure, I'm Rioneed, the blacksmith and rune maker. I made a bunch of rudimentary runes once before, and sold them in the game here, but now I plan to sell my top creation. So, what do you say?"

Osan didn't believe his ears for a while, and his face even paled from shock. He still recalled the devastation caused by Ibro's single rune, a devastation beyond measure or imagination.

He thought something like that, a weapon of mass destruction, would be very hard to come by, he never thought it would be like this, ask for thousands and get thousands, that was insane!

"Are you sure of this?" he asked, trying to confirm what he understood.

"I'm absolutely sure. Of course making these runes in such a large bulk would require quite some time, but at least it won't be over than a month's time," Ibro replied with much confidence, as he had other things to do. If he was solely focusing on making these runes, he would easily finish them in days.

"Sure, sure, I understand that. ok, I can set an agreement with you, with the game as a witness, and we are very honored to have struck such a deal with you, Sir."

Osan tone and attitude changed into more respect and reverence. This game was built on strength, and if someone could make such a strong and efficient weapon, he was seen as a man with authority, a very powerful man.

So, respecting Ibro and dealing with him in the utmost venerance was something out of the question. Osan knew such a deal would change everything, and so he had to comply with whatever needs Ibro desired.

And he knew exactly what Ibro wanted most, news about Sefiera.

"Here is the agreement, in which I arranged a monthly meeting between each other. No matter how much runes you make in this period, we will meet them with the appropriate price, plus the news of Lady Sefiera will be a bonus on this deal," Osan said, expressing his utmost desire to please Ibro, who had no reason to refuse such a deal.

"I also want to issue a quest to find her, can you help me with that? I can pay in runes as you can see, so money isn't an issue," Ibro calmly said, as if he could start the search for her, it would be great.

An agreement appeared at his interface, and once he read it and found nothing major there, he signed it with his name.

"I have to admit, searching quests aren't our speciality," Osan said, before adding, "but, I know of some friendly bounty hunter guilds who I can talk to and arrange a deal with."

Ibro nodded in satisfaction before taking out one hundred singularity runes and gave them to Osan through the interface. Osan's face paled as he hurriedly, and very carefully received and stored them away. The fear of them was still lingering in his mind, deeply engraved into it, and even affecting his reactions.

"Half of these will be given to you as a start up of our deal, and the other half is for you to strike a deal on my behalf with these guilds. I don't need to be discrete or limited to just one guild, the more they join the quest the better. In another month, I will also arrange the same quantity or even more for the quest. If there is a good lead, I will give whoever brings the news a fifty runes as a reward, and if the news was specific about her location, with enough evidence, I will reward that person with at least double this reward," Ibro, generously, said, as he gave such a handsome reward for anyone who might help in finding Sefiera.

If money was the problem, he already had a solution for it. if spending money would salvage time, then he wouldn't hesitate to do so. Osan, on the other hand, was deeply shocked by the big hand of Ibro. This young player in front of him was so carefree in dealing with money like they were sand.

He swallowed his throat, feeling deeply touched by what Ibro just said, and nodded while saying in shaky tone:

"I-I will m-make sure everything y-you want will be f-fulfilled Mr. Ibro."

"Good," Ibro nodded in satisfaction, before adding, "now I will wait for the tokens to be delivered to me, how long will it take to provide these tokens? And what about Sefiera's info?"

"I will make sure to deliver the tokens in less than one hour," Osan said, in a very confident tone, "as for Lady Sefiera, I have collected all the info regarding her into a small file, and sent it already in a message in this interface."

"Thanks," Ibro honestly said, before he added, "I will wait for your part of the bargain then. See you later Mr. Osan."

Ibro then closed the interface, as he sat there and looked at the data sent to him. astonishingly, the data was so massive that it took him more than half a day to go through them.

The more he read, the more shocked he became, as the data was so detailed, coupled with many resources to affirm its authority. Ibro didn't doubt what he read, as there were already many resources confirming all of these facts.

Sefiera wasn't just a normal person, she was the last living person in a long, and very ancient, line of humans who once ruled the whole world. According to this data, the world was once ushered under the human rules, uncountable years ago, and this rule was supreme.

But, the issue here was humans weren't ruled under one empire, as there were two empires of humans, unlike any other tribe there. Other tribes, like the god tribe, time tribe, and so on, were ruled under one emperor. That made them, despite their weakness in front of humans, very dangerous.

The old and true story was missing, as there was no clue on what actually happened in a wide gap of time. what the data confirmed was there was a huge war between a coalition army of all clans and one human empire, the empire that later got destroyed, divided into countless universes, and one huge universe acting as their highest form of rule, Zeraxos game was this universe.

What the data said, the main lineage of the emperor kept safe along all these years, being targeted by the clans which put the task of completely destroying humans and never let them rise again as their main top priority.

Ibro recalled his own, mysterious, story. All he knew was that he was a reincarnation of someone that the demon clan put as their top priority. Linking the two facts together, he started to comprehend something, he might have a role to play here in this long and ancient dispute, despite not knowing anything about it.

That made him wonder, if this whole grand system royal thing was a trick made by these tribes to destroy any strong humans. He also started to ask himself this question, why did his older self reincarnated? Did he lose the fight? Or he was about to lose and he tried to resist?

Ibro's mind was full of many things, but after this old history tale, info about the childhood life of Sefiera started to kick in. her parents, her entire family was killed in a big accident, where the demon tribe and the monster tribe united together to set ablaze the first five worlds of this game.

This was a very devastating incident, and no human power managed to stop this massacre and destruction. According to data in hand, this incident was marked by all humans as the Big Shame incident, one that every human had to put in his or her mind for eternity.

Sefiera managed to be rescued, in a mysterious way, and that made these tribes more aggressive and angry. They wanted to end the human royal lineage and free themselves of this bitter burn, but they couldn't find her anywhere, until recently news traveled as she was acting as a helper and a guide to someone in the game.

Ibro felt some regret, and pain, as he knew he was that person in question. He knew, as well, that he was the person to lead them to her, as that false battle royal must have dug deeply into his mind, and had found her inside his memories.

He was feeling pain, regret, and anger. He thought all that was happening to him was accidental, but it wasn't. all was on purpose, and that purpose was just one, to kill him and get rid of anyone he ever loved or cared for.

Ibro clenched his fist, as he received the huge number of tokens Osan sent to him hours ago. He had this idea to grow stronger before, but now his determination was hardened, and became folds more solid than before. This chance wasn't only for him, but for all those he cared for, for all humans living here in this damaged world, for all mankind!

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