Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 79: Bullying Poor Monsters with Skeletons

Chapter 79: Bullying Poor Monsters with Skeletons

"Don't worry, we can do it," Ela shouted from the front, as if she wasn't feeling already intimidated by this monster.

The pillar of lava didn't stop transforming here, as suddenly its long cylindrical body started to take a broader shape, while decreasing gradually in size. It was getting shorter, broader, with many arms, thick burning ones, were taking shape here.

It didn't exceed five minutes before a full monster, reaching thirty meters in length, to appear in front of them. it had five pairs of thick arms, each holding a burning rock from the bottom of the river. It had no legs, as it stood on a thick pillar, the original one that it was formed from, to stabilize itself depending on the river.

"Listen up, our strategy requires us to cut that pillar, push the monster from the side to fall on the river bank. If the monster fell on the river, it will regenerate itself again, making our attempts futile," Oya's master declared, announcing the strategy to kill this monster.

The next moment the monster replied with a mighty and quite terrifying roar, that made Oya and everyone of her friends' hearts shudder from fear.

However, Oya was also so excited about it, as killing this monster would grant them a grand skeleton without doubt. Such a skeleton would be really terrifying, and it would be very useful in the upcoming battles.

She knew this would only be hard at this battle, then after that every single battle would be a lot easier than before.

The next moment the combined forces of NPCs and skeletons moved, as many NPCs started to jump the whole river, falling on the other side, acting as the main force responsible for making this monster fall away from the river.

Just as skills started to hit it, a small number of damages started to appear on top of its pillar looking head, with a huge Hp bar that seemed to regenerate itself from the damage taken.

Oya and others suddenly felt tense, but the next minutes of battle witnessed grand changes. Most of NPCs attacked the monster, taking the whole toll of its attacks via thrown lava rocks, while a small group of NPCs, led by Ela, went towards the pillar and started stuttering it.

Despite they didn't cause much damage to the monster, this thick pillar started to quaver under their combined attacks. The monster roared one time after another, as it tried to aim towards the small elite group, but it was always stopped by a barrage of skills coming from many NPCs and the annoying attacks of Oya's skeletons.

The one that caused the most annoyance was the dragon, as it kept flying and attacking the giant monster with its icy attacks, making each strike quite painful, causing, shockingly, the highest damage of all attacks.

Oya was first worried of losing it here, but when she noticed how agile and sane this dragon was, knowing when to retreat, when to advance, and the right time to dodge, she felt quite relieved.

The attacks continued for half an hour, during which they hardly managed to cut down one fourth of this monster Hp. The issue wasn't only in their low damage on the monster, but due to its high regeneration rate, caused by its connection to the lava river.

However this advantage was doomed to end soon, as Ela and her team managed to cut most of the pillar, making it like a tree bark being cut with axes, about to fall.

"Hit it now, make it fall to the side!" Ela shouted, and the team that was on the other bank acted. They used a variety of skills, aiming to form strong force while hitting the monster from the side.

The monster wasn't stable right now, and these physical attacks didn't aim to cause damage as it aimed to make it fall on its side. It roared, tried to stabilize itself depending on its arms, but this only delayed the inevitable.

"Concentrate all your attacks on its arms, hurry before it returns to the river again!" Ela shouted, as she acted with her elite team to hit one arm without hesitation.

The monster once stabilized on its five pairs of arms, started to crawl towards the river, heading towards its source of strength by instinct, ignoring any other attacks on it.

In the next few minutes, the monster lost around ten percent of its Hp, four pairs of arms, leaving only one pair intact. However, it was so near the river, that in one minute it might return to it.

At this moment, Oya's master reacted, as she used a grand skill that formed a storm of wind, pushing the monster upward. Oya got the inspiration, as she hurriedly lunged at her skeletons:

"Help her, grab the monster back to the top, drive it away from the river!"

Her screams helped in making the skeletons react, grab the strange pillar like the cylindrical head of that monster and pull it to the river bank again. Despite the monster having one pair of arms intact, it couldn't resist the combined dragging force of thousands of Oya's skeletons, aided by the huge storm skill of her master, and other NPCs who got the idea out of her.

In less than a minute, that monster didn't manage to reach the river, instead it went upwards, far away from it, returning to the starting point again.

And at this moment, the final one pair of arms were destroyed, and that lord monster was cut off from its origin, not receiving the mighty blessing of the lava river, while it ducked on the ground, not able to even stand straight ever again, while all around him started to attack, easily hitting and causing much more damage than before, slowly and steadily kiting its huge Hp down to zero.

Her screams helped in making the skeletons react, grab the strange pillar like the cylindrical head of that monster and pull it to the river bank again. Despite the monster having one pair of arms intact, it couldn't resist the combined dragging force of thousands of Oya's skeletons, aided by the huge storm skill of her master, and other NPCs who got the idea out of her.

In less than a minute, that monster didn't manage to reach the river, instead it went upwards, far away from it, returning to the starting point again.

And at this moment, the final one pair of arms were destroyed, and that lord monster was cut off from its origin, not receiving the mighty blessing of the lava river, while it ducked on the ground, not able to even stand straight ever again, while all around him started to attack, easily hitting and causing much more damage than before, slowly and steadily kiting its huge Hp down to zero.

The moment the monster's Hp hit the bottom, it roared its last one, before it went into silence for eternity. Oya didn't delay as she moved, ignoring her three levels gained from killing this monster, and at once she used her skill.

"Death arises."

The whole monster's corpse shook, before a large skeleton appeared with a height reaching thirty meters. It was an exact copy of that monster, and its bones were all red in color, giving it a really dreadful appearance.

"You can also summon a skeleton out of this?" her master exclaimed in shock, as everyone here felt how mighty and lucky she was.

"Sure, any killed monster can be turned into a skeleton," Oya simply replied with a giggle, before she heard a massive roar coming from the surface. "We need to support it up there," she added.

Everyone nodded, and without even having a single moment of rest, they all went up there, joining the heated intense battle up above. Oya had lost half of her skeletons, however she gained a giant one in return.

The moment her new skeleton joined the fight, everything changed for the sake of her side. The battle seemed quite easier compared to what they just had in the bottom of the river, but the main issue here was the fights didn't end.

The battle seemed endless, with many monsters appearing the moment others were killed. Everyone started to feel tired, and it seemed pointless killing all these monsters.

"Didn't you say we will have it easy after killing that lord monster?" Oya asked, as she felt quite speechless towards the relentless attacks of these monsters.

Her master went in silence for a while before she said:

"I think we might have another lord monster nearby. We need to reach the second river, which would be this way," she pointed towards a place not far from them, where there was a sudden depression in the ground. Everyone nodded, as they all went towards the same direction her master pointed towards.

When they reached there, they found what she said was correct, as there was another river there, with many monsters coming from it. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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