Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 86: Summoning My Baby Skeleton!

Chapter 86: Summoning My Baby Skeleton!


As she turned around to inform Ela and her master about the news, all the new NPCs knelt on the ground, in a majestic scene, announcing their unending loyalty to her, declaring her their master.

This scene was recorded by two hundred and five, who were still shocked by this huge battle, that terrifying gate, and from the outstanding performance Oya just did!

He was sure no other player in the game could even do half of that! He even doubted Ibro would be able to rival her deeds and strength right now!

"Rise up everyone, and welcome to my army," Oya said, welcoming their gesture with a helpless smile, as she totally forgot that tradition after each seed and monster purge.

"We need to go back to the place of those giants," she turned to Ela and her master as she said these words, making their eyes, and the eyes of everyone old here shine brightly with excitation.

They knew what her words meant, and that made them all so excited and impatient. "Let's go, now!" Ela said, as she cancelled her skill, letting the shield vanish at once.

"Let's go," Oya shouted with great spirit, as she finally was about to summon her long dreamed giants!

As for two hundred and five, when he heard about these giants, he decided to go with them, record what would happen here, and might share it with others, as a deterring weapon if others had a funny idea in their minds regarding their country.

The journey took roughly a few hours before they reached again to the place where the three giant lava monsters fell. The size from far away seemed like there were three giant mountains there, but when they reached so close, two hundred and five and the new NPCs were shocked to realize these weren't mountains.

They were dead monsters!

And the most shocking thing was that Oya killed them all!

Oya stood in front of these three giants with a grin from ear to ear. She opened her hands wide as she shouted with her loudest, proudest, and happiest tone ever:


The next moment a slight tremor occurred at the one in the centre. The tremors didn't decrease, instead they kept raging and rising one after another.

After five minutes, the outer surface of that huge giant body trembled violently, as a huge bone appeared, then another, and another. In the next hour, a huge pile of bones appeared, connected together magically, forming huge giant skeletons with thick bones and an intimidating aura that made Oya scream out of excitement and happiness.

She even jumped in the air, clapped her two hands for a few minutes, while her smile never ceased to appear over her face.

"Come here baby, come to moma," she said, as she pointed her hand towards the giant. The skeleton knelt on one knee, stretched out its huge palm, and the single finger of it was really huge, at the size of a dozen Oyas together!

"Hi moma!"

Suddenly a hoarse voice appeared, and this tone seemed so hoarse and dry like it was coming from the dead. However, the fact it spoke made her, made everyone standing here shocked, as their mind stopped working, paralyzed from this.

"C-C-Can you speak?" she stuttered while asking.

"Yes moma," he replied.

"Do you have a name?" she asked.

"You named me moma, named me my baby," he answered, and this answer made everyone even more speechless!

"Yes, from now on you are my baby," she giggled, as she confirmed this weird name on him, "now, let's go and have some fun so your moma can summon your little brothers as well."

"I have brothers?" the giant skeleton asked with a dummy tone, before Oya pointed with her little fingers towards the two giants falling beside him as she replied:

"Yes, you have two, but they need us to kill some nasty monsters first."

"Nasty monsters?" the skeleton asked, before he added, with much raised tone than before, "Tell me moma where are these nasty monsters and I will kill them all! We must rescue my little brothers, I want my brothers alive with me!"

The concept of this conversation was something everyone couldn't understand, or accept, but Oya was the only one matching this strange words and logic. "Good, go that way, you will find small babies, take them with you and then go and kill the nasty monsters living in this whole area, and come back to me."

The next moment, the skeletons walked. His single step made him bypass everyone, while he reached the area where Oya's skeletons were in another step. "Little babies, come with my baby to kill these nasty monsters," he said, and strangely enough the other skeletons nodded, and started running, trying to catch up with his growing speed.

In less than a minute, his shadow vanished from the sight of everyone, while those standing around Oya were really speechless, not knowing if they should laugh or cry!

"Let's go and watch that monster's fight!" Suddenly Avada shouted, and others nodded, then they all ran towards the direction that the giant vanished into.

Not all went chasing the giant, as Oya, Ela, her master, and two hundred and seven remained with a bunch of NPCs.

"I need to ask for your permission to share what happened today with the Armons," two hundred and seven said, while trying to act nice with her.

She was currently a moving monster herself, as she could control and order around such a huge giant, and that made him really respectful and much careful when dealing with her from now on.

"Sure, I have nothing to worry about," she replied, casually, as she had nothing to fear from anyone currently in the game.

Even if a whole army stood in front of her, she would devastate them all using her mighty skeletons! Her my baby was enough alone to face an army and win!

"We want to talk about what happened back at the fight with the seeds," Ela suddenly changed the topic, and these words piqued the interest of two hundred and five, as he personally had no data regarding this matter.

"About this gate?" Oya asked, as this was the only strange thing happening this time than the previous times.

"Sure," her master replied, "it seems to us that the monsters are aware of what you are doing, and so they are trying to summon this gate so they can flood you with numbers," she added.

"So, we are thinking of limiting the number of NPCs in the later times," Ela said, as she expressed her opinion, their combined opinions to her.

"I really don't care about the numbers," Oya replied, "but do you think with my army and my giants they can pose a threat now to me? doing this is safer but it's slow, so slow. We don't have time to be cautious, we need to fasten things up. Next time bring ten thousand or even more NPCs, and each time send a larger batch until we clear this whole domain from the seeds, then move to another," she added.

"Another?" it wasn't Ela who replied alone, but everyone around her exclaimed out in shock, including two hundred and seven, as he hurriedly asked:

"Do you plan to invade other domains as well?"

"Not invade, but liberate," she shook her head, while correcting his mistake, "we can't just depend on one free domain to survive, we need to free all others, the more the merrier, the more the better."

He just glanced at her with extreme shock. He wasn't alone, as all others were also shocked by her sudden declaration. "That's big, that's big news to share," two hundred and seven just laughed, as he now had another big chip to bargain with.

Oya understood, partly, his intention, and so she didn't object to his planning. The next moment he took out a returning scroll to Ihnasia before shuttering it to two as he said:

"Wait for the good news."

Then he vanished. Oya just shrugged her shoulders, as the worldly issues didn't matter much to her. She was just caring about the world because Ibro cared once about it.

All her concern was focused on the current game world to save, as for her true world, she didn't hold much care about it actually.

"You know to jump from one domain to another isn't a small feat," her master suddenly said, as she added, "in each domain there is a guarding monster to kill, guarding a teleportation gate between domains. You need to kill it once to go from one domain to another, and then you can use the return scrolls of your city to return home. If you want to go to another domain, then you need to kill it again, just slightly stronger after each kill."

Her words made Oya's eyes shine, as she muttered:

"Did you say I can jump between domains using return scrolls of cities?"

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