Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits

Chapter 16

Episode 16. While I was quietly reading a book in the train running along the

Voloric estate, Hazal, who was in the front seat, suddenly poked his head out.

His narrow eyes gave the impression that he was hiding something.

“Are you studying?”

“Yeah what… … .”

“As expected, you’ve become a talented person that His Highness Closche is interested in because you put in that much effort.”

I don’t know what he was thinking, but he smiled awkwardly at the sudden gold lacquer.

I wouldn’t say such a thing if I knew that the book I’m reading right now is the foundation of the basics.

“Did I disturb you?”


“Actually, it’s my first time doing something with a wizard, so I tried to get along with Adrias classmate, so I messed around haha. You know my heart, right?”

“Me too. Please stay safe.”

Of course I know your mind, you crazy fanatic.

Contrary to his heart, he smiled and nodded his head.

All of a sudden, Sinclair shows interest in me, so some crazy guy is attacking me.

The Zefar Church is a group of fanatics who have a fairly large portion of the main quest.

Of course, Zefar is real, so it is not a pseudo-religion.

The only problem is that Zefar is a demon, not a god.

‘That’s also a pretty vicious demon.’

Unlike the devil’s image, Zefar’s appearance was in the form of a fairly normal human, but his ability was a problem.

Humans who faced Jefar forgot their shame and turned into lewd people. Perhaps because of this ability, even the fanatics of the church were not sane.

Their ultimate goal is to create a harem kingdom by bringing Zefar into the present world.

It’s a childish and funny story in a way, but it makes you laugh at the fact that it’s actually possible.

“What do you think about this request?”

“I guess I’ll have to go and see for myself, but I don’t know.”

The destination of the train we were on was a small village located in the Barony of Volorik in the south.

Even in the game, it wasn’t particularly important, it was just the destination of this quest.

The random quests we picked before we set off contained enigmatic content.

‘Rumor spreads that the landowner of the forest village belonging to Baron Voloric has been murdered. Baron Voloric dispatched investigators to investigate the case, but there has been no news for over two weeks. So I entrusted the investigation request through the mercenary guild.’

In a way, all the members of the group were delighted with the content that seemed to be easily solved.

However, I noticed something odd.

First of all, there was not too much information.

The landlord died, but there was no rule of thumb.

Only who died, and whether the culprit was a human or a monster, and when he died, the specific place or time of the incident are not known.

I don’t know the culprit, so I don’t know the motive and I don’t know how he killed it.

Of course, we’re on our way to investigate it, but the whereabouts of the investigators the baron sent first were also suspicious.

‘It would be nice if it wasn’t complicated or dangerous.’

Hazal continued to talk, whether he knew my feelings or not.

“From my point of view, it seems that we can solve it as soon as we get to the village. Of course, it may take some time to investigate, but it’s much better than other groups’ quests to subdue monsters or catch thieves.”

Of course, as he said, the odds were higher.

It only happened in the Baron’s territory, so it must be a big deal.

Maybe I was overestimating too much.

As I lost my concentration, I looked around and saw that only a few people were awake.

No, Vivian was awake, but looking out the window and lost in thought.

The rest of Christopher and Ivy were snoring and sleeping, and they looked so peaceful that they laughed.


It won’t be a big deal.

* * *

Upon arriving at the Voloric Manor, the only train station in Baron Voloric’s territory, we decided to visit the Baron’s family first.

As soon as we got on the carriage waiting for customers near the station, a manor appeared that was a little small to call a city but a little big to call a village.

“First, let’s sort out the questions.”

“What are you going to ask?”

The conversation was mainly led by Hazal and Christopher.

Vivian was a very quiet character, and Ivy did not express her opinion because it was the director’s role.

And since I was the only member of the Faculty of Magic, I had little influence, so I kept quiet.

Not wanting to go out was also a factor.

“First of all, we need to know the information of the murdered landlord. That way, we can confirm something like a grudge relationship.”

“Don’t do that. Are you asking for information from investigators who are missing?”

“Let’s ask that too. After all, the more information, the better.”

Having said that, Hajal turned her head and asked me, who had only been listening.

“Do you have any other opinions, Adrias?”

I thought about it for a while and said.

“I want to know if there have been any other rumors lately. Like a monster appeared or something unusual happened.”

“yes. I’ll ask that too.”

While talking, we arrived at the main gate of the lord’s castle before we knew it.

After paying for the carriage and approaching the guard, he inquired about his business.

“What business did you visit?”

“These are the students of Rodlen Academy who came after confirming His Excellency Voloric’s request.”

“Please wait a moment.”

The guard immediately went to deliver the news.

Moments later he reappeared with what appears to be a butler.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Ivan Edlin, the butler of the Volorik family. Laudelen Academy students are welcome. Please follow me.”

As we followed him into the castle, we saw a shabby interior worthy of an ordinary country baron.

The butler led them to the reception room, but Baron Volorik was waiting in the reception room beforehand.

“An unexpected guest. welcome I am Evans Voloric.”

“Meet Your Excellency Volorik. My name is Ivy Claire, who leads the students.”

He had a skinny, hysterical impression.

Her complexion was also pale, and her young condition did not look good.

The way they treated us wasn’t very welcoming either, but this might be my mistake.

After a formal greeting, we sat down and started asking questions in earnest.

“I want to hear from the landlord that he was murdered first.”

“He is my cousin. My uncle is my father’s son, he had the title of baronet, and I know he has no family. And since it’s still a rumor, it’s not clear whether he was murdered.”

After that, he explained the landlord’s age and appearance, but there was no particular information.

“Did you ever have a grudge against him?”

“I don’t know about such private things. Actually, it’s been quite a while since he and I met face-to-face… … .”

I threw out all the questions I had prepared in advance, but even then, no clues came out.

One thing I wondered was why the investigators were only dispatched once in a month.

When I inquired about it, the Baron answered.

“It was just a rumor, so I didn’t pay much attention at first. However, the collector who went to collect taxes in the village did not return, so we sent out inspectors. And in the end, they couldn’t come back either. With the collection officer, it has already been confirmed twice, so I put in a request to the mercenary guild to prevent harm to innocent people.”

I watched the other person’s breathing, gestures, and habitual reactions.

Looking at everything, the slight tremors in his muscles, I noticed that the baron was lying or hiding something.

‘There’s no doubt about the content itself, but it smells.’

What are you hiding?

While I was having such doubts, the butler next to me checked the time and then approached the baron and whispered something in his ear.

Then the baron got up from his seat and said.

“I have business, so I’ll just get up. Please solve it well.”

When he left, the butler stayed and explained.

“I am very sorry for the lack of cooperation. In fact, our Bocchan is not feeling well, so His Excellency is looking after him himself. I will explain in advance that this situation exists just in case.”

“no. It can be.”

When Hajal smiled kindly, the butler also put on a comfortable expression and lowered his head.

“If you don’t mind, how about staying here for the day? There are many guest rooms in our Yeongju Hall.”

We exchanged opinions for a while, but I expressed my disapproval, thinking that it would be better to resolve it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the other team members followed my opinion as if they hadn’t thought of it.

“We will go to the place where the incident took place right now.”

“If you leave now, you will probably be there by the time the sun goes down. Rather, just stay and leave tomorrow… … .”

“Thank you for your consideration. But it’s okay.”

“It’s dangerous at night. So please stay and go.”

“We don’t have a lot of time, so I decline.”

Then the butler glared at us with an expression that he didn’t like something.

It was as if he was angry at being denied a favor, but at the same time it seemed like he was angry because things didn’t go his way.

Thinking it was very strange, I went outside after defeating the butler who invited me once more.

“It’s a little cheap.”

“Which part is that?”

When I opened my mouth first, Hazal asked.

“It seemed that the Baron was lying. Or he’s hiding something.”

“yes? Did you?”

Hazard and other personnel looked at me strangely.

I just shook my head, fearing that I would be treated as a stranger if I tried to explain how my breathing was or what my habitual behavior was like.

“no. I guess it just felt like that.”

“Well, the butler’s expression and attitude when he left at the end was unusual. You can feel that way enough.”

After that, we got a carriage to go to the forest village.

But Christopher put on a slightly reluctant look.

“Isn’t that too hasty?”

“There is nothing more to find out. And is there anything special about our skills?”

Christopher was unexpectedly cautious, but Hazal patted him on the shoulder saying he was fine.

But, in case he wanted to, he turned to Vivian and asked for his opinion.

“What do you think Vivian?”

“… … I don’t know.”

Hazal laughed bitterly at that answer and asked my doctor.

“What about classmates?”

“I think it’s better to go to the village like the first time.”

In the end, as Hazal and I suggested, we decided to visit the forest village.

Honestly, with the information so far, I’m not without a sense of unease, but I trusted Ivy.

‘I’m traveling with the youngest person who will become an Auror Master, so there’s nothing special.’

There is an insurance called Ivy, so at least my life is guaranteed.

And even in my gameplay memory, there was not a single episode related to Baron Volorik.

Of course, it was in the past, before the game started, so I don’t know what happened, but if something big happened, it was clear that I would know, like the terrorist attack at the academy.

So, without any worries, I rode a carriage to the forest village and left.

“It is farther than I thought. First of all, as soon as we arrive, we have to grab an inn.”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it have been better to sleep at Voloric?”

“Because we don’t have much time. While I’m gone, I’ll have to investigate the surroundings beforehand.”

By now, the day was getting darker.

As I looked at the forest road where dusk was falling, I felt an unknown pounding heart as I headed towards the village.



no. Rather, something related to my heart… … .

okay! Manada.

Mana showed signs of rampaging little by little.

I looked at the complexion of others at the sudden abnormal phenomenon, but it was all calm itself.

‘Why am I the only one doing this? Did I eat something wrong?’

And not long after I felt something wrong with my body, the carriage suddenly started running wild.

widely! widely!

“mister! I’m not in a hurry, so drive slowly!”

Hazal pounded on the wall at the driver’s seat and shouted, but the wagon’s rocking did not stop.

Feeling curious, Christopher opened the sliding window that made it possible to talk with the coachman, and the coachman was whipping the horses with a bizarre struggle.

“hey! What are you doing?”

Christopher shouted, but the coachman didn’t respond and continued acting strangely.

It was only then that everyone noticed that something was strange and became alert.

“Why are you doing that?”

“The carriage will overturn at this rate.”

Christopher immediately opened the carriage door and threw himself into the driver’s seat.

Then he looked at the coachman, and his expression became strange.

“what’s the matter? What?”

“Are you smiling?”

When everyone tilted their heads at the sudden remark, Christopher turned the coachman around and showed us his face.

The coachman smiled grotesquely and swayed as if he were dancing.

“hey! what’s the matter? Wake!”

“I am not crazy. I was fine until just now… … .”

When everyone was confused, the unbridled carriage began to run wild.

It was not only the coachman who was strange, but also the horses, who seemed to be crazy, started to run in a strange way.

Eventually, Christopher started driving the wagon himself.

“Even the horses are insane! Something is wrong!”

At Christopher’s words, everyone in the carriage looked at me.

Apparently, I, the only wizard, was hoping for a solution, but I wasn’t the sharpest one.

“For now, slow down as much as possible.”

In the end, that was all we could say to Christopher.

I don’t know what Christopher’s wagon driving skills are, but fortunately, the speed has started to slow down.

Thanks to this, the danger of the wagon overturning was safely passed.

The coachman, who had continued to sway even though Christopher had taken his seat, suddenly jumped up and jumped out of the carriage.


When we saw the coachman who jumped in fright, he got up and danced grotesquely, his face covered with scars and bleeding.

It felt like watching a horror movie in live action rather than looking happy to see them jumping like they were excited.

Eventually he disappeared, dancing on and on until he was out of sight in the carriage.

“What was it? Is that person weird?”

“It’s a village! We are here!”

Then I heard Christopher’s cry and looked out the window and saw a small town.

And at the same time, the fluctuations of mana in my heart began to intensify.

Seeing that the problem got worse the closer we got to the village, it seemed that the village was the cause, rather than eating something wrong.

Fortunately, the shaking gave a positive effect, rather than being painful, filling up a sense of exaltation.

‘Why the hell are you doing this?’

At that time, I couldn’t judge this phenomenon even with game knowledge.

I heard Christopher’s trembling voice.

“What is that thing doing right now?”

At his words, everyone looked out the window.

All the residents of the village, who had begun to be vaguely visible, were all outside and doing a grotesque dance.

It created a terrifying atmosphere with the darkened sky.

“What the hell is that… … ?”

“Is it a curse? hey! San! What the hell is that thing doing? If you’re a wizard, you know that much!”

As soon as the carriage reached the entrance of the village, Christopher forced it to stop.

Despite the arrival of the carriage, the residents were dancing with tear-jerking smiles without paying attention.

It felt like a bizarre festival was held in a dark town with no torches lit.

I haven’t seen this happen even in the game, so I can’t say exactly what it is, but it’s mostly one of three.

One for Mana Anomaly and one for Magic.

And finally.

‘Dark magic?’

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