Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits

Chapter 20

Episode 20. There were several ‘named items’ as there were

diligent sloths and Vivian Veloccan named characters.

In particular, there were various types of items and abilities as it was a world where different races, legendary figures, and gods existed.

[Codex Apocalypse: Chapter 7 Diligent Sloth]

[Mana recovery rate +321%]

[Dark magic mastery increase rate +123%]

[Mana array speed +213%] [

Spell composition speed +213%]

[Mana storage function]

[Skill Absorbing energy from ‘Indolent Dance’]

[Cursed when possessing the item. (List of curses…….)]

[Built-in skills… … ]

Again, the named-level item information is immediately displayed like a game screen.

Looking at the item’s stats, I thought that if the opponent had been a little more proper warlock, he would have died without even using a single hand.

And when I saw the page of sloth in my hand, I started to worry.

Of course, if you could use it without noticing, there wouldn’t be an item like this, but there was no way you could use it without noticing it.

In particular, if he returned with an item that showed such a strong presence, there was a possibility that Bahat Alven would notice, even if no one else knew.

Named items do not show off their presence at the moment the owner is set, but in the case of the game, it was recognized as the owner the moment it was acquired.

However, if it is not recognized as its owner as it was just before, it constantly emits a sense of presence and causes a pulse of mana.

“My head hurts.”

And it was the same for me.

Judging from the fact that I can feel the heartbeat even though I hold the page of sloth in my hand, it seems that I have not been recognized as the owner.

Perhaps if he had outstanding talent, he would have been recognized naturally and his heartbeat would have stopped.

Nickel, as if he knew my heart, approached me proudly and spread his hand.

Looking at the skeleton subject that can’t even handle mana and looking so fine, I thought that the Auror Master was definitely different.


Nickel immediately gestured for the sword I was holding.

What you really want is a noble man.

I gave the sword to Nickel and handed it over to the sloth page, then canceled the summons.

It’s not good to stand out anymore. I also want to hide the sloth page.

Looking around, there were no ruins.

Even the residents who were still alive were swept away by the black magician’s magic and the white hands he summoned, leaving no trace.

‘Christopher’s gone too. sorry.’

And another peculiarity stood out.

“Why isn’t this going away again?”

Was it the curse of indolence?

The black barrier activated by the built-in skill of the sloth page had not disappeared yet.

Seeing that it was being activated even though the caster was dead, it seemed to be a problem with the item, not the caster.

I carefully reached out and touched the hemispherical barrier.


I felt a slight repulsive force, and my hand went in.

Watching the barrier tremble like pudding, I withdrew my hand again.

‘Should I just leave it as it is?’

To be honest, I wondered if it would be better to leave Vivian behind, even if Ivy didn’t know.

I thought about it for a while, but eventually changed my mind to saving it.

In the first place, it is so obvious in the middle of the street, but if Ivy is saved, what will Ivy say when she sees this?

Of course I’d say save it.

If you have to save it anyway, it would be better to save it as soon as possible.

‘Can I just take it out?’

I came to a conclusion and threw myself toward the barrier without hesitation.


* * *


As soon as I arrived, I stood and stared at the sight I saw.

A woman was slapping a girl who must have been no more than 10 years old.

The girl with green hair and faded green eyes looked like someone I knew.

Could that child be Vivian?

“Unlucky year. What if I open my eyes like that? What do you want me to kill?”

“… … no. sorry. ma’am.”

“Where are you talking about this?”


Are you talking to me?

When I see it, it seems like he just wants to hit me, but I don’t know what’s going on, so I just watch him.

In the first place, it seems that the two of them do not see me.

I must have watched the cruel abuse scene for such a long time. The painful time is finally over.

During that time, I confirmed that I was invisible to them and found out that I could use physical force apart from being invisible.

Does that mean you can hear me when I speak?

Haven’t tried it yet.

After a while, the child, who must have been bruised all over, left the room of the woman called Mrs. and headed somewhere.

It was pitiful to see her moving while dragging her aching body, but for now, I was just watching.


“who are you?”

“mother. It is me.”

Apparently, this place seemed to be the castle of an aristocratic family.

As far as I know, madwoman Vivian is the son of an aristocrat, so is this Vivian’s family, the Countess of Belokan?

“… … come in.”


When I followed Vivian into the room, there was an emaciated woman lying on the bed.

“What happened this time?”

“sorry. mother. I made a mistake and said that my wife would come to visit my mother… … .”

“… … .”

I don’t know what’s going on

I know that Vivian is the daughter of the Velokan family, but she has a separate Countess and Vivian’s mother?

“you… … .”

After being silent for a moment, Vivian’s mother opened her mouth.

“I didn’t give birth to you.”

“… … sorry. mother.”

Looking at this situation, it seemed that I could understand why Vivian went mad.

Even my real mother is like that, can I get rid of it without going crazy?

What I learned from following Vivian like a ghost all day was that her mother gave birth to Vivien as a legitimate wife, but after giving birth to her, her health deteriorated and she was unable to make an heir, and because of that, Count Belokan brought in a second wife to make a son. was

And, of course, this is what happened because the second wife I brought in like that gave birth to a son.

The Count seemed to be aware of this situation, but closed his eyes.

Finally, after a long day, Vivian returned to her room, squatting on the bed, holding her breath and weeping bitterly.


“Suck! Who are you?”

When I made a sound, I felt sorry for her as she looked toward the door, hiding her tears as much as possible.

Haha I never thought I would have pity for the crazy woman in the world.

Still, I couldn’t help but feel nothing when I saw my child being abused.

Besides, she hasn’t acted like a madwoman yet, so she’s not a madwoman.

“Who are you!”

I took out a chair from the table next to me and sat down so that I wouldn’t be surprised as much as possible when I summoned up the courage to shout.


To her eyes, it probably looked like the chair was moving on its own.

I pretended to be as popular as possible to express that I was sitting here.


“Hmmmm. Can you hear me?”

I have to come up with the concept of a kind fairy who can’t be seen.


“no. I am not a ghost, I am a fairy.”

“Yo fairy!”

I thought it was a little cute because he made a fuss and reacted to each one.

“Is that Vivian Veloccan?”

“yes yes! that’s right.”

“Vivian. hmm hmm The reason I came here is to help Vivian.”


How to break this barrier.

I don’t know exactly, but thinking about my case, I thought there was only one way to overcome the past.

You must recognize that this place is not reality and break the egg of despair and frustration to come out.

If you fail, you will fall into the swamp of indolence.

“yes. That’s right. Vivian Velocan. I am a fairy who has come to help you.”


After spitting out cheers, Vivian soon burst into tears and began to weep.

I was even more embarrassed when I saw her crying as silently as possible.

“Vi Vivian?”

“sorry. Suddenly suddenly tears. sorry. Fairy. So far, no one has been on my side… … .”

Oh I hate this atmosphere so much.

but you have to be patient

Since I have already entered this space, I do not know how to get out.

I have no choice but to help her as much as possible to break this barrier.

“But how did the fairy come to know me?”

“Vivian. you are special You may not know it, but you are a person who shines with specialness.”

First of all, I decided to raise my self-esteem, which had fallen to the gutter after being abused.

“Am I special?”

“sure. You are a special person who is unique in the world.”

“What is special?”

Well, I was about to spit out the words, but the sudden question made my head spin.

Fortunately, I came up with an answer quickly so that it wasn’t awkward.

“Vivian. You have excellent swordsmanship.”

“Am I a sword?”

I knew it from looking at my daily routine, but it seemed that I hadn’t learned the sword yet.

But I can say it with confidence.

“yes. It’s a great talent. It’s something special that shines brightly.”

The reason I can say this without hesitation is because I know the future girl.

Two years later, she single-handedly wiped out all 5th graders in the Faculty of Engineering.

He even kills the professors and assistants who were with him by himself.

“I can’t believe it. I always get scolded and punished for doing something wrong.”

“Vivian. I am a fairy. Do fairies know better, or do humans know better?”

“That’s right.”

“Vivian. you are special The countess who bullies you is doing it because she’s jealous of you. You did nothing wrong.”

When you say something, it feels like a whisper from the dark.

It’s like I’m in the dark

But is it true? From what I saw, Vivian was just being abused without doing anything wrong.

Even if you did something wrong, abuse is wrong.

“From now on, I will follow Vivian by her side and give her advice. Instead, Vivian shouldn’t let others know about my existence. Got it?”

“yes! all right.”

After that, I followed Vivian every day and gave her advice.

Even though I was clumsy in human relationships, there was a lot of advice I could give to a kid less than 10 years old.

First of all, she followed my words and told Count Belokan that she wanted to learn swordsmanship confidently even though it seemed a bit difficult, and she gradually began to change.

Even when I was caught by the countess, I was by my side and gave advice on the right words and actions.

Thanks to this, she was gradually freed from the abuse, and her condition improved even more when contact with her wife disappeared in the name of swordsmanship training in the first place.

“Fairy! Did you hear? The swordsmanship teacher praised me!”

A month had passed since he entered the barrier.

Vivian, who had changed into a pretty bright personality, spoke to me in the opposite direction.

“Here I am. Vivian.”

“ah! You were there!”

Having become quite attached to Vivian, I treated her with the feeling of wanting to be like this if I had a daughter.

As a result, a month did not feel like a very long time.

“As expected, Vivian is special. I’ve been watching from the sidelines, but Vivian’s growth is amazing.”

“Yes? Hi-Hi.”

Then, suddenly, she reached out to me.

I slipped back and adjusted the distance out of her reach.

“The fairy can see me, so why can’t I see the fairy? I want to see the fairy too.”

“That’s because I’m a fairy. It’s not only Vivian you can’t see, you can’t see other people either, right?”

“I told you I was special!”

“haha. I hope Vivian can see me someday.”

No more.

Inwardly, I tried not to give affection, but when I saw Vivian without a place to lean on, my resolve collapsed without my knowledge.

okay. There’s only a little bit left now. little bit more.

… … I turned my thoughts around.

Then one day Count Belokan happened to see Vivian’s training.

“Ah, see your father.”

“Vivian. Try again.”


“Try that swordsmanship again.”

“yes! All right!”

She gently unfolded the basic and advanced movements she had practiced for a month.

Clearly gifted, Vivien showed remarkable prowess in a period of just one month.

As she unfolded everything she had learned, the cold-looking count nodded.

“You are good. As expected, it is the blood of Velokan.”

“Thank you.”

With those words, the count left.

However, Vivian was staring at the floor with tears in her eyes as if the lingering repercussions of his words had not gone away.

There was no one at the moment, so he quietly praised her.

“Did I tell you? After all, Vivian is great. If you work hard like this in the future, you will do much better.”

“Fairy. thank you. It was the first time I heard good things from my father. You didn’t always speak well of me.”

ha. this pitiful thing

I let out a sigh of regret when I suddenly felt a crack in the air.

what? no way?

“Fairy. thank you. I will work really hard. So I will find my own way. Proud Vivian Belokan, not Velokan’s worthless daughter.”

As she spat out the words, the world began to crumble.


Vivian stopped talking and watched the world crumble with a bewildered look.

It’s like you don’t have to know that it’s not real.

Is it time to break up

“You fairy? This?”

“Vivian. good job. Will you promise me something?”

Unbeknownst to me, I became attached to it and went wild.

When I said something that didn’t need to be said to Vivian, who looked bewildered, she called me with a puzzled expression.

“A fairy?”

“I will live this hard in the future, so I won’t forget that promise to find my own way, Vivian Velocan. I promise you.”

took her hand

Vivian was slightly startled by my first touch, but as soon as I bet on her possession, she gave strength as if she would not let go.

“A promise, Vivian?”

“Yes! A promise.”

That’s how Vivian’s world was broken.

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