Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits

Chapter 9

Episode 9. The strongest wizard and bet

“Whose name do you dare to call a child carelessly?”

I couldn’t imagine that we would run into each other, so I spit out the name without realizing it.

The current owner of the Rodelen Magic Tower and the owner of the Duke of Alven.

One of the strongest players in the current world view who monopolizes two huge titles.

Of course, at the end of the game, the daughter, Diene Alven, becomes stronger, but that’s when the player controls it.

“sorry. Tower Lord.”

“joy. He is the son of the father. It’s just as pathetic.”

His eyes were covered, but the sneer at the corners of his lips was clearly felt.

But what can I do? Right now, I don’t like such provocations.


uh? Is that what just came out of my mouth?

Regardless of my reaction, Bahat turned his head and faced Lucia.

“Is that Viscount Hollington’s daughter?”

“This is Lucia Everlast.”

“joy. If you want me to remember your name, build that reputation first.”

Like a grumpy old man. he asked

Well done anyway.

I was lost and I was worried about what to do, but the owner of the tower appeared.

“Top Lord. Is the tower lord going to judge you?”

“hmm? judge? What review?”

“Today, we decided to review the newly created potion at the Rodelian Magic Tower.”


What do you not know?

This is a bit embarrassing to me anyway.

Then why did you appear here?

“You said you made a new potion?”


“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Laughter erupted, which would be appropriate even if it was violent.

Aside from his sudden laughter, the excited Stormbringer flew through the air and began showering lightning.


I immediately deployed the earth shield, and Lucia, who was next to me, also used unknown magic.

Kwajik! bang!

My Earth Shield was halved by a single lightning strike, and I deployed the Earth Shield one after another in the shower of lightning.

“senior. are you okay. Because I put on a protective shield even for my seniors.”


I was relieved by Lucia’s words.

By the way, I can’t believe I’ve already used the upper-middle level magic, Protect Shield.

Casting doesn’t seem to take long, but it seems that geniuses are geniuses.

Compared to him, I’m only a beginner magician, Earth Shield… … .

If you die like this, it’s a dog death worthy of making an achievement in its own way.

‘Achievements are a piece of shit.’

I thought, but it looks like an asshole.

Fortunately, Bahat, who laughed, immediately blew a whistle, and Stormbringer regained his stability.

He said, still unable to erase the smile from his lips.

“Hehe. Looking at the tail, it seems that the magical achievements are still the same.”

“I believe it will get better soon.”

“Haha! A passing dog will laugh at you.”

Now that you’re laughing, you must be the dog.

Of course, I didn’t say it out of my mouth, I just thought it inside.

“okay. You made a potion? I’m curious to hear that you guys made it. Go right now.”

As Bahat stood upright on the flagpole and waved his hand, a magic circle was drawn under our feet, and we were instantly transported to another space.

‘Move space!’

After all, Bahat was a monster.

Magic related to space was the second most difficult after magic related to time.

It’s not just high, it’s enough to treat you as a mid-level wizard even if you get a clue about space magic.

Processing and manifesting magic formulas and arrangements in an instant was different from the case of space magic or installation type magic circles contained in artifacts.

At the level of ignoring other people’s intentions and mana interference and using such magic, the word monster was appropriate.

“The Magic Tower Lord is amazing. senior.”

Even Lucia had an expression of disgust, so I said everything.

The place he moved to was a room with a normal appearance, unlike the hallway inside the tower.

The subtle black tea scent seems to have drank tea a little while ago.

“Lord of Bahat Tower, how is this place?”

“We met by chance on the road. You said you were examining these guys’ potions today?”

“yes. That’s right.”

In the room where the examination was taking place, three wizards belonging to the Mage Tower were waiting as judges.

They didn’t know what to do with the unexpected appearance of Bahat.

“okay. Is this the potion?”

“yes. Ingredient test and efficacy test are over. In fact, the safety of the potion had already been passed, and only questions and answers were left about the production process and methods of the students.”

While the examiner was explaining, Bahat was dropping a drop of the potion into his mouth.

He paused for a moment as if savoring the taste, then poured the entire bottle into it.

“Moheim fruit leaves, Todol tree sap, Zahas fruit bloomer mushroom.”

Having said that, he turned to Lucia.

“What about the other two?”

“Honfish juice and matarata root bark.”

“Honfish and Mataratara. I used my hair.”

He sighed, extinguished the potion bottle, and approached Lucia, who literally disappeared.

“I have heard your story once or twice. But I didn’t know you’d do something stupid like this already.”

“thank you.”

“Is it like a compliment?”

“is not it?”

Bahat, standing in front of Lucia who calmly asked her question, with only the corner of her mouth raised, turned her head to the judges and said,

“The test is over. Give me a confirmation stamp.”

“yes. Has confirmed. Tower Lord.”

Phew, I was worried about what kind of tackle the man who hit this shit would make, but it seems that he passed safely.

I remember being cursed at countless times because it was an unpredictable character even in the game.

He had a lot of unexpected actions, so he was a character that couldn’t be used as a teammate.

At the time, it was just a strong psychopath, but when it became a reality and faced it in front of my eyes, the feeling of intimidation was beyond imagination.

“Now let’s talk about something else.”

“… … ?”

“Why did Adrias come with you?”

As Lucia stood still with an expression of incomprehension at his words, he said.

“Wouldn’t you have made it yourself? I’m asking why do you bother to fake him as a co-producer?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why did I make it alone?”

“Isn’t that natural? Do you really want to say that you made the potion with Adrias?”

“Huh, I know what you mean.”

“for a moment! No, what are you two talking about… … .”

He hurriedly intervened in the conversation.

For some reason, I thought that the inspiration passed normally.

Lucia’s reaction is also uneasy.

It is said that if it is twisted, my patent right and the profits from it will be blown away.

“To tell you the truth, senior made it all by himself.”


Contrary to my expectations, Lucia said something completely unexpected.

“Yesterday, Diane-senpai came and brushed me off, and it’s amazing that her father showed the same reaction.”

“what? Diene said that too?”

When his daughter’s name comes up, he becomes very interested.

No matter how crazy he is, he seems to be just a father in front of his daughter.

“yes. Like the Tower Lord, they said they didn’t trust me and asked me various things.”

“So, are you saying it’s true that you made it with him?”

“I’ll say it again, it’s no different than a senior making it alone. I was just lucky.”

Lucia… … .

Forgive me for doubting you.

You are now my favorite playable character.

“If in doubt, ask your senior directly.”

When Lucia hit the wedge, Bahat turned to me with a disapproving expression.

But can you see it with your eyes closed?

“Is it true?”

“It is true when it comes to co-productions.”

“Then it’s okay if I ask you a question.”

“yes. That’s what I came for anyway.”

“good. Then ask.”

Bahat nodded and waved his hand once more.

Then, together with the same magic circle as before, Lucia and I were transported in space.

Please speak and write. I’m startled and I’m going to fall



“This is magic that can only be used inside the Mage Tower.”

I just nodded at Lucia’s sudden words.

Are you analyzing it in the middle of this? Lucia also had a rather peculiar corner.

Bahat, who came with her, listened to her words and put a smile on her lips.

“Are you making a fuss about finding out something great? Follow me sooner than that.”

The place we arrived this time was a huge laboratory.

There were also wizards here, but most of them were sleeping in a corner of the study table or wandering around like zombies with long dark circles.

I got goosebumps as I felt like I was being projected into them.

“For now, you can use the ingredients here, so just make that potion.”

“All right.”

That’s enough to eat cold porridge.

Since these are ingredients that I have touched hundreds of times in a few days, I am now used to making them even with my eyes closed.

Rather, there was a high probability that Lucia, who was only watching from the sidelines, would fail in manufacturing.

From a separate warehouse on one side of the lab, materials were brought in for just one batch and immediately started manufacturing.

It was certainly more sophisticated and difficult to handle than the instruments used in the academy, perhaps because it was a lab in the Mage Tower, but it was easy to use.


[I made a potion of physical strength increase (intermediate).]

After the extraction and fusion reaction, a notification popped up as soon as the ingredients were properly mixed.

When I made the potion in just 5 minutes, Bahat was looking at me with an expression that made me want to see him.

But can you really see it with your eyes closed?

Bahat dipped the potion I made, tried it, and then drank it in one bite, just like before.

“good night. Then I will ask you a question.”

“Tell me.”

“Why did you think of using hornfish essence? I know roughly what the intention was, but there must have been a lot of other things? For example, Holman seeds or poponnon stamen powder.”

“Because it is a liquid. This may not sound like much, but liquid and solid media react differently during chemical reactions and extractions. The liquid neutralizer was needed to fuse with the sap of the todol tree, one of the essential ingredients, without side effects. Of course, even if the examples I just gave you were in a liquid state, that would be impossible.”


“Because hornfish juice is of animal origin. The ingredients are plant-based, which is impossible. Even if it acts as a similar neutralizing agent, it will produce completely different results in the fusion reaction process. For example, if the ingredient you just mentioned goes in its place, the traits of bloomer mushrooms, which are weak to vegetable neutralizers, will break down. This does not simply end with decomposition, but a chain reaction that results in the hallucinogenic component of the Morheim fruit being much more prominent.”

Everything I’ve just said wasn’t something I figured out, a hint in the game told me.

But in the end, it’s all thanks to my hard work.

Probably no one who has played this game has put as much effort into finding a recipe as I have.

“Have you tried it yourself?”

“yes. I have tried both types of materials you mentioned.”

In games, of course.

It’s not wrong, he said confidently.

Bahat suddenly fiddled with the cloth covering his eyes, then took them off.

And looked at me with wide eyes.

“I have doubts about the Adrias Cromwell I know. Who are you?”

“This is the Adrias Cromwell you just mentioned.”

“As I said, the premise of what I know is important. Are you really the guy I know?”

“yes. you’re right. Your Highness Alven.”

“haha. this is so… … .”

My heart skipped a beat at his momentary question.

I wondered if he had recognized that I was Jinhwan Kim.

However, thanks to his habit of hiding his emotions as he panicked, he was able to answer calmly.

“How many years have I seen you?”

remember! work!

In an instant, Adrias’ memories came to mind.

“It seems to be the first time I met you at the entrance ceremony. About two and a half years.”

“okay? I don’t know what happened in between… … .”

I don’t know?

“It’s been pretty fun.”

“thank you.”

I say thank you with my mouth, but it’s complicated in my head.

ruined. Bahat Alven used the expression that it was fun.

When that word came out, nothing was fine.

“Are you interested in making potions?”

“yes? yes. Apparently, I’m not as good at magic as you saw earlier… … .”

Of course, I was thinking of upgrading my talents with evolution traits.

“Then make a bet with me.”

“bet… … .”

I couldn’t bear to say I didn’t like it, and I blurted out the end of my words.

Are you making a bet with a lunatic like you that I’m crazy?

“If I win the bet, the Cromwells will cancel all debt to our family and give me one of my favorites.”

“Do it now.”

Oh, without realizing it, the answer came out immediately.

But it was an irresistible temptation.

I don’t know exactly how much debt there is, but it’s an amount that would make a high-ranking aristocratic count’s family go bankrupt.

My guess is that most of them thought it was probably because of magic, so my heart was heavy.

Besides, it hurts to say it’s something Bahat cherishes.

The thing of the strongest person in the world It could have been worth much more than the debt I owed.

“You haven’t even heard of it?”

“Let me listen.”

Bahat, who let out a smirk, spoke as if declaring.

“If you make another new potion before the end of the year, you win. But if you can’t make it, I’ll expel you at all costs. How is it?”

yes of course

The answer is fixed.

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