Nero, The Legendary Hunter

Chapter 100 - 99: Elsa

"Here, I got Nero's old one, you can have this one, Jana," Choko said, happier than usual.

Everyone could feel the love overflowing from Choko. It was as if she had advanced to another level. She took Nero's arm after she handed the armor to Jana and smiled fully. It was inevitable that he found it a little funny and adorable.

"Nera!" A tall woman with black hair, a slender body and above-average breasts, and red eyes ran toward Nero at great speed.

Nero dodged.

"My... Nera, it's you! Yes, Nera, it's me, your sister Elsa." Awash in tears that looked like a waterfall, the woman choked out words.

"My name is Nero. Nera died a long time ago!" Nero was upset with emotions. She was angry, a little happy perhaps to see her, but sad that Nera had waited years and years for her sister Elsa, but she never came to her rescue.

A pair of pink wings spread across Nero's back. The public on the street saw it and were shocked, but they had no intention of attacking Nero for being of another race. After all, her charm alone prevented them from doing that.

"In a dark and lifeless place, Nera was left, in a laboratory that looked like a house of horrors. She stayed, for years, tortured and undergoing experiments, until she died. Now it's just me, Nero, not Nera!" she said coldly with uncontrollable anger. It was as if all the repressed memories and feelings came together, and she started to shake, and tears flowed. She didn't want to make any drama, but she couldn't control herself. The emotions came out like an endless ocean.

"My God, My God..." The more she listened, the more Elsa's heart ached. She didn't know where her sister was, but she always hoped that she was alive, but she didn't expect this to have happened to her.

Honda and the rest were crying. They felt the strong emotion coming from Nero, and they felt sad. Not just them, the whole town cried. Nero's pain was so great, it was suffocating.

"You understand?" Nero said with eyes almost lackluster. She was getting deeper and deeper into Nera's memories and the pain was choking her, but she still managed to stay sane somehow. "Nera died!!" She screamed loudly with her hands down and bending forward. Nero turned away with tears of sadness and bitterness, a terrible lump in her throat that almost choked her and she started walking.

"Nera, don't go!" Elsa caught up with Nero and grabbed her by the shoulders. She was class A after all.

Nero said with endless anger, "Heh, do you know who put Nera through all this? You can't even imagine, right? But believe it or not, I don't care. It was Eliane, and she's trying to kill me, or rather kill Nera who's already dead. However, does she think I'm so easy? I will strengthen myself, and when that day comes…" The coldness in Nero's eyes froze Elsa's heart; she herself shivered at Nero's gaze.

"I'm going to kill her and all those bastards in the lab who did all that to Nera!" Nero screamed with all her might as she said this. It was like she didn't scream. She couldn't breathe; the lump in her throat was choking her, and all the memories coming at the same time were causing her a lot of pain. Tears streamed from her eyes, tears of anger and hatred. She wanted revenge for Nera!

Elsa shivered. She was still crying, but her expression froze. "Eliane did this?" She couldn't believe it. After all, the three of them were sisters. Why would Eliane do that? She let go of Nero's shoulder as she was stunned. Choko, not far away, was crying a lot.

"Nero, I'm here for you. Don't cry, don't cry," Choko said in a voice choked with tears. While she was hugged by Choko, Nero still didn't completely come back to herself, but her eyes started to glow more again. Her thirst for revenge also eased a little.

Amazingly, the entire city was affected by Nero's emotions. While she was thirsty for revenge they were too. Her charm was causing their emotions to turn on when she was around, which made them cry, get angry, and anguish and pain. All Nero felt they felt, but not so intensely, just the ones connected stronger as Choko felt Nero's emotions and cried a lot.

"Nero, let's get out of here..." Choko said softly.

"I…" Nero took a deep breath. Many times she still remembered the little girl in a chained bed undergoing experiments. It was all very vivid, and she had to accept that somehow it was part of her now, because the feelings Nera felt, she was now feeling, like the strong desire to save Yui, who stayed in the lab. When she was still alive, she didn't even want to think about the possibility that she was dead or else her mind might collapse again.

When Nero left with Choko, Jingu and the rest followed. Elsa came to her senses and ran at wind speed towards Nero.

"Wait." Elsa, although still crying, seemed more in control. "Tell me everything that happened. Please give me a chance to understand," she begged.

"Do you really want to hear it?" Nero asked coldly.

"Yes, I want to hear." Elsa took a deep breath and nodded.

The rest of the party went to the inn. Only Choko, Nero and Elsa remained in the room.

Nero started to narrate:

[At 5 years old, Nera asked, you remember: Big sister, are you going hunting?

You said yes.

Nera asked: can I go with you?

No, you are still too young, you replied. 

Nera's mother called for food. Nera said she was going but was stopped by Eliane. 

Nera, still innocent at age 5, heard her whisper to her: "I know how you can go hunting with us."

"Like?" Nera asked with a gleam in her eyes.

"Easy, just hide inside the boat before we leave!" Eliane replied softly as if she was afraid someone would hear her.

"Ohh, I will!" Nera had a revelation and responded happily, happy with the idea from ​​her sister.]

Nero continued: [After that, Nera did what Eliane says and hid in the boat and then: "Nera, you can come out. It's your sister Eliane." Nera came out from behind the door.

"Are we at sea yet?"

"Yes." Eliane nodded and said, "Oh, you must be thirsty, here I brought you this."

"Thanks, sister!" Nera believed her and took it. After that, she said, "Sister, I'm feeling weak and I'm a little dizzy." Nera saw Eliane make some hand signal and an evil smile she'd never seen before. 

"It's your fault things came to this," Eliana said with undisguised anger toward Nera.

"Sister, what's going on?" Nera asked, confused, "I don't understand."

Eliane laughed devilishly and said, "It's your fault that my big sister doesn't pay attention to me anymore. You need to disappear. After all, you're just someone my sister found at sea. That's right, you're not our sister; you're just someone my sister met at sea and my mother started raising you as a daughter. But, this has gone too far! You need to disappear. You're just an obstacle in my life."

When she finished speaking, some people in black appeared.

"She's yours now, you can take her. And make sure she never appears in front of me again, or else I'll kill her personally," Eliana told them.

"Right." The man in the lead nodded and said, "Here's five thousand coins as agreed."

"..." Nera cried a lot as she felt her eyes get heavy and listened to the conversation between her sister and a man.

After that, Nera later woke up in a strange place, much like a cave and with iron bars at the entrance to the cave.

"You will be in this cell from now on," said a tall man with horns on his head.

"Where is my mother? Let me go!" Nera screamed but was ignored no matter how much she screamed.

The man, before leaving, said to her, "Behave and do whatever is told, and you can live in a room."

After that Nera behaved and managed to go to her room. She went through experiments every day and needed to take different types of medicine. She went bald, then gained hair, then she was wounded, then she was healed, among other things. She also met someone, and she became her friend. For years, Nera was a little happy to have someone by her side, however, one day her friend Yui went and never came back.

In the end, Nera suffered so much that she died, and something perhaps because of the experiments made her wake up from the dead and take the white wings that were ripped from Yui. Ah yes, Yui was descended from angels. Anyway, taking the wings, she ran away, or whatever it was, and then I woke up. I am Nero, not Nera! Nera died because of her sister!]

Nero finishes summarizing. This was not even one third of what Nera actually suffered. Choko cried a lot hearing this, and she was being comforted by Nero.

"Now that you've heard all this, what do you think? Am I lying, or am I telling the truth? Maybe you think your sister isn't capable of that, and honestly, fuck you. I'll kill her if I get the chance, and that lab…" Nero's eyes started to show a lot of anger.

"I believe you, but I can't believe you're not my sister. I can feel it, even if you say you died and someone else took your place... Honestly, it's hard to believe, but I know what you said is true." Elsa was very sad when she admitted that she believed Nero because it meant that she now knew that her other sister sold her youngest sister out of jealousy to spend a life worse than hell.

"You're Nera, but I'll respect you if you want to be called Nero now, but understand, I'm your big sister, and I'd do anything for you. And as for Eliane... She'll pay for it, but I won't let you kill her, but yes, I will make her pay for her sins in the Clan prison. Nera, I mean Nero, understand, I've been looking for you a long, long time. I swear, not for a day did I forget you, so believe me when I say I'll bring you justice with the lab... I- I must be strong enough to destroy it. Show me the way and we can save your friend. The sooner the better, right?"

Elsa smiled a little, though in reality it was forced, because deep down she felt sad, however, it would still bring Nera justice.

"I…" Nero was dizzy and confused. She didn't expect this reaction from Elsa.

"Nero, come on, you always worried about her, yes? Don't miss this chance." Choko, despite being reluctant, told Nero to go in search of her friend who had suffered as much as Nero, or maybe even more.

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