Nero, The Legendary Hunter

Chapter 25 - 25

Jana came over and hugged Latifa.

"Jair, what are you waiting for?" Latifa pouted, "Come on and let your aunt hug you too."

Jair shook his head helplessly and came over and hugged Latifa. "Good to see that our aunt is fine," he said when he finished hugging her.

Nero was surprised by this scene. 'Are they related?' This wasn't something that Choko and the rest had told her, but soon she didn't think about it, since it wasn't so important.

Breno nodded simply as he greeted Latifa. Although it was like that, Latifa did not seem to have been upset; she was already used to his behavior of not saying much. Breno was always very quiet in her presence for some reason.

"Mom, can Nero stay here at home?" Choko hugged her mother. She looked up, meeting her mother's eyes. "She has nowhere to stay, I… I do want her to stay here. Please?"

Although surprised by her daughter's request, Latifa saw no problem in this. "Mm, of course, she can stay here." She looked at the housekeeper. "Marcia, get Nero a room."

"Right away." Marcia bowed, then she left.

"Thank you, Ms. Latifa," Nero smiled when she said.

"No need to thank me," Latifa smiled and said, "Besides, you can call me Aunt Latifa or just Latifa."

Nero didn't think much, and she nodded, "Okay, Aunt Latifa."

Latifa smiled contentedly. "Come, sit down, everyone, then the afternoon snack will be served."

While they were talking, the afternoon snack was indeed served. Even though she was a little out of place, Nero managed to follow the conversation, and she ate with them and sometimes she smiled about the conversation.

She couldn't get too deep into her backstory, not wanting to reveal that she came from another world. Her situation was not simple; she had to be cautious. First, she would need to register with the hunters' guild; second, she had to learn more about this world; and third, she needed to increase her strength. By doing all this, she could live more peacefully.

"Aunt Latifa, we are going. Good night." Jana, Jair, and Breno said goodbye and left.

Latifa returned to her bedroom, leaving only Nero and Choko in the room.

"Nero, you must be wanting to bathe. After all, before we only cleaned ourselves with damp cloths." Choko invited her, "What do you think about bathing together?"

"Is that- Are you sure about that?" Nero didn't know whether to accept her invitation or not.

"Yes, of course. The bathroom is very big. You don't have to worry," Choko said with an innocent smile.

"Okay..." Seeing that she wasn't taking this issue seriously, Nero knew she had to adapt. And she was now a woman; it would be strange if she refused, since before she had cleaned herself in front of Choko and Jana.

"I think your clothing size is no different than mine. I will lend you some of my clothes for you to wear," Choko said this while walking with Nero to her bedroom.

Once there, Choko handed her a set of white pajamas with pink flowers. Nero thought they were very feminine, but she didn't refuse.

Then the two girls went to the bathroom. Nero admitted that her heart was beating very fast. She was about to go against her own words and back out. After all, although she was a woman now, previously she was a man. It was very strange to bathe with a girl.

"How are you, Nero?" Hearing Choko's worried, totally innocent question made Nero feel more guilty.

"Um, I'm just a little nervous. I've never bathed with anyone else before," Nero told her.

"Hehe. You don't have to feel nervous. It's not a big deal; I've done it a few times with Jane and my mom too." Choko laughed when she saw Nero's sheepishness. She thought she was cute being so worried about it.

The bathroom was quite large; it was practically a hot pool. Choko, who saw Nero's surprised expression, smiled and said, "We can wash here first before getting into the bath."


Choko stood in the right corner of the room where there were arranged showers and buckets, as well as liquid soap and multiple products for washing hair.

"Let me rub your back, and then later you can wash mine. What do you think of that?" Choko asked.

"Sounds good," Nero nodded.

They went to a set of closets and there, started to take off their clothes and put them in a laundry basket.

When Choko saw Nero completely naked, she almost lost her breath. It was unbelievable how pretty she was naked. She had somewhat seen Nero naked in the tent before, but it had been dark and not as visible as it was now. "You are so beautiful, Nero."

"Thanks." Nero avoided looking at Choko, but she still replied, "You are also very beautiful."

"Hehe. I know you are only paying lip service since you don't even have the courage to look for a long time, but thanks," Choko said with a chuckle.

"Err. Shall we wash first?" Nero, who was feeling embarrassed, decided to deviate from the subject.

"Right." The two girls started to wash, starting with their bodies and then using a hair washing product which Choko showed Nero how to use, and then finally a hair moisturizer.

"All finished?" Seeing that Nero was done, Choko said, "I wash your back first, then you wash mine, remember?"

"Yes." Nero nodded and stood with her back to Choko as she sat down on a plastic stool.

Choko took a sponge. After filling it with liquid soap, she approached Nero's back and began to scrub. Nero, who was caught off guard, let out a cute little squeak and then covered her mouth with her hand in shame. Choko laughed and continued to rub Nero's back.

The smoothness of Nero's skin surprised Choko. She even dared to think that it was even softer and more pleasant to the touch than Jana's and her own skin. This somehow made her want to wash Nero's back for longer. She looked at Nero's little wings and asked, "Can I touch your wings to wash them?"

"Yes, please." Nero nodded.

Choko felt the softness of Nero's wings when washing. She rubbed them with the liquid soap sponge until she said, "I'm done. Just let me pour some water to remove the foam."

"Okay." Nero felt a little more relaxed. She didn't think it was as strange as when she first thought about it, although she regretted the scream she let out at the beginning when caught off guard.

After splashing the water and seeing that Nero's pale, perfect back was clean, Choko said, "It's done. Now, please, can you do my back?"

"Yes, of course." Nero nodded in response and turned. Choko had already turned her back to Nero. As for her purple hair, she made a bun to keep it out of the way, unlike Nero who just put it forward, dropping it on her breasts and letting it cascade down to her belly.

_ _

- Drop some power stone, please <3

{Edited by: Azurtha}

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