Nero, The Legendary Hunter

Chapter 7 - 7

There were only 11 Essence Coin left. Nero took two coins, one of 10 Essence and the other of 1 Essence and started to absorb.

_ _

· Would you like to absorb the Energy Essence of the coin [11 Essence]?

_ _

[Yes], She clicked.

_ _

· You have increased 2.2 Strength Points.

_ _

'Let me see...' Nero opened the character's holographic page and saw that it had 50 + 4 Energy (Mana) and 34.3 + 4 Strength (Hybrid).


Before she could continue to do anything, Nero remembered that she was still hungry and needed to find something to eat.

Although there were many things she did not understand, Nero still managed to find some edible fruits. One of those fruits turned out to be blackberry. After eating until satisfied, she started walking through the forest again and that was when she remembered that she could resummon Green Slime. So she did just that.

_ _

· [Summoning Monster]

· [Invocation of Green Slime successful]

_ _

One thing that Nero had not noticed before, was that a summoning circle appeared on the ground just before Green Slime was summoned. Nero was intrigued by this, causing her to raise her eyebrows.

While walking with Green Slime jumping right behind her, Nero saw a level 2 Pink Slime. Wanting to test how well Green Slime would fight Pink Slime, Nero gave the command for Green Slime to attack.

Jumping like the ball that Green Slime was, Nero was surprised that when it got close to Pink Slime, Pink Slime became aggressive before it was even attacked. Pink Slime immediately jumped towards Green Slime with the intention of striking Green Slime with its body.

Nero commanded the Green Slime to do the same and as the two balls collided with each other, one pink and one green, the two Slimes were repelled backward. Nero, not wanting to take a chance, commanded Green Slime to use [Spit Acid].

Pink Slime tried to roll to escape but ended up being too slow.


Pink Slime contorted in pain and soon after, stopped moving.

_ _

· You defeated the Monster Plant [Pink Slime] Rank F: Level 2.

_ _

Initially, Nero thought about using plunder but she was afraid to use it because of the acid. This was also when she had a peculiar thought.

'Would Green Slime be able to strengthen itself by eating Pink Slime's body?' Nero rested her hand on her chin as she thought about this.

'It doesn't cost to test.' Nero thought and gave the command of Green Slime to approach and "eat" Pink Slime.

Green Slime had no will of its own so it did exactly what Nero commanded, jumping up to the melted body of Pink Slime until it reached Pink Slime. And that was when Nero was amazed. She saw Green Slime suck in Pink Slime like a dry cloth sucks up water.

_ _

· [Your Green Slime monster is now at level 3]

_ _

'So this is how monsters level up, or is it just Slimes that do that?' Nero had this doubt. Since there weren't many other monsters besides Slimes, she could only satiate her curiosity at another time.

She started walking in search of other prey and noticed that the sky was getting clearer. Nero also noticed that Green Slime was now jumping faster compared to before.

If the night was cold and the wind was cold, she would feel warmer with the rising of the sun. Nero felt a little tired too. She wanted to sleep, but the fear that something would happen while sleeping prevented her from doing that.

'Nero you can do it!' She perked herself up by raising her left arm to the sky with her fist.

Spotting another Pink Slime, Nero commanded the Green Slime to attack. She also wanted to see if the fighting experience raised the level of her domesticated monsters. Besides that, she also needed to level up, therefore she had no intention of letting Green Slime absorb the next target.


Green Slime was faster than Pink Slime and jumped with the intention of attacking. Once Green Slime's body fell on Pink Slime, it caused Pink Slime to be dragged to the ground and bounce backwards like a ball. Nero came over and kicked the slime with half her strength.


_ _

· You defeated the Monster Plant: [Pink Slime] Rank F: Level 2.

_ _


Pink Slime's body fell to the forest floor looking like a crushed pudding. Although a little disgusted, Nero approached the corpse.

"Plunder." Nero murmured as soon as she put her hand on Pink Slime.

_ _

· Would you like to plunder the Monster Plant [Pink Slime] Rank F: Level 2?

_ _

Nero clicked: "[Yes]"

Pink Slime became a mist and was absorbed by her hand.

_ _

· [Rank F Monster Core - Level 2] has been added to your inventory.

· [Sticky mucus - Low quality] has been added to your inventory.

· 20 [Essence Coin] have been added to your inventory.

_ _

'Urgh... Why does that sticky mucus drop so often?' Nero frowned with unrestrained disgust.

"Oranges!" Nero exclaimed happily when she noticed an orange tree not far away.

Nero was surprised when a holographic screen opened in front of her.

_ _

· New Mission: [Tamer]

· Tame a monster level 4+

· Objective: Tame a monster level 4+ 0/1

· Reward: 50 [Essence Coin]

· Reward: Orange Wand + 5 Energy

_ _

Although surprised to see that a new mission appeared, she thought: 'I would be even happier if it were something to wear on my feet...' It wasn't like she could change the reward she gets for completing missions, and it wasn't bad. But first, she wanted to get the oranges.

In front of her were 3 orange trees. Each of these trees was filled with oranges, but the problem is that if she wants to acquire the oranges, she would have to jump very high or climb the tree since each tree is about 500 cm tall.

Of course… this was only until Nero remembered that she could fly. 'Although I still need practice, picking some oranges shouldn't be a problem, right?'

Nero looked like a drunk flying; she zigzagged while trying to fly in a straight line. After many trials and errors, she managed to get the first orange.

30 minutes later:

Nero gasped on the floor while feeling tired. She was sure that if she had more practice she wouldn't get as tired as she did now, but at least now she had more control when flying.

In the inventory in the slot with the orange icon, there was a number indicating she had 98 oranges.. But before Nero could enjoy one of her oranges, she heard footsteps. 'It is not a wolf, right?'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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