Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 19: The Twist

Chapter 19: The Twist

I threw in the towel, giving up on my initial plan to manipulate and dispose of this guy. The notion of using my suggestion skill to make him leave, clearing the way for me to approach his girlfriend, felt like a morally questionable move. I realized that I didn't want to stoop that low.

Sure, I had my mission to complete, but I didn't want to become the villain in a good guy love story.

Ring Ring Ring

As if on cue, the guy's phone began to ring, startling him from his thoughts. He slowly picked up the phone, and his complexion drained as he heard the call .

"Anna got in an accident?" he exclaimed, his voice quivering with the shock of the news.

"I will go there right away!" he exclaimed, his fingers trembling as he ended the call.

"Hey, could you do me a favor?" he turned to me with urgency, his face still ashen.

"Please let my girlfriend know that something happened to my sister and I have to rush to the hospital. Tell her to grab a taxi home," he requested, his words hurried as he made his way to his car.

As he drove off, a bewildering sense of confusion enveloped me. What just transpired left me baffled and pondering the strange sequence of events.

"What should I do now?" I mumbled to myself, a sense of uncertainty looming over me. Feeling lost, I returned to the hotel and approached her.

"Hey, your boyfriend had an emergency," I informed her, my voice steady despite my inner turmoil.

She raised her head slowly, her eyes locking onto my face. To my surprise, she didn't wear that same scornful expression this time. Although I wasn't the epitome of handsomeness, my appearance had improved from my initial pitiable state.

"What did he say, sir?" she inquired, the word "sir" slipping from her lips with a forced politeness that felt insincere.

"He mentioned that his sister, Anna, was in an accident," I responded. I had anticipated a shocked or concerned reaction from her upon hearing such news. But, her expression remained unchanged, as if she wasn't remotely interested in the well-being of her boyfriend's sister.

Her lack of empathy was truly a sight to behold, almost as if she had a heart made of ice. You should be thankful that your boyfriend was a good guy, or else…

Shaking my head at her insensitive reaction, I decided to go to the hotel's restaurant. The small dining area offered little space but it provided a good vantage point of the front desk.

While I mulled over my options, one question loomed: should I resort to cheating the system again? The last time I had attempted that, it nearly cost me my life.

As I contemplated my next move, it struck me that while I had abandoned my malicious plan, I still had to fulfill my mission. The mission's goal was to achieve domination, and that word could be interpreted in various ways.

Did it strictly mean overpowering someone physically and emotionally, or could it involve asserting control in a different manner?

Perhaps, rather than resorting to manipulation or deceit, the mission could be accomplished by a simple act—like making her admit her mistakes. After all, admitting one's wrongs and learning from them could be a form of domination over one's ego.

"I will try that first," With my new plan in place, I decided to wait patiently for her shift to end. While I waited, I headed to the restaurant counter to order dinner. The limited menu didn't bother me much; I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to be picky about the food.

After eating dinner, I stayed in the restaurant to wait for her. The clock seemed to tick slowly as I pondered over the approaching conversation. How would she react? Would my approach make any difference?

But then, life decided to throw a curveball that broke my brain's last straw.

"What the hell !" My jaw practically hit the floor as I witnessed the scene unfold before my eyes.

An old guy walked in, approaching the pink-haired girl.

To my shock, she kiss him in the cheek right in the middle of the lobby. My mind couldn't process the audacity of her actions. She was cheating on her boyfriend, the very same one who was dealing with an emergency involving his sister. What a heartless move.

My initial frustration and determination were now mixed with a wave of disbelief.

I had been willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, hoping for a chance to resolve our issues maturely. But seeing her infidelity right in front of me, my thoughts took a darker turn. This woman deserved no sympathy, and my plan to complete my mission through understanding quickly turned into a desire to expose her for the hypocrite she was.

"Don't worry, Mr. Good Guy," I muttered to myself, clenching my fist in an attempt to act like a hero of justice.

In truth, I was just relieved that circumstances had given me the green light to proceed with my initial plan without any lingering guilt.

I couldn't help but grin at the irony – in a twisted way, I was doing the boyfriend a favor by exposing his unfaithful partner. So much for the fake morality of my previous intentions. With a chuckle, I was ready to take on this mission with all I got.

"Blame yourself for being a cheater . Hehehe"

I discreetly followed the cheating duo to the parking lot.

With a sly grin, I managed to record them leaving the hotel together on my phone – evidence that could serve as some rather compelling blackmail material. Their lack of restraint was going to come back to haunt them in a big way.

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