Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 47 Cut from the same Tree

Chapter 47  Cut from the same Tree

Outside the restaurant, I led the Good Guy away from the commotion, still under the influence of my suggestion.

He followed me, his face red with anger, but his movements lacked the intensity they had inside the restaurant.

We stood at a nearby alley where the noise from the street was less overwhelming. I could see the frustration in his eyes, and I knew it was time to play my part.

"Look," I began, trying to sound empathetic, "I can understand how you feel. It's tough to see someone you love with another man. But sometimes, people change, and it's better to accept that and move forward too."

[Suggestion: Failed]

"Easy for you to say," he protested, "you're the one who stole her from me!"

I shrugged nonchalantly, still maintaining my calm demeanor.

"I didn't steal her from you, man. If she chose to be with me, it's because she wanted to. I mean look at me ? I'm too irresistible . And you can't force someone to love you or stay with you if their heart isn't in it."

I was clearly lying through my teeth, but it was better this way. I couldn't really tell him that I had stolen his girlfriend just for the sake of my mission, not to mention that I made his girlfriend my personal cum toilet .

[Suggestion: Failed]

What? Was he really that head over heels for her that nothing could get through to him? Oh man, this guy had fallen into the pit of love so deep he might need a ladder to climb out.

Or maybe this is what they call true love?

I sighed and decided to play along with his delusion of true love. After all, I had failed twice already, so I might as well try to increase my Suggestion level.

Suggestion [Level 7] —> Suggestion [Level 10] [Chance Increase to 20% ]

"Look, man, I get it. You love her deeply. But sometimes, people change, and it's not always for the better. She's not the same person she used to be. You deserve someone who genuinely loves you back, not someone who can't reciprocate your feelings "

[Suggestion : Success ]

His expression shifted from anger to sorrow, and he looked down, defeated. "Maybe you're right..."

I patted his shoulder and spoke with a comforting tone, "Now, you should go and start the process of moving on. There are plenty of fish in the sea, my friend. You'll find someone better in time."

[Suggestion : Success ]

He nodded, his gaze filled with sadness and acceptance . "Yeah, you're right. Thanks for talking some sense into me."

With that, he turned away and walked off, leaving me alone with Sang Hoe.

"You're welcome! Think of me as your kind hearted life coach," I called out cheerfully, adding with a wink, "Remember, my advice fees are pretty high, but this one's on the house!"

"Now, where is that hoe," I muttered to myself, turning away.

As I approached the restaurant, I spotted another person at the table. He must be the one who would help me forge those fake documents.

I slowly walked towards them, itching to get this over with so I could have some fun with her before heading back home. I knew I already had my aunt, but sometimes a change of scenery wasn't a bad thing. Or should I bring her home too for a little triple action?

"Nah," I thought to myself. If I was going for a triple action, it was better to get Allysa and Alice involved. Sang was cute, but she'd seem bland compared to my aunt. Only Alice could take that super important position.

"Is this the person ?" I called out as I approached them.

The contact turned towards me, a wide grin spreading across his face, likely because he saw a potential wealthy customer. But both of our expressions soured instantly when we recognized each other.

"You're that old motherfucker who scammed me!" I shouted, my anger flaring up.

He chuckled nervously, his smile faltering.

"Well, well, well, what a small world we live in."

I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

"You didn't think you could just scam me and get away with it, did you?"

"Scam ? I bet you enjoyed that book," he chuckled, grinning like a buffoon.

Damn, this old man. I wanted to be angry, but he was just too old for me take seriously. Forget it, it's just money anyway.

"Let's just get this over with. Help me with the fake documents, and I'll just think of that money as a bonus. Don't dare ask for too much, or I'll find someone else!" I took a seat at the table and gulped my soda.

"Oh, I drank that one," he chimed in.


"What's wrong?" He looked genuinely puzzled.

What's wrong? No wonder that soda tasted like it was strained through a zombie's sock.

"Why did you drink it ?" I asked with a frustrated look.

"I saw two soda bottles, so I thought you left one for me," he explained, scratching his head like it was an honest mistakes.

"Why on earth would I buy you a soda? I ordered that for myself," I said, completely frustrated by his assumption.

The old man shook his head and took the soda from my hand and drink it.

"Young man, you'll get fat if you drink too much carbonated drinks," he actually scolded me. I couldn't believe the audacity of this guy. I was being outwitted by him. I had a lot to learn to reach his level of shamelessness.

"Now let's get down to business. You want 5 IDs and forged documents, right?" He instantly changed the topic after seeing me wanting to talk more. That was a smart move because now I couldn't do anything but nod.

 Forget it, as long as he can help me.

"That's right, I want a police badge, a doctor's license, a teacher's license, a driver's license, and National Intelligence Service IDs, all with different names," I whispered to him.

"Are you planning to rob a bank?" He exclaimed after hearing all my requests. Well, I couldn't blame him. Anyone would think I was a criminal with the number of fake documents I wanted. But I really needed all of them, just in case I would use them in the future. As for the doctor's license, well, everybody loves a doctor.

"Can you do it or not?" I raised my eyebrows. If he was useless, then I would just use suggestion to force him.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I might look old, but they called me the 'Sweet Tongue King' years ago," the old man proudly declared. "You'll get those documents in no time," he added.

"Glad doing business with you. Hehehe," I shook his hand.

"You can count on me . Hehehe" he replied

A wide grin appeared on both of our faces as we seal the deal. It was like we were both cut from the same tree.

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