Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 51 Skirts and Bow Ties

Chapter 51  Skirts and Bow Ties

As I approached Alice's high school campus, I took in the view from a distance. The school had a distinct Korean high school vibe.

The main entrance featured a simple but welcoming gate with the school's emblem proudly displayed. It had an air of tradition and history.

The school buildings had a mix of classic and modern styles. Some were old, covered in ivy, while others were sleek and contemporary. It was a blend of the past and present, creating a unique atmosphere.

The campus itself was spacious and well-kept. There was a central park area with neatly trimmed lawns and colorful flowers. It was a peaceful spot in the midst of the school's hustle and bustle. Benches were scattered around for students to relax and enjoy the surroundings.

Inside the gate

Male students, dressed in tidy blue blazers and black pants, hurried around the campus. Their attire gave off an air of discipline and studiousness.

On the other hand, the female students were a vibrant sight. They wore school uniforms with red bow ties, pleated skirts, and stockings. The red accents stood out against the backdrop of the green campus. Their uniforms had a touch of sophistication, and they moved gracefully as they chatted and laughed with friends.

"What's your purpose here, sir?" A security guard approached me as I tried to enter the school gate. It was just standard procedure, so I didn't mind. I had already planned everything for this day. No one can stop me from getting my woman . Hahaha

"I'm a substitute teacher," I replied, showing him my fake ID.

[Suggestion: Success]

His gaze shifted to the ID, and nodded in approval.

"Oh, I see. You can enter now, sir." The guard's demeanor immediately became more respectful, and I proceeded into the school grounds, confident that my plan was on track.

Entering the campus, I couldn't help but feel a wave of nervousness washing over me. It was like my brain had a "No Entry" sign for traumas, and they stubbornly refused to leave, despite all my mind-manipulating power.

It was downright comical. Here I was, someone who could bend the will of others to my whims, yet I couldn't even hypnotize myself to get rid of my own emotional baggage. I'd tried everything – staring at my reflection in a mirror, even using the back of a spoon as a makeshift hypnotic tool. But alas, my own subconscious was apparently immune to my talents.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. It seemed even a mind manipulator had his limits, and self-therapy was just not in the cards for me.

Fortunately, as I walked towards the campus, something else managed to calm my nerves. There were a group of young girls walking in front of me. The scent of their freshly washed hair and perfumes wafted in the air, and it as expected made me horny. They might not have been as beautiful as Alice, but their youthful energy made them prime real estate in my mind.

Just seeing their innocent and untainted youthfulness made my Di…. heart flutter.

I also couldn't help but notice that some of the young girls were looking back at me.

Well, I couldn't blame them entirely; for some reason, I'd experienced a sudden growth spurt. Out of nowhere, I had shot up from 5'6" to 5'9". It was a growth that almost felt magical, but I figured that maybe adding so much to my physique stats had some delayed effect.

Standing at 5'9" might not be considered tall by global standards, but in Korea, it was more than enough to make me stand out in a crowd. And apparently, it was catching the attention of this young ladies as well.

I was also currently wearing a rather formal attire for my visit. It was a clean and crisp white polo paired with black pants. On my feet, I proudly wore a pair of black shoes, and not just any cheap ones – these cost a whopping 150,000 won.

Now, considering my past financial struggles, my knowledge of luxury fashion was a bit lacking, but hey, I didn't really have to worry about money these days. After all, I could always resort to hypnotizing some wealthy old widow woman into generously sharing her wealth with me if hard times ever came knocking. It was my not-so-secret financial backup plan, and it had a certain absurd charm to it.

"Excuse me, sir, are you a new teacher here?" A girl with a black ponytail and round purple eyes halted and turned toward me with a shy look in her eyes. She had a youthful and cute appearance, and from her body language, I guessed she's way younger than me.

I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. Just a minute had passed, and it seemed I already had an admirer. Was this the magical power of being suddenly handsome? It was almost as if my growth spurt had transformed me into a walking magnet for teenage affection.

But now I found myself in a dilemma. This girl was young, even by my standards. While she definitely fell within my usual type zone, there was a nagging feeling that something bad might happen if I pursued any"Cultured" interest here. It was as if the heavens themselves were watching, ready to unleash punishment the moment I crossed a line.

This must be my conscience talking to me ?

"Nah, maybe I was just overthinking it," I reasoned with myself once more. My moral compass had never been known for its goodness. If it truly was my compass, it would be shouting "Just do it" instead of raising doubts and concerns.

"Yeah, I'm a new substitute teacher," I replied with a friendly smile.

"" she stammered

I noticed the slight blush that crept onto her cheeks. And she quickly averted her gaze, as if she were a bit nervous to meet my eyes. What an easy catch. Hahaha

"Just do it !" I pushed aside the lingering thoughts.

Nothing was going to stop me from enjoying my wild high school romance. The world was my oyster, and I was ready to dive in headfirst, eager to taste it.

After all, I had a twisted system, and it would be foolish not to put it to good use in the world of youthful passion and infatuation.


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