Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 56 Force Confession

56  Force Confession The classroom fell into an eerie silence after my outburst. Every student was taken aback, thinking that a major confrontation was about to unfold. It appeared that Guk Bastard was still the same troublesome character from the past.

However, to their astonishment, he didn't utter a word. Instead, he simply returned to his seat, his face drained of color. It was a surprising turn of events, one that left the class speechless .


The notification of the XP points jolted me, but I was far too consumed by my anger to pay it much attention. My mind was racing with thoughts of how to make this bastard pay for his crimes. Unfortunately, with so many witnesses around, I knew I had to bide my time.

"Let's start the class," I announced, taking on the role of a teacher again.

The subject at hand was history, and while I wasn't entirely sure how to teach it, I decided to employ a group learning approach. I assigned someone to read a section from the textbook and then explain it to the rest of the class. Meanwhile, I played the role of the attentive teacher, nodding and occasionally asking questions to keep them engaged in the discussion.

The minutes in class dragged on, and I found myself growing more determined than ever to deal with Guk Bastard. I knew I couldn't let my anger cloud my judgment, but the desire for revenge was too strong to ignore. Just one glance at his face made my blood pressure spike. Vicious thoughts clouded my mind, and I grimly imagined making him eat his own shit... or worse.

Sound Of bell Ringing.

The class eventually came to an end, and I left the classroom, not without casting one last intense glare in Guk's direction. It was a silent message, a promise that our unfinished business would be addressed in due time.

"Mr. Zyn," a voice called out to me as I was distancing myself from the classroom. I turned to find Ayumi, holding onto my shoulder bag as a way to stop my steps.

"I apologize for what happened earlier. Guk is a troublemaker, but I hope you won't think badly of the rest of the class by his actions," she earnestly explained.

I paused momentarily, considering her words.

"Don't worry about it," I replied nonchalantly, gently extracting my bag from her grip. I had other matters to attend to, and while I appreciated her sentiment, I couldn't let myself get sidetracked. With a brief nod, I continued on my way, leaving a slightly bewildered Ayumi behind.

The school hallway felt unusually lonely, and my sour mood lingered like an unwelcome shadow. The frustration from my encounter with Guk Kwan continued to eat at me. I couldn't help but think about how Alyssa would have effortlessly lifted my spirits with her high class blowjob.

"Should I kill him?" an idea crossed my mind. It's not that I intended to end his life directly. Perhaps I could push him to jump off the school building. But as I pondered this, I realized there would be no satisfaction in that. After all, he had made my school life a living hell, so it was only fair that I returned the favor.

I brainstormed and came up with a meticulous plan for revenge. It wasn't going to be a quick retaliation; instead, I wanted to make him suffer slowly and painfully. I aimed to make his life so miserable that he would even consider ending it himself, all without needing to resort to any of my skills. That, I thought, would be the most fitting form of payback.

"Hey, hey, another person is confessing to our goddess!"

The murmur of a group of students nearby jolted me awake, piquing my curiosity. They seemed to be discussing something intriguing.

"For real? That's the 20th confession this month!"

"Who's gonna confess?"

"It's the basketball captain of our school team!"

"Do you think he'll have a chance?"

"I'm not sure, but he's quite the looker ," a girl chimed in.

Their conversation had me completely interested. The mere mention of a "school goddess" was enough to spark my interest. I wondered just how beautiful someone had to be to receive so many confessions.

Frustrated by my encounter with my old bully, the prospect of seeing a "school goddess" felt like a soothing balm for my nerves. With curiosity guiding my steps, I followed the group of students toward a secluded part of the school.

We arrived at a courtyard right beside the school gym, and my eyes widened at the sight that greeted me. The courtyard was an inviting and picturesque space, with meticulously trimmed hedges and vibrant flowers that added splashes of color. In the center, there was a small simple square fountain, its water gently trickling into a basin adorned with white tiles

Surrounding the fountain were members of the basketball team and the Cheering Squad, creating a semi-circle around two individuals. The setting felt like a scene straight out of a romantic comedy, complete with a warm breeze rustling through the trees and the distant sound of laughter from nearby students enjoying their break. It was a moment frozen in time, where love and anticipation seemed to hang in the air, waiting for something special to happen.

Unfortunately, the guy in the middle was incredibly tall, around 6'3", and he was like a human wall blocking my view.

'I came here to see a beautiful lady, not play hide-and-seek with this walking skyscraper.' I tried my best to look pass him, but it felt like I was trying to see over a mountain. Who knew trying to catch a glimpse of the goddess would turn into a game of dodgeball with this guy?

"Alice, please be my girlfriend!" The loud declaration cut through the air like a sonic boom, and the confession was met with an eruption of cheers from everyone present.

Even the basketball players and cheerleaders joined in, adding to their shout of approval. It was a typical strategy to create an awkward atmosphere, where the girl would feel pressured to be careful with her response due to the sheer number of people cheering for the man.

"Wait .. Is he talking about my Alice ? Hearing her name, I moved to the side to check if it was indeed my Alice.

What I found was a stunning woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, clearly shaken to her core. Her confusion and anxiety was visible.

'Hey, hey, that's my property.. This Motherfucker' I cursed inwardly.


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